1. Simulation and mechanical properties of fine-grained heat-affected zone microstructure in 18CrNiMo7-6 steelTomaž Vuherer, Fidan Smaili, Edvard Bjelajac, Mirza Manjgo, Gorazd Lojen, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Heat-affected zones (HAZs) in real welds are usually quite narrow, and consequently most standard mechanical tests are difficult or even impossible. Therefore, simulated microstructures are often used for mechanical tests. However, the most often used weld thermal cycle simulator produces only a few millimeters wide area of simulated microstructure in the middle of specimens. Consequently, these kind of simulated specimen are not suitable for standard tensile tests, and even for Charpy impact tests, the simulated area can be too narrow. Therefore, to investigate the mechanical properties of a fine-grain heat-affected zone in 18CrNiMo7-6 steel, two methods were used for simulation of as-welded microstructures: (a) a weld thermal cycle simulator, and (b) as an alternative, though not yet verified option, austenitizing in a laboratory furnace + water quenching. The microstructures were compared and mechanical properties investigated. The grain sizes of the simulated specimens were 10.9 μm (water-quenched) and 12.6 μm (simulator), whereby the deviations from the real weld were less than 10%. Both types of simulated specimen were used for hardness measurement, Charpy impact tests, and fatigue tests. Water-quenched specimens were large enough to enable standard tensile testing. A hardness of 425 HV, yield strength Rp02 = 1121 MPa, tensile strength Rm = 1475 MPa, impact energy KV = 73.11 J, and crack propagation threshold ΔKthR = 4.33 MPa m0.5 were obtained with the water quenched specimens, and 419 HV, KV = 101.49 J, and ΔKthR = 3.4 MPa m0.5 with the specimens prepared with the simulator. Comparison of the results confirmed that the annealed and quenched specimens were suitable for mechanical tests of FG HAZs, even for standard tensile tests. Due to the use of simulated test specimens, the mechanical properties determined can be linked to the FG HAZ microstructure in 18CrNiMo7-6 steel. Keywords: weld joint, fine-grained HAZ, simulation of microstructure, hardness, impact toughness, tensile properties, fatigue crack growth, 18CrNiMo7-6 steel Published in DKUM: 05.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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2. Preizkušanje kakovosti zvarov obločno varjenih navojnih čepovNeja Turk, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo je bilo osredotočeno na preiskavo ustreznosti zvarov na varilnih čepih s standardom EN ISO 14555. Za ugotavljanje smo uporabili mehanske preizkuse – natezni preizkus, upogibni preizkus, torzijski preizkus in merjenje trdote z Vickersovo metodo. Z analizo rezultatov preizkusov smo želeli ugotoviti, s čim bi lahko izboljšali kvaliteto zvarov. V diplomskem delu bo predstavljeno teoretično ozadje obločnega varjenja z zaščito s keramičnimi obročki in mehanskimi preizkusi, izvedba preizkusov in analiza pridobljenih rezultatov. Keywords: obločno varjenje z zaščito s keramičnimi obročki, natezni preizkus, upogibni preizkus, torzijski preizkus, merjenje trdote po Vickersu, varilni čepi Published in DKUM: 17.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9
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3. Comparison of the mechanical properties of hardfacings made by standard coated stick electrodes and a newly developed rectangular stick electrodeEdvard Bjelajac, Andrej Skumavc, Gorazd Lojen, Mirza Manjgo, Tomaž Vuherer, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Cladding with a stick electrode is one of the oldest arc processes for adding a deposit on a base material. The process is suitable for outdoor working, but the disadvantages are low productivity and large dilution rates. In this work, a simple solution is proposed, which would enable cladding of a larger area with one pass and decrease the dilution rate at the same time—a new type of electrode was developed, exhibiting a rectangular cross-section instead of a round one. Hardfacings, welded with E Fe8 electrodes according to EN 14 700 Standard were welded on mild steel S355 J2 base material with three different coated stick electrodes. The first one was a commercially available, standard, round hardfacing electrode, the second was the same, but with a thinner coating, and the third one was a newly developed rectangular electrode. All