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Multicriteria assessment of the quality of waste sorting centers - ǂaǂ case study
Karmen Pažek, Jernej Prišenk, Simon Bukovski, Boris Prevolšek, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, the quality of the municipal waste sorting process in seven waste management centers in Slovenia was assessed using the qualitative multicriteria analysis (MCA) method DEX (Decision EXpert) implemented in DEXi software, which is based on multicriteria decomposition of the problem and utility functions in the form of ʺif-thenʺ decision rules. The study was based on eight types of secondary raw materials. The quality of the secondary raw materials, the regularity of the delivery of secondary raw materials to recycling units based on the sorting efficiency, and the loading weight of the individual baled fractions in the transport of secondary raw materials for recycling were the main parameters used in the model. The final assessment shows good waste management service in centers A and D. Centers B, C, and F were rated ʺaverageʺ. The ʺbadʺ rating was assigned to centers E and G.
Ključne besede: waste sorting, quality management, multicriteria decision analysis, expert system DEXi
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approach
Lazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity.
Ključne besede: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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An Assessment of socio-economic status of women on family farms: Slovenian case study
Jernej Prišenk, Urška Vesenjak, Črtomir Rozman, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The question of gender equality is increasingly being raised today and is present at all levels of society. The topicality of the issue on farms is particularly evident, due to the particular inheritance processes on farms, the clear division of labour, and intergenerational cooperation that characterise the agricultural sector. In this research, a multi-criteria model (DEX-SOCIAL) was developed to understand the broader aspect of rural sociology and the issue of women’s status on the farm. The paper discusses the status of women on a farm and assesses their social and economic situation. The methodology includes an online questionnaire in which women in the Eastern and Western Cohesion Regions participated, as well as other farm members and owners. Subsequently, the questions were transformed for the requirements of the assessment model, which assessed the life prospects of women on farms in both the Eastern and Western Cohesion Regions who were aged both over and under 40 years (criteria for “young successor”). The results of the study show that there is a clear difference in the qualitative assessment of women’s socio-economic position in relation to the East–West cohesion region. The social position of women does not differ according to age structure. The conclusions of the study also present broader applications of the results in the field of rural development and rural sociology.
Ključne besede: woman, socio-economic status, family farms, multi-criteria model, DEX
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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An Assessment of food value chains to identify gaps and make recommendations for further development: ǂA ǂ Slovenian case study
Jernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andreja Borec, Nejc Zidar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The content of this paper presents the research results of a three-year research project in which a multi-criteria evaluation model (according to the DEX methodology) was developed for the evaluation of three different food sectors (represented by a cattle breeding chain, a pig farming chain, and a milk production chain) with added value in Slovenia. Indicators for the assessment of the economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable development of food chains were taken into account. The data for the analysis, such as prices and costs of food, wage levels by sector, food miles and others, were obtained from various public services between 2020 and 2023. The final qualitative assessment of the food sectors was uniform (“average”), while the longest analysis of the results using the plus-minus-1 analysis method showed the reasons for such an assessment in individual sectors (such as the ratio between the price of agricultural products and the price of agricultural inputs is poor, the ratio between average gross salary in the individual food sector and gross salary in the agricultural sector is poor, etc.). In addition to the results already mentioned, recommendations or suggestions for building a sustainable food chain were made using the results of the modelling. The research results contributed to a better understanding of the importance of stable relationships between different groups of indicators and later showed their importance for improving the functioning of agri-food chains. The results of the research will help various stakeholders (such as the agricultural advisory service, decision-makers at the level of agricultural policy, researchers in further analyses, and especially the international professional public interested in various case studies from EU countries) to further analyse and plan for the organisation of the agricultural sector.
Ključne besede: food sectors, value added, DEX methodology, plus-minus-1 analysis, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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The Economic efficiency of micro biogas plants: ǂa ǂSustainable Energy solution in Slovenia - Case study
Peter Vindiš, Karmen Pažek, Jernej Prišenk, Črtomir Rozman, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents a simulation model for determining the most suitable type of microbiogas plant for small local communities on Slovenian farms, focusing on the efficient processing of organic waste. This model uses various input parameters, including different types and quantities of slurry and corn silage. Four different scenarios were developed to represent potential plant sizes, each evaluated using key economic indicators: net present value, breakthrough price, and internal rate of return. A scenario sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the effects of changes in investment costs, fluctuations in energy prices, and the addition of corn silage to the anaerobic digestion process. The results highlight significant differences in economic viability across the scenarios, with some demonstrating positive financial outcomes and shorter payback periods and others indicating potential financial risks and longer recovery times under certain conditions. The analysis suggests that smaller micro biogas plants may struggle to achieve profitability without optimizing input ratios or reducing costs, whereas larger plants show more favorable economic indicators, provided certain conditions are met. Furthermore, the economic efficiency improves when adding maize silage to the fermentor mixture.
