1. Toplice Lipik kot potencialna zelena wellness destinacija : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijaHelena Ružić, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: U diplomskom radu Toplice Lipik predstavljene su kao potencijalna zelena wellness destinacija. Ciljevi rada uključuju predstavljanje wellness turizma, analizu trenutnoga stanja održivoga turizma u Lipiku, procjenu trenutne wellness ponude te spremnost turističkoga sektora na poboljšanja u smjeru zelenoga wellnessa. Pregled literature obuhvaća definicije turističkih destinacija, čimbenike održivoga razvoja, zdravstveni turizam te primjere dobre prakse. Istraživanje uključuje kvalitativnu metodu evaluacije korištenjem kriterija Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) za procjenu održivosti Toplica Lipik. Rezultati pokazuju da Toplice Lipik, osim usklađenosti s nekim GSTC kriterijima, imaju područja koja zahtijevaju poboljšanja. Procjena wellness ponude temelji se na modelu Muellera i Kaufmanna, koji uključuje elemente kao što su samoodgovornost, tjelesna forma, zdrava prehrana, mentalne aktivnosti i ekološka osviještenost. Ekspertni intervjui s predstavnicima uprave Toplica Lipik otkrili su planove i izazove za razvoj destinacije, uključujući ekološke inicijative i potrebu za sveobuhvatnim pristupom wellnessu. Rezultati istraživanja nude smjernice za održivo upravljanje i razvoj novih turističkih proizvoda s ciljem da Toplice Lipik postanu vodeća zelena wellness destinacija u regiji. Ključne besede: Zeleni wellness, zdravstveni turizam, turistička destinacija, Lipik. Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 18
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2. Agrowellness goods distribution in the light of sustainability : the consumer perspective and the case of slovenia’s eastern cohesion regionLazar Pavić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study explores the distribution of agrowellness products and services from a sustainability perspective, focusing on consumer perceptions in Slovenia’s Eastern Cohesion Region. Utilizing an empirical approach through an online survey, the research assesses how sustainable lifestyle practices influence the frequency of agrowellness goods consumption and their perceived availability. The study employs structural equation modeling (SEM) to test four hypotheses, revealing that sustainable lifestyle practices positively affect the frequency of agrowellness product usage, enhancing the perception of product availability. A critical novel contribution of the research is identifying sociodemographic factors as significant moderators of these relationships, offering more profound insights into consumer behavior. Additionally, the frequency of use mediates the link between a sustainable lifestyle and perceived availability, with gender, age, education, and the place of residence as essential moderators. The findings contribute to theory and practice, offering actionable recommendations for marketing and distribution strategies to enhance the accessibility and appeal of agrowellness products. These insights provide valuable guidance for stakeholders in agriculture, rural development, and wellness tourism, with broader implications for policy development aimed at promoting sustainable lifestyles and supporting rural economies. Ključne besede: agrowellness, sustainability, consumer behavior, rural development, wellness tourism, distribution, supply chain, Slovenia Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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3. Vključevanje tehnik sproščanja v velnes ponudbo Skupnosti slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijaAida Babajić, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: V zadnjih letih se je močno povečalo zanimanje za področje tehnik sproščanja in duševnega zdravja. Tehnike sproščanja s svojimi pozitivnimi vplivi, kot so zmanjšanje in obvladovanje stresa, stopnje anksioznosti, depresije in ostalih duševnih motenj, pomagajo s krepitvijo posameznikovega duševnega in fizičnega zdravja. S svojo raziskavo smo hoteli poudariti pomen nadaljnjega razvoja ter vključitev tehnik sproščanja v velnes ponudbo Skupnosti slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč. Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri so turisti zadovoljni s trenutno ponudbo velneških storitev in kažejo zanimanje za produkte, ki vključujejo tehnike sproščanja ter stopnjo zanimanja populacije glede ozaveščenosti o metodi čuječnosti. S pomočjo sekundarnih virov smo analizirali ponudbo Skupnosti slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč, ozavestili pomen tehnik sproščanja, preučili trend čuječnosti in podali predloge za izboljšanje turistične velnes ponudbe v Skupnosti slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč. V naši raziskavi je sodelovalo 170 anketirancev. S pomočjo uporabe kvantitativne metode smo ugotovili, da večina potencialnih turistov že uporablja tehnike sproščanja ter so v prihodnosti pripravljeni poskusiti turistične produkte, ki le-te vključujejo. Prav tako smo na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov razbrali, da ljudje duševno zdravje štejejo za eno izmed najpomembnejših življenjskih področij. Ključne besede: Skupnost slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč, dobro počutje, duševno zdravje, tehnike sproščanja, čuječnost Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.07.2024; Ogledov: 168; Prenosov: 36
