1. The influence of façade colour, glazing area and geometric configuration of urban canyon on the spectral characteristics of daylightNataša Šprah, Jaka Potočnik, Mitja Košir, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Since the non-image-forming (NIF) effect of daylight on the human circadian system is widely accepted, adequate exposure to daylight is now considered one of the elements of a healthy life. In urban environment, one of the prerequisites for adequately lit indoor spaces is the amount and quality of daylight reaching the window, which is highly dependent on the characteristics of the urban environment. The aim of the study was to determine whether there are correlations between urban density (i.e., distance between buildings, building height), façade surface characteristics (i.e., colour and Window-to-Wall Ratios – WWR) and NIF potential of daylight. The study was conducted on a parametric geometric model of a street canyon covering a wide range of characteristics. Simulation results were interpreted using the Relative Melanopic Efficacy coefficient and Sky View Factor. The results indicate that the colour of the opposite façade can substantially impact the resulting NIF potential, especially for orange-red or blue hues. The results of the study show that this influence for building heights between 3 and 8 storeys becomes significant when the width of the urban canyon is less than 25 m and becomes substantially smaller at WWRs above 30 %. Ključne besede: urban planning, daylight, non-image forming effects of light, circadian light, urban canyon, façade colour Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.01.2024; Ogledov: 415; Prenosov: 35
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2. Daylight provision requirements according to EN 17037 as a restriction for sustainable urban planning of residential developmentsNataša Šprah, Mitja Košir, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The attempt at a more sustainable land use by increasing urban density may have a negative effect on the daylighting of residential buildings. In densely built areas, obstructions generated by the surrounding buildings can substantially reduce the available amount of daylight, causing poorly daylit spaces and a less healthy indoor environment with higher electricity consumption as a consequence of artificial lighting. European standard EN 17037, Daylight in Buildings, was established in 2018 to ensure appropriately daylit spaces. In this paper, a three-step methodology was developed to investigate the relationship between certain urban planning parameters and the daylighting of a typical room defined by specific (Slovenian) legislative restrictions about its geometry and minimum required window to floor area ratio, in order to establish the maximum densities of residential developments still fulfilling the minimum requirements for daylight provision defined by EN 17037. The results show that a relatively low urban density is required to fulfil the stipulations for minimum daylight provision for the deepest permissible room according to the Slovenian legislation. The impact of the development floor area ratio on the daylighting potential of buildings was identified as significant, followed by the site coverage, development layout, and building typology. Furthermore, the developed methodological approach clearly demonstrates a substantial potential for application in urban planning, with indoor daylight environmental conditions being linked to the planning of residential developments in the earliest stages of the project. Ključne besede: sustainable urban planning, daylighting, vertical daylight factor, residential developments, solar potential Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.07.2023; Ogledov: 510; Prenosov: 60
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4. ANALIZA EKONOMSKE UPRAVIČENOSTI OGREVANJA Z LESNO BIOMASO OB SOPROIZVODNJI TOPLOTE IN ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJEMitja Košir, 2010, diplomsko delo Opis: V nalogi je opisana ekonomska upravičenost vlaganja v soproizvodnjo na lesno biomaso. Predstavljen je opis toplotnih potreb hotelskega kompleksa iz katerega smo izračunali toplotne in električne potrebe. Na podlagi urejenega urnega diagrama smo določili potrebno velikost soproizvodne enote in velikosti kotlov za dogrevanje na lesno biomaso in kurilno olje. Ugotovili smo, da je vlaganje v soproizvodno enoto zaradi velikih stroškov investicije zaenkrat še nerentabilno saj je po metodi sedanje vrednosti razlika komaj 221.587,40 EUR. Najboljša rešitev od vseh štirih variant, katere so predstavljene v diplomskem delu je postavitev nove kotlovnice z uporabo kotlov na lesno biomaso s katero bi bistveno zmanjšali tudi onesnaževanje okolja. Ključne besede: soproizvodnja, kogeneracija, lesna biomasa, soproizvodna postrojenja, ekonomska upravičenost, toplota Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.05.2010; Ogledov: 3750; Prenosov: 599
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