Ključne besede: micro biogas plant, biogas, economic efficiency, simulation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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Assessment of concept between rural development challenges and local food systems : A combination between Multi-criteria decision analysis and econometric modelling approach
Jernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This study investigates the influence of social, economic, and environmental impacts on the promotion and marketing systems of local food products from mountain areas in Slovenia. These impacts were assessed using an econometric modelling approach. Two econometric models were developed (one for production and one for marketing). The case studies of local food products were selected from Slovenian mountain regions, most of which were from less-favored areas (LFAs). A majority of the selected food commodities were of high quality, with or without protected designations. Data collection was carried out via interviews. Due to production limitation on mountain areas in Slovenia and other constraints in LFAs, the socio-economic and environmental impacts on success of production and marketing systems need to be clarified. These relations present a potential impact on the wider socio-economic development in the region. The empirical results, obtained using an econometric modelling approach, clearly show the importance of encouraging the socio-economic and environmental impacts in ensuring the marketing and production potentials of local food products. The result express good relationships, and cooperation between the actors in the food supply chains contributing to a successful marketing system and production system of local food products (small, average, large) is dependent on the available local labour in mountain rural areas.
Ključne besede: local food products, mountain areas, econometric modelling, socioeconomic impacts, evironmental impacts
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 117; Prenosov: 12
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Evaluation of traditional and indigenous horse breeds for wider intended use : Case study from Slovenia
Jernej Prišenk, Nina Filipič, Črtomir Rozman, Karmen Pažek, Jernej Turk, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this work, a new multi-criteria model for the evaluation of traditional and indigenous horse breeds, the HORQUAL model, was developed by applying the DEX (Decision Expert) method. The idea for this study culminated from brainstorming among researchers who had the importance of conserving traditional and indigenous horse breeds in Slovenia and their universal uses (recreative and sport) in mind. The conservation of native domestic animal breeds is one of the important indicators of sustainable agricultural development in particular countries. Here, the assessment process considered the horse breeds in terms of lifestyle, expectations, requirements and experiences. The development process was based on the multi-criteria decision analysis approach, and it was applied to seven traditional and indigenous Slovenian horse breeds. The horse breeds were classified into four groups of breed ratings according to the chosen criteria. The horse breeds were categorised as follows: “does not correspond to the criteria”, “less correspondence with the criteria”, “corresponds to the criteria” and “completely corresponds to the criteria”. The results of the HORQUAL model clearly show that it is easier and more effective to choose the most suitable breeds for specific purposes (i.e., recreative/sport horses with the potential for breeding along with acceptable costs, favourable temperament and suitable price) as they can easily be analysed or compared with each other, according to the criteria chosen in this paper. The rating by group takes the criteria for the multi-attribute evaluation that were identified by an expert group into account and balances between the assessment of recreational and sports needs for riders and the life expectancy for breeders. Additionally, incorporating the Plus-minus-1 analysis proved to be a useful support tool to analyse the assessments and to further improve horse breeding plans.
Ključne besede: traditional horse breeds, indigenous horse breeds, multi-criteria model, DEX-model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 132; Prenosov: 38
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Economic viability of alternative bedding material in broiler chicken farming
Jernej Prišenk, Maksimiljan Brus, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The aim of this paper is to assess the economic viability of two different bedding materials used in broiler chicken farming processes. The materials considered are wood shavings and slice-dedusted straw. The slice-dedusted straw is considered an alternative type of bedding material produced by a company from Slovenia. While the technological and economic assessment of this type of bedding material has already been researched in the case of horse breeding, it is something new in the case of broiler chicken farming. Data collection is structured from two trials. Trial one (T1) is also known as daily observations, and trial two (T2) involves obtaining input data at the end of the fattening period. During T1, daily observations are focused on collecting data from technical characteristics, and in T2, the percentage of death proportions and average increments are observed, calculated, and considered as economic input data. The cost calculation model is used for the calculation of several different technical-economic indicators, which denote the influence of different bedding materials no economic production viability. Favorable economic results were found for slice-dedusted straw, which shows that this kind of alternative bedding material could be the better option.
