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Life cycle assessment (LCA) of the impact on the environment of a cosmetic cream with gold nanoparticles and hydroxylated fullerene ingredients
Rebeka Rudolf, Peter Majerič, Zorka Novak-Pintarič, Andrej Horvat, Damjan Krajnc, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This review provides a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a cosmetic cream to assess the environmental impacts throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal, using the methodology according to international standards. The LCA was performed using the OpenLCA 2.0.1 software, with data from the Ecoinvent 3.8 database and relevant literature. The assessment focused on multiple impact categories, including climate change, acidification, eutrophication (freshwater, marine and terrestrial), ecotoxicity (freshwater), human toxicity (cancer and non-cancer), ionizing radiation, land use, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone formation, resource use (fossils, minerals and metals), and water use. The LCA of a cosmetic cream containing gold nanoparticles revealed significant environmental impacts across critical categories. The total climate change potential was 2596.95 kg CO2 eq., driven primarily by nanoparticle synthesis (60.7%) and electricity use (31.9%). Eutrophication of freshwater had the highest normalized result (3.000), with nanoparticle synthesis contributing heavily, indicating the need for improved wastewater treatment. The resource use (minerals and metals) scored 1.856, while the freshwater ecotoxicity reached 80,317.23 CTUe, both driven by the nanoparticle production. The human toxicity potentials were 1.39 × 10−6 CTUh (cancer) and 7.45 × 10−5 CTUh (non-cancer), linked to emissions from synthesis and energy use. The LCA of the cosmetic cream revealed several critical areas of environmental impact. The most significant impacts are associated with gold nanoparticle synthesis and electricity use. Addressing these impacts through optimized synthesis processes, improved energy efficiency, and alternative materials can enhance the product’s sustainability profile significantly.
Ključne besede: life cycle assessment, cosmetic cream, environmental impacts, gold nanoparticles
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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7th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy : book of abstracts

Opis: The 7th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy (TBMCE) was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor in collaboration with the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership - Networks for the Transition into Circular Economy (SRIP- Circular Economy), managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska. The conference was held in Portorož, Slovenia, at the Grand Hotel Bernardin from September 4th to September 6th, 2024. EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Adria, SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency and Pomurje Technology Park (as part of the GREENE 4.0 and CI-Hub projects) have joined us as co-organizers. TBMCE 2024 was devoted to presentations of circular economy concepts, technologies and methodologies that contribute to the shift of business entities and society as a whole to a more responsible, circular management of resources. The conference program included panel discussions, plenary and keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations on the following topics: Sustainable Energy, Biomass and Alternative Raw Materials, Circular Business Models, Secondary Raw Materials and Functional Materials, ICT in Circular Economy, Processes and Technologies. Panel discussions addressed following topics: Circular Economy Transition in South East Europe, The transition to carbon neutrality in energy intensive industry, Valorization of used and contaminated wood, Circular economy trends in construction, Critical raw materials and circular economy transition, Industrial Symbiosis and its opportunities for industry, AI and circular economy. The event was under the patronage of Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport and Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development.
Ključne besede: circular economy, sustainable development, processes and technologies, circular business models, research and development
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2024; Ogledov: 93; Prenosov: 20
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6th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy : conference proceedings
2024, zbornik

Opis: The 6th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy (TBMCE) was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the University of Maribor in cooperation with Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership – Networks for the transition into circular economy (SRIP – Circular economy), managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Štajerska. The conference was held in Portorož, Slovenia, at the Grand Hotel Bernardin from September 6th to September 8th, 2023. TBMCE 2023 was devoted to presentations of circular economy concepts, technologies and methodologies that contribute to the shift of business entities and society as a whole to a more responsible, circular management of resources. The conference program included a round table Standardization for circular economy – more secure and less complicated closing of material loops, 6 panel discussions, 1 plenary and 3 keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. The event was under the patronage of Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport and Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development. The Netherlands joined us as a partner country.
Ključne besede: sircular economy, sustainable development, processes and technologies, circular business models, research and development
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.02.2024; Ogledov: 646; Prenosov: 581
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Transitioning towards Net-Zero Emissions in Chemical and Process Industries : A Holistic Perspective
Peter Glavič, Zorka Novak-Pintarič, Helena Levičnik, Vesna Dragojlović, Miloš Bogataj, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Given the urgency to combat climate change and ensure environmental sustainability, this review examines the transition to net-zero emissions in chemical and process industries. It addresses the core areas of carbon emissions reduction, efficient energy use, and sustainable practices. What is new, however, is that it focuses on cutting-edge technologies such as biomass utilization, biotechnology applications, and waste management strategies that are key drivers of this transition. In particular, the study addresses the unique challenges faced by industries such as cement manufacturing and highlights the need for innovative solutions to effectively reduce their carbon footprint. In particular, the role of hydrogen as a clean fuel is at the heart of revolutionizing the chemical and process sectors, pointing the way to cleaner and greener operations. In addition, the manuscript explores the immense importance of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the chemical industry. These initiatives provide a clear roadmap and framework for advancing sustainability, driving innovation, and reducing the industry's environmental impact, and are a notable contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Ultimately, alignment with the European Green Deal and the SDGs can bring numerous benefits to the chemical industry, increasing its competitiveness, promoting societal well-being, and supporting cross-sector collaboration to achieve shared sustainability goals. By highlighting the novelty of integrating cutting-edge technologies, addressing unique industrial challenges, and positioning global initiatives, this report offers valuable insights to guide the chemical and process industries on their transformative path to a sustainable future.
