1. Representation of serial killers in Netflix drama : qualitative analysis of Extremely wicked, Shockingly evil and vile and DahmerSara Bestijanić, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: The thesis analyses the portrayal of internal and external factors that influenced the behaviour of serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy in Netflix’s show Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story and movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. Moreover, the thesis examines the cinematic techniques used to depict Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy in these screen adaptations. It also aims to identify which narrative tools are used in Dahmer and Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile to establish emotional connection between the viewers and the content, contributing to its widespread popularity. Since the thesis focuses on the popularity of true crime content in relation to the perception of serial killers and their personal backgrounds, one part of the thesis explains the growth and development of the true crime genre, while the other part focuses on the portrayal of internal and external factors that define the behaviour of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. The thesis adopts a case study method and a qualitative content analysis to identify which internal and external factors are portrayed in Dahmer and Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, while the qualitative content analysis also aims to uncover which cinematic and narrative techniques are used in Netflix’s portrayal of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer. Ključne besede: True crime, Netflix, serial killers, external and internal factors, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy. Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 40 Celotno besedilo (2,00 MB) |
2. The adventures of Tom Sawyer - a comparison of Slovenian translations on examples of mentions of religion and the church : magistrsko deloKaja Babić, 2022, magistrsko delo Opis: Translating does not simply consist of replacing words in the source language with words in the target language, it is influenced by the person doing the translating and the public for which the translation is intended. We wanted to examine if translators and their surrounding culture influence the way literary works are translated. We compared Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its three Slovenian translations published in 1921, 1947 and 1960. We based our research on the social and political background of the periods in which the translations were made, mostly focusing on 1947 and the anti-Catholic movement in Slovenia, which was influenced by the Soviet Union. Therefore, we selected from the original text 30 passages that mention religion and the Church. In the analysis we have compared the three Slovene translations and determined that out of 30, only 10 examples exhibited a change in the meaning. One such example was found in the 1921 translation, six in the 1947 translation and four in the 1960 translation, one of the latter examples even expanded the meaning of a religious elements. Ključne besede: Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain, translation, comparison, religion Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.11.2022; Ogledov: 826; Prenosov: 45 Celotno besedilo (902,70 KB) |
3. Metaphorical language and Alzheimer's disease in Lisa Genova's novel Still Alice : m. a. thesisNastja Prajnč Kacijan, 2022, magistrsko delo Opis: The thesis analyses metaphorical language in Lisa Genova’s novel Still Alice. It aims to explain in what ways metaphorical language contributes to the portrayal of Alzheimer’s disease, especially from the point of view of the protagonist, Alice. Alice is 50 years old and at the prime of her career as a professor and researcher when she is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. The novel focuses on her experience of the progressing disease and the way it influences her relationships with her husband and three children. Since scientific terminology is frequently used in the novel, one part of the thesis explains medical terms closely connected to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Another section describes various common portrayals of the two concepts in literature and media, because these reveal the general and stereotypical perception of Alzheimer’s disease and its stigmatized patients. These portrayals are connected to themes of water imagery, apocalyptic imagery or imagery of war or crime. The thesis attempts to discover whether such portrayals are also used within the metaphorical language of the novel, specifically in those excerpts that include either Alzheimer’s disease explicitly or other abstract and physical entities that are connected to the disease. Ključne besede: Still Alice, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, metaphorical language, Lisa Genova. Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.05.2022; Ogledov: 1413; Prenosov: 184 Celotno besedilo (1,34 MB) |