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4. Wellness tourism research : bibliometric study of the scientific fieldMilica Rančić Demir, Mila Zečević, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: The paper presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of academic research covering the field of wellness tourism. The purpose of the article is to identify the structure of relationships between topics that were current in the past and topics that are current now. The aim of the research was to better understand the development of the field of wellness tourism, important constructs, authors, and resources with the help of bibliometric methods. For detailed research of the field of literature on wellness tourism, some two set bibliometric strategies were used: co-citation and keyword co-occurrence. In our bibliometric mapping of the wellness tourism research field, we have investigated the scientific production of articles over the years, the most important journals in the field, and keyword co-occurrence patterns. The obtained results of the study showed a significant increase in the number of publications related to wellness tourism. When it comes to the importance of individual journals, we have identified the 20 best journals that have published the most articles in this field. In wellness tourism research, we identified four clusters: health tourism research, tourism research, wellness topics, and wellness tourism research. Ključne besede: wellness tourism, bibliometrics, keyword co-occurrence, literature review Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.02.2024; Ogledov: 297; Prenosov: 35
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5. Izzivi in prednosti uporabe mobilnih aplikacij v dostopnem turizmu : razumevanje percepcije uporabnikov znakovnega jezikaMarica Ilić, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: V zaključnem delu smo raziskali prilagojenost turistične ponudbe ljudem s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskavo smo aktivno vključili uporabnike slovenskega znakovnega jezika (SZJ). V teoretičnem delu smo sprva opredelili, kaj je gluhota, kdo so uporabniki znakovnega jezika, kakšen je njihov položaj v družbi ter kakšne so njihove pravice. Razjasnili smo pojem dostopnega turizma na splošno in posebej za uporabnike SZJ. S pomočjo dvofaznega raziskovalnega načrta smo najprej izvedli fokusno skupino med uporabniki SZJ, ugotovitve pa so nam pomagale pri zasnovi anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega so pozneje odgovorili 104 uporabniki SZJ. Od tega so bili trije anketni vprašalniki neveljavni, tako da je naš vzorec obsegal 101 anketiranega. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da turistične storitve niso dovolj prilagojene uporabnikom SZJ in da jim največjo oviro pri samostojnem potovanju predstavlja komunikacija. K temu prispeva še dejstvo, da turistični delavci ne poznajo SZJ, vendar sta jim pomembnejši kot SZJ empatija in potrpežljivost. Na potovanjih pogosto uporabljajo mobilne aplikacije in so jim vizualni elementi zelo pomembni. Iz tega je nastala naša ideja, da ustvarimo aplikacijo, ki bi jo uporabniki SZJ uporabljali kot podporo na potovanjih. Predlagamo, da nova aplikacija vsebuje vizualne informacije v znakovnem jeziku, prevajalnik v slovenščino, seznam društev gluhih in naglušnih v Sloveniji, na katere se lahko obrnejo med potovanjem, in druge pomožne elemente. Ključne besede: dostopni turizem, znakovni jezik, mobilne aplikacije, dostopnost, uporabniki slovenskega znakovnega jezika Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2024; Ogledov: 205; Prenosov: 26
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6. How do job-related constructs determine employee turnover? : Serbian hotels exampleMarija Cimbaljević, Milena Nedeljković Knežević, Dunja Demirović Bajrami, Milosav Dunjić, Hamid El Bilali, Milica Rančić Demir, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In the hospitality industry, employee turnover is extremely high. It is often caused by minimal growth opportunities, intensive work, lack of flexibility, limited opportunities for promotion, lack of recognition, etc. Investment in human resources, strategies that maintain an adequate workforce and improve employee engagement is quite justified cost with multiple returns. The specific issue is that hospitality leaders often do not know the relationships between employee satisfaction, employee motivation and employee engagement, which may be the basis for understanding their intention to leave the job. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the three job-related constructs: motivation, job satisfaction, and work engagement, as well as to examine their impact on employee turnover. The results confirmed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and motivation, satisfaction and work engagement, as well as the relationship between motivation and engagement. On the other side, the results showed that job satisfaction, dedication, and vigor negatively predict employee turnover. The findings may provide hotel managers with a foundation to understand this issue and assume where to direct their research and how to improve job conditions. Ključne besede: job satisfaction, motivation, work engagement, employee turnover, hotel employees, Serbia Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.01.2024; Ogledov: 365; Prenosov: 5
