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Reprezentacija vinskega turizma v filmih : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Nikola Mahnić, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. Prvi del obsega teorijo obravnavne teme, drugi del opisuje našo raziskavo. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali vinski turizem in vinskega turista. Prav tako smo s pomočjo sodobnejših virov opredelili vinski turizem v Sloveniji ter izpostavili nekaj primerov promocije in komuniciranja vinskega turizma v filmih. V raziskovalnem delu smo analizirali filma Stranpota (Sideways) in Vinsko deželo (Wine Country). Izbrali smo si prizore, v katerih smo zaznali povezavo z vinskim turizmom. Nato smo razpravljali, ali je reprezentacija vinskega turizma v filmih učinkovita promocijska strategija za Slovenijo. Odkrili smo, da je filmski turizem lahko zelo učinkovit za promocijo turizma le v določenih primerih in da je potrebno upoštevati razvitost turistične ponudbe destinacije, ki bi jo želeli promovirati. Spoznali smo tudi prednosti in slabosti, ki jih takšna promocija prinaša.
Keywords: Vinski turizem, vinski turist, filmski turizem, reprezentacija, promocija
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 18
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Montenegrin wine tourism with examples of good practice from around the world
Vita Petek, Jasna Potočnik Topler, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Montenegro has a long tradition of winemaking, and it is based on local varieties such as Vranac and Kratosija. In this chapter, market analysis of Montenegrin wine tourism in the frame of the bilateral project BI-ME_21-22-020, is presented. There are 15 wine cellars in Podgorica and beyond and Montenegro’s largest wine company is "13 jul Plantaže". In the research, we examined wine routes and wine fountains in Montenegro, and focused on good practices in wine tourism in Slovenia and around the world.
Keywords: Montenegro, wine, wine tourism, wine routes, rural areas
Published in DKUM: 22.02.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 21
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Vino in turizem
Jasna Potočnik Topler, Vita Petek, 2019, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: turizem, vino, vinski turizem
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2024; Views: 284; Downloads: 22
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Prihodnost je digitalizacija kulturne dediščine
Tjaša Alegro, Vita Petek, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: kulturna dediščina, digitalizacija, Slovenija
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 220; Downloads: 33
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Gradovi Posavja
Vita Petek, Tjaša Alegro, 2021, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: gradovi, Posavje
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 246; Downloads: 25
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When the customer and the wine shelf meet : factors of ethnocentrism when selecting a bottle of wine
Vita Petek, Črtomir Rozman, Jasna Potočnik Topler, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This study examines the importance of wine characteristics when choosing wine, such as the shape and colour of the bottle, type of wine cork, information on the wine label, price and ethnocentrism. Three research questions were proposed in this paper. A quantitative online survey in the form of 458 participants was carried out in Slovenia. Participants were asked questions relating to their wine consumption behaviour. The results of this study show the Spearman's correlation coefficient between ethnocentrism and country-of-origin importance. These findings benefit winemakers who want to improve their wine sales and learn what characteristics of the wine label are significant.
Keywords: buying, selling, wine, consumer, wine market, wine label, communication
Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 19
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Pregled merjenja digitalne zrelostI MSP-jev
Tjaša Alegro, Urška Starc Peceny, Vita Petek, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: V strokovnem prispevku bomo predstavili pregled iz literature o digitalni zrelosti podjetij, zlasti malih in sred-njih podjetij (v nadaljevanju MSP) in se osredotočili na problematiko merjena le te, saj ni uveljavljenega modela za merjenje digitalne zrelosti, ki bi ga lahko aplicirali na podjetja iz različnih sektorjev. Predstavili bomo nekaj primerov dobrih praks digitalizacije in načinov merjenja, ki so se jih posluževali predvsem v turističnem sektorju po svetu. Po pregledu več različnih vprašalnikov za merjenje digitalne zrelosti, ki so na voljo na spletu, ugotavljamo, da so vprašalniki neprilagojeni za različne sektorje in zlasti za področje turizma, predlagamo nekaj poudarkov za vprašalnike, ki bi omogočili boljši vpogled v trenutno stanje na področju digitaliziranosti turističnih MSP-jev. V Sloveniji so se digitalne preobrazbe lotili celovito in se podjetjem ponuja tudi vavčarje za različna področja, na primer za dvig digitalnih kompetenc, potreba po katerih se je še posebej pokazala v času pandemije Covid-19, za digitalni marketing, za pripravo digitalnih strategij in za kibernetsko varnost. Prav tako je v Sloveniji DIH oblikoval vprašalnik za merjenje digitalne zrelosti podjetij, ki je razdeljen na več sklopov, podjetjem pa je po zaključku vprašalnika posredovana strategija oziroma nasveti za izboljšave na različnih področij delovnega procesa podjetja.
