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Data breaches in healthcare: security mechanisms for attack mitigation
Lili Nemec Zlatolas, Tatjana Welzer Družovec, Lenka Lhotska, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The digitalisation of healthcare has increased the risk of cyberattacks in this sector, targeting sensitive personal information. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review of existing solutions for data breach mitigation in healthcare, analysing 99 research papers. There is a growing trend in research emphasising the security of electronic health records, data storage, access control, and personal health records. The analysis identified the adoption of advanced technologies, including Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, alongside encryption in developing resilient solutions. These technologies lay the foundations for addressing the prevailing cybersecurity threats, with a particular focus on hacking or malicious attacks, followed by unauthorised access. The research highlights the development of strategies to mitigate data breaches and stresses the importance of technological progress in strengthening data security. The paper outlines future directions, highlighting the need for continuous technological progress and identifying the gaps in the attack mitigations.
Keywords: data security, privacy, sensitive personal information, electronic health records, cybersecurity
Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 109; Downloads: 6
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Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases EJC 2023

Abstract: The proceedings of the thirty-third conference EJC 2023 combine the experience and knowledge of the experts working and different research fields of Information modelling, Conceptual modelling, Knowledge and information modelling and discovery, Linguistic modelling, Cross-cultural communication and social computing, Environmental modelling and engineering, and Multimedia data modelling and systems.
Keywords: conceptual modelling, knowledge modelling, information modelling, linguistic modelling, cross-cultural communication, social computing, environmental modelling, multimedia data modelling
Published in DKUM: 02.06.2023; Views: 986; Downloads: 32
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Cyber Security- Training Students and Scholars for the Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies in Research and Studies for Internationalisation : handbook

Abstract: This handbook is a product of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership between the partners Université Polytéchnique Hauts-de-France, Politechnika Poznanska, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg and the coordinator University of Maribor. Contentuous contribution were made by staff of University of Maribor and Politechnika Poznanska, evaluations by staff of the other two partners. The handbooks handles virtual learning environments in the international education and research area and exposure of the systems to cybercrime. Besides introductory contributions on legal aspects of challenges in the fields of human rights, European regulations of data security, civil law and criminal law aspects of caber security of virtual learning environments and methodologies of their introduction w8ithin organisations, the handbook also gives useful instructions for elaboration of virtual courses within virtual learning environments relevant for the internationalised research and education not only since the Covid-19 pandemic. The handbook is dedicated to use on the internet within the Moodle system.
Keywords: cyber security, virtual learning environment, data security, cyber crime, systems
Published in DKUM: 13.04.2023; Views: 554; Downloads: 37
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Comunicação na educação inclusiva: desafios enfrentados pelas pessoas surdas e ouvintes
Omar Gamal, 2022

Abstract: Este relatório descreve o trabalho realizado no âmbito do Intelectual Output One do Projeto "Communication Challenges for the Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign - InSign project", combinando e resumindo os resultados relativos a cada país parceiro do projeto – Chipre, Alemanha, Grécia, Portugal e Eslovénia –, refletidos nos relatórios nacionais. Apresenta-se também o estado atual da utilização do sistema/língua de gestos internacionais em todos os países parceiros. Foram conduzidos inquéritos, principalmente com estudantes, para aferir o entendimento geral da língua gestual e a forma como as pessoas percecionam as dificuldades vividas pela comunidade surda no contexto do sistema educativo. Neste documento, analisamos os dados recolhidos por todos os parceiros do projeto, incluindo os resultados das entrevistas guiadas, realizadas por cada parceiro a indivíduos mais familiarizados com a comunidade surda, incluindo educadores, intérpretes e surdos. Estas entrevistas tiveram como propósito auxiliar na compreensão de circunstâncias específicas a fim de se encontrarem respostas a algumas questões mais complexas que não foram esclarecidas pela literatura científica disponível. O Relatório Combinado apresenta os resultados das entrevistas dos relatórios nacionais contemplando as principais resoluções.
Keywords: gestos internacionais, língua gestual, educação inclusiva, desafios de comunicação, comunidade surda
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 787; Downloads: 67
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Epikoinoniakés prokléseis sten ekpaídeyse chorís apokleismoýs poy antimetopízoyn kophá kai me kophá átoma
Omar Gamal, 2022

Abstract: Πρόκειται για μια ενοποιημένη έκθεση για τις δραστηριότητες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο πρώτο παραδοτέο (IO1) για το έργο “Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign – InSign”. Η έκθεση αυτή συνδυάζει και συνοψίζει τα αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν από τις εθνικές εκθέσεις των εταίρων του έργου, από την Κύπρο, τη Γερμανία, την Ελλάδα, την Πορτογαλία και τη Σλοβενία. Παρουσιάζονται οι πληροφορίες που συγκεντρώθηκαν από τις εθνικές εκθέσεις σχετικά με τις εθνικές νοηματικές γλώσσες, την υποστήριξη των κωφών και τις δυνατότητες επιμόρφωσης τους στις διάφορες χώρες. Μια ενότητα, εξετάζει την κατάσταση της Διεθνούς Νοηματικής σε όλες τις χώρες-εταίρους και μια άλλη ενότητα παρουσιάζει τις εθνικές εκθέσεις με τις έρευνες που έγιναν κυρίως σε μαθητές για να μετρηθεί πώς αντιλαμβάνονται τους κωφούς, τις δυσκολίες τους στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα και πώς κατανοούν τη νοηματική γλώσσα. Επίσης, αναλύονται τα δεδομένα που συλλέχθηκαν από τους εταίρους του έργου, για την κάθε χώρα, μετά τις συντονιζόμενες συνεντεύξεις που έγιναν με αυτούς που γνωρίζουν καλύτερα την κοινότητα των κωφών, όπως κωφούς, εκπαιδευτικούς, διερμηνείς κ.λπ. Αυτό θα βοηθήσει στην κατανόηση των προβλημάτων των κωφών και θα απαντήσει ερωτήματα που δεν βρίσκονται εύκολα στη βιβλιογραφία. Συνοψίζονται εδώ, όλα τα συμπεράσματα από τις συνεντεύξεις των εθνικών εκθέσεων που πραγματοποιήθηκαν.
Keywords: διεθνής νοηματική, νοηματική γλώσσα, συμπεριληπτική εκπαίδευση, επικοινωνιακές προκλήσεις, κοινότητες των κωφών
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 748; Downloads: 107
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Herausforderungen in der Kommunikations im Bereich Inklusive Bildung für gehörlose und nicht gehörlose Menschen
Omar Gamal, 2022

