1. Profili delovnih zahtev in virov pri izvajalcih zdravstvene nege ter počutje pri delu : magistrsko deloTina Kos, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Delovne zahteve in viri se na različne načine povezujejo s počutjem pri delu – zahteve pri delu se s počutjem povezujejo negativno, viri pa pozitivno. Interakcijo med navedenima vidikoma dela oz. povezavo le-teh s počutjem pri delu pa smo preverili v pričujoči raziskavi, pri čemer smo uporabili pristop, usmerjen na osebe. Namen je bil torej ugotoviti, ali obstajajo profili delovnih zahtev in virov pri izvajalcih zdravstvene nege ter ali se le-ti med seboj razlikujejo. Podatki so bili pridobljeni v sklopu raziskave v zdravstveni ustanovi konec leta 2022, v analize pa so bili vključeni izvajalci zdravstvene nege. Izvedena je bila analiza latentnih profilov glede na delovne zahteve in vire, pri čemer smo se glede na kriterije odločili za model s tremi profili – profil zahtevnega dela (z visokimi zahtevami in nizkimi viri), profil učinkovitega dela (z nizkimi zahtevami in visokimi viri) ter profil zmernega dela (z bolj zmernimi zahtevami in viri). Profile smo nato primerjali glede na vidike počutja pri delu (izgorelost, depresija in anksioznost, zadovoljstvo, delovna zavzetost, pripadnost organizaciji in telesno zdravje). Razlike so se pokazale na vseh preverjenih vidikih med zahtevnim in učinkovitim ter zmernim in učinkovitim delom, primerjava zahtevnega in zmernega dela pa je pokazala razlike le pri izgorelosti ter depresiji in anksioznosti. Sicer pa so, ob pregledu povprečij, pripadniki profila zahtevno delo svoje počutje ocenjevali slabše v primerjavi z drugima profiloma (višje ravni izgorelosti in depresije in anksioznosti ter nižje ravni zadovoljstva, pripadnosti, zavzetost in telesnega zdravja), kar je bilo skladno s predvidevanji. Potrditve predvidevanj imajo praktične implikacije za ustanovo in oblikovanje dela v zdravstvu ter v teoretičnem smislu prinašajo nov pogled na interakcije med delovnimi zahtevami in viri. Keywords: delovne zahteve, delovni viri, počutje pri delu, pristop, usmerjen na osebe Published in DKUM: 11.09.2024; Views: 15; Downloads: 6 Full text (2,78 MB) |
2. The relationship of job demands and resources with employee well-being in an information technology company : a weekly diary studyMaša Hvastija, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Fluktuacija zaposlenih je dandanes velik izziv za podjetja na informacijsko-tehnološkem področju, saj zaposleni pogosto menjavajo delodajalce. Ustvarjanje okolja, ki spodbuja blagostanje zaposlenih, je ključno za ohranjanje usposobljenega osebja in omilitev izgube talenta. Naša tedenska dnevniška študija, izvedena v avstrijskem IT podjetju (n=52), je raziskala odnos med delovnimi zahtevami, delovnimi viri in blagostanjem zaposlenih, pri čemer smo upoštevali mediacijsko vlogo delovne zavzetosti in načina preživljanja prostega časa. Rezultati so razkrili, da je vpetost pomemben napovednik delovnega zadovoljstva, medtem ko je bila vitalnost negativno povezana s stresom pri delu in čustveno izčrpanostjo. Avtonomija je bila negativno povezana s stresom na delovnem mestu, podpora sodelavcev pa pozitivno povezana z zadovoljstvom pri delu in negativno s stresom pri delu in čustveno izčrpanostjo. Poleg tega je bil delovni pritisk pozitivno povezan s stresom pri delu in čustveno izčrpanostjo, medtem ko se je čustveni napor pozitivno povezoval zgolj s čustveno izčrpanostjo. Slednje ugotovitve poudarjajo pomemben vpliv teh dejavnikov na blagostanje zaposlenih in ponujajo vpogled organizacijam, kadrovskim oddelkom, vodjem in zaposlenim za kultiviranje pozitivnih delovnih kultur in okolij. Takšno delovno okolje lahko spodbuja angažiranost, motivacijo in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, kar navsezadnje prispeva k organizacijskemu uspehu. Keywords: delovne zahteve, delovni viri, počutje zaposlenih, delovna zavzetost, prostočasne aktivnosti Published in DKUM: 06.09.2024; Views: 27; Downloads: 8 Full text (913,91 KB) |
