1. Sustainability of organizations : the contribution of personal values to democratic leadership behavior focused on the sustainability of organizationsZlatko Nedelko, Vojko Potočan, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leaders’ personal values on their democratic behavior from a sustainability perspective. We specified and tested the research model, drawing upon modified versions of the theory of basic values and the autocratic–democratic leadership continuum. A total of 208 Slovenian and 196 Austrian leaders’ responses were used in hierarchical regression and structural equation modeling analysis. The results reveal a significant and positive influence of collectivistic values in both samples on democratic leadership behavior. A significant and negative effect of individualistic values on democratic leadership behavior is present in Austria, while in Slovenia, the effect is positive but not significant. Based on acknowledged associations between leader’s values, leaders’ democratic leadership behavior, and sustainable development, we argue that democratic leadership behavior contributes to the sustainable working and behavior of organizations. These results have theoretical implications, indicating how personal values affect leaders’ democratic behavior and contribute to the sustainable working and behavior of organizations. The practical implications relate to the strengthening of leaders’ democratic behavior in Slovenian and Austrian organizations. In addition, these findings will be helpful in increasing the sustainability of organizations via fostering democratic leadership behavior and its underlying personal values. Keywords: personal values, collectivistic values, democratic behavior, individualistic values, leaders, leadership, sustainable development, sustainability of organizations Published in DKUM: 02.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 Full text (485,83 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Trajnostna mobilnost: management nakupa in uporabe električnega avtomobilaJaka Brantuša, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na trajnostno mobilnost z vidika ekonomske upravičenosti nakupa in uporabe električnih avtomobilov v primerjavi z nakupom avtomobilov na notranje izgorevanje. Obravnavana tema vključuje pregled trga osebnih električnih avtomobilov, analizo stroškov, povezanih z nakupom, vzdrževanjem in amortizacijo teh avtomobilov in stroškovno primerjavo z avtomobili na notranje izgorevanje. Diplomsko delo razkriva, da je kljub višjim začetnim stroškom nakupa električnih avtomobilov, njihova uporaba zaradi nižjih stroškov goriva in vzdrževanja ekonomsko utemeljena, prav tako pa izpostavlja tudi pomen ustrezne polnilne infrastrukture za uspešno integracijo električnih avtomobilov v vsakodnevno uporabo. Diplomsko delo dopolnjuje tudi anketa, ki predstavlja razmišljanje in pripravljenost potrošnikov na elektrifikacijo osebne mobilnosti. Naloga predstavlja tudi možne rešitve za povečanje uporabe električnih vozil povezane z nadaljnjim razvojem polnilne infrastrukture in s spodbujanjem k uporabi obnovljivih virov energije. Keywords: električni avtomobili, polnilna infrastruktura, stroški električnih vozil, amortizacija električnih vozil Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (4,35 MB) |
3. Izboljšanje managementa športnega društva - primer NK PobrežjeAdam Bezjak, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga obravnava izboljšanje managementa športnega društva, s posebnim poudarkom na primeru NK Pobrežje. Problem, ki ga raziskujemo, vključuje izzive, s katerimi se soočajo nogometna društva na lokalni ravni, kot so pomanjkanje finančnih sredstev, omejene kapacitete ter organizacijski problemi. Predmet obdelave je analiza trenutnega stanja managementa v NK Pobrežje in predlogi za izboljšanje. Raziskava je pokazala, da lahko izboljšanje managementa kapacitet in finančnega upravljanja bistveno pripomoreta k boljši organizaciji in uspešnosti kluba. Analiza je vključevala anketiranje članov kluba in ostalih deležnikov, povezanih s klubom, ter intervju s športnim direktorjem, kar je omogočilo poglobljen vpogled v notranje delovanje kluba. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo na pomembnost izboljšanja strateškega načrtovanja, finančnega upravljanja ter vključevanja lokalne skupnosti za zagotavljanje dolgoročne uspešnosti in trajnosti delovanja športnega društva. Prav tako so rezultati raziskav potrdili raziskovalna vprašanja naloge ter omogočili oblikovanje predlogov za izboljšanje managementa kapacitet NK Pobrežje. Keywords: športno društvo, management, kapacitete, finančno upravljanje, NK Pobrežje. Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (1,60 MB) |
4. Vloga managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev neprofitnih športnih organizacijAleks Perger, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na vlogo managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev za delovanje neprofitnih športnih organizacij. V začetku diplomskega dela smo raziskali, kaj sploh neprofitne organizacije so in kakšne organizacijske strukture poznamo. V nadaljevanju smo opisali, kaj so športna društva in predstavili razlike med profitnimi in neprofitnimi športnimi organizacijami. Opisali smo, kaj je to športni management, katere ključne naloge opravljajo športni managerji in katere so njihove lastnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali financiranje teh neprofitnih športnih organizacij, katera sredstva poznamo in njihove procese pridobivanja. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo obravnavali primer ŠD Mladost. V sklopu tega smo si na začetku diplomskega dela zastavili tri raziskovalna vprašanja, skozi katera smo ugotovili vlogo managementa v delovanju neprofitnih športnih organizacij, učinkovitost sedanjega modela financiranja obravnavanega športnega društva in dodatne možnosti financiranja društva. Najprej smo raziskali zgodovino društva in njegovega delovanja. Nato smo s pomočjo dokumentacije opisali vire financiranja društva ter naredili analizo trenutnega financiranja. V zaključku diplomskega dela smo raziskali dodatne možnosti financiranja obravnavanega društva. Keywords: financiranje, športne organizacije, športni management, dodatne možnosti, model financiranja, izboljšanje, analiza društva, neprofitne športne organizacije, sponzorstva, donacije Published in DKUM: 06.09.2024; Views: 125; Downloads: 6 Full text (778,83 KB) |
