1. Vpliv različnih svetil na vsebnost glukozinolatov pri tankolistnem dvoredcu (Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC.) in navadni rukoli (Eruca sativa Mill.) pri gojenju v zaprtem prostoru : Magistrsko deloMarko Gomboc, master's thesis Abstract: V tej študiji so bili preučeni rast in profili glukozinolatov (GSL) pri navadni rukoli Eruca sativa (Mill.) in tankolistnem dvoredcu Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. Med 30-dnevnim obdobjem rasti pod različnimi svetlobnimi pogoji; T5 z maksimalno valovno dolžino 545 nm, LED1 z maksimalno valovno dolžino 631 nm in LED2 z maksimalno valovno dolžino 598 nm. Največji prirast suhe snovi (SS) je bil izmerjen pri E. sativa pod T5 (0,657 g SS/rastlino) in najmanjši pri D. tenuifolia pod LED1 (0,080 g SS/rastlino). Vsebnost GSL se je bistveno razlikovala, ne glede na svetilo, vendar je bila povezana z genotipom (E. sativa, r = 0,802**). Povprečno največja količina 4-metilsulfonilbutil-GSL (glukosativin) (7,3248 mg/g SS) je bila določena pri E. sativa in D. tenuifolia (6,7428 mg/g SS) pod T5. Regresijska analiza med različnimi valovnimi dolžinami svetlobe, ki so jo oddajala posamezna svetila in glukozinolati, se je pokazala med fotosintetskim aktivnim sevanjem (PPFD_B) in 4-metiltiobutil-GSL (glukoerucin) pri E. sativa (r = 0,698*) in D. tenuifolia (r = 0,693*), kar kaže na vpliv svetlobe na odziv rastlin na inducirani stres in spremembe v biosintezi GSL. Keywords: umetna svetloba, led svetloba, glukozinolati, rukola, zaprti prostor Published in DKUM: 17.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 12
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2. Computational modeling of natural convection in nanofluid-saturated porous media: an investigation into heat transfer phenomena : Janja Kramer Stajnko ... [et al.]Janja Kramer Stajnko, Jure Ravnik, Renata Jecl, Matjaž P. Nekrep, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: A numerical study was carried out to analyze the phenomenon of natural convection in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid. In the study, the boundary element method was used for computational modeling. The fluid flow through a porous matrix is described using the Darcy– Brinkman–Forchheimer momentum equation. In addition, a mathematical model for nanofluids was used, which follows a single-phase approach and assumes that the nanoparticles within a fluid can be treated as an independent fluid with effective properties. A combination of single- and sub-domain boundary element methods was used to solve the relevant set of partial differential equations. The method was originally developed for pure flow scenarios, but also proves to be effective in the context of fluid flow through porous media. The results are calculated for the case of two- and three-dimensional square cavities. In addition to various values of dimensionless control parameters, including the porous Rayleigh number (Rap), Darcy number (Da), porosity (ϕ) and nanoparticle volume fractions (φ), the effects of the inclination angle of the cavity on the overall heat transfer (expressed by the Nusselt number (Nu)) and fluid flow characteristics were investigated. The results indicate a pronounced dependence of the overall heat transfer on the introduction of nanoparticles and inclination angle. The heat transfer in a two-dimensional cavity is increased for higher values of Darcy number in the conduction flow regime, while it is suppressed for lower values of Darcy number in the Darcy flow regime. In the case of a three-dimensional cavity, increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles leads to a decrease in heat transfer, and furthermore, increasing the inclination angle of the cavity considerably weakens the buoyancy flow Keywords: porous media, nanofluids, natural convection, boundary element method Published in DKUM: 10.