3. The moderating impact of types of caregiving on job demands, resources, and their relation to work-to-family conflict and enrichmentSara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: This research aims to examine for whom combining work and family/caregiving may be most harmful. Employed parents, elder caregivers, and the sandwiched generation were compared with their coworkers without such responsibilities. Based on the job demandsresources model, we assumed that high job demands/low job resources would relate to work-to-family conflict (WFC) and low job demands/high job resources to work-to-family enrichment. However, this effect would depend on employees family/caregiving responsibilities. Using a large sample of Slovenian employees (N = 1,285), we found support for the moderating role of the type of caregiving responsibility between workload and WFC. In addition, the type of caregiving had a moderating effect on the relationship between coworker support and WFC. Support was also found for the differential impact of job resources on work-to-family enrichment. The results therefore indicate the relevance of types of caregiving responsibility in workfamily research and practice. Keywords: skrb za otroke, skrb za starejše, konflikt med delom in družino, obogatitev, delovne zahteve, delovni resursi, child care, elderly care, work-to-family conflict, enrichment, job demands, job resources Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 84; Downloads: 1 Link to full text |
4. Negative cognitive–affective involvement as a mechanism linking job demands to occupational well-being : the moderating role of maladaptive thinking patternsAndrea Noja, Sara Tement, Bettina Kubicek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Negative cognitions and emotions about work during off-job time (e.g., worry about work tasks) can hinder the necessary recovery from work and lead to impaired occupational well-being. To better understand when this negative cognitive–affective involvement arises, we considered simultaneous and interactive effects of external and individual factors. Specifically, we investigated whether job demands (i.e., time pressure, cognitive demands, emotional demands) and maladaptive thinking patterns are independently and jointly related to negative cognitive–affective involvement and whether this is in turn associated with impaired occupational well-being (i.e., emotional exhaustion, cynicism). Using a diary study, we collected daily data from 109 employees twice a day over two working weeks (N = 667 day-level observations). Multilevel analyses showed that negative cognitive–affective involvement mediates the relationship between job demands (i.e., cognitive demands, emotional demands) and the two occupational well-being indicators. The relationship between cognitive and emotional demands, respectively, and negative cognitive–affective involvement is moderated by work-related maladaptive thinking patterns, with stronger relationships for employees reporting more frequent maladaptive thinking patterns. Moreover, work-related maladaptive thinking patterns moderate the indirect effects of job demands on occupational well-being via negative cognitive–affective involvement. Overall, we expanded the research on negative cognitive–affective involvement by providing a more comprehensive picture of its antecedents and outcomes. Keywords: negative cognitive-affective involvment, maladaptive thinking patterns, job demands, work-related well-being, diary studies Published in DKUM: 20.05.2024; Views: 113; Downloads: 20 Full text (729,99 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Don't leave your heart at work : profiles of work-life interference and cardiometabolic riskKatja Kerman, Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The present study adopts an exploratory, person-oriented approach to investigate possible patterns of work-life interference. We examine work–life interference from a cognitive (i.e., thinking about work), behavioral (i.e., engaging in work-related behavior), and performance perspective (i.e., reduced functionality in private life, or work–life conflict) in order to identify profiles of employees that could potentially remain uncovered with variable-oriented research. Furthermore, as work–life interference relates to well-being and health, we were interested in exploring possible differences between profiles in emotional exhaustion, cardiometabolic risk, and health-related behavior. Self-report data on work–life interference and well-being, as well as objective health data, were collected from a heterogeneous sample of 289 employees.