Ključne besede: net zero, energy, process industries, emissions, climate, chemicals, biomass, waste, cement, metals
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.02.2024; Ogledov: 333; Prenosov: 31
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Food Waste to Energy through Innovative Coupling of CHP and Heat Pump
Jan Drofenik, Danijela Urbancl, Darko Goričanec, Zdravko Kravanja, Zorka Novak-Pintarič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents the conceptual design of a technological solution for the efficient conversion of food waste into heat and power. The distribution and composition of food loss and waste at different stages of the food supply chain in Slovenia and their potential for biogas production were determined. It was found that more than 50% of food waste comes from households. Therefore, a small plant was designed to convert food waste into biogas, which was innovatively coupled with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit and a heat pump. This doubles the amount of heat generated compared to conventional cogeneration. Based on the capacity of a micro commercial CHP unit, 3330 households (about 8000 residents) would supply food waste. The heat generated could replace 5% of the natural gas used for domestic water heating. The payback period would be 7.2 years at a heat price of about 80 EUR/MWh, however, for municipalities with more than 40,000 inhabitants the payback period would be reduced to less than 3 years. The cost price of the heat generated by this system would be about 25 EUR/MWh, taking into account the government subsidy for the operation of the CHP unit.
Ključne besede: food waste to energy, biogas, combined heat and power, CHP, heat pump, efficiency, conceptual design, preliminary economic assessment, sensitivity analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.02.2024; Ogledov: 3257; Prenosov: 28
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Kvantitativno spremljanje napredka h krožnemu gospodarstvu : magistrsko delo
Tinkara Ošlovnik, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: V zadnjem desetletju pridobivata na pomenu krožnost in trajnost v vseh segmentih družbe. Podjetja, občine in države merijo napredek h krožnosti in trajnosti, a trenutno ne obstaja sistematičen in integriran okvir, ki bi omogočal poenoteno kvantitativno merjenje napredka na vseh nivojih. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na razvoj integriranega sistema za oceno krožnosti na mikro nivoju. Obravnava analizo prispevkov posameznih kazalnikov, ki jih zbira podjetje, k oceni podindeksa krožnosti posamezne kategorije, npr. vode, odpadkov, energije ipd., ter k oceni skupnega indeksa krožnosti podjetja. Prav tako razišče povezavo med razkrivanjem podatkov v trajnostnih poročilih in možnostjo za njihovo uporabo pri oceni krožnosti podjetja. Ugotovili smo, da se na trgu pojavlja veliko orodij za oceno krožnosti, večina od njih pa ne omogoča podrobnega vpogleda v uporabljeno metodologijo. Večina tudi ne združuje kazalnikov v integrirane indekse krožnosti, ki bi dali informacijo o trendih. Z ilustracijskih primerom ocene krožnosti vode v gospodinjstvu smo ugotovili, da različni sistemi podajo različne končne rezultate ocene krožnosti, a je ob podrobnejši analizi mogoče najti korelacije med posameznimi rezultati. Sistem, ki smo ga zasnovali, je namenjen oceni krožnosti na mikro nivoju, tj. za podjetja, in opredeljuje osnovne kategorije, ki so pomembne za krožno gospodarstvo: voda, odpadki, energija, emisije, poraba materialov. Kategorije sestavljajo kazalniki, ki izhajajo iz podatkov, ki jih zbirajo podjetja. Rezultat metode so podindeksi krožnosti posameznih kategorij ter skupni indeks krožnosti podjetja. Vsi rezultati so izraženi poenoteno z vrednostmi med 0 in 1, pri čemer 0 predstavlja linearnost, 1 pa krožnost. To omogoča večletne primerjave trendov. Rezultati ocene krožnosti konkretnega podjetja za 6-letno obdobje nakazujejo, da vsi kazalniki nimajo enakega vpliva na indeks krožnosti. Če želi podjetje povečati indeks krožnosti, bo največji vpliv doseglo z znižanjem porabe vode, emisij CO2 in NOX ter povečanjem deleža brezogljične električne energije.
