1. Prediction of the pile behaviour under dynamic loading using embedded strain sensor technologyAndrej Štrukelj, Mirko Pšunder, Helena Vrecl-Kojc, Ludvik Trauner, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: A standard dynamic loading test of the pile was performed on the highway section Slivnica - Hajdina near Maribor, Slovenia. Parallel to standard testing procedures the new monitoring technology based on specially developed strain sensors installed inside the pile body along the pile axis was introduced. On the basis of the measured results the normal strains along the pile axis were measured. Taking into consideration the elastic modulus of the concrete the normal stresses in the axial direction of the pile were also calculated and afterwards the shear stresses along the pile shaft have been estimated as well as the normal stresses below the pile toe. The estimation was made by considering a constant value for the pile diameter. The measured results were also compared with the computer simulation of the pile and the soil behaviour during all the successive test phases. The strain measurements inside the pile body during the standard dynamic loading test in present case did not have the purpose of developing an alternative method of pile loading tests. The presented monitoring technology proved itself as a very accurate and consistent. It gave in the first place the possibility of a closer look at the strains and stresses of the most unapproachable parts of different types of concrete structure elements especially piles and other types of deep foundations. Keywords: piles, deep foundations, dynamic loading test, strain measurement technologies, elasto-plastic modelling, finite-element method Published in DKUM: 06.06.2018; Views: 1395; Downloads: 176
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2. Model for optimal project portfolio for the construction of railway infrastructure on corridors V and XAnton Hauc, Majda Bastič, Lidia Jurše, Mirko Pšunder, 2010, other scientific articles Abstract: The construction of railway infrastructure should be dealt with as a national strategic developmental programme, which due to technical, geographical, logistical, and other requirements is carried out through a number of projects and represents a complex multiple project operation for investors, contractors, and other influential players. The national strategic developmental programme for the construction of the railway infrastructure is connected through programmes in neighbouring countries and EU member states to Trans-European Networks (TEN) that strategically regulate construction within the community. In the Republic of Slovenia, the construction of railway infrastructure within TEN programmes is carried out on the pan-European traffic corridors V and X within individual projects for the construction of sections and a number of supporting projects. Technical requirements, deadlines, and other TEN requirements as well as national strategic requirements and financial possibilities of the state represent basic criteria that should be taken into consideration in setting up a strategic project plan, with optimal project classification achieved through the implementation project portfolio. The current article utilised the method of multiple-criteria decision analysis to prepare the portfolio, taking into account macroeconomic and infrastructural criteria. Consequently, the results represent the basis for the preparation of an optimal financial plan with regard to financing possibilities of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union. The article also summarised the research results regarding the formation of the project implementation process of the TEN-T network construction in the Republic of Slovenia. Keywords: national strategic development, railway infrastructure construction, railway corridors V and X, project portfolio, multiple-criteria decision analysis, Republic of Slovenia Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1662; Downloads: 437
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3. Optimalno planiranje poti v gradbeništvu z reševanjem problema trgovskega potnikaUroš Klanšek, Mirko Pšunder, Marko Soršak, 2011, professional article Abstract: Problem trgovskega potnika (PTP) predstavlja enega najbolj znanih problemov kombinatorične optimizacije. Reševanje PTP izkazuje pomemben aplikativni potencial za gradbeništvo. Zato je namen pričujočega članka približati reševanje PTP širši gradbeniški skupnosti. V članku so predstavljeni formulacija PTP, uporabnost optimizacijskega modela PTP ter nekateri komercialno dostopni programski paketi, ki se lahko uporabijo za modeliranje in reševanje PTP. Na koncu članka je predstavljen primer optimalnega planiranja poti z reševanjem PTP. Keywords: problem trgovskega potnika, kombinatorična optimizacija, optimizacijski problemi, optimizacija poti, gradbeništvo Published in DKUM: 21.12.2015; Views: 1895; Downloads: 67