Ključne besede: bedding materials, feasibility analysis, broiler chicken, cost calculation model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 111; Prenosov: 18
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Vloga mejic v kmetijskem prostoru z vidika zmanjšanja površin, izgube pridelka in spremembe talnih razmer : diplomsko delo
Tina Lešnik, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na manj raziskano tematiko vpliva mejic na kmetijske površine v Sloveniji, ki jih v prostoru prepoznamo kot linijske pasove lesne in grmovne vegetacije, pojavljajoče se v najrazličnejših kmetijskih ekosistemih. Obravnavali smo vlogo mejic z vidika zmanjšanja površin, izgube pridelka in spremembe talnih razmer. Primerjali smo gravimetrični odstotek vode v tleh in temperaturo tal ob različnem deležu zasenčenosti kmetijske površine ter različni oddaljenosti od mejice na območju komasacijskega območja Hajdina. V okviru EIP-projekta »Ohranjanje in izboljšanje stanja biotske raznovrstnosti na kmetijsko intenzivnih območjih na osnovi ekosistemskih značilnosti« nas je zanimal pomen mejic z vidika kmetijskega pridelovalca, zato sta bila izdelana anketni vprašalnik in obsežen intervju o interesu oziroma stališčih kmetovalcev glede pozitvnih in negativnih vplivov mejic na kmetijsko površino. Izračunali smo delež izgube pridelka in površine ter ga primerjali s finančnim nadomestilom za operacijo MEJ v obdobju 2023–2027. Rezultati kažejo, da delež zasenčenosti kmetijske površine vpliva na talne parametre, kot sta gravimetrični odstotek vode v tleh in temperatura tal na različnih oddaljenostih od mejic, saj je stabilnejši delež zasenčenosti kmetijske površine privedel do stabilnejšega gravimetričnega odstotka vode v tleh in temperature tal. Ugotovljena je bila tudi pozitivna korelacija med gravimetričnim odstotkom vode v tleh in zasenčenostjo kmetijske površine ter negativna korelacija med temperaturo tal in zasenčenostjo kmetijske površine ter med temperaturo tal in gravimetričnim odstotkom vode v tleh na drugih dveh lokacijah. Kmetijski pridelovalci zelo dobro prepoznavajo pozitivne in negativne vplive mejice na kmetijskih površinah, vendar zaradi vpliva zasenčenosti ne prilagajajo izbora kmetijskih rastlin. Finančno nadomestilo v okviru izvajanja operacije MEJ je nižje od izpada prihodka na območju mejice.
Ključne besede: mejica, vlaga, tla, pridelek, zasenčenost, temperatura
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.04.2024; Ogledov: 277; Prenosov: 91
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Analiza verige preskrbe s kunčjim mesom v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
Klara Hriberšek, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Kunčje meso ima izredne hranilne vrednosti in tudi dietične vrednosti. Meso štejemo med belo meso, saj je na videz najpodobneje piščančjemu mesu. Primerno je za kuhanje, pečenje in za predelavo. Vsebuje izredno majhne količine maščob in holesterola ter mnogo nujno potrebnih (esencialnih) hranljivih snovi (esencialnih aminokislin, nenasičenih maščobnih kislin, kalcija, bakra, železa, vitaminov B-skupine). Zaradi teh lastnosti in majhne vrednosti natrija in nizke energijske vrednosti je meso priznano kot dietetično in posebno primerno za dieto bolnikov z arteriosklerozo, povišanimi lipidi (holesterol, trigliceridi) in povečano sečno kislino v krvi. Priporočajo ga tudi želodčnim bolnikom in starostnikom. V diplomskem delu so na podlagi ankete predstavljeni zbrani podatki o zanimanju za kunčje meso. Anketa je temeljila na vprašanjih o tem, kako pogosto potrošnik zauživa kunčje meso, kakšni so razlogi za njegovo vključevanje v jedilnik, kakšen je najpogostejši način priprave mesa (juha, pečeno na žaru, ocvrto meso, golaž), kaj je potrošniku pomembno pri nakupu kunčjega mesa (cena, izgled, poreklo, način prireje …), kakšna oblika pakiranja mu najbolj ustreza (cel kunec, v kosih  zadnje in sprednje noge, v kosih  kunčji hrbet), koliko je pripravljen odšteti pri nakupu kunčjega mesa, kje najraje kupuje meso (trgovina, tržnica, neposredno na kmetiji), ali bi raje kupoval slovensko kunčje meso ali meso iz uvoza, itd. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati, pridobljeni s strani večjih rejcev kuncev v Sloveniji, s katerimi so bili izvedeni intervjuji. V intervjujih se večina vprašanj usmerja v iskanje odgovorov, kdo so njihovi ciljni kupci, s kakšnimi ovirami se srečajo od začetka reje do prodaje mesa, kdaj je reja ekonomsko upravičena in kakšen obseg reje imajo sami doma.
Ključne besede: kunčjereja, kunčje meso, kunci, analiza, anketa
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.10.2023; Ogledov: 434; Prenosov: 47
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