Keywords: digitalna zrelost, merjenje digitalne zrelosti, MSP, turizem, digitalizacija
Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 243; Downloads: 27
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When wine meets generation Z
Vita Petek, Marjetka Rangus, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Generation Z refers to people born in the 90s and raised in the 2000s. They have several nicknames, for example Generation 2020, the Internet Generation, Digital Natives, Screensters, and Zeds. This generation is technologically smarter than the others are and prefers to communicate via social networks. This study is about the relationship between Generation Z and wine consumption. An online survey among students was conducted to achieve this aim. The study was conducted in November and December 2020, in several Central European countries among 123 students aged 18–15 years. The results showed that the majority of respondents consider their knowledge of wines to be mediocre. Most respondents drink wine several times a month and prefer white wine. They also like to drink pure wine or wine with sweet drinks, and, when selecting a bottle of wine, taste, smell, and price are the most important factors. More than 50% of respondents buy wine at supermarkets and only 36% in wineries or wine shops. Generation Z has just begun to participate in wine tourism. As a result, their knowledge will be further upgraded and their opinions will change over the years.
Keywords: wine, wine consumption, Generation Z, wine tourism millennials
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 298; Downloads: 25
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Wine tourism as a type of well-being tourism – literature review
Jasna Potočnik Topler, Vita Petek, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of wine tourism on well-being. Wine tourism includes many activities, and not only wine tastings, perhaps paired with food tastings. It includes hiking and biking in the vineyards, reading literature on wine (fiction and non-fiction), attending seminars and conferences on wine, getting acquainted with new landscapes and socializing with others. Another issue relates to whether wine, particularly red wine, confers additional health benefits. Within the Mediterranean diet, wine seems to be an essential component. The starting point for wine and health studies was the “French Paradox”, which suggests that consuming red wine daily not only helps the cardiovascular system, but also increases lifespan due to the resveratrol found in the skins and tannins of red grapes. Recent evidence suggests that wine consumption is correlated with less stress and prevention of the development of certain cancers.
Keywords: health, wine tourism, well-being, active life, rural areas
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 235; Downloads: 20
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Razvoj vinskega turizma v občini Podčetrtek : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Mojca Bračun, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Občina Podčetrtek spada med poznane termalne destinacije, v tem delu pa obravnavamo vinski turizem na tem območju in njegove priložnosti za razvoj. V teoretičnem delu smo zapisali in opredelili glavne pojme, ki so potrebni za razumevanje in nadaljnjo raziskovanje – vinski turizem, vinski turist in njegove izkušnje v turizmu. Prav tako smo predstavili Slovenijo kot vinsko destinacijo in petzvezdična doživetja, ki se odvijajo pod znamko Slovenia Unique experience, in kaj pomeni tovrstni turizem za razvoj podeželskega okolja. V praktičnem delu pa smo z vinogradniki izvedli intervjuje, v katerih so opisali svoje vizije razvoja vinogradništva v občini, ki kaže še veliko možnosti za napredek, čeprav nekateri to dejavnost opuščajo. Na podlagi pregleda literature in intervjujev pa smo na koncu še zapisali predlagano turistično ponudbo in smernice za trajnostni razvoj vinskega turizma na destinaciji.
Keywords: turizem, vinski turizem, razvoj turizma, vinski okoliš, trajnost
Published in DKUM: 09.01.2024; Views: 418; Downloads: 91
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