4. Vpliv prevajalskih izbir na pomenski potencial prevoda: slogovna analiza romana Broken HomesTamara Kovač, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Magistrsko delo obravnava angleške izraze in besedne zveze iz romana Broken Homes pisatelja Bena Aaronovitcha in preučuje njihov prevodni potencial ter načelne možnosti, ki bi jih imel prevajalec pri prevajanju v slovenščino na voljo; roman v slovenščino namreč še ni preveden. Zgodba vsebuje veliko kulturnih in jezikovnih elementov, kot so drugi tuji jeziki, sleng, žargon in aluzije, ki jih obravnava ta magistrska naloga. Ti slogovni elementi lahko za prevajalca predstavljajo velik izziv in jih je zato smiselno analizirati še pred začetkom procesa prevajanja. Empirični del naloge temelji na predlogih prevodnih rešitev za izbrane dele besedila ob uporabi dveh ali več prevajalskih strategij ter na njihovi primerjavi, kadar obstaja več prevodnih možnosti. Na ta način magistrska naloga ugotavlja, kako uporaba različnih prevajalskih strategij vpliva na pomenski potencial prevoda v slovenščini in na bralčevo razumevanje zgodbe. Zanima nas, ali se pri prevodu ohranijo ekvivalentni besedilni učinki, kakršne ima original, in kako se ohranijo, ali je pomembno, da se vsak pomen v prevodu ohrani, kakšni so načini za dosego takšnega prevoda, kaj ciljno besedilo pri tem izgubi oziroma pridobi in na kaj mora biti prevajalec pozoren, ko uporablja določene prevajalske strategije. Cilj magistrske naloge je preučiti, kako izbira potencialnih prevodnih rešitev vpliva na pomen v ciljnem besedilu oziroma kako in zakaj se v ciljnem besedilu pri prevajanju spremeni pomen. Ključne besede: prevajanje, roman, Broken Homes, Ben Aaranovitch, književno prevajanje, slogovna analiza, prevajalski problemi, prevajalske strategije, aluzije, sleng, žargon, prevodni potencial, pomenski potencial, potencialne prevodne rešitve Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.07.2021; Ogledov: 951; Prenosov: 75 Celotno besedilo (1,17 MB) |
5. OHRANITI SMEŠNO V SMEŠNEM: PREVAJANJE HUMORJA NA PRIMERU NANIZANKE SODOBNA DRUŽINANina Breznik, 2015, magistrsko delo Opis: Humor je pogosto močno vezan na specifične značilnosti jezika in kulture. Poleg tega je njegovo doživljanje in vrednotenje izrazito subjektivno, saj ima vsakdo svojstven smisel za humor, zato je njegovo prevajanje za prevajalca poseben izziv. Magistrsko delo temelji na predpostavki, da lahko preučevanje humorja pozitivno vpliva na ohranitev humorja v prevodu. Cilji dela so spoznati in razčleniti humor v izvirniku, analizirati humor v prevodu ter primerjati humor v izvirniku in v prevodu. Teoretični obravnavi te teme sledi analiza humorja in njegovega prevoda v humoristični nanizanki Sodobna družina. Raziskovalni vzorec vsebuje 25 epizod Sodobne družine in njihove slovenske podnaslove. Raziskava je razdeljena na tri dele. Prvi del je namenjen preučevanju humorja v izvirniku in analizi sredstev humorja ter njihovega prevajanja v Sodobni družini. Drugi del zajema strategije in dejanja pri prevajanju humorja v teoriji in v podnaslovih obravnavane nanizanke. V tretjem delu raziskave so obravnavani vplivi prevajanja na komični potencial besedila. Rezultati potrjujejo, da razumevanje bistva in namena humorja v izvirniku pripomore k boljši ohranitvi humorja v prevodu. Analiza prevodnih dejanj razkriva, da bi morala biti prevajalčeva najpomembnejša naloga pri prevajanju humorističnega besedila ohranitev humorja. Izbira prevodnih strategij in dejanj mora biti zato v skladu s to prioriteto. Posledica prenosa humorja v drug jezik je lahko enako, bolj ali pa manj komičen prevod v primerjavi z izvirnikom (pri čemer je ponovno treba upoštevati, da je vrednotenje humorja in tudi njegovega prevoda subjektivno). Manj komičen prevod je upravičen samo, kadar v ciljnem jeziku oziroma kulturi tako rekoč ne obstaja enako ali bolj smešna prevodna rešitev. Ključne besede: Ohranitev humorja, prevajanje humorja, podnaslavljanje, komični potencial, smešen, sredstvo humorja, Sodobna družina Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.02.2021; Ogledov: 925; Prenosov: 107 Celotno besedilo (434,61 KB) |
6. Rhetorical Figures Between Traditional Poetry and RapRok Klemenčič, 2020, magistrsko delo Opis: This Master’s thesis looks into figures of speech used in classical poetry as compared to rap. With the help of Heinrich F. Plett’s analytic scheme, we have established a model for future linguistic comparison which could be modified and applied to various fields and works. The results of the analysis have shown similarities and differences between poetry and rap from the point of view of figures as well as other rhetorical devices: rhythm, structure, motifs, etc. The figures are identified and their potential influence on the perception of the poem/rap song is analysed. Stylistic analysis serves as a basis for the comparison, and the thematically connected pairs allow us a deeper insight into the selected works. Some similarities beyond the mere use of figures are established, i.e., motifs, themes, rhythm and meter. This analysis allows us to compare the genres, while the results show tendencies and characteristics typical of either traditional poetry or rap, i.e., use of certain rhymes, orthography, and punctuation. Ključne besede: Figures of speech, Stylistics, Poetry, Rap, Comparative approach Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.01.2021; Ogledov: 977; Prenosov: 117 Celotno besedilo (1,11 MB) |
7. Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth and Leskov’s Sergei from Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk: A Stylistic Comparison of Two AccomplicesNina Gracej, 2020, magistrsko delo Opis: This Master’s Thesis is based on a stylistic analysis and comparison of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov’s Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, in particular the two accomplices and their direct speech. Shakespeare's Macbeth is a well-known tragedy with five homicides committed in fight for the throne. Leskov's Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk is a lesser-known Russian novel, in which an oppressed wife Katerina and her lover commit a series of crimes to achieve their goals. These works feature four protagonists: Macbeth and Katerina, and their partners and accomplices Lady Macbeth and Sergei. Because of the latter two, the plots lead the heroes to their bitter ends. Even though these works do not seem to have much in common, further analysis shows various parallels and shared elements. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a dramatic tragedy, while Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk is a novel. Even though Aristotle (1959, 8) claims that tragedy is intrinsically connected with the dramatic genre, we were able to determine that this novel contains numerous elements of tragedy and can be analyzed as a tragedy. Furthermore, we discovered many parallels between the two: both follow the life of the protagonist, who each have one accomplice (i.e., Lady Macbeth and Sergei). They all desire a better life, and in order to achieve their dreams, they are willing to commit crimes. They all make fatal mistakes and are doomed to fail. In both texts, four murders take place. Our goal was to determine if the crucial murders are more thoroughly presented than the others. Then we analyzed the direct speech (figures of speech) of Sergei and Lady Macbeth in some crucial moments: when manipulating their loved ones and towards the end, when desperation and aggression strike out. When manipulating their partners, they mostly use echphonesis, repetition, antonomasia, sarcasm and antithesis. Towards the end, they become aggressive and anxious. They mostly use erotemas, ecphonesis, antonomasia, irony and sarcasm. Ključne besede: William Shakespeare, Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, stylistic analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.01.2021; Ogledov: 1195; Prenosov: 113 Celotno besedilo (1,13 MB) |
8. Zgodbe kot univerzalno orodje pri poučevanju angleščine kot tujega jezika v waldorfski in javni osnovni šoli v SlovenijiMateja Jošt Kodrun, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: Zgodbe, ki so stare kot človeštvo, iz nas naredijo boljše ljudi, zaradi pripovedovanja, poslušanja in nenazadnje razumevanja zgodb smo bolj socializirani. Vsa ljudstva sveta so pripovedovala zgodbe, kot pravi Le Guin (1980, 30), niso pa vsi izumili kolesa. Skozi zgodbe so se ohranjali spomini na preteklost, ustvarjali so se miti in zgodovina ter nauki. Pomen pripovedovanja zgodb je skozi čas bledel in v veliki meri ga je nadomestilo branje. Tudi zato se zgodbe, ki smo si jih nekoč pripovedovali, niso prenašale iz roda v rod; ostalo nam je, kar je zapisano. Branje, ki je sicer pogosto v starševskih odnosih, recimo v funkciji uspavanja ali umiritve, je že dodobra nadomestila množična uporaba tehnologije. V javnih šolah se spodbuja uporaba tehnologij, tako da je merilo za uspešno delo šol celo opremljenost z informacijsko komunikacijsko tehnologijo. Ravno obratno trdi nemški raziskovalec Manfred Spitzer (2012, 289), ko ugotavlja, da se sposobnosti naših možganov zmanjšujejo z uporabo tehnologij in posledično splošna inteligenca upada. Spitzer svetuje omejitev uporabe tehnologij otrokom, enako menijo na waldorfskih šolah, kjer ta čas raje uporabijo za gibanje in skupinske igre. Prvo poglavje magistrskega dela poskuša odgovoriti na vprašanje, kaj lahko v tem kontekstu razumemo kot zgodbe. Pripovedovanje zgodb v razredu omogoča spoznavanje bogatega jezika. Zgodbe lahko celo nadomestijo učbenike, zaradi česar se učenci lažje povežejo z učitelji. Pripovedovanje zgodb pri pouku tujega jezika učencem omogoča stik s to (isto) tujo kulturo in predvsem z bogatim izvirnim jezikom, ki je primernejši kot prirejene vsebine. To je torej cenejša, a učinkovitejša izbira kot učbenik tujega jezika. Drugo poglavje zajema filozofijo in osnovna načela waldorfske šole ter lastnosti pripovedovanja zgodb. Zgodbe so primerne starosti, na primer, za učenje črk ima vsaka črka svojo zgodbo, ki si jo ob njenem spoznavanju v učilnici pripovedujejo. Ustanovitelj waldorfske šole Rudolf Steiner (1923) je poudarjal trojnost celovitega zadovoljnega človeka, ki deluje preko umetnosti, intelekta in ročnih