Abstract: Dieser Bericht konsolidiert die Arbeiten, die im Rahmen des InSign Projektes zum “Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges for the Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign” durchgeführt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der nationalen Berichte der Projektpartner aus Zypern, Deutschland, Griechenland, Portugal und Slowenien werden kombiniert und zusammengefasst. Das Dokument enthält Informationen zu den nationalen Gebärdensprachen und die Unterstützung für Gehörlose und deren Lernmöglichkeiten in den verschiedenen Ländern. Ein Abschnitt gibt den Überblick zum Status zu Internationalen Gebärden in allen Partnerländern. Wir haben vor allem mit Schülern Umfragen durchgeführt, um zu messen, wie Menschen Gehörlose wahrnehmen, wie sie die Gebärdensprache verstehen und welche Schwierigkeiten Gehörlose im Bildungssystem haben. Die Analyse der von den Projektpartnern gesammelten Daten ist dokumentiert. Jeder Partner hat außerdem ein leitfadengestütztes Interview mit Personen durchgeführt, die mit der Gehörlosengemeinschaft am besten vertraut sind (Gehörlose selbst, Pädagogen, Dolmetscher usw.), um die jeweiligen Umstände besser zu verstehen und einige der Fragen zu beantworten, die in der Literatur schwer zu finden sind. Die Interviewergebnisse aus den nationalen Berichten sind im Bericht mit den wichtigsten Erkenntnissen zusammengefasst.
Keywords: Internationale Gebärde, Gebärdensprache, Inklusive Bildung, Kommunikationsherausforderungen, Gehörlosengemeinschaften
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 909; Downloads: 120
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Communication Challenges in Inclusive Education Faced by Deaf and Non-deaf People
Omar Gamal, 2022

Abstract: This is a consolidated report on the work done in Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges for the Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign - InSign project. This report combines and summarises the results obtained in national reports done by project partners from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Portugal, and Slovenia. This document includes information on national sign languages, support for deaf people and their learning possibilities in different countries. In one section, we will review the status of International Sign in all the partner countries. We have also performed surveys done primarily with students to measure how they perceive deaf people, how they understand sign language and the difficulties deaf face in the education system. In this document, we analyse the data collected across the project partners. Each partner has also performed a guided interview with those most familiar with the deaf community (deaf themselves, educators, interpreters etc.) to help better understand the circumstances and answer some of the questions difficult to find in literature. The Consolidated Report summarises interview findings from national reports with the main takeaways.
Keywords: international sign, sign language, inclusive education, communication challenges, deaf communities
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 916; Downloads: 89
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Komunikacijski izzivi v inkluzivnem izobraževanju, s katerimi se soočajo gluhe in slišeče osebe
Omar Gamal, 2022

Abstract: To je zbirno poročilo o delu, opravljenem v prvem intelektualnem rezultatu na temo izzivov v komunikaciji (angl. Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges) za projekt Spodbujanje vključujočega izobraževanja z mednarodno kretnjo (ang. Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign) – InSign. To poročilo združuje in povzema rezultate nacionalnih poročil, ki so jih pripravili projektni partnerji iz Cipra, Nemčije, Grčije, Portugalske in Slovenije. Ta dokument vključuje informacije o nacionalnih znakovnih jezikih, podpori gluhim osebam in njihovih možnostih izobraževanja v različnih državah. Pregledali smo stanje mednarodne kretnje v vseh partnerskih državah. Izvedli smo tudi vprašalnik, v katerem smo predvsem od študentov zbirali informacije o tem kako dojemajo gluhe osebe, Koliko poznajo znakovni jezik in s kakšnimi težavami mislijo, da se gluhi in naglušni srečujejo v izobraževalnem sistemu. V tem dokumentu bomo analizirali skupne podatke, zbrane pri vseh projektnih partnerjih. Vsak partner je opravil tudi voden intervju s tistimi, ki najbolje poznajo gluho skupnost (sami gluhi, pedagogi, tolmači itd.), da bi bolje razumeli okoliščine in odgovorili na nekatera vprašanja, ki jih je težko najti v literaturi. Konsolidirano poročilo v krajši obliki povzema intervjuje iz nacionalnih poročil z glavnimi ugotovitvami.
Keywords: mednarodna kretnja, znakovni jezik, vključujoče izobraževanje, komunikacijski izzivi, gluhe skupnosti
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 956; Downloads: 110
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