5. Delovne vrednote generacije Z v SlovenijiUrška Hozjan, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu preučujemo delovne vrednote generacije Z v Sloveniji in primerjamo ugotovitve z že znanimi raziskavami iz Združenih držav Amerike. Generacija Z v Sloveniji ceni intrinzične delovne vrednote, kot so izzivi, učenje in svoboda pri delu, kar je v nasprotju z ZDA, kjer so ekstrinzične delovne vrednote, kot so stabilnost in ugodnosti, najpomembnejše. Študija ugotavlja, da so socialne delovne vrednote srednje pomembne, medtem ko so prestižne delovne vrednote na zadnjem mestu, kar kaže na osredotočenost na osebni razvoj in dobro počutje.
Raziskava opozarja na potrebo po prilagoditvi delovnega okolja za generacijo Z, da bi dosegli bolj uravnotežene delovne vrednote in izboljšali njihovo delovno izkušnjo. Predlaga uvedbo fleksibilnega delovnega časa, možnosti za delo na daljavo in spodbujanje izobraževanja in rasti za povečanje zadovoljstva in uspešnosti te generacije na delovnem mestu. Keywords: delovne vrednote, generacija Z, generacijska teorija, generacijske kohorte Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 109; Downloads: 61 Full text (1,63 MB) |
6. Students’ values, professional socialization and the mental gap of corporate social responsibility perceptionsNikša Alfirević, Vojko Potočan, Zlatko Nedelko, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: This paper examines how values and professional socialization in business schools impact the formulation of students’ contextualized view of social responsibility. We propose the empirical concept of a mental gap between the existing and the wished-for level of a business school’s corporate social responsibility and estimate it empirically by using a sample of business school students from Central and South East Europe. Results show that students wish their business schools to reduce their current orientation toward economic outcomes and focus on environmental and social responsibilities. We interpret those empirical results in terms of the students’ wish to balance achieving economic prosperity and enjoyment of life with the prosocial outcomes of their education. New student generations’ perception of corporate social responsibility is not shaped by the professional socialization patterns but rather by the own perceptions, which can be influenced by experiential approaches to academic teaching and learning. Based on these empirical results, implications for academic practice and future research are explored. Keywords: students, education, social responsibility, economy, culture, human learning, psychological attitudes Published in DKUM: 06.08.2024; Views: 91; Downloads: 5 Full text (676,12 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Generation Z and ethicality of advancement in the workplace : a study of Slovenia and LithuaniaZlatko Nedelko, Valentina Peleckiene, Kęstutis Peleckis, Kestutis K. Peleckis, Giedre Lapinskiene, Vojko Potočan, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to examine the ethicality of future employees’ attitudes toward advancement in the workplace in Slovenia and Lithuania. This study focuses on students representing young adults from Generation Z as future employees in organizations. Using a survey of work-related issues, we collected 212 answers from Slovenian and 159 from Lithuanian' students from business faculties. We used t-tests and regression analyses to obtain results. We found that the future employees in Slovenia see organizationally beneficial behavior and self-indulgent behavior significantly more acceptable for their advancement, than their Lithuanian peers. No differences exist in the perception of destructive behavior among participants from both countries. Substantial differences in the importance of personal values among Generation Z members in both societies, provide a strong support for the divergence nature of Generation Z across cultures. The impact of personal values on the ethicality of different behavior for advancement in the workplace among future employees in both societies is substantial, but biased and follows different patterns. In Slovenia, the dominant role has power, followed by hedonism, benevolence, security, conformity, tradition, and universalism, while in Lithuania, the dominant role belongs to self-direction, followed by tradition, universalism, security, achievement, and power. This study will help us to understand Generation Z values and their perceptions regarding ethicality of advancement in the workplace and enable organizations to manage the behavior of future employees. Keywords: Generation Z, personal values, Slovenia, Lithuania, unethical practices, ethicality, behavior, advancement in the workplace Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 88; Downloads: 8 Full text (304,12 