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Conceptualizing a new circular economy feature - storing renewable electricity in batteries beyond EV end-of-life : the case of Slovenia
Matevž Obrecht, Rhythm Singh, Timitej Zorman, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: This paper aims to forecast the availability of used but operational electric vehicle (EV) batteries to integrate them into a circular economy concept of EVs’ end-of-life (EOL) phase. Since EVs currently on the roads will become obsolete after 2030, this study focuses on the 2030–2040 period and links future renewable electricity production with the potential for storing it into used EVs’ batteries. Even though battery capacity decreases by 80% or less, these batteries will remain operational and can still be seen as a valuable solution for storing peaks of renewable energy production beyond EV EOL. Design/methodology/approach: Storing renewable electricity is gaining as much attention as increasing its production and share. However, storing it in new batteries can be expensive as well as material and energyintensive; therefore, existing capacities should be considered. The use of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is among the most exciting concepts on how to achieve it. Since reduced battery capacity decreases car manufacturers’ interest in battery reuse and recycling is environmentally hazardous, these batteries should be integrated into the future electricity storage system. Extending the life cycle of batteries from EVs beyond the EV’s life cycle is identified as a potential solution for both BEVEOL and electricity storage. Findings: Results revealed a rise of photovoltaic (PV) solar power plants and an increasing number of EVs EOL that will have to be considered. It was forecasted that 6.27–7.22% of electricity from PV systems in scenario A (if EV lifetime is predicted to be 20 years) and 18.82–21.68% of electricity from PV systems in scenario B (if EV lifetime is predicted to be 20 years) could be stored in batteries. Storing electricity in EV batteries beyond EV EOL would significantly decrease the need for raw materials, increase energy system and EV sustainability performance simultaneously and enable leaner and more efficient electricity production and distribution network. Practical implications: Storing electricity in used batteries would significantly decrease the need for primary materials as well as optimizing lean and efficient electricity production network. Originality/value: Energy storage is one of the priorities of energy companies but can be expensive as well as material and energy-intensive. The use of BEV is among the most interesting concepts on how to achieve it, but they are considered only when in the use phase as vehicle to grid (V2G) concept. Because reduced battery capacity decreases the interest of car manufacturers to reuse batteries and recycling is environmentally risky, these batteries should be used for storing, especially renewable electricity peaks. Extending the life cycle of batteries beyond the EV’s life cycle is identified as a potential solution for both BEV EOL and energy system sustainability, enabling more efficient energy management performance. The idea itself along with forecasting its potential is the main novelty of this paper.
Ključne besede: circular economy, renewable electricity, storing renewable electricity, batteries, renewable energy
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
.pdf Celotno besedilo (696,15 KB)
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Problematika določanja gps koordinat v prostoru s pomočjo identifikacije
Timitej Zorman, 2018, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: V diplomskem delu bomo poskušali rešiti problem napačno zabeleženih lokacij posod za odpadke v objektih posameznih naslovov. Najprej se bomo seznanili z organizacijo ter njihov pristop k izvajanju označevanja lokacij z identifikacijskimi napravami. Nato se bomo posvetili iskanju začetne napake identificiranja lokacij. Preučili bomo, kako so identificirali posode za odpadke v preteklosti ter uporabili te informacije za pomoč. Najprej bomo preverili zaupnost identifikacijskih naprav na vozilih, ki upravljajo delo praznjenja polnih posod z odpadki. Tako se bomo približali pravilni lokaciji prevzemnih mest posod. Nato bomo izbrali del terena, na katerem organizacija upravlja izpraznjevanje posod z odpadki, poiskali bomo pravilno identifikacijsko napravo za ugotavljanje lokacij ter stoječim posodam razbrali točno lokacijo, na katerih se nahajajo. Pridobljene podatke bomo primerjali s trenutnimi in razbrali razliko med razdaljami. Prav tako želimo izvedeti, v kolikšni meri so lokacije prevzemnih mest ustrezne porabnikom storitev ter ali se lokacije časovno spreminjajo in jim določiti nespremenljivo lokacijo prevzemnega mesta. Želimo optimizirati lokacije prevzemnih mest posod, tako da koristijo organizaciji za hitreje opravljeno delo ter primerjati pridobljene ugotovitve za hitrejši doseg rešitve.
Ključne besede: lokacija, identifikacija, prevzemno mesto, posoda, optimizacija GPS
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.04.2021; Ogledov: 701; Prenosov: 38
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,75 MB)

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