1. Oblikovanje dirkalnikaStanislav Pehan, Breda Kegl, Primož Pogorevc, 2003, professional article Abstract: V prispevku sta prikazani dve moznosti izboljšanja lastnosti dirkalnika Formula S. Eden najskladnejsih načinov za dvig moči motorja je spretno oblikovan dovod zraka v motor. Zato je v prvem delu prispevka predstavljen postopek optimalnega oblikovanja sesalnega sistema. Postopek optimiranja temelji na uporabi metod matematičnega programiranja in pomeni učinkovit način za povečanje moči motorja v najbolj zanimivem področju obratovanja motorja. V drugem delu prispevka je pozornost posvečena novim zamislim izdelave celotnega dirkalnika. Za dosego vrhunskih rezultatov je treba narediti več, kakor le slediti konkurenci. Analiza postavitev glavnih agregatov je pokazala, da bi k večji okretnosti in stabilnosti dirkalnika pripomoglo to, da bi bil motor postavljen ob voznikovi strani. Optimiran sesalni sistem pomeni zanesljiv korak naprej v borbi za povečanje dejanske moči dirkalnika, kar je lahko uporabno takoj. Zasnova z bočno postavitvijo motorja pa predstavlja povsem novo pot razvoja dirkalnikov Formula S, kar bo morda prineslo dolgoročne prednosti. Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 973; Downloads: 58
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2. Vzdrževanje avtoplinskih sistemovGregor Urbančič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena predelava osebnih vozil na način, da lahko za pogonsko gorivo uporabljajo avtoplin. Sama predelava zajema vgradnjo dodatnih komponent ter ustrezno nastavitev avtoplinske krmilne enote. Po sami vgradnji je potrebno poleg običajnih, s strani proizvajalca vozila, predpisanih pregledov in servisov vozila potrebno še dodatno servisiranje ter vzdrževanje na novo vgrajenih komponent. Da zagotovimo optimalno delovanje motorja tudi po vgradnji oziroma čez celotno življenjsko dobo vozila, je bila v okviru naloge predstavljena ena izmed možnosti preventivnega vzdrževanja avtoplinskega, ki temelji na analizi izbranih parametrov delovanja motorja. Keywords: Motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem, avtoplinski sistemi, servisiranje, diagnostika, vzdrževanje Published in DKUM: 13.05.2013; Views: 2079; Downloads: 246
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3. Diesel and biodiesel fuel spray simulationsPrimož Pogorevc, Breda Kegl, Leopold Škerget, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: This paper deals with the investigation of the influential parameters of a mathematical spray breakup model using different fuels. Beside injection system measurements, fuel physical properties and injection process characteristics were measured, because they are necessary for the spray simulation input. For validation purposes, spray was injected into motionless air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature and filmed with a high-speed camera. Spray macrocharacteristics have been determined on the recorded images. Using the simulation program, the injection processes for diesel, biodiesel, and their 50% blend B50 have been simulated. Spray mathematical model parameters were tuned based on the experimentally gained results. Primary breakup model parameters showed the biggest impact on the spray characteristics and were therefore expressed using the fuel physical properties, the injection process characteristics, and the working regime parameters. Spray simulations into the combustion chamber were made in the end. All of these results are presented and discussed in this paper. Keywords: fuel spray, spray breakup, biodiesel fuel, fuels, numerical simulations, mathematical model Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1952; Downloads: 88
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4. Intake system design procedure for engines with special requirementsPrimož Pogorevc, Breda Kegl, 2006, original scientific article Abstract: Intake manifolds provide fresh air to internal combustion engines and have a major effect on their performance. Therefore, many investigations are related to their design in order to improve the charging efficiency and to achieve theuniform distribution of fresh air among the engine cylinders. This paper deals with the design procedure of a cheap multipoint injection intake system,adapted to a racing car engine. Some special demands had to be taken into consideration. The intake manifold must contain the imposed constraint for the airflow in the shape of a single circular restrictor placed between the throttle and the engine to limit its power. The flow and the pressure lossreduction in the engine intake region were investigated with computationalfluid dynamics software. Two different geometries of the intake manifold were taken into consideration. On the basis of the numerically obtained three-dimensional results, a mathematical model of the engine with a more appropriate intake was made in the engine simulation code in order to anticipate its characteristics. The intake system was designed, practically manufactured, and tested in the laboratory. The experimental results confirmednumerical predictions, justifying the simple and relatively quick design procedure for the intake system. Keywords: internal combustion engines, intake manifold, computational fluid dynamics, experiment Published in DKUM: 30.05.2012; Views: 2624; Downloads: 111
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