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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3. Odnos do podjetništva med mladimiJulija Stajnko, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V današnjem času, podjetništvo in podjetnost igrata ključno vlogo pri gospodarski rasti in ustvarjanju novih delovnih mest, še posebej med mladimi. Podjetništvo mladih je pomemben dejavnik za spodbujanje zaposlovanja, saj mladi podjetniki v gospodarski svet prinašajo inovacije in sveže ideje. Mladi se čedalje bolj odločajo za podjetniško pot, saj jim le-ta omogoča bolj fleksibilno obliko zaposlitve. Ko govorimo o podjetništvu mladih, se dotikamo tudi vključujočega podjetništva, ki poudarja enake možnosti za vse ne glede na socialno in ekonomsko ozadje ter spodbuja raznolikost v podjetniškem svetu. Odnos mladih do podjetništva in podjetnosti se skozi leta v Sloveniji izboljšuje v pozitivno smer, saj podjetništvo nasploh postaja vse bolj cenjeno. Gre za posledico prizadevanj politik in organizacij, ki ustvarjajo podporna okolja za razvoj mladih podjetnikov. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili teoretične vidike podjetništva, podjetnosti in podjetništva mladih na osnovi do sedaj zbranih podatkov iz raziskav, kot sta npr. raziskava Globalni podjetniški monitor in Mladina. V aplikativnem delu smo analizirali podatke raziskave Mladina 2020 in rezultate splošne populacije mladih v Sloveniji primerjali z rezultati raziskave izvedene med študenti Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete. Rezultati so pokazali, da so študentje z znanjem ekonomskih in poslovnih ved bolj podjetni oz. nagnjeni k podjetnosti kot mladi v Sloveniji. V splošnem lahko trdimo, da so nasploh mladi v Sloveniji pripravljeni sprejeti tveganje, ki ga s seboj prinaša podjetniško življenje in imajo pozitiven odnos do podjetništva. Keywords: Podjetništvo, podjetnost, podjetništvo mladih, odnos do podjetništva in podjetnosti med mladimi, vključujoče podjetništvo mladih Published in DKUM: 21.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 21
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4. Preverjanje pokritosti tal z uporabo dveh digitalnih orodij : diplomsko deloKristian Lipavšek, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga opisuje preverjanje pokritosti tal z uporabo digitalnih orodij. Namen preverjanja pokritosti tal je, da s pomočjo sodobne tehnologije enostavneje kmetujemo. Digitalni orodji/aplikaciji SoilCover in Refarmo na podlagi zajetih fotografij s terena izračunata procentualno pokritost tal z ostanki posevkov, kamenjem in biomaso. Za lažje razumevanje sta programa opisana in praktično prikazana. Raziskava temelji na terenskih meritvah in statističnih analizah, ki so pokazale, da so določene obdelave tal optimalne za doseganje večje oziroma manjše pokritosti tal. Iz rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da je aplikacija SoilCover prikazala natančnejše podatke, saj so vsi podatki bili izračunani na 2 decimalni številki natančno in celotne fotografije točno določeno obarvane s predstavljeno barvo (kamenje, prst, ostanki rastlin in posevkov), v primerjavi s polavtomatskim izračunom pokritosti tal aplikacije Refarmo, na fotografiji označeni le z eno barvo in pomočjo človeške roke in znanja. Keywords: pokritost tal, digitalna orodja, SoilCover, Refarmo Published in DKUM: 04.09.2024; Views: 40; Downloads: 36
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5. Hidravlično modeliranje porečja reke Ledave na podlagi poplavnega vala : magistrsko deloGregor Šebök, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava hidravlični model stalnega in nestalnega toka odseka reke Ledave s pripadajočimi pritoki in hidrotehničnimi objekti, izdelanega v programskem orodju za hidrološko-hidravlične analize HEC-RAS. Hidravlični model je oblikovan na podlagi terenskih podatkov LIDAR in geodetskih meritev na terenu. Opisana je hidravlična analiza stalnega toka ob pretoku n-letnih visokih voda in nestalnega toka na podlagi terenskih meritev propagacije poplavnega oziroma visokovodnega vala, kar je zaključeno z diskusijo. Namen magistrske naloge je opis izdelave hidravličnega modela v programskem orodju HEC-RAS s pomočjo obdelave različnih geodetskih podatkov ter razumevanje propagacije visokovodnih valov na terenu in v numeričnem modelu. Keywords: hidrologija, hidravlična analiza, HEC-RAS, propagacija visokovodnega vala Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 88; Downloads: 36
