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Fluctuating number of energy levels in mixed-type lemon billiards
Črt Lozej, Dragan Lukman, Marko Robnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, the fluctuation properties of the number of energy levels (mode fluctuation) are studied in the mixed-type lemon billiards at high lying energies. The boundary of the lemon billiards is defined by the intersection of two circles of equal unit radius with the distance 2B between the centers, as introduced by Heller and Tomsovic. In this paper, the case of two billiards, defined by B = 0.1953, 0.083, is studied. It is shown that the fluctuation of the number of energy levels follows the Gaussian distribution quite accurately, even though the relative fraction of the chaotic part of the phase space is only 0.28 and 0.16, respectively. The theoretical description of spectral fluctuations in the Berry-Robnik picture is discussed. Also, the (golden mean) integrable rectangular billiard is studied and an almost Gaussian distribution is obtained, in contrast to theory expectations. However, the variance as a function of energy, E, behaves as - E, in agreement with the theoretical prediction by Steiner.
Ključne besede: nonlinear dynamics, quantum chaos, mixed-type systems, energy level statistics, lemon billiards, billiards
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2023; Ogledov: 518; Prenosov: 24
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Phenomenology of quantum eigenstates in mixed-type systems: Lemon billiards with complex phase space structure
Črt Lozej, Dragan Lukman, Marko Robnik, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The boundary of the lemon billiards is defined by the intersection of two circles of equal unit radius with the distance 2B between their centers, as introduced by Heller and Tomsovic [E. J. Heller and S. Tomsovic, Phys. Today 46, 38 (1993)]. This paper is a continuation of our recent papers on a classical and quantum ergodic lemon billiard (B = 0.5) with strong stickiness effects [C. Lozej ˇ et al., Phys. Rev. E 103, 012204 (2021)], as well as on the three billiards with a simple mixed-type phase space and no stickiness [C. Lozej ˇ et al., Nonlin. Phenom. Complex Syst. 24, 1 (2021)]. Here we study two classical and quantum lemon billiards, for the cases B = 0.1953, 0.083, which are mixed-type billiards with a complex structure of phase space, without significant stickiness regions. A preliminary study of their spectra was published recently [ C. Lozej, D. Lukman, and M. ˇ Robnik, Physics 3, 888 (2021)]. We calculate a very large number (106) of consecutive eigenstates and their Poincaré-Husimi (PH) functions, and analyze their localization properties by studying the entropy localization measure and the normalized inverse participation ratio. We introduce an overlap index, which measures the degree of the overlap of PH functions with classically regular and chaotic regions. We observe the existence of regular states associated with invariant tori and chaotic states associated with the classically chaotic regions, and also the mixed-type states. We show that in accordance with the Berry-Robnik picture and the principle of uniform semiclassical condensation of PH functions, the relative fraction of mixed-type states decreases as a power law with increasing energy, thus, in the strict semiclassical limit, leaving only purely regular and chaotic states. Our approach offers a general phenomenological overview of the structural and localization properties of PH functions in quantum mixed-type Hamiltonian systems.
Ključne besede: quantum physics, energy, localization, quantum chaos, billiards, chaotic systems
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.10.2023; Ogledov: 288; Prenosov: 23
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Quantum chaos in triangular billiards
Črt Lozej, Giulio Casati, Tomaž Prosen, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We present an extensive numerical study of spectral statistics and eigenfunctions of quantized triangular billiards. We compute two million consecutive eigenvalues for six representative cases of triangular billiards, three with generic angles with irrational ratios with π, whose classical dynamics is presumably mixing, and three with exactly one angle rational with π, which are presumably only weakly mixing or even nonergodic in case of right triangles. We find excellent agreement of short- and long-range spectral statistics with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrix theory for the most irrational generic triangle, while the other cases show small but significant deviations which are attributed either to a scarring or superscarring mechanism. This result, which extends the quantum chaos conjecture to systems with dynamical mixing in the absence of hard (Lyapunov) chaos, has been corroborated by analyzing distributions of phase-space localization measures of eigenstates and inspecting the structure of characteristic typical and atypical eigenfunctions.
Ključne besede: quantum physics, quantum chaos, quantum scars, wave chaos, billiards, chaos and nonlinear dynamics, ergodic theory
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.10.2023; Ogledov: 294; Prenosov: 43
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Transport and Localization in Classical and Quantum Billiards
Črt Lozej, 2020, doktorska disertacija

Opis: In this thesis the classical and quantum dynamics in billiard systems are considered. Extensive numerical studies of the classical transport properties in several examples of billiard families including the ergodic Bunimovich stadium and cut-circle billiards and the mixed-type Robnik and lemon billiards are performed. The analysis of the transport is based on the random model of diffusion which assumes that due the strongly chaotic dynamics the motion of the orbit on the discretized phase space is temporally uncorrelated. The cause of the deviations from the random model dynamics is traced to dynamical trapping due to stickiness. A novel approach to locally quantifying stickiness based on the statistics of the recurrence times is presented and applied to distinguish between exponential decays of recurrence times and other types of decays. This enables the identification of sticky areas in the chaotic components. Detailed maps of their structure for a wide range of parameter values, mapping the evolution of the mixed-phase spaces and revealing some particularly interesting special examples are presented. The recurrence time distributions in sticky areas are found to be well described by a mixture of exponential decays. The transport of particle ensembles in the momentum space of classical billiards is described by using an inhomogeneous diffusion model and the classical transport times are determined. The classical transport times are vital for the analysis of the localization of chaotic eigenstates in quantum billiards. The control parameter that describes the the degree of localization of the chaotic quantum eigenstates is the ratio between the Heisenberg time (Planck's constant divided by the mean level spacing) and the classical transport time. Extensive numerical calculations of the high-lying spectra and eigenstates of the stadium, Robnik and lemon quantum billiards are performed. The spectral statistics are analysed in terms of the standard methods of quantum chaos. The level repulsion exponent of localized eigenstates is found to be a rational function of the control parameter. The degree of localization is determined with respect to localization measures based on the Poincaré-Husimi representation of the eigenstates. The mean localization measure is found to be a rational function of the control parameter and linearly related to the level repulsion exponent. The distributions of the localization measures are analysed and found to be of a universal shape well described by a two parameter empirical distribution in billiards with no apparent stickiness. The nonuniversal system specific features of localization measure distributions are related to the presence of sticky areas in the phase spaces of classical billiards with specific examples shown.
Ključne besede: Transport, localization, chaos, quantum chaos, Hamiltonian systems, level spacing distribution, mixed phase space, billiard, quantum billiard, Husimi functions, stickiness, cantorus, chaotic eigenstates, level repulsion.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.01.2021; Ogledov: 1559; Prenosov: 164
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Marša Lozej, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: Ulcerozni kolitis spada med kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni in vpliva v veliki meri na samo kakovost pacientovega življenja. Pacienti z ulceroznim kolitisom sodijo v skupino kroničnih pacientov pri katerih so otežene številne osnovne življenjske aktivnosti, ki neposredno vplivajo na njihov vsakdan. Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo svojci pacienta, kateri ga podpirajo in spodbujajo pri vsakdanjih opravilih.
Ključne besede: Ulcerozni kolitis, zdravstvena nega, model življenja, pacient, medicinska sestra.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2017; Ogledov: 2016; Prenosov: 150
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Razvoj in trženje turistične ponudbe pri Divaški jami : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Borut Lozej, 2007, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: Divaška jama, avtokamp, trženje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.03.2008; Ogledov: 2060; Prenosov: 150

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