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Peer support as part of scaling-up integrated care in patients with type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary healthcare level : a study protocol
Tina Virtič, Matic Mihevc, Črt Zavrnik, Majda Mori-Lukančič, Tonka Poplas-Susič, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and arterial hypertension (AH) are among the greatest challenges facing health systems worldwide and require comprehensive patient-centred care. The key to successful management in chronic patients is self-management support, which was found to be only weakly implemented in Slovenia. The aim of the study is to develop an evidence-based model of peer support for people with T2D and AH at the primary healthcare level in Slovenia, which could represent a potential solution for upgrading integrated care for these patients. Methods: A prospective interventional, mixed-methods pilot study will begin by recruiting approximately 40 eligible people with T2D and AH through purposive sampling. The participants will receive structured training, led by a specialist nurse, to become trained peer supporters. Each will voluntarily share their knowledge and experience at monthly group meetings with up to 10 people with T2D and AH over a three-month period in the local community. Data will be collected through interviews and focus groups and questionnaires about socio-demographic and clinical data, knowledge about T2D and AH, participants’ quality of life, level of empowerment and acceptability of the intervention. Expected results: The study will provide an evidence-based model for integrating peer support into the local community. It is expected that the intervention will prove feasible and acceptable with educational, psychosocial and behavioural benefits. Conclusion: Peer support through empowerment of people with T2D and AH, family members and other informal caregivers in the local community could scale-up the integrated care continuum and contribute to sustainability of the healthcare system.
Keywords: diabetes type 2, arterial hypertension, peer support, self-management, integrated primary, healthcare
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 4
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Telemonitoring of elderly with hypertension and type 2 diabetes at the primary care level : protocol for a multicentric randomized controlled pilot study
Matic Mihevc, Črt Zavrnik, Majda Mori-Lukančič, Tina Virtič, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, Marija Petek Šter, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Tonka Poplas-Susič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction: Arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) represent a significant burden for the public health system, with an exceptionally high prevalence in patients aged ≥65 years. This study aims to test the acceptability, clinical effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of telemonitoring in elderly patients with AH and T2D at the primary care level. Methods: A m ulti-centre, prospective, randomized, controlled t rial w ill be conducted. Patients a ged ≥ 65 y ears with AH and T2D will be randomized in a 1:1 proportion to a mHealth intervention or standard care group. Patients in the intervention group will measure their blood pressure (BP) twice weekly and blood glucose (BG) once monthly. The readings will be synchronously transmitted via a mobile application to the telemonitoring platform, where they will be reviewed by a general practitioner who will indicate changes in measurement regimen or carry out a teleconsultation. The primary endpoint will be a change in systolic BP (SBP) and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) relative to standard care up to 12 months after inclusion. Secondary endpoints will be a change in other observed clinical variables, quality-of-life indexes, and costs. Expected results: Telemonitoring will be an acceptable method of care associated with significant reductions in SBP and HbA1c levels and an increase in quality-of-life indexes in the intervention group. However, the cost-effectiveness threshold (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio below €25,000/quality-adjusted life year) might not be reached. Conclusion: This study will provide new evidence for scaling up telemonitoring network at the primary care level and modifying telemonitoring protocols to achieve the best clinical and cost-effective outcomes.
Keywords: mobile health, telemonitoring, blood pressure, blood glucose, HbA1c, aged, primary health care, costs
Published in DKUM: 27.06.2024; Views: 178; Downloads: 8
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Effects of differential time and difficulty weighting on the improvement of OSCE quality metrics
Matic Mihevc, Klara Masnik, Tadej Petreski, Nejc Pulko, Sebastjan Bevc, 2022, original scientific article

Keywords: OSCE, clinical skills, peer assessment, quality metrics, weighting, outliers
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2023; Views: 487; Downloads: 56
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Pojav akutne ledvične odpovedi pri bolnikih z akutnim miokardnim infarktom z dvigom veznice ST
Klara Masnik, Matic Mihevc, 2017, final research report

Published in DKUM: 23.07.2018; Views: 1963; Downloads: 74
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Klinični priročnik za študente splošne medicine
Matic Mihevc, 2016, higher education exercise book

Abstract: Klinični priročnik je namenjen vsem študentom splošne medicine, ki se tako ali drugače srečujejo z bolniki izbranega področja medicine (interna medicina, kirurgija, pediatrija, otorinolaringologija, psihiatrija, oftalmologija, nevrologija, dermatovenerologija, ginekologija, infekcijske bolezni, urgentna medicina, družinska medicina). Veščine kakovostnega jemanja anamneze, izvedbe kliničnega statusa in ostalih kliničnih veščin predstavljenih v knjigi (interpretacija ekg, rentgenskega posnetka prsnega koša, acidobaznega ravnotežja; pisanje recepta, napotnice, delovnega naloga; odvzem arterijske krvi, vstavljenje urinskega katetra pri bolniku, odvzem venske krvi na roki, izvedba rektalnega pregleda), so ključne za uspešno postavitev diagnoze. Klinični priročnik je zasnovan kot opomnik in ni nadomestilo za strokovno literaturo izbranih področij. Študentom služi kot pripomoček k uspešnejšemu in samozavestnejšemu pristopu k bolnikom, hkrati pa študente spodbuja, da svoje znanje utrjujejo, dopolnjujejo in kritično vrednotijo tudi izven njegovega obsega ter se s pomočjo svojih mentorjev usposobijo za pravilno opravljanje postopkov zapisanih v priročniku.
Keywords: propedevtika, anamneza, telesni pregled, interna medicina, ekg
Published in DKUM: 18.01.2017; Views: 5725; Downloads: 1535
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