1. Razvoj aktivnog turizma u destinaciji Cazin - primjer tematske pješačke staze "Stazom kestena" : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijaAlmaida Mizić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na razvoj aktivnega turizma v občini Cazin, s posebnim poudarkom na oblikovanju tematske pohodniške poti z imenom "Pot kostanja". Cilj raziskave je bil preučiti potencial tega območja za razvoj novega turističnega produkta, ki bi lahko obogatil turistično ponudbo in pritegnil večje število obiskovalcev. Naloga analizira trenutne razmere v Cazinu, vključno z naravnimi viri, kot so kostanjevi gozdovi, ki so prepoznani kot ključna ekološka in ekonomska komponenta regije. Prav tako obravnava prednosti in izzive aktivnega turizma, s poudarkom na trajnostnem razvoju in ohranjanju naravne dediščine. Primerjalna analiza tematskih poti v Bosni in Hercegovini ter Sloveniji je omogočila vpogled v dobre prakse, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti pri razvoju poti v Cazinu. Poleg tega so rezultati raziskave, vključno s fokusnimi skupinami in intervjuji z lokalnim prebivalstvom, pokazali, da obstaja velik interes za to pobudo, vendar je potrebna dodatna vlaganja v infrastrukturo in izobraževanje. Zaključno naloga podaja smernice za prihodnji razvoj aktivnega turizma v Cazinu, poudarjajoč pomembnost vključevanja trajnostnih praks za zagotovitev dolgoročnega uspeha projekta. Keywords: aktivni turizem, tematska peš pot, Cazin, trajnostni razvoj, kostanjev gozd Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (8,30 MB) |
2. Communicating sentiment and outlook reverses inaction against collective risksZhen Wang, Marko Jusup, Hao Guo, Lei Shi, Sunčana Geček, Madhur Anand, Matjaž Perc, Chris T. Bauch, Jürgen Kurths, Stefano Boccaletti, Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Collective risks permeate society, triggering social dilemmas in which working toward a common goal is impeded by selfish interests. One such dilemma is mitigating runaway climate change. To study the social aspects of climate-change mitigation, we organized an experimental game and asked volunteer groups of three different sizes to invest toward a common mitigation goal. If investments reached a preset target, volunteers would avoid all consequences and convert their remaining capital into monetary payouts. In the opposite case, however, volunteers would lose all their capital with 50% probability. The dilemma was, therefore, whether to invest one's own capital or wait for others to step in. We find that communicating sentiment and outlook helps to resolve the dilemma by a fundamental shift in investment patterns. Groups in which communication is allowed invest persistently and hardly ever give up, even when their current investment deficits are substantial. The improved investment patterns are robust to group size, although larger groups are harder to coordinate, as evidenced by their overall lower success frequencies. A clustering algorithm reveals three behavioral types and shows that communication reduces the abundance of the free-riding type. Climate-change mitigation, however, is achieved mainly by cooperator and altruist types stepping up and increasing contributions as the failure looms. Meanwhile, contributions from free riders remain flat throughout the game. This reveals that the mechanisms behind avoiding collective risks depend on an interaction between behavioral type, communication, and timing. Keywords: social dilemma, free riding, climate change, negotiation, group size, COVID-19 Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,07 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Izboljšanje linearnosti prenosne karakteristike ojačevalnika v razredu ABŽan Marinšek, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V zaključnem delu je opisano teoretično ozadje delovanja močnostnega ojačevalnika in načini, s katerimi izboljšamo njegovo prenosno karakteristiko. Predstavljeni so celoten postopek načrtovanja, vključno z močnostnim ojačevalnikom, predojačevalnikom in napajalnikom ter izvedene simulacije in meritve, s katerimi ovrednotimo izdelano vezje.