Four profiles with different patterns of work–life interference were identified. Out of the four profiles, two profiles reported moderate and high work–life interference (the Moderate Interference and High Interference profiles). The other two profiles revealed distinct combinations of moderate and low performance and behavioral interference (the Low Performance Interference and Low Behavioral Interference profiles). The High Interference and Low Behavioral Interference profiles were identified as risk groups in terms of cardiometabolic health, while the Low Performance Interference and Moderate Interference profiles
showed low to no risk. Regarding work-related well-being, the High Interference profile showed the highest risk of emotional exhaustion. Keywords: work-life interference, person-oriented approach, latent profile analysis, well-being, cardiometabolic risk Published in DKUM: 12.04.2024; Views: 232; Downloads: 10 Full text (474,02 KB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Kognitivni in psihofiziološki vidiki izgorelosti : doktorska disertacijaMarina Horvat, 2023, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Pojav izgorelosti je zadnjih nekaj desetletjih pridobil pozornost tako splošne javnosti kot tudi znanstvenega raziskovanja. Čeprav je najpogosteje definiran kot sindrom, ki je povezan z delom, lahko močno zaznamuje posameznikovo delovanje tudi izven delovnega konteksta. V tej nalogi smo se proučevali na kognitivne in psihofiziološke vidike izgorelosti, ki so v literaturi manj raziskani. V empiričnem delu naloge smo se osredotočili na osrednji simptom izgorelosti, tj. izčrpanosti zaradi dela (tako poklicnega kot študijskega) ter delovne zahteve v povezavi s kognitivnim in psihofiziološkim delovanjem, s poudarkom na variabilnosti v srčnem utripu (HRV). Natančneje smo želeli proučiti, kako je izčrpanost povezana z različnimi vidiki kognitivnega delovanja, kako sta zahtevnost nalog in izčrpanost povezani s HRV, ter ali splošna izčrpanost moderira odnos med zahtevami in kognitivnim ter psihofiziološkim delovanjem.
V prvem poglavju je najprej opisano splošno teoretično ozadje, nato pa sledijo tri empirične študije. V prvi študiji, opisani v drugem poglavju, smo s prečnim raziskovalnim načrtom na vzorcu zaposlenih želeli proučiti, kako je izčrpanost povezana s samoporočanimi kognitivnimi težavami ter uspešnostjo reševanja nalog pozornosti in inhibicije. Ugotovili smo, da se izčrpanost povezuje predvsem s samoporočanimi kognitivnimi težavami, medtem ko zanesljive povezave z uspešnostjo reševanja kognitivnih nalog ni bilo. Nadalje smo v drugi študiji, ki jo opisujemo v tretjem poglavju, z dnevniškim raziskovalnim načrtom na vzorcu zaposlenih želeli ugotoviti, kako se delovne zahteve in izčrpanost spreminjata na dnevni ravni ter kakšna je njuna povezava z vsakodnevnimi kognitivnimi težavami in spodrsljaji ter HRV. Ugotovitve te raziskave kažejo, da so dnevne delovne zahteve povezane z izčrpanostjo ter da je ta odnos izrazitejši za tiste z višjo ravnjo splošne izčrpanosti od dela. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da je dnevna izčrpanost povezava z več samoporočanimi kognitivnimi težavami. Dnevna izčrpanost ni bila povezana s HRV, medtem ko je splošna izčrpanost bila povezana z nižjimi vrednostnimi HRV. V zadnji, tretji študiji, ki jo opisujemo v četrtem poglavju, smo navedene odnose želeli proučiti še na eksperimentalni ravni. Na vzorcu študentov smo preverili, kako se različna zahtevnost kognitivnih nalog povezuje s HRV ter kakšna je vloga splošne izčrpanosti v tem odnosu. Izsledki študije kažejo, da je višja zahtevnost naloge povezana s spremembo v HRV, pri tem pa se nakazuje pomembna vloga izčrpanosti v tem odnosu. Nalogo zaključujemo s splošno diskusijo izvedenih študij in navedbo omejitev ter idej za prihodnje raziskovanje.
