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The consolidation of emulsion templating and thiol-ene click chemistry as a route to degradable polyhipes for biomedical applications : doktorska disertacija
Viola Hobiger, 2022, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Thiol-ene click chemistry has been on the rise for the past two decades. In the past years, it has also found its way into the synthesis of porous polymers from emulsion templating (polyHIPEs) due to its versatility and convenience. It is an especially attractive pathway for scaffolds intended for biomedical purposes since the resulting materials are often biocompatible and degradable due to hydrolyzable ester bonds introduced via the thiol monomers. The overall aim of this dissertation was to bring thiol-ene click chemistry with a focus on photopolymerization to the forefront of polyHIPE research, highlighting the great potential in combining the preparation technique of emulsion templating together with thiol-ene click chemistry. A study to understand the mechanisms of emulsion stability with a focus on already established thiol-ene formulations was conducted. It was possible to study and synthesize materials with a bicontinuous pore morphology within this project. Compared to the typical cellular pore morphology of a polyHIPE, a bicontinuous structure could be especially useful for separation applications. Furthermore, it was possible to induce a phase inversion, leading to small polymer particles. One part of the dissertation focused on synthesizing hydrophilic polyHIPEs from poly(ethylene glycol) monomers and a hydrophilic thiol through an oil-in-water high internal phase emulsion. The resulting materials exhibited high porosity and small average pore diameters of 2.2 µm. Water uptake and degradation studies were performed. The potential of the material for drug release was demonstrated with the chosen model drug salicylic acid. Furthermore, a HIPE formulation based on the acrylate 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate and thiol tris[(3-mercaptopropionyloxy)-ethyl]-isocyanurate was developed. For the developed poly(acrylate-co-thiol) polyHIPEs, the effect of oxidation thioethers present in the polymer network on the material properties was explored. This investigation was performed firstly to tune material properties, e.g. increase the glass transition temperature and tensile strength, and secondly, to highlight the oxidation properties of thioether-containing polymer networks. The oxidation responsiveness should be considered when a biomedical application is envisioned since inflammatory processes lead to oxidative stress in an organism. The formulation was also investigated for its additive manufacturing potential. The emulsion composition had to be adjusted to obtain a printable emulsion. Furthermore, it was possible to exclude harmful solvents, making the overall printing process more environmentally friendly and less hazardous for operators. A polyHIPE from the biobased vinyl ester O,O‘-(hexahydrofuro[3,2-b]furan-3,6-diyl) divinyl diadipate (GDVA), which was especially promising as a biocompatible and biodegradable scaffold for tissue engineering, was prepared together with different thiol chain-transfer agents. The synthesis of cellular interconnected polyHIPEs from these starting materials proved challenging. However, the first synthesis of a biobased vinyl ester polyHIPE could be reported. A final project was conducted in collaboration with Lithoz GmbH. In collaboration, it was possible to establish the first 3D printed ceramics from high internal phase emulsion precursors. For this purpose, trimethylolpropantriacrylte and the thiol trimethylolpropane tris(3-mercaptopropionate) were employed as monomers together with alumina particles to form a composite polyHIPE which would then be submitted to sintering, resulting in an intrinsically porous printed ceramic, allowing for high customization and complex porous morphologies.
