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Varnost in pomen organizacijskega poslanstva
Polona Oberčkal, Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, 2007, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: podjetja, poslovanje podjetja, poslanstvo, vizija, varnost
Published in DKUM: 30.05.2024; Views: 125; Downloads: 7
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Model krepitve integritete policistov
Robert Šumi, Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, Damjan Razinger, 2007, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: policija, policisti, integriteta, korupcija, preprečevanje
Published in DKUM: 30.05.2024; Views: 83; Downloads: 5
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Dialektika policijskega dela : stvarnost ali mit?
Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, 2006, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: policija, policijsko delo, dialektika, protislovja, policijska subkultura
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2024; Views: 149; Downloads: 7
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Kakovost medosebnih odnosov v javni upravi : primerjava med policisti in drugimi delavci
Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, Milan Pagon, 2005, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: javna uprava, policija, policisti, management, zaposleni, medosebni odnosi
Published in DKUM: 21.03.2024; Views: 189; Downloads: 11
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Letni razgovor
Damir Kocjančič, Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, 2005, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: policija, policisti, vodstveni delavci, management, letni razgovori, delovna uspešnost
Published in DKUM: 21.03.2024; Views: 173; Downloads: 8
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Storilnostna motivacija in izgorelost pri delu policistov
Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, Damir Kocjančič, 2005, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: policija, policisti, policijsko delo, izgorelost, motivacija, pritožbe, delovna uspešnost
Published in DKUM: 21.03.2024; Views: 194; Downloads: 6
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Questionable research practices : an introductory reflection on causes, patterns and possible responses
Gorazd Meško, Aleksander Koporec Oberčkal, 2010, review article

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this article is to discuss deviance in science due to increasing pressures on researchers and higher education pedagogues to be more effective and efficient in the ‘academic production’. Design/Methods/Approach: A literature review and reflection. Findings: The authors present a criminological view of deviance in science, discussing the perception of unsuitable scientific and research practices, questionable research practices, ethics and integrity in science, suitable behaviour of researchers in scientific work, and make recommendations for improving the ethics of scientific research in practice. The discussion on deviance in science is based on Merton’s principles of science (1973): the public presentation of knowledge and sharing of ideas, leading to common ownership of scientific discoveries, in which scientists disclaim their intellectual rights to their own insights in exchange for recognition and reputation. An impartial approach and universalism, in which truth is judged by impersonal, universal criteria, rather than based on race, social and economic status, sex, faith, or nationality and other subjective categories is presented and questioned. A non-profit/selfless orientation in which scientists are rewarded for selfless activities, and planned/organized scepticism – that all ideas must be tested, subject to rigorous scientific rules and public disclosure. The authors discuss these principles and connect them with scientific and research practice in Slovenia and abroad. Research limitations/implications: Research results are generalisable as deviance in science occurs in all cultures and have a global impact. Deviance in science is still an under-researched taboo topic and it needs to be discussed. Practical implications: A useful source of information for awareness raising and the improvement of quality of research work. Originality/Value: This paper extends understanding of possible deviance in science and factors related to such practices. The main value of this reflection is to facilitate understanding of factors of deviance in science and trigger a discussion on deviance among scientists.
Keywords: science, deviance, research, academic promotion standards, strain
Published in DKUM: 12.05.2020; Views: 1215; Downloads: 42
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