Ugotovitve izvedenih raziskav dajejo dodatni vpogled v dinamiko odnosa med dnevnimi delovnimi zahtevami in izčrpanostjo v procesu izgubljanja energetskih virov ter pojasnjujejo vlogo splošne izčrpanosti v tem odnosu. Prepoznavanje kognitivnih in fizioloških vidikov izgorelosti je pomembno za razumevanje osnovnih mehanizmov in obravnavo izgorelosti ter razvoj učinkovitih intervencij. Keywords: izgorelost, kognicija, HRV, delovne zahteve Published in DKUM: 04.04.2024; Views: 293; Downloads: 84 Full text (3,25 MB) |
7. The impact of psychological interventions with elements of mindfulness on burnout and well-being in healthcare professionals : a systematic reviewPolona Selič-Zupančič, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Sara Onuk Tement, 2023, review article Abstract: Background
Healthcare professionals are highly likely to experience various causes of work-related stress, which often leads to burnout. This became even more obvious during the Covid-19 pandemic. This systematic review aimed to analyze articles where psychological interventions with elements of mindfulness (PIM) were used to support healthcare professionals to foster well-being and reduce burnout levels. Compared to other recently published reviews, it is unique, due to its focus on a wide group of healthcare professionals, a broader selection of psychological interventions, and the evaluation of any sustained effects.
Systematic searches were carried out in February 2021 with different combinations of Boolean operators within six electronic databases: PubMed, EBSCOhost, MEDLINE, PsycArticles, Cochrane Library, JSTOR and Cobiss. We included articles that had been published in the last ten years (2011 to 2021) and which reported on original research focused on evaluating the influence of PIM on healthcare professionals. MERSQI was used to assess the quality of the included studies.
Of 1315 identified studies, 15 were included in this systematic review. Regardless of the specific type, duration and setting (individual vs group) of PIM applied, the results demonstrated a positive impact on well-being and burnout in participating healthcare professionals. The most studied interventions involved MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) and other mindfulness training programmes, in online as well as in-person versions.
Given the new reality with the presence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, it is of the utmost importance to offer feasible, effective interventions for burnout reduction to vulnerable groups of healthcare professionals. By focusing on their needs, several key aspects of burnout and mindfulness could be efficiently improved; this review demonstrates that short, online interventions could be as effective as longer, in-person ones. Keywords: mindfulness, burnout, perceived stress, well-being, Covid-19, MBSR Published in DKUM: 26.03.2024; Views: 177; Downloads: 10 Full text (1,14 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Honey, there´s something on my mind --- : adverse consequences of negative and positive work rumination on attention to the partner, and the advantage of talking about itJulia Schoellbauer, Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In the contemporary 24/7 working society, the separation of work and private life is increasingly turning into an unrealizable ideal. Ruminating about work outside the work context lets work spill over into private lives and afects the dynamics of workers’ private relationships. Although negative work rumination was linked to couples’ reduced relationship satisfaction, little is known about the mechanism of action and the impact of positive work rumination. Drawing on the load theory of selective attention, we hypothesize that both negative and positive work rumination occupy attentional resources and thus reduce workers’ attention to the partner on the same day. Lower levels of attention to the partner, in turn, should relate to lower levels of both partners’relationship satisfaction. However, sharing the work-related thoughts with the partner might support the resolution of the work issue the worker is ruminating about, which releases attentional resources and thus bufers the negative association between rumination and attention to the partner. We conducted a daily diary study and the fndings based on 579 daily dyadic observations from 42 dualearner couples support the proposed cognitive spillover-crossover mechanism and the bufer mechanism of thought-sharing. We conclude that negative and positive work rumination takes up scarce attentional resources and thus jeopardizes relationship quality. However, sharing thoughts with one’s partner seems to be a useful strategy for couples to maintain or even increase their relationship satisfaction in the light of work rumination. Keywords: Diary study, Dyadic research, Relationship quality, Psychological availability, Spillover-crossover, Actor-partner interdependence mode, family conflict, perceptual load, relationship satisfaction, marital, quality, daily-diary, couples, stress, experiences