Keywords: polyHIPE, thiol-ene, photopolymerization, additive manufacturing
Published in DKUM: 07.10.2022; Views: 734; Downloads: 105
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Thiol-ene chemistry and emulsion templating for microcellular open porous polymer preparation
Maja Sušec, Robert Liska, Peter Krajnc, 2013, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: polimeri
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1532; Downloads: 46
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Polihipe materiali za rast bioloških celic pripravljeni s tiol-en polimerizacijo
Maja Sušec, 2014, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Tkivno inženirstvo je tehnika, ki temelji na regeneraciji različnih tipov celic, ki rastejo na ustrezni podlagi. V zadnjem času tkivno inženirstvo in tkivne kulture pridobivajo na pomembnosti zaradi uspešne uporabnosti v biomedicini. Tkivno inženirstvo je zelo uporabno predvsem na področju rasti tkiv, presajanja organov in na področju rekonstruktivne kirurgije. Uporaba ustreznih materialov kot matrik je ključnega pomena za tkivno inženirstvo in tudi pri oblikovanju umetne, zunajcelične matrike (podlage), ki podpira 3D tkivno tvorbo. Polimeri so primarni materiali, ki se uporabljajo za ustrezno podlago na področju tkivnega inženirstva, vključno za rast kosti, hrustanca, krvnih žil, mehurja, kože in drugih tkiv. Gre za uporabo kombinacije celic in materialov ter pripadajočih biokemijskih in fizikalno-kemijskih faktorjev za izvajanje ali nadomestilo bioloških funkcij. Za uspešno rast tkiva in razmnoževanje celic je ustrezna podlaga nujna in tako je tudi zelo pomembno, da kontroliramo morfologijo, porozno strukturo in velikost porazdelitve por ustreznega materiala. Poroznost polimernega materiala je lahko dosežena skozi različne procese, med njimi je emulzija osnova za pripravo poroznih materialov. Poleg omenjenih parametrov je znano, da je rast celic boljša na tridimenzionalni porozni podlagi. Dodatno pa je potrebno upoštevati še biokompatibilnost in biorazgradljivost podlage. Ustrezne nosilce smo pripravili tudi s pomočjo polimerov pripravljenih s pomočjo emulzij. Pripravili smo emulzije z visokim deležem notranje faze, pri čemer volumen notranje faze emulzije presega 74.05 % in tako pripravili poliHIPE materiale, ki so bili uporabljeni tudi kot substrati za tkivno inženirstvo. O poliHIP-ih je glede tkivnega inženirstva poznanega zelo malo. Ponavadi so poliHIPE materiali producirani tekom radikalne verižne polimerizacije in tako biodegradibilnost nastalega materiala lahko predstavlja problem. Klasične metode za procesiranje polimernih materialov kot so ekstruzija ali brizganje so pogosto uporabljene za proizvajanje tipičnih biokompatibilnih in biodegradabilnih materialov kot so poli(mlečna kislina) za izdelavo šivov, materiali za vezavo kosti in materiali za druge medicinske pripomočke. Na žalost pa imajo te tehnike zelo omejene zmogljivost za proizvodnjo celičnih matrik. Alternativna metoda kot je litje topila, izpiranje delcev, penjenje plinov and lepljenje vlaken imajo tudi nekatere omejitve kot so nizka sposobnost za natančno kontrolo velikosti por, geometrije por, medsebojne povezanosti por, prostorsko porazdelitev por in konstrukcijo notranjih poti v matriko (podlago). Eden od pomembnih dosežkov v tkivnem inženirstvu je bil razvoj tridimenzionalnih matrik, ki usmerjajo celice, da tvorijo funkcionalna tkiva. Nedavno poznane proizvodne tehnike poznane kot izdelava prosto oblikovanih površin (Solid Freee Form Fabrication-SFF), ali hitra izdelava prototipov (rapid prototoyping-RP), se uspešno uporabljajo za proizvodnjo kompleksnih matrik. Fotopolimerizabilen metakrilat se uporablja kot večina ostalih monomerov, ki so danes na tržišču oz. kot biokompatibilen in biodegradabilen monomer, ki je pogosta tema raziskav v zadnjem obdobju. Čeprav ima ta material številne prednosti pred PLA (poli mlečna kislina) saj na mehanske lastnosti in degradacijsko obnašanje lahko vplivamo. je kot monomer dražljiv. Zato smo razvili novo generacijo biokompatibilnih in biodegradabilnih fotopolimerov, ki temeljijo na vinilestrih in vinilkarbonatih, ki imajo enake prednosti kot (met)akrilati in se izogibajo večini slabih lastnosti. Poleg enostavne sinteze in zelo nizke monomerne citotoksičnosti, nastanejo nestrupeni razgradni produkti, ki se zlahka izločajo iz človeškega telesa. Prvi in vivo eksperimenti so takšni materiali pokazali odlično biokompatibilnost. Raziskovalno doktorsko delo je bilo osredotočeno tudi na pripravo biokompatibilnih in biorazgradljivih poroznih polimerov preko HIPE in uvedba druge hierarhične ravni v 50-100 µm preko 3D fotopolimerizacije. Preizkuï
Keywords: poliHIPE, tiol-ene kemija, biološke celice, fotopolimerizacija
Published in DKUM: 05.12.2014; Views: 3107; Downloads: 283
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