Pri izdelavi močnostnega ojačevalnika v razredu AB smo uporabili izključno diskretne komponente, medtem ko so pri predojačevalniku vključena tudi integrirana vezja. Poleg tega je predstavljena izvedba termične regulacije, ki je ključnega pomena za preprečitev termičnega pobega in za zagotavljanje stabilnega delovanja vezja. Keywords: močnostni ojačevalnik, negativna povratna vezava, BJT tranzistor, operacijski ojačevalnik, termična regulacija, razred AB Published in DKUM: 23.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 16 Full text (6,60 MB) |
4. From isles of Königsberg to islets of Langerhans: examining the function of the endocrine pancreas through network scienceAndraž Stožer, Marko Šterk, Eva Paradiž, Rene Markovič, Maša Skelin, Cara E. Ellis, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Jurij Dolenšek, Patrick E. MacDonald, Marko Gosak, 2022, review article Abstract: Islets of Langerhans are multicellular microorgans located in the pancreas that play a central role in whole-body energy homeostasis. Through secretion of insulin and other hormones they regulate postprandial storage and interprandial usage of energy-rich nutrients. In these clusters of hormone-secreting endocrine cells, intricate cell-cell communication is essential for proper function. Electrical coupling between the insulin-secreting beta cells through gap junctions composed of connexin36 is particularly important, as it provides the required, most important, basis for coordinated responses of the beta cell population. The increasing evidence that gap-junctional communication and its modulation are vital to well-regulated secretion of insulin has stimulated immense interest in how subpopulations of heterogeneous beta cells are functionally arranged throughout the islets and how they mediate intercellular signals. In the last decade, several novel techniques have been proposed to assess cooperation between cells in islets, including the prosperous combination of multicellular imaging and network science. In the present contribution, we review recent advances related to the application of complex network approaches to uncover the functional connectivity patterns among cells within the islets. We first provide an accessible introduction to the basic principles of network theory, enumerating the measures characterizing the intercellular interactions and quantifying the functional integration and segregation of a multicellular system. Then we describe methodological approaches to construct functional beta cell networks, point out possible pitfalls, and specify the functional implications of beta cell network examinations. We continue by highlighting the recent findings obtained through advanced multicellular imaging techniques supported by network-based analyses, giving special emphasis to the current developments in both mouse and human islets, as well as outlining challenges offered by the multilayer network formalism in exploring the collective activity of islet cell populations. Finally, we emphasize that the combination of these imaging techniques and network-based analyses does not only represent an innovative concept that can be used to describe and interpret the physiology of islets, but also provides fertile ground for delineating normal from pathological function and for quantifying the changes in islet communication networks associated with the development of diabetes mellitus. Keywords: pancreatic islets, beta cells, calcium imaging, intercellular communication, functional networks, multilayer networks Published in DKUM: 20.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (14,78 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Interlayer connectivity affects the coherence resonance and population activity patterns in two-layered networks of excitatory and inhibitory neuronsDavid Ristič, Marko Gosak, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The firing patterns of neuronal populations often exhibit emergent collective oscillations, which can display substantial regularity even though the dynamics of individual elements is very stochastic. One of the many phenomena that is often studied in this context is coherence resonance, where additional noise leads to improved regularity of spiking activity in neurons. In this work, we investigate how the coherence resonance phenomenon manifests itself in populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. In our simulations, we use the coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators in the excitable regime and in the presence of neuronal noise. Formally, our model is based on the concept of a two-layered network, where one layer contains inhibitory neurons, the other excitatory neurons, and the interlayer connections represent heterotypic interactions. The neuronal