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6. Genetska struktura in raznolikost nekaterih tradicionalnih genotipov sliv (Prunus domestica L., Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. in Prunus spinosa L.) : doktorska disertacijaTina Ternjak, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Slovenia has a unique blend of climatic, soil, geographic and historical factors that fostered a rich tradition of plum cultivation and utilization. This study was set up to achieve following objectives: 1. assess the genetic diversity of 124 accessions of the three Prunus species (P. domestica L., P. cerasifera Ehrh., and P. spinosa L.); explore the possible contribution of P. cerasifera and P. spinosa to the ancestry of P. domestica; examine the genetic relationships and variability among the prevalent P. domestica material distributed in Slovenia. A combination of genetic markers, including 11 SSRs (UDP96-005, BPPCT034, EMPAS12, UCD-CH17, EMPAS06, EMPAS11, EMPAS14, BPPCT014, BPPCT025, CPSCT026 and CPPCT006) and three universal cpDNA markers (HK, K1K2 and VL), were chosen alongside flow cytometry. The analysis identified ten cpDNA haplotypes, which were grouped into three clusters using Unweighted Neighbor-Joining (NJ) analysis. All 11 SSR primer pairs exhibited polymorphism, revealing 116 unique genotypes and a total of 328 alleles, indicating considerable diversity with an average of 29.82 alleles per locus. Bayesian analysis distinguished two ancestral populations across all analyzed species. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) reflected the clustering observed in the Bayesian analysis. When analyzing individual set of P. domestica material, Bayesian analysis also distinguished two ancestral populations across, with PCoA confirming the results of Bayesian analysis. The NJ analysis categorized 71 P. domestica accessions into three clusters with numerous subgroups, reflecting a high genetic diversity. The majority of accessions aligned with traditional pomological groups, such as common prunes, mirabelle plums and greengages.
Genetic diversity parameters were analyzed for the 42 diploid P. cerasifera genotypes. A relatively high diversity levels were found, resulting in 135 alleles, with high average values for alleles per locus (10.38), effective number of alleles (Ne = 5.22), expected heterozygosity (He = 0.77), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.64) and PIC value (0.754). In addition, 32 private alleles were found in 20 accessions. Bayesian analysis of the P. cerasifera material revealed three ancestral populations, corroborated by Principal Coordinate Analysis, while an NJ analysis grouped the accessions into three clusters based on the origin of the accession. This study identified valuable local landraces within the P. domestica pool, including traditional prunes or Bluish plums, which are of great genetic interest. Furthermore, the integration of complementary methods facilitated the differentiation of the three species and provided insights into the origin of plum. The findings will be crucial in comprehending the diversity of Slovenian plum germplasm, improving conservation efforts, recovering local genotypes and enriching existing collections of plant genetic resources. Keywords: Prunus spp., plum, genetic resources, genetic diversity, genetic structure, cpDNA, SSR Published in DKUM: 24.07.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 43
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7. Architecture of the health system as an enabler of better wellbeingTimotej Jagrič, Štefan Bojnec, Christine Elisabeth Brown, Vita Jagrič, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: ntroduction: Health systems worldwide have heterogenous capacities and financing characteristics. No clear empirical evidence is available on the possible outcomes of these characteristics for population wellbeing.
Aim: The study aims to provide empirical insight into health policy alternatives to support the development of health system architecture to improve population wellbeing.
Method and results: We developed an unsupervised neural network model to cluster countries and used the Human Development Index to derive a wellbeing model. The results show that no single health system architecture is associated with a higher level of population wellbeing. Strikingly, high levels of health expenditure and physical health capacity do not guarantee a high level of population wellbeing and different health systems correspond to a certain wellbeing level.