spretnosti. Na otroke se gleda kot na intelektualna bitja, bitja volje in čutenja. Mišljenje, čutenje in delovanje je treba vzgajati, tako otroka nagovarja preko glave, rok in srca, ki se upošteva pri delu z otroki. Waldorfske šole omogočajo učenje dveh tujih jezikov od prvega razreda naprej. V waldorfski šoli izbor zgodb za učence prilagajajo njihovi starosti, razvoju, celo letnemu času in temperamentu otrok, tako da se čim bolj približajo trenutnim potrebam razreda. Zgodbe v višjih razredih imajo drugačen pomen, recimo v 6. razredu, skozi spoznavanje starodavnih kultur. Otroci tako spoznavajo srednjeveški svet preko zgodb. Empirični del magistrskega dela je razdeljen na dva dela. Predstavljene so tri zgodbice, obravnavane pri pouku treh različnih razredov šestošolcev in test za učence. Pokazalo se je, da so otroci bolj navdušeni nad pripovedovanjem zgodb kot nad njihovim branjem. Četrto poglavje analizira vprašalnike, ki so jih izpolnjevali učenci šestih razredov in učitelji waldorfskih šol. Raziskava je pokazala, da učenci obeh šol med branjem in pripovedovanjem (učitelj bere) raje izberejo slednjega. Dejstvo pa je, da Waldorfski učenci, sploh med poukom, preživijo manj časa pred ekrani in poslušajo več zgodb. Največ učiteljev jim pripoveduje zgodbe enkrat na teden. V nižjih razredih je več pripovedovanja, v višjih pa vedno več branja zgodb. Ključna ugotovitev tega magistrskega dela je, da javne šole pripovedovanja zgodb na splošno ne prepoznavajo kot pomembno učno orodje, vendar je pri pouku angleščine njihova uporaba podobna tisti v waldorfskih šolah. V obeh tipih šol seveda ostaja še mnogo prostora za izboljšave, če so le učitelji poučeni o pripovedovanju in imajo za to zaledje v vodstvu in starših svojih učencev. Ključne besede: pripovedovanje, waldorfska šola, zgodbe, poučevanje angleščine, angleščina kot tuji jezik Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.12.2019; Ogledov: 1800; Prenosov: 282 Celotno besedilo (2,36 MB) |
9. Teaching Literature in Slovene Grammar Schools and Preparation for the General Matura ExaminationBarbara Melanšek, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: The place of literature in English language teaching has been challenged by the emergence of the Communicative approach to teaching English language, the growing emphasis on spoken language and the teaching of English for specific purposes. However, recent years have brought renewed interest in this field, in how literary texts can best be exploited, and how the use of literature in the English classroom can help students improve their English.
The main purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate what approaches to teaching literature are employed by English teachers at Slovene grammar schools, in general and in connection to the preparation for the General Matura Examination. We also wish to examine if and to what extent the requirements of the General Matura for English Language affect the teaching of literature in Slovene Grammar Schools, as well as to unveil the general attitude of Slovene secondary school students toward literature and reading. In the theoretical part of the Master’s thesis, we provide a theoretical framework for using literature in an English classroom, present the main aspects of using English literary texts with grammar school students and provide a few didactic ideas for the in the classroom. Ključne besede: literature teaching, English teaching, grammar school, the General Matura Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.10.2019; Ogledov: 1189; Prenosov: 110 Celotno besedilo (1,35 MB) |
10. Operatic adaptation of Shakespeare`s Romeo and JulietEva Zore, 2018, magistrsko delo Opis: This Master’s Thesis analyses Charles Gounod’s operatic adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The theoretical part introduces the theory of adaptation with a particular focus on operatic adaptations; it then moves on to three modes of adaptations, and discusses the correlation between adaptation and plagiarism. In the second chapter, the thesis identifies and interprets the sources for Shakespeare’s and Gounod’s works, introduces the librettists Jules Barbier and Michael Carré and discusses the background of the period of the operatic production. The main purpose of this thesis is to identify and study stylistic correlation between Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and the libretto of Roméo et Juliette. The thesis further establishes whether the librettists make certain themes from the play more or less prominent. For this purpose, three passages were selected for the contrastive microstructural analysis of the play and its operatic adaptation in the final chapter of this thesis. The intent is to establish whether librettists managed to preserve Shakespeare’s most salient stylistic elements as well as other textual characteristics that have an impact on the interpretative potential of the adaptation. Ključne besede: play, opera, libretto, music, adaptation, microstructural analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2018; Ogledov: 1158; Prenosov: 149 Celotno besedilo (914,05 KB) |