depression, crossover, Psychology Published in DKUM: 20.02.2024; Views: 330; Downloads: 11 Full text (989,06 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Psihometrične lastnosti Vprašalnika z delom povezanih neprilagojenih miselnih vzorcev na klinični populaciji : magistrsko deloValerija Podlesnik, 2023, master's thesis Abstract: Naše misli in prepričanja o sebi, drugih in svetu oblikujejo naša čustva in posledično tudi vedenje. Kadar so misli in prepričanja pristranska, napačna, neučinkovita ali izkrivljena, govorimo o neprilagojenih miselnih vzorcih, ki lahko imajo pomemben vpliv na to, kako živimo. Teh se je smiselno zavedati in jih spreminjati. Slednje je pomembno tudi za delovno okolje. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti klinično veljavnost predhodno novonastalega Vprašalnika z delom povezanih neprilagojenih miselnih vzorcev (WMTPQ), tj. ali vprašalnik v svojih rezultatih resnično loči med splošno in klinično populacijo. Slednje smo preverjali preko raziskave, ki je zajemala 64 udeležencev (N-splošna populacija = 32, N-klinična populacija = 32). V klinični vzorec smo zajeli posameznike, ki so trenutno delovno aktivni, a imajo klinično diagnozo oziroma simptome, ki bi kazali na izgorelost pri delu. Prav tako smo z raziskavo želeli preveriti, ali se z delom povezani neprilagojeni miselni vzorci povezujejo z izgorelostjo (MBI-GS), depresijo, anksioznostjo, stresom (DASS-21) ter s storilnostno pogojenim samovrednotenjem (PBSE), kot to predvideva teorija. Naši rezultati so v prvem koraku pokazali ustreznost obeh vzorcev, saj se klinični vzorec statistično pomembno razlikuje od vzorca splošne populacije v vseh merjenih spremenljivkah. Rezultati raziskave so nadalje pokazali naslednje: klinično veljavnost WMTPQ ter pomembno pozitivno povezanost WMTPQ z izgorelostjo, depresijo, anksioznostjo, stresom ter s storilnostno pogojenim samovrednotenjem. S pričujočo raziskavo zaključujemo, da je WMTPQ zanesljiv in veljaven inštrument za merjenje z delom povezanih neprilagojenih miselnih vzorcev. Keywords: kognitivne distorzije, iracionalna prepričanja, izgorelost, klinična veljavnost, Vprašalnik z delom povezanih neprilagojenih miselnih vzorcev WMTPQ Published in DKUM: 16.11.2023; Views: 415; Downloads: 34 Full text (1,54 MB) |
10. Development and validation of the Work-home-integration questionnaire (WHIQ)Andrea Noja, Bettina Kubicek, Nejc Plohl, Sara Tement, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The boundaries between work and private life are gradually blurring. More and more employees are involved in work during leisure time through cognitions, emotions or behaviours, in both negative and positive ways. This so-called work-home integration (WHI) can, on the one hand, hampers the necessary recovery from work and result in strain but, on the other hand, also restores resources and result in beneficial outcomes. In order to enhance our understanding of WHI and capture all its different forms, we suggest a new conceptualisation and measure of WHI. We therefore developed and validated the Work-Home Integration Questionnaire (WHIQ) in English, German and Slovene simultaneously using two cross-sectional studies (Study 1: N = 848; Study 2: N = 555) and a two-wave longitudinal study with a time lag of 1 month (Study 3: N = 379). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a three-factor structure with (1) negative cognitive-affective involvement, (2) positive cognitive-affective involvement and (3) behavioural involvement. Moreover, the WHIQ showed measurement invariance across the three languages and the results provide evidence for convergent, discriminant and incremental validity. Overall, the WHIQ is a reliable, valid and short measure to assess the extent to which employees are involved in work during leisure time. Keywords: work-home integration, burnout, well-being, work-family conflict, scale validation Published in DKUM: 17.07.2023; Views: 603; Downloads: 79 Full text (521,32 KB) This document has many files! More... |