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Preverjanje pokritosti tal z uporabo dveh digitalnih orodij : diplomsko delo
Kristian Lipavšek, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomska naloga opisuje preverjanje pokritosti tal z uporabo digitalnih orodij. Namen preverjanja pokritosti tal je, da s pomočjo sodobne tehnologije enostavneje kmetujemo. Digitalni orodji/aplikaciji SoilCover in Refarmo na podlagi zajetih fotografij s terena izračunata procentualno pokritost tal z ostanki posevkov, kamenjem in biomaso. Za lažje razumevanje sta programa opisana in praktično prikazana. Raziskava temelji na terenskih meritvah in statističnih analizah, ki so pokazale, da so določene obdelave tal optimalne za doseganje večje oziroma manjše pokritosti tal. Iz rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da je aplikacija SoilCover prikazala natančnejše podatke, saj so vsi podatki bili izračunani na 2 decimalni številki natančno in celotne fotografije točno določeno obarvane s predstavljeno barvo (kamenje, prst, ostanki rastlin in posevkov), v primerjavi s polavtomatskim izračunom pokritosti tal aplikacije Refarmo, na fotografiji označeni le z eno barvo in pomočjo človeške roke in znanja.
Ključne besede: pokritost tal, digitalna orodja, SoilCover, Refarmo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 40; Prenosov: 13
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Gas sensing system based on an all-fiber photothermal microcell
Matej Njegovec, Jure Javornik, Simon Pevec, Vedran Budinski, Tomaž Gregorec, Benjamin Lang, Manuel Tanzer, Alexander Bergmann, Denis Đonlagić, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This article presents an all-fiber, miniature Fabry-Perot gas sensor based on photothermal absorption spectroscopy with a custom-made and cost-efficient interrogation system. The sensing gas microcell has a diameter of 125 μ m and a length of 1 mm, and allows for free gas exchange within the optical resonator through micromachined slits. High light intensity and confinement are ensured by delivering the excitation light directly into the gas microcell through a lead-in single-mode fiber. This enhances the photothermal effect and provides a short system response time. The interrogation system utilizes the modulation of an excitation laser diode with a fixed frequency while locking the probe laser onto the gas microcell’s quadrature point (QP) and observing the variations of the reflected optical power. To show the potential of the proposed system, nitrogen dioxide (NO2 was measured in dry air. Thereby, a limit of detection of 20 ppm could be achieved for 10 s integration time. Furthermore, the small dimensions of the sensor allow for improved dynamic performance with photothermal modulation frequencies as high as 7 kHz.
Ključne besede: Fabry–Perot interferometer, FPI, fiber gas cell, fiber gas sensor, nitrogen dioxide, NO2, photothermal effect
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 96; Prenosov: 7
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Prehranske navade in gibalna dejavnost otrok v zgodnjem otroštvu : magistrsko delo
Denis Cvahte, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati prehranske navade otrok ter gibalno dejavnost v obdobju prehoda iz vrtca v osnovno šolo. Sama raziskava je zajemala 136 učencev od tega 71 dečkov in 65 deklic starih med 5 in 6 let iz dveh različnih vrtcev ter njune podružnice v severovzhodni Sloveniji. Podatke o prehranskih navadah ter gibalni dejavnosti otrok v obdobju prehoda iz vrtca v osnovno šolo smo pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki so ga izpolnili starši otrok. Rezultati kažejo, da se otroci prehranjujejo v skladu z zdravim načinom prehranjevanja, kar pomeni, da imajo dovolj obrokov skozi dan, njihovi obroki vsebujejo vsa potrebna hranila, le redko pa posegajo po nezdravih in hitro pripravljenih obrokih. Raziskava je pokazala, da so otroci pretežno aktivni skozi dan, kar pomeni, da svoj prosti čas namenijo gibalnim dejavnostim, se poslužujejo visoko in nizko intenzivnih dejavnosti ter obiskujejo športne aktivnosti tudi zunaj vzgojno izobraževalnega zavoda.
Ključne besede: otroci, prehrana, gibalna dejavnost, prehranjevalne navade
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 68; Prenosov: 3
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Genetska struktura in raznolikost nekaterih tradicionalnih genotipov sliv (Prunus domestica L., Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. in Prunus spinosa L.) : doktorska disertacija
Tina Ternjak, 2024, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Slovenia has a unique blend of climatic, soil, geographic and historical factors that fostered a rich tradition of plum cultivation and utilization. This study was set up to achieve following objectives: 1. assess the genetic diversity of 124 accessions of the three Prunus species (P. domestica L., P. cerasifera Ehrh., and P. spinosa L.); explore the possible contribution of P. cerasifera and P. spinosa to the ancestry of P. domestica; examine the genetic relationships and variability among the prevalent P. domestica material distributed in Slovenia. A combination of genetic markers, including 11 SSRs (UDP96-005, BPPCT034, EMPAS12, UCD-CH17, EMPAS06, EMPAS11, EMPAS14, BPPCT014, BPPCT025, CPSCT026 and CPPCT006) and three universal cpDNA markers (HK, K1K2 and VL), were chosen alongside flow cytometry. The analysis identified ten cpDNA haplotypes, which were grouped into three clusters using Unweighted Neighbor-Joining (NJ) analysis. All 11 SSR primer pairs exhibited polymorphism, revealing 116 unique genotypes and a total of 328 alleles, indicating considerable diversity with an average of 29.82 alleles per locus. Bayesian analysis distinguished two ancestral populations across all analyzed species. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) reflected the clustering observed in the Bayesian analysis. When analyzing individual set of P. domestica material, Bayesian analysis also distinguished two ancestral populations across, with PCoA confirming the results of Bayesian analysis. The NJ analysis categorized 71 P. domestica accessions into three clusters with numerous subgroups, reflecting a high genetic diversity. The majority of accessions aligned with traditional pomological groups, such as common prunes, mirabelle plums and greengages. Genetic diversity parameters were analyzed for the 42 diploid P. cerasifera genotypes. A relatively high diversity levels were found, resulting in 135 alleles, with high average values for alleles per locus (10.38), effective number of alleles (Ne = 5.22), expected heterozygosity (He = 0.77), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.64) and PIC value (0.754). In addition, 32 private alleles were found in 20 accessions. Bayesian analysis of the P. cerasifera material revealed three ancestral populations, corroborated by Principal Coordinate Analysis, while an NJ analysis grouped the accessions into three clusters based on the origin of the accession. This study identified valuable local landraces within the P. domestica pool, including traditional prunes or Bluish plums, which are of great genetic interest. Furthermore, the integration of complementary methods facilitated the differentiation of the three species and provided insights into the origin of plum. The findings will be crucial in comprehending the diversity of Slovenian plum germplasm, improving conservation efforts, recovering local genotypes and enriching existing collections of plant genetic resources.