Conclusions: Our analysis shows that alternative options exist for some health system characteristics. These can be considered by governments developing health policy priorities. Keywords: population wellbeing, health system capacity, public health system, health policy, neural network Published in DKUM: 19.07.2024; Views: 186; Downloads: 8
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8. Growth and glucosinolate profiles of Eruca sativa (Mill.) (rocket salad) and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. under different LED lighting regimesDenis Stajnko, Peter Berk, Andrej Orgulan, Marko Gomboc, Damijan Kelc, Jurij Rakun, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: In this study, the growth and glucosinolate (GSL) profiles of rocket salad Eruca sativa (Mill.) and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. were determined during 30 days growing under different lighting regimes; T5_ peak at 545 nm, LED1_ peak at 631 nm and LED2_ peak at 598 nm. The biggest increase of dry weight (DW) was measured in E. sativa under T5 (0.657 g DW/plant) and the lowest in D. tenuifolia under LED1 (0.080 g DW/plant). GSL content was found to vary significantly, regardless of the light treatment, but it is related with genotype (E. sativa, r = 0.802**). On average, the highest amount of 4-methylsulfinylbutyl-GSL (glucosativin) (7.3248 mg/g DW) was quantified in E. sativa and D. tenuifolia (6.7428 mg/g DW) under the T5. The regression analysis between different light wavelengths and glucosinolates showed the strongest correlation between photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD_B) and 4-methylthiobutyl-GSL (glucoerucin) in E. sativa (r = 0.698*) and D. tenuifolia (r = 0.693*), respectively, which indicates the effect of light on the response of plants to induced stress and changes in GSL biosynthesis. Keywords: salad vegetables, antioxidant compounds, light, abiotic stress, phytohormone Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 124; Downloads: 18
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9. Possibilities and concerns of implementing precision agriculture technologies on small farms in SloveniaJurij Rakun, Erik Rihter, Damijan Kelc, Denis Stajnko, Peter Vindiš, Peter Berk, Peter Polič, Miran Lakota, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Precision agriculture (PA) through the use and utilization of innovative technologies is a concept in agricultural management that enables long-term efficiency gains, control of unforeseen changes, and a reduction of negative impacts on the environment. However, there are even more reasons and benefits to using precision agriculture technologies (PATs) on farms, but the actual use on small farms is often questionable. The main objective of this research was to evaluate and analyze the current state of PA and its potential on a set of small farms. In addition, a comparison was made between small farms located in less favored areas (LFAs) and more favored areas (MFAs) to find if specific characteristics of the surrounding environment affect the (non-) implementation of these technologies by farm owners, with respect to the given regional possibilities. The result shows that 57.5% of respondents on these farms have never implemented PATs before and 20% are beginners in their respective fields. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in the integration between fewer LFAs and MFAs technologies and their use in this study. The majority of respondents believe that the main changes need to occur on the level of politics. The results show that the level of cost or initial investment is the main reason and the main obstacle in the implementation of PATs on the surveyed farms. Keywords: precision agriculture, small farm, technological innovations, implementation, situation overview, survey, ICT Published in DKUM: 02.07.2024; Views: 161; Downloads: 18
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10. Toward an economy of wellbeing : the economic impact of the Welsh healthcare sectorTimotej Jagrič, Christine Elisabeth Brown, Dušan Fister, Oliver Darlington, Kathryn Ashton, Mariana Dyakova, Mark Bellis, Vita Jagrič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Population health and wellbeing is both a result, as well as a driver, of economic development and prosperity on global, European, national and sub-national (local) levels. Wales, one of the four United Kingdom (UK) nations, has shown a long-term commitment to sustainable development and achieving prosperity for all, providing a good example of both national and sub-national level, which can be useful for other European countries and regions. In this paper, the economic importance of the healthcare sector to the Welsh economy is explored. We use a large number of data sources for the UK and Welsh economy to derive an economic model for 2017. We estimate output, income, employment, value-added, and import multipliers of the healthcare sector. Results suggest that the healthcare sector has an above average contribution in four explored economic aspects of the Welsh economy (output, income, employment, value-added), according to its impact on the surrounding economic ecosystem. Also, it is below average regarding leaking through imports. The multipliers' values offer empirical evidence when deciding on alternative policy actions. Such actions can be used as a stimulus for encouraging regional development and post-COVID economic recovery. Our study refers to the Welsh healthcare sector's economic impact as a whole. Therefore, we suggest investigating the economic impact of individual healthcare providers in the future. Keywords: input-output analysis, healthcare sector, Wales, impact analysis, economy of wellbeing Published in DKUM: 17.06.2024; Views: 181; Downloads: 17
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