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Product assembly assistance system based on pick-to-light and computer vision technology
Darko Hercog, Primož Bencak, Uroš Vincetič, Tone Lerher, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Product assembly is often one of the last steps in the production process. Product assembly is often carried out by workers (assemblers) rather than robots, as it is generally challenging to adapt automation to any product. When assembling complex products, it can take a long time before the assembler masters all the steps and can assemble the product independently. Training time has no added value; therefore, it should be reduced as much as possible. This paper presents a custom-developed system that enables the guided assembly of complex and diverse products using modern technologies. The system is based on pick-to-light (PTL) modules, used primarily in logistics as an additional aid in the order picking process, and Computer Vision technology. The designed system includes a personal computer (PC), several custom-developed PTL modules and a USB camera. The PC with a touchscreen visualizes the assembly process and allows the assembler to interact with the system. The developed PC application guides the operator through the assembly process by showing all the necessary assembly steps and parts. Two-step verification is used to ensure that the correct part is picked out of the bin, first by checking that the correct pushbutton on the PTL module has been pressed and second by using a camera with a Computer Vision algorithm. The paper is supported by a use case demonstrating that the proposed system reduces the assembly time of the used product. The presented solution is scalable and flexible as it can be easily adapted to show the assembly steps of another product.
Keywords: product assembly, PTL, pick-to-light, computer vision, LabVIEW, performance analysis
Published in DKUM: 31.07.2023; Views: 487; Downloads: 24
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Razvoj sistema za interaktivno upravljanje procesov montaže : magistrsko delo
Uroš Vincetič, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: V okviru magistrskega dela smo razvili in izdelali sistem za interaktivno upravljanje procesov montaže. Namen sistema je, da montažerju pomaga pri sestavi kompleksnih izdelkov ter pospeši uvajanje na nove sestave. Z uporabo aplikacije na osebnem računalniku se izvaja vizualna predstavitev sestave izdelka, krmiljen prikaz na LCD zaslonih in algoritem strojnega vida pa zagotavljata, da montažer pravilno sestavlja izdelek. Z izdelanim sistemom se zmanjša število napak med procesom sestave, hkrati pa se skrajša čas sestave in s tem tudi ekonomičnost postopka.
Keywords: montaža, interaktivno, vizualno, krmilnik
Published in DKUM: 18.10.2021; Views: 997; Downloads: 53
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Razvoj in izvedba prototipnega sistema za vizualno komisioniranje
Uroš Vincetič, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V okviru diplomskega dela smo si zastavili cilj, da zasnujemo in izdelamo prototipni sistem za vizualno komisioniranje. Ta bo s pomočjo aplikacije na računalniku, izdelane v programu LabVIEW in krmiljenega prikaza na LCD zaslonih, razvitega v programskem okolju Arduino, omogočal lažjo in hitrejšo implementacijo delavcev v proces komisioniranja in sestavljanja kompleksnejših objektov. Sistem bo samostojna enota v obliki konstrukcijske mize, ki bo mobilna in hkrati dovolj stabilna, da omogoča mirno in enostavno sestavljanje.
Keywords: komisioniranje, programiranje, vizualno, mikrokrmilnik
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2018; Views: 913; Downloads: 61
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