1. Least metameric recipe formulationBoris Sluban, Olivera Šauperl, 2003, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The paper describes a variant of multi-illuminant strategy of colour match prediction calculation for the cases of CMC (l:c) and CIE94 colour differences. This strategy tries to minimize the colour differences (against a given standard) under several different illuminants. In case when a given standard, using the usual single-illuminant matching strategy, can not be matched non-metamerically by the colorants available, the multi-illuminant matching strategy tries to produce a more acceptable match by balancing the colour differences under several different illuminants. The theoretical concepts are illustrated by the colorimetric data of the corresponding laboratory samples produced by either strategy. The multi-illuminant-strategy regularly produced lower metamerism than the single-illuminant strategy did. Ključne besede: colorimetry, colour matching, recipe formulation, computer aided reciping, metamerism, colour differences Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.07.2017; Ogledov: 1549; Prenosov: 127
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2. A sensitivity model and repeatability of recipe colourBoris Sluban, Olivera Šauperl, 2001, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The paper briefly describes a mathematical model of the colorant mixture colour sensitivity to concentration errors and the numerical estimates of the related quantities. Features of the theoretical model are illustrated with the results of a number of numerical experiments in which the optical data of a few basic dyes applied to textile fabric were used to predict the sensitivities of recipes for sets of target colours spaced regularly in the colour solid. The rest of the article deals with the question whether the predicted values of recipe colour sensitivity provide useful information about the repeatability of recipe colour. The results of a few groups of laboratory experiments involving the textile fabric dyeing with basic dyes have been analysed with this question in mind. Ključne besede: textile dyeing, basic dyes, recipe colour, colour, color repeatability, colour sensitivity, concentration errors, mathematical model Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.07.2017; Ogledov: 1258; Prenosov: 118
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4. Different measures of sensitivity of recipe colour to random and proportional dye concentration errorBoris Sluban, Olivera Šauperl, Mihaela Pozderec, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The essential question of the paper "Can the predicted sensitivity to random and/or proportional dye concentration errors assist in selecting the most repeatable recipes?" was investigated using the laboratory dyeing of acrylic fabric with basic dyes. When the dye strength errors were not involved, the biggest scattering of the recipe colour in repeated dyeings was observed in the cases of light neutral target colours, where the predicted sensitivity to random concentration errors was the highest. For a few low-saturated targets, eight recipes with different predicted sensitivities to random errors were treated. In six cases out of the seven treated, those recipes less sensitive to random concentration errors generally performed better than the more sensitive ones, but the correlation was rather weak. For those cases whenthe dye strength errors were included, experiments were also carried out with several different recipes for a neutral medium-lightness target colour. Ključne besede: colour, textile dyeing, computer aided reciping, recipe colour sensitivity Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1964; Prenosov: 37
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5. Different measures of sensitivity of recipe colour to random and proportional dye concentration errorBoris Sluban, Olivera Šauperl, 2005, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: A regularity of the predicted sensitivities to random and proportional dye concentration errors in regard to the position of target colour has been observed for the case of dyeing acrylic with basic dyes. The sensitivity of the recipe colour to random dye concentration errors is highest for light neutral target colours and is almost negligible for dark-shade recipes. Recipes for less saturated targets are slightly more sensitive than recipes for more saturated targets of equal lightness. The span of the sensitivities to weighing error of the recipes matching a given target varies with the position of the target in colour space. By contrast, the sensitivity of recipes to dye strength error is the highest at medium to low lightness for neutral and near neutral target shades. The span of sensitivities of the recipes for any such particular target is broad, with some having low sensitivity to strength errors. Recipes for the target colours at the "lighter" part of the gamut border were the least sensitive to strength errors. Ključne besede: colour, textile dyeing, computer aided reciping, recipe's colour sensitivity Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1825; Prenosov: 39
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6. The total colorant sensitivity of a color matching recipe : an approach to colorant weighting and tinctorial strength errorsShahram Peyvandi, Seyed Hossein Amirshahi, Boris Sluban, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The repeatability of the recipe color can be affected by several different types of inevitable inaccuracies in the coloration process. Two of the major causes of poor target-color reproducibility are the (random) weighing and (proportional) strength errors. This article describes alternative definitions of colorant strength sensitivity and total colorant sensitivity of a dyeing recipe. The influences of the maximal colorant weighing and strength errors are taken into account in order to bring the magnitudes of the two treated types of sensitivity into a mutually realistic balance between each other. The quantifications of precision and accuracy of a color matching recipe are also developed and combined into a single-number measure of recipe quality. The listed quantities are expected to be useful in selecting the most reliable one(s) among the different formulations for the same standard color. The methods are presented for calculating numerical estimates of the newly introduced quantities. The precision and accuracy of the coloration process are investigated in laboratory experiments involving repeated dyeings. Ključne besede: color formulation, color matching, color sensitivity, color strength Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 1771; Prenosov: 88
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8. Primerjava UV, VIS in NIR refleksijskih spektrov naravnih vzorcev in maskirne tkanine : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programaDanijel Zimšek, 2005, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: UV spekter, VIS spekter, NIR spekter, refleksija, spektrofotometer, refleksijska enota, klorofil, maskirna barva Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.07.2007; Ogledov: 3236; Prenosov: 0 |