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Techniques of measuring heart rate in cattle
Marjan Janžekovič, Bogomir Muršec, Ignac Janžekovič, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: The intensive animal breeding systems can cause severe environment degradation. However, the highly productive animals are extremely sensitive to the environmental changes. The animal welfare can be in direct contradiction with the need for highly intensive and economically successful milk production. The research is aimed at complementing the method of establishing the stress in calves, race heifers, fattened cattle and milk-cows with different body masses. Measuring of heart rate is one of painless measurements of physiological parameters of stress and, from the point of view of animals it has many advantages over the measurements including taking of blood samples. For measuring the heart rate of different categories of cattle without interference into their body we have tested the usefulness of special apparatuses used worldwide by top sportsmen during training for following up, measuring and monitoring the heart rate. These are Polar monitors of the heart rate, made by Finnish company Polar Electro Oy and working wirelessly with ECG precision. The receiver counts the heart rate on the basis of pulse-to-pulse time average algorithms in 5, 15 or 60-second intervals. The computer interface ensures magnetic transfer of measured and saved data on animals into a PC where the analysis of each collected data file follows. The used type of transmitter "Polar sport tester profi" having two electrodes in an air-tight sealed frame has enabled us to obtain a good signal on calves of up to 180 kg body mass. Periodic response in case of young cattle of up to 280 kg body mass has been registered only if electrolyte was added between the animal skin and the feeler. By further modifications and tests of the mentioned apparatuses the expected response has been reached also on adult animals. We found that use of these apparatuses on animals did not have any influence on special animal acting behaviour. The production of milk and meat in herds did not change during the test.
Keywords: Polar monitors, modified apparatus, heart rate, cattle, measuring
Published in DKUM: 12.07.2017; Views: 1473; Downloads: 102
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Building of mini digester for mesophilic anaerobic digestion
Bogomir Muršec, Peter Vindiš, 2009, professional article

Abstract: Anaerobic digestion is the biological degradation of organic material in the absence of air andmayimply environmental benefits with regard to waste treatment, pollution reduction, energy production, and improvements in agricultural practices. Ananaerobic digester is a system that harnesses this natural process to treat waste, produce biogas that can be converted to heat and electricity and anaerobic digestate, a soil improving material. The paper presents the building of a mini digester for mesophilic anaerobic digestion.With the mini digester the amount of biogas production (methane) from different organic wastes is observed. The basic structure is made of stainless steel, on which other components are fixed. The most important components are the eudiometers, pump and heater with thermostat, fermenters, thermometer and barometer. The experiment is made according to DIN 38 414, part 8. After building of a mini digester some experiments with different organic materials are made.
Keywords: mini digester, mesophilic anaerobic digestion, organic wastes
Published in DKUM: 11.07.2017; Views: 1769; Downloads: 108
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Biogas as a renewable energy source
Matjaž Ošlaj, Bogomir Muršec, 2010, review article

Abstract: Renewable energy technology does not simply produce energy, heat and transport fuel, but also offers the opportunity to live in the footsteps of a reasonable future development. In Europe and other industrialized regions, the main reason for the development of renewable energy is the environment, in particular the concern in relation to global climate change and the need to improve security and diversity of energy supply. In the developing countries, they promise a new hope for renewable primary energy supply in regions without conventional energy and provide an opportunity for sustainable development. Productionof "green energy" from biogas, which is among the renewable energy sources, promises an environmentally less damaging way of obtaining energy by reducing CO emissions into the environment and reduces energy dependence on imported energy sources. Biogas production is of major importance for the sustainable use of agrarian biomass as renewable energy source.
Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas, manure, renewable energy
Published in DKUM: 11.07.2017; Views: 1774; Downloads: 108
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Impact of various rpm levels on rotary and pendulum spreaders performance
Bogomir Muršec, Anton Ploj, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper demonstrates how different levels of shaft revolutions affect the performance of mono-disk rotary and pendulum fertiliser widely used by Slovenian farmers. Tests have been conducted on mono-disk rotary spreader manufactured by the Italian company AGREX, and on a pendulum spreader manufactured by Slovenian companz CREINA fr5om Kranj. To establish the impact of different revolution levels on the transverse spread-dispersion, spread width and flow of a fertiliser, both types of spreaders have been submitted totesting at different rpm levels of the tractor drive shaft: at 290 rpm, 410 rpm, and 540 rpm. It has been astablished that the spread width on both spreaders statisticaly significant (P>0.05) increases with the increase of the rpm`s. The fertiliyer flow statistically significant (P<0.05) changes onlyon the pendulum spreaders, whereas on rotary spreaders it has been found out that the fertilizer flow does not depend on the rpm`s.
Keywords: rotary spreader, pendulum spreader, spread width, spread flow
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1747; Downloads: 36
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A Multi-criteria assessment of energy crops for biogas production
Peter Vindiš, Bogomir Muršec, Črtomir Rozman, Franc Čuš, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents the system for the assessment of energy crops for biogas production. The system is based on simulation modelling and multi criteria decision analysis. The deterministic simulation system consists of deterministic production simulation models that enable different types of costs calculations for the production of energy crops, electrical and heat energy in biogas production. Simulation model results were further evaluated using a qualitative multi-attribute modelling methodology (supported by the software tool DEX-i) and quantitative analytical hierarchical process - APH (supported by software toll Expert Choice 2000). The Analysis showed that by using current model the most relevant alternative used for energy crop for biogas production is maize. The maize results in the best multicriteria evaluation EC=0.248 and DEX-i evaluation = appropriate. the best alternative for maize is sorghum with multicriteria evaluation of EC=0.201 and DEX-i evaluation = less appropriate.
Keywords: simulation model, Expert Choice, AHP, DEX-i, energy, crops, biogas
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1362; Downloads: 43
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Proizvodnja bioplina iz različnih hibridov koruze : diplomsko delo
Matjaž Ošlaj, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: proizvodnja bioplina, koruzni hibridi, fermentor, metan
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1916; Downloads: 56
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