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7. Role of tourism in promoting geothermal energy : public interest and motivation for geothermal energy tourism in SloveniaBarbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Milica Rančić Demir, Nejc Pozvek, Maja Turnšek, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: From household geothermal heat pumps to industrial geothermal heating and electricity production, geothermal energy is one of the most promising future climate change mitigation areas. This paper aims to analyse the potential role that the tourism industry has in the promotion of geothermal energy. Although general knowledge and understanding of geothermal energy is often relatively low, geothermal energy tourism has the potential to encourage the public to use and learn about geothermal energy and its applications. The paper first provides a theoretical conceptualisation of geothermal energy tourism at the energy production level and energy usage level. Empirical results from an online survey amongst a sample of the Slovenian population show that there is a reasonably strong interest in geothermal energy tourism, correlating with the public image of geothermal energy. The study furthermore identified three main motivational factors for energy tourism: the first is "Knowledge," followed by "Having fun," with the lowest level on the motivational factor being "Self-recognition." The paper finally provides future recommendations on geothermal energy tourism as a tool for wider public acceptance but also knowledge on the potential risks of geothermal energy as a sustainable energy source. Ključne besede: climate change mitigation, geothermal energy, industrial tourism, energy tourism, public interest, social acceptance Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.01.2024; Ogledov: 306; Prenosov: 24
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8. Bet on health : conference reviewMilica Rančić Demir, 2021, recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika Opis: The goal of the International Conference Bet on Health was to unite the leading researchers and practitioners so that the chief subject of this conference could be the problems related to sports, well-being, and health, and the role that local authorities/communities have when it comes to planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and practices connected to public health issues. It also served as a further interdisciplinary meeting for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the latest trends and innovations, but also the issues and practical challenges and solutions accepted in the area of health promotion and well-being, sports, and local politics. Ključne besede: health, sport, well-being, local community Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.01.2024; Ogledov: 276; Prenosov: 6
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9. Most prominent topics in wellness tourism research : topic modelling analysisMila Zečević, Milica Rančić Demir, 2022, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: This paper presents a brief overview of the development of the wellness tourism literature. In addition, an analysis and presentation of the topics that appear within this literature field are given. The purpose of this research was to point out the relevant topics that have attracted research efforts over time. In order to detect these topics, we have selected wellness tourism literature articles from Web of Science. Our analysis used topic modelling tools using a machine learning algorithm in Python. The results imply the distinction between two main research topics within wellness tourism literature – wellness and health and medical research. Such differentiation also matches the development of the wellness tourism research field itself. Ključne besede: wellness tourism, literature, topic modelling, health, medical Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.01.2024; Ogledov: 252; Prenosov: 8
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10. Tourism experience in accessible tourism : designing a mobile application for the deaf and hard of hearingTjaša Alegro, Marica Ilić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2022, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: How someone experiences a tourist experience depends on several factors. This article will focus on ways to ensure active participation and thus a pleasant and memorable experience for people with disabilities, specifically people with hearing problems – the deaf and hard of hearing. With the development of ICT technology, the possibilities for developing tourist products intended for the deaf and hard of hearing are even greater and can be friendlier to them. Various mobile applications complement a city’s tourist products and services and are more than a welcome help for people with special needs. With an innovative Design Thinking method suitable for planning projects or designing services or products intended for end users, we designed an idea for a mobile application for Ljubljana that is tailored to deaf and hard of hearing tourists, as Slovenia does not yet have a similar application. We designed the product idea based on an overview of good practices. Through five phases of the Design Thinking method, we analysed the indispensable elements of the mobile application for deaf and hard of hearing tourists and evaluated it through the HEART framework matrix developed for user experience assessment. Ključne besede: experience, measuresaccessible tourism, deaf, hard of hearing, Design Thinking Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.01.2024; Ogledov: 306; Prenosov: 10
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