Ključne besede: Prunus spp., plum, genetic resources, genetic diversity, genetic structure, cpDNA, SSR
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 160; Prenosov: 24
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Growth and glucosinolate profiles of Eruca sativa (Mill.) (rocket salad) and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. under different LED lighting regimes
Denis Stajnko, Peter Berk, Andrej Orgulan, Marko Gomboc, Damijan Kelc, Jurij Rakun, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this study, the growth and glucosinolate (GSL) profiles of rocket salad Eruca sativa (Mill.) and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. were determined during 30 days growing under different lighting regimes; T5_ peak at 545 nm, LED1_ peak at 631 nm and LED2_ peak at 598 nm. The biggest increase of dry weight (DW) was measured in E. sativa under T5 (0.657 g DW/plant) and the lowest in D. tenuifolia under LED1 (0.080 g DW/plant). GSL content was found to vary significantly, regardless of the light treatment, but it is related with genotype (E. sativa, r = 0.802**). On average, the highest amount of 4-methylsulfinylbutyl-GSL (glucosativin) (7.3248 mg/g DW) was quantified in E. sativa and D. tenuifolia (6.7428 mg/g DW) under the T5. The regression analysis between different light wavelengths and glucosinolates showed the strongest correlation between photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD_B) and 4-methylthiobutyl-GSL (glucoerucin) in E. sativa (r = 0.698*) and D. tenuifolia (r = 0.693*), respectively, which indicates the effect of light on the response of plants to induced stress and changes in GSL biosynthesis.
Ključne besede: salad vegetables, antioxidant compounds, light, abiotic stress, phytohormone
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.07.2024; Ogledov: 124; Prenosov: 11
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Possibilities and concerns of implementing precision agriculture technologies on small farms in Slovenia
Jurij Rakun, Erik Rihter, Damijan Kelc, Denis Stajnko, Peter Vindiš, Peter Berk, Peter Polič, Miran Lakota, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Precision agriculture (PA) through the use and utilization of innovative technologies is a concept in agricultural management that enables long-term efficiency gains, control of unforeseen changes, and a reduction of negative impacts on the environment. However, there are even more reasons and benefits to using precision agriculture technologies (PATs) on farms, but the actual use on small farms is often questionable. The main objective of this research was to evaluate and analyze the current state of PA and its potential on a set of small farms. In addition, a comparison was made between small farms located in less favored areas (LFAs) and more favored areas (MFAs) to find if specific characteristics of the surrounding environment affect the (non-) implementation of these technologies by farm owners, with respect to the given regional possibilities. The result shows that 57.5% of respondents on these farms have never implemented PATs before and 20% are beginners in their respective fields. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in the integration between fewer LFAs and MFAs technologies and their use in this study. The majority of respondents believe that the main changes need to occur on the level of politics. The results show that the level of cost or initial investment is the main reason and the main obstacle in the implementation of PATs on the surveyed farms.
Ključne besede: precision agriculture, small farm, technological innovations, implementation, situation overview, survey, ICT
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 161; Prenosov: 9
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Varna prijava z uporabo vmesnika za pametne kartice : diplomsko delo
Nino Galuf, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili izdelano mobilno aplikacijo, ki omogoča varno prijavo v informacijske sisteme s pomočjo zalednega dela. Za prijavo se uporablja namensko napravo YubiKey, na kateri se hrani podpisan certifikat. V praktičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili grafični vmesnik mobilne aplikacije, prav tako smo opisali postopek konfiguracije digitalnega certifikata in prijavo z njim v informacijski sistem.
Ključne besede: YubiKey, Android, avtentikacija, Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Phoenix
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.06.2024; Ogledov: 231; Prenosov: 0

Specialne sile Slovenske vojske : razpotja v razvoju
Denis Čaleta, 2007, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: vojska, Slovenska vojska, specialne sile, specialno delovanje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.05.2024; Ogledov: 82; Prenosov: 4
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Geopodpora obveščevalni dejavnosti v Slovenski vojski
Jože Grozde, Denis Čaleta, 2007, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: obveščevalna dejavnost, Slovenska vojska
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.05.2024; Ogledov: 107; Prenosov: 2
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,34 MB)

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