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Logistics aspect of organizational culture and normative commitment in electric energy supply chainSebastjan Lazar, Vojko Potočan, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Gözde Yanginlar, Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, Matevž Obrecht, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Companies are increasingly aware that employees are an important factor in success, so they pay more and more attention to them. Because of that, organizational culture and normative commitment are also included as ex-tremely important factors. The research includes a systematic and comprehensive review of the literature and at the same time obtaining and analysing data from practice through a survey. The research focuses on employees from the logistics departments in the supply chain of electronic component production and supply. Group of com-panies across Europe were included in the survey (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Re-public, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine). The research demonstrates the realization that the types of classification of organizational culture have different effects on direct and indirect normative commitment. Gender differences were also found. The re-search-based on the calculated average mean values shows the classifications of organizational culture and nor-mative commitment. The latter follows the organizational culture with minor deviations. The order of classifica-tion of organizational culture follows the current economic situation, where according to the studied criteria, the first is a culture of the market. The research shows that men’s rate of normative commitment is better than wom-en's, while in organizational culture the situation is exactly the opposite. One of the most significant findings is based on the Pearson correlation coefficient with the SPSS program was found that, according to the classifica-tion, Hierarchy culture has a positive effect on indirect normative commitment. Keywords: organizational culture, commitment, normative commitment, logistics, supply chain, environmental management, ISO 14001 Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 161; Downloads: 8 Full text (635,71 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. How personal values follow the societal lockdown due to COVID-19 : case of business students in SloveniaVojko Potočan, Zlatko Nedelko, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: We examined patterns of change and stability in four individual-level higher-order groups of Schwartz personal values among individuals during societal lockdown caused by COVID-19 epidemic. The study involves comparison of personal values of 85 business students during societal lockdown, with their personal values in pre- and post-pandemic periods. Sampled group of individuals includes undergraduate and graduate students from University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia. Contrary to previous publications, our results indicate a decrease of mean-level for all four higher-order groups of individuals’ values during societal lockdown of COVID-19. In the value hierarchy, self-transcendence values remain first, followed by conservation, openness to change, and self-enhancement values. In the period after the COVID-19, personal values again approached their pre-pandemic levels. Self-transcendence and conservation returned close to baseline levels, while openness to change and self-enhancement values exceeded initial pre-epidemic levels. In the value hierarchy, lead openness to change values, followed by the self-transcendence, self-enhancement, and conservation values. We discuss perceived changes in business students’ values due to the COVID-19 pandemic and present their capacities for dealing with potential unfavorable and threatening circumstances in the future. Keywords: personal values, COVID-19, societal lockdown, young adults, changing values Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 191; Downloads: 11 Full text (595,50 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Etičnost uporabe umetne inteligence v poslovanjuTimy Pezdiček, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo temelji na raziskovanju etičnosti uporabe umetne inteligence v poslovnem okolju. V ospredju je problematika, ki izhaja iz potrebe po vzpostavitvi etičnih smernic za učinkovito uporabo te tehnologije. Raziskava proučuje različne vidike etičnosti, povezane z umetno inteligenco ter analizira ključne izzive in priložnosti, ki se pojavljajo v poslovnem svetu. Zastavljeni cilj je raziskati, kako etično ravnati v tem dinamičnem okolju, hkrati pa doseči konkurenčno prednost in trajnostni razvoj podjetij. Obravnava vključuje raziskavo naraščajočo se na vlogo umetne inteligence pri sprejemanju pomembnih poslovnih odločitev ter vplivu na odnose s strankami, zaposlenimi in širšo družbo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na nujnost vključevanja etičnih načel že v fazi načrtovanja in razvoja umetno inteligentnih sistemov. Pomembno je, da podjetja prepoznajo vrednote, kot so pravičnost, preglednost in odgovornost, ter jih integrirajo v svoje poslovne prakse. Prav tako je ključno tesno sodelovanje med različnimi deležniki, vključno s tehnološkimi strokovnjaki, vladnimi agencijami in strokovnjaki za etiko, za oblikovanje smernic, ki bodo usmerjale etično uporabo umetne inteligence v poslovnem okolju. Keywords: Etika, Umetna inteligenca, Poslovna odločanja, Transparentnost, Družbena odgovornost. Published in DKUM: 09.11.2023; Views: 516; Downloads: 116 Full text (1,15 MB) |