three types had equal cross-sections of the metallic core and the same type of coating. Manufacturing of the rectangular electrodes in the laboratory is explained briefly. One- and multi-layer deposits were welded with all three types. Differences were observed in the arc behavior between the round and rectangular electrodes. With the rectangular electrode, the microstructure of the deposit was finer, penetration was shallower, and dilution rates were lower, while the hardness was higher, residual stresses predominantly compressive, and the results of instrumented Charpy impact tests and fracture mechanics tests were better. Keywords: hardfacing, dilution rate, hardness, Charpy impact toughness, residual stress, fracture toughness Published in DKUM: 14.05.2024; Views: 298; Downloads: 20
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4. Experimental study of crack propagation through cladded 316L/S355 steel produced by the hot-roll bonding processEdvard Bjelajac, Andrej Skumavc, Fidan Smaili, Gorazd Lojen, Jožef Predan, Tomaž Vuherer, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: A hot-rolled clad plate made of 316L stainless steel and S355 carbon steel was produced in a real industrial environment via GMAW welding, vacuuming, preheating to 1240 °C, and hot-roll bonding on four stand plate mills in nine passes with reduction rates between 20-6% per pass. The clad plates were solution annealed to achieve the usual delivery condition. Ultrasound testing showed a bonding rate of 100%. Metallographic examination revealed predominantly low concentrations of oxides at the interface. The tensile strength of the bond reached 155 MPa. The shear strength always satisfied the requirements of ASTM A264. It was observed that the concentration of oxide particles influenced the shear strength strongly. The lowest measured value was 172 MPa. Specimens notched in the base material and specimens notched in the clad layer were used in the Charpy impact test. In every case, only the notched layer broke, while the other layer was only bent. The absorbed energies were always higher than those of each material alone. Fracture mechanic tests gave similar results. The crack could not propagate from the notched layer into the other one, regardless of the material of the notched layer. Instead, delamination occurred. Due to delamination, K1c could not be determined, so KQ was given instead. Keywords: clad plate, hot-roll bonding, shear strength, tensile strength, impact toughness, crack propagation Published in DKUM: 28.03.2024; Views: 210; Downloads: 17
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5. Fine martensite and beta-grain variational effects on mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V while laser parameters change in laser powder bed fusionSnehashis Pal, Tonica Bončina, Gorazd Lojen, Tomaž Brajlih, Erika Švara Fabjan, Nenad Gubeljak, Matjaž Finšgar, Igor Drstvenšek, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: martensite, Ti-6Al-4V, microstructure, tensile strenght, selective laser melting Published in DKUM: 26.01.2024; Views: 285; Downloads: 19
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6. Določitev Wöhlerjeve krivulje za izbrano jeklo z rotacijskim upogibnim preizkusom : diplomsko deloUrban Smogavec, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu je skonstruirana Wöhlerjeva krivulja za jeklo 42CrMo4 na osnovi rotacijskega upogibnega preizkusa po standardu ISO 1143. V delu je opisano utrujanje materiala, utrujenostne razpoke, različne vrste obremenitev za utrujanje in namen dinamičnih preizkusov in Wöhlerjeva krivulja. Predstavljen je material, uporabljen v tem delu, izbrani način preizkušanja, opisan je rotacijski upogibni stroj, oblika in mere preizkušancev, načrt izvedbe preizkusov, rezultati preizkusov in diskusija. Keywords: dinamični preizkusi, utrujanje, Wöhlerjeva krivulja, jeklo 42CrMo4 Published in DKUM: 07.07.2023; Views: 348; Downloads: 43
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7. Obločno varjenje čepov na konstrukcijskem jeklu : magistrsko deloAlen Žveglič, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo je bilo osredotočeno na preučevanje obločnega varjenja čepov s
konstrukcijskim jeklom. V preiskavi so bili uporabljeni visokotrdnostni varilni čepi oz. vijaki
razreda 8.8, katerih varivost smo preverili skozi uporabo vizualnega ocenjevanja, mehanskih
preizkusov, kamor spadata upogibni in natezni preizkus, makro preiskav in meritev trdot. V
nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je trenutni postopek varjenja, ki ga uporabljamo v podjetju Preis
Sevnica, d. o. o., primeren za varjenje čepov iz tovrstnega materiala. Če je odgovor ne, potem
smo želeli izboljšati postopek v tej smeri, da bi se lahko na zvarjenih čepih izognili dodatnemu
(preventivnemu) pretaljevanju zvara s postopkom TIG. V magistrskem delu bom predstavil
celotno raziskavo, ki se je začela s preučevanjem varilnih standardov, člankov in materialnih
lastnosti, končala pa z analiziranjem podatkov, pridobljenih iz eksperimentalnega dela, ter
zbranih zaključkov. Keywords: obločno varjenje čepov, mehanski preizkusi, meritve trdot, upogibni
preizkusi, natezni preizkusi, makro preiskave, visokotrdnostni varilni čepi, konstrukcijsko jeklo Published in DKUM: 16.09.2021; Views: 1286; Downloads: 88
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8. Vpliv žarjenja za odpravo zaostalih napetosti na navarih zavarjenih po epp postopkuŽiga Tajnikar, 2018, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava vpliv žarjenja za odpravo zaostalih napetosti na navarih, zavarjenih po postopku EPP. Za raziskavo so bili izdelani preizkušanci z navari, med katerimi so bili trije preizkušanci izpostavljeni različnim temperaturam žarjenja in četrti preizkušanec, ki je ostal v varjenem stanju brez žarjenja za odpravo zaostalih napetosti. Na preizkušancih je bila izmerjena stopnja deformacije s koordinatno merilno napravo in zaostale napetosti z magnetno metodo. Meritve so pokazale, da ima višina temperature žarenja pomemben vpliv na velikost zaostalih napetosti in stopnjo deformacije na preizkušancih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da učinkovitost žarjenja s temperaturo narašča le do maksimalne temperature, ki je odvisna od izbranega osnovnega in dodajnega materiala. Z nadaljnjim zvišanjem temperature se učinkovitost žarjenja ponovno zmanjša. Keywords: varjenje, postopek EPP, zaostale napetosti, deformacija Published in DKUM: 09.02.2018; Views: 1657; Downloads: 155
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9. Metalografska preiskava nosilca žigaTomi Kenda, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V podjetju GKN Driveline Slovenija prihaja do težav pri izdelavi kletk ležajev za homokinetični zglob, in sicer pri prebijanju okenc na kletki, v katero so vstavljene ležajne kroglice. V podjetju želijo zagotoviti daljšo življenjsko dobo nosilca orodja za prebijanje in so se odločili v prvi fazi preiskati ali je uporabljen predpisani material in/ali je toplotno obdelan kot predvideva tehniška dokumentacija. Naloga zajema pregled prelomnih površin, kemijsko analizo, preiskavo mikrostrukture in merjenje trdote. Vse preiskave so privedle do ugotovitve, da sta material in toplotna obdelava materiala v skladu s tehniško dokumentacijo. Rešitev je potrebno zato poiskati bodisi v drugem materialu, drugačni obdelavi ali v spremembi konstrukcije nosilca. Keywords: GKN, Nosilec žiga, Metalografska preiskava, Meritve trdote Published in DKUM: 10.11.2017; Views: 1146; Downloads: 150
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10. Synthesis and characterization of hardened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloyGoran Brovč, Goran Dražić, Blaž Karpe, Igor Đorđević, Gorazd Lojen, Borut Kosec, Milan Bizjak, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: In the manufacturing industry of electrical contacts, the prohibition of the use of toxic metals (Cd, Be), and desire to avoid the alloying with precious metals (Ag) has created a need for new alloys with good electrical conductivity and high mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. As a potentially useful material for this purpose, we have analyzed the continuously cast Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy in various heat treatment conditions. Sequence of phase transformations during heat treatment was followed by 4 point D.C. electrical resistivity measuring method, and analyzed by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Measurements of Vickers hardness and electrical conductivity after various heat treatment procedures indicate on high potential of Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloys as a material for electrical contacts. Keywords: copper alloys, precipitation hardening, electrical contacts, electrical conductivity Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 2320; Downloads: 97
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