activity is simulated in realistic coupling schemes in which neurons within each layer are connected with undirected connections, whereas neurons of different types are connected with directed interlayer connections. In this setting, we investigate how different neurophysiological determinants affect the coherence resonance. Specifically, we focus on the proportion of inhibitory neurons, the proportion of excitatory interlayer axons, and the architecture of interlayer connections between inhibitory and excitatory neurons. Our results reveal that the regularity of simulated neural activity can be increased by a stronger damping of the excitatory layer. This can be accomplished with a higher proportion of inhibitory neurons, a higher fraction of inhibitory interlayer axons, a stronger coupling between inhibitory axons, or by a heterogeneous configuration of interlayer connections. Our approach of modeling multilayered neuronal networks in combination with stochastic dynamics offers a novel perspective on how the neural architecture can affect neural information processing and provide possible applications in designing networks of artificial neural circuits to optimize their function via noise-induced phenomena. Keywords: neuronal dynamics, coherence resonance, excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, neural network, multilayer network, interlayer connectivity Published in DKUM: 20.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (6,72 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Izbira novih komisionirnih viličarjev za skladišče Engrotuš na podlagi koncepta stroškov življenjskega cikla : diplomsko deloMarko Ivanović, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Analiza stroškov življenjskega cikla (v nadaljevanju: LCCA ali analiza LCC) se v procesih, ki se izvajajo v skladišču, ne uporablja pogosto. Vendar lahko pričakujemo, da bi v prihodnosti postala vse pomembnejša, glede na to, da učinkovito načrtovanje in vrednotenje stroškov prinaša podjetjem velike prednosti. Metoda ocenjevanja stroškov skozi celoten življenjski cikel omogoča načrtovanje in spremljanje stroškov, kar predstavlja ključni pomen pri izbiri med več različnimi možnostmi. Čeprav se analiza LCC ne uporablja pogosto v skladiščnem sektorju, lahko na podlagi literature, ki se nanaša večinoma na sektor gradbeništva, ugotovimo, da obstaja velik potencial za uporabo analize tudi v sektorju skladiščenja. Dejansko bi jo lahko uporabili pri katerikoli uvedbi novih sredstev v skladišče ali celo pri gradbi novega skladišča.
Pri analizi stroškov življenjskega cikla je pomembno upoštevati vse faze načrtovanja stroškov, od začetnih, inicialnih stroškov investicije do končne odstranitve sredstev na koncu življenjskega cikla in stroškov, ki potencialno lahko nastanejo pri tem postopku. V prihodnosti lahko pričakujemo, da se bo metoda LCCA več uporabljala v skladiščnem sektorju, saj podjetniki vedno bolj prepoznavajo pomen dolgoročnih prihrankov in trajnostnega poslovanja. Keywords: skladišče, komisioniranje, analiza stroškov življenjskega cikla, življenjski cikel investicije, ocenjevanje stroškov Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,86 MB) |
7. Energy flexibility in aluminium smelting : a long-term feasibility study based on the prospects of electricity load and photovoltaic productionMarko Bizjak, Niko Uremović, Domen Mongus, Primož Sukič, Gorazd Štumberger, Haris Salihagić Hrenko, Dragan Mikša, Stanislav Kores, Niko Lukač, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: energy flexibility, aluminium smelting, renewable energy, virtual battery, solar production Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,91 MB) |
8. Novel GPU-accelerated high-resolution solar potential estimation in urban areas by using a modified diffuse irradiance modelNiko Lukač, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Gorazd Štumberger, Marko Bizjak, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In the past years various methods have been developed to estimate high-resolution solar potential in urban areas, by simulating solar irradiance over surface models that originate from remote sensing data. In general, this requires discretisation of solar irradiance models that estimate direct, reflective, and diffuse irradiances. The latter is most accurately estimated by an anisotropic model, where the hemispherical sky dome from arbitrary surface’s viewpoint consists of the horizon, the circumsolar and sky regions. Such model can be modified to incorporate the effects of shadowing from obstruction with a view factor for each sky region. However, state-of-the-art using such models for estimating solar potential in urban areas, only considers the sky view factor, and not circumsolar view factor, due to high computational load. In