Ključne besede: krožno gospodarstvo, ocena krožnosti, podjetje, kvantitativna metoda, MICRON
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.09.2023; Ogledov: 521; Prenosov: 76
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6th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy : book of abstracts

Opis: The 6th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy (TBMCE) was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor in collaboration with the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership - Networks for the Transition into Circular Economy (SRIP- Circular Economy), managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska. The conference was held in Portorož, Slovenia, at the Grand Hotel Bernardin from September 6th to September 8th, 2023. The Netherlands joined us as a partner country of the conference. TBMCE 2023 was devoted to presentations of circular economy concepts, technologies and methodologies that contribute to the shift of business entities and society as a whole to a more responsible, circular management of resources. The conference program included panel discussions, plenary and keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations on the following topics: Sustainable energy, Biomass and alternative raw materials, Circular business models, Secondary raw materials and functional materials, ICT in Circular Economy, Processes and technologies. Panel discussions addressed following topics: Capture, storage or conversion of CO2 or H2?, The potential of small scale biorefining, Circular economy in construction – myth or real opportunity?, Importance of circular communities in international arena, Sector Coupling: pathways to integrated energy systems, Combating water pollution by plastic waste. The event was
Ključne besede: circular economy, sustainable development, processes and technologies, circular business models, research and development
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.09.2023; Ogledov: 525; Prenosov: 64
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5th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy : Conference Proceedings

Opis: The 5th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy (TBMCE) was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska and SRIP- Circular Economy. The conference was held in Portorož, Slovenia, at the Grand Hotel Portorož from September 12th to September 14th, 2022. TBMCE 2022 was devoted to presentations of circular economy concepts, technologies and methodologies that contribute to the shift of business entities and society as a whole to a more responsible, circular management of resources. The conference program included a round table: Asia – factory of the world, what about the EU?, 4 panel discussions, 1 plenary and 4 keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations on the following topics: Sustainable energy, Biomass and alternative raw materials, Circular business models, Secondary raw materials and functional materials, ICT in Circular Economy, Processes and technologies. The event was under the honorary patronage of Mr. Matjaž Han, Minister of Economic Development and Technology.
Ključne besede: circular economy, sustainable development, processes and technologies, circular business models, research and development
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.01.2023; Ogledov: 741; Prenosov: 50
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Ekonomska in gradbena analiza ter analiza življenjskega cikla uporabe konopljinega betona v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
Jernej Gaberc, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrskem delu je na podlagi pregledanih člankov in laboratorijskih preiskav predstavljena raziskava konoplje, konopljinega betona, izdelanih receptur apnenega konopljinega betona in materialov, ki ga sestavljajo. Raziskali smo fizikalne, mehanske in trajnostne lastnosti konopljinega betona in pripravljenih receptur apnenih konopljinih betonov z dodatki granulirane plavžne žlindre in portlandskega cementa 42,5 N, z vsebnostjo 5 % mase konopljinega pezdirja namesto agregata (zrnavosti 0/4 mm). Ugotovili smo, da na lastnosti konopljinega betona v otrdelem stanju vplivajo obdelava in sorta industrijske konoplje ter vrste uporabljenih veziv. Na otrdelih pripravljenih vzorcih smo opravili preiskave tlačnih in upogibnih nateznih trdnosti, od katerih so v obeh primerih najboljše rezultate dali vzorci z dodatkom portlandskega cementa in najslabše tisti z dodatkom mlete granulirane plavžne žlindre. Preverjali smo protimikrobno učinkovitost pripravljenih vzorcev v otrdelem stanju, kjer sta cono inhibicije razvila vzorca z dodatkom deleža cementa in dodatkom cementa skupaj z žlindro v vezivu. Od pripravljenih receptur je TGA/DSC pokazala, da ima največji masni delež CaCO3 in najmanjši masni delež Ca(OH)2 vzorec z dodatkom cementa. Ugotovili smo, da so cene konopljinih betonov v Evropi redko dostopne, močno variirajo zaradi različnih sestav in načina vgrajevanja in so posledično težko primerljive. Primerjava raziskav LCA pri različnih parametrih je dokazala, da je konopljin beton, sestavljen iz konopljinega pezdirja, veziva in vode, v svojem življenjskem ciklu ogljično negativen. Konopljin beton, ki ne vsebuje kamnitega agregata, je primeren za uporabo v Sloveniji, saj obstaja iz njega že več zgrajenih objektov, kot tudi podjetje, ki se ukvarja z gradnjo s konopljinim betonom.
Ključne besede: konopljin beton, industrijska konoplja, analiza življenjskega cikla konopljinega betona
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2022; Ogledov: 720; Prenosov: 103
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