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4. Filozofija, metodologija in vizija razvoja podeželjaVilibald Premzl, Mirko Pšunder, 1993, professional article Abstract: V prispevku so prikazani osnovni elementi planiranja s posebnim ozirom na podeželski prostor. Izpostavljena je potreba po izvajanju politike razvoja podeželskega prostora, ki mu je tudi v Sloveniji na vseh ravneh posvečeno premalo pozornosti. Keywords: prostorsko urejanje, oblikovanje krajine, gospodarsko planiranje, naravna dediščina, nega prostora, ekologija, Slovenija Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1377; Downloads: 356
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5. Cost optimal project schedulingUroš Klanšek, Mirko Pšunder, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents the cost optimal project scheduling. The optimization was performed by the nonlinear programming approach, NLP The nonlinear total project cost objective function is subjected to the rigorous system of the activity preceden- ce relationship constraints, the activity duration constraints and the project duration constraints. The set of activity precedence relationship constraints was defined to comprise Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Start-to-Finish and Finish-to-Finish precedence relationships between activities. The activity duration constraints determine relationships between minimum, maximum and possible duration of the project activities. The project duration constraints define the maximum feasible project duration. A numerical example is presented at the end of the paper in order to present the applicability of the proposed approach. Keywords: project management, scheduling, optimization, nonlinear programming, NLP Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1863; Downloads: 418
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6. The impact of economic growth on the market and communication value of real estate : case SloveniaIgor Pšunder, Mirko Pšunder, Ksenija Golob, 2013, other scientific articles Abstract: In the last five years is on the Slovenian real estate market observed highly trend in market volatility in property prices. Developments in the housing market have drastically changed and also represent an important indicator of overall economic trends. There is a lot of factors that affect the market price of real estate. With research we were focus on the problem of the impactof economic growth in the market value of real estate in Slovenia. We were present trend of economic growth in the last decade and its impact on growth or decline in real estate transactions. We were also established if declining real estate transactions affect the provision of more and bigger discounts on the sale of real estate. Among the research parameters, we were presented as well as their interdependence. With constant monitoring of parameters and statistical methods, we were collect data on the impact of economic growth and offered discounts on the real estate market prices, for future periods. The aim of the research is to define those factors that need to be considered for the analytical prediction of the trend of market prices and selling real estate in the future.The results obtained will help real estate valuers in the drawing up of reports assessing the value of real estate. Keywords: nepremičninski trg, ekonomska rast, cena nepremičnin, statistične metode, real estate market, economic growth, market factors, statistical method Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2234; Downloads: 51
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V diplomskem delu so opisane naloge vodje gradbenega projekta v procesu priprave in izvedbe gradbenih projektov.
Graditev objektov je kompleksni proces, pri katerem gre za obsežna dela, ki zahtevajo usklajevanje velikega števila zakonsko opredeljenih aktivnosti in sodelovanje širokega spektra strok. Vse aktivnosti graditve objektov morajo biti med seboj usklajene in natančno določene, zato se za čas trajanja gradbenega projekta odredi centralna odgovornost za projekt vodji gradbenega projekta, ki opravlja skupek vodstvenih nalog pri reševanju organizacijskih vprašanj za uspešno izvajanje in dosego zastavljenih ciljev gradbenega projekta.
Vodja gradbenega projekta deluje v celotnem procesu priprave in izvedbe gradbenih projektov, torej v fazah zasnove, projektiranja, neposredne priprave na gradnjo in pri sami gradnji objekta. Njegova temeljna naloga je, da poskrbi za pravočasno in kvalitetno izdelavo vsake od aktivnosti, ki tvorijo strukturo gradbenih projektov. Za to pa je potrebno zelo dobro poznavanje aktivnosti vseh faz graditve objektov in prav opisovanju teh vsebin je posvečen osrednji del diplomske naloge. Keywords: projekt, gradbeni projekt, faze gradbenega projekta, cilji projekta, projektni management, vodja gradbenega projekta Published in DKUM: 25.08.2011; Views: 4294; Downloads: 616
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