this paper, a novel parallelisation of solar potential estimation is proposed by using General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Modified anisotropic Perez model is used by considering diffuse shadowing with all three sky view factors. Moreover, we provide validation based on sensitivity analysis of the method’s accuracy with independent meteorological measurements, by changing circumsolar sky region’s half-angle and resolution of the hemispherical sky dome. Finally, the presented method using GPPGU was compared to multithreaded Central Processing Unit (CPU) approach, where on average a 70x computational speedup was achieved. Finally, the proposed method was applied over a urban area, obtained from Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data, where the computation of solar potential was performed in a reasonable time. Keywords: solar energy, solar potential, anisotropic diffuse irradiance, LiDAR, GPGPU Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (8,06 MB) |
9. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from paediatric paravertebral adipose tissue show strong osteogenic potentialJan Rožanc, Lidija Gradišnik, Tomaž Velnar, Minja Gregorič, Marko Milojević, Boštjan Vihar, Boris Gole, Uroš Maver, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent the basis of novel clinical concepts in cellular therapy and tissue regeneration. Therefore, the isolation of MSCs from various tissues has become an important endeavour for stem cell biobanking and the development of regenerative therapies. Paravertebral adipose tissue is readily exposed during spinal procedures in children and could be a viable source of stem cells for therapeutic applications. Here, we describe the first case of MSCs isolated from paravertebral adipose tissue (PV-ADMSCs), obtained during a routine spinal surgery on a child. Using quantitative real-time PCR and flow cytometry, we show that PV-ADMSCs have different levels of stem marker expression compared to the MSCs from other sources while having the highest proliferation rate. Furthermore, we evaluate the multipotency of PV-ADMSCs by the three-lineage (adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic) differentiation and compare it to the multipotency of MSCs from other sources. It was found that the PV-ADMSCs have a strong osteogenic potential in particular. Taken together, our data indicate that PV-ADMSCs meet the criteria for successful cell therapy, defined by the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT), and thus, could provide a source of MSCs that is relatively easy to isolate and expand in culture. Due to their strong osteogenic potential, these cells provide a promising basis, especially for orthopaedic applications. Keywords: mesenchymal stem cells, paediatric surgery, paravertebral adipose tissue, regenerative medicine, stem marker expression, osteogenic potential, differentiation Published in DKUM: 16.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (3,70 MB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Odprava posledic ujme avgusta 2023 na glavnih in regionalnih cestah v Savinjski regiji : diplomsko deloMarko Čuček, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo zajema predstavitev ukrepov pristojnih služb na področju državne cestne infrastrukture za odpravo posledic ujme, ki je avgusta 2023 prizadela Slovenijo. Poudarek je na aktivnostih za vzpostavitev prevoznosti v prvih mesecih po ujmi, saj je šlo za obseg, ki je močno presegal razpoložljive kapacitete upravljavca glavnih in regionalnih cest, Direkcije Republike Slovenije za infrastrukturo oziroma izvajalcev gospodarske javne službe rednega vzdrževanja državnih cest, koncesionarjev devetih območij. Od skoraj 6.000 km cest, s katerimi upravljavec upravlja, so bile različne posledice evidentirane kar na 1.800 km cest. Od tega je bilo v petek, 4. 8. 2023, postavljenih 92 popolnih zapor in 98 delnih zapor (skupaj 190) v skupni dolžini 584 km državnih cest. V skrajnih razmerah, ki jih je povzročila ujma avgusta 2023, se je izkazalo, da je sistem odziva na izredne dogodke, ki ga je v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi ter koncesijskimi in internimi pogodbami vzpostavil upravljavec, ustrezen. Kot ustrezna se je pokazala tudi organiziranost gospodarske javne službe rednega vzdrževanja državnih cest kot koncesionirane storitve na posameznem zaokroženem geografskem območju. Pa vendar je bilo, v do sedaj največji naravni katastrofi, na tem področju moč odkriti tudi pomanjkljivosti. To je bilo predvsem pomanjkanje kadrovskih resursov in materialnih sredstev v okviru priprave optimalnih rešitev na terenu. Keywords: ujma, vzpostavitev prevoznosti, glavne ceste, regionalne ceste Published in DKUM: 12.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (2,36 MB) |