1. Dejavniki, pogojevalci in pojasnjevalci namere za cepljenje proti covidu-19 v Sloveniji in Evropi : doktorska disertacijaMonika Lamot, 2024, doktorska disertacija Opis: Oklevanje pred cepljenjem je že pred pandemijo covida-19 veljalo za eno izmed osrednjih groženj javnemu zdravju, pandemija covida-19 pa je problem oklevanja pred cepljenjem samo še bolj osvetlila. Politična prepričanja posameznikov, institucionalno zaupanje in prepričanja v teorije zarote je že obstoječa literatura opredelila kot ene izmed močnejših napovednikov cepljenja, a so bili ti praviloma obravnavani kot neposredni napovedniki stališč do cepljenja oziroma namere cepljenja, in manj v sklopu kompleksnejših modelov mediacije. Ob tem je večina raziskav pri stališčih do cepljenja slednje proučila na ravni posameznika, manjkajo pa raziskave, ki vključujejo tudi vlogo strukturnih, makro značilnosti družb. Primanjkuje tudi raziskav, ki namero cepljenja proučujejo v sklopu analiz, usmerjenih k posameznikom, ki omogočajo identifikacijo njihovih lastnosti. Obenem je večina študij s področja stališč do cepljenja proti covidu-19 in namere cepljenja opravljena v tujih državah. V Sloveniji gre za pretežno neraziskano področje. To je še posebej problematično, ker gre za državo, ki je tako pred kot tudi po pandemiji spadala med tiste, kjer prebivalci izkazujejo večje oklevanje pred cepljenjem. V doktorski disertaciji smo tako proučili vlogo strukturnih značilnosti pri dejavnikih namere cepljenja proti covidu-19, analizirali lastnosti posameznikov glede na njihovo namero cepljenja ter proučili možne mehanizme odnosa med političnimi prepričanji posameznika in njegovo namero glede cepljenja. Analizirali smo mednarodno anketno podatkovno bazo evropskih držav European Social Survey 10. V prvi študiji smo preverjali strukturne dejavnike v sklopu med-nivojskih interakcij in ugotovili, da ima zaupanje v politične institucije močnejši pozitiven učinek na namero cepljenja proti covidu-19 v državah z višjim BDP na prebivalca in državah, kjer je nižja zaznana korupcija. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bolj individualistično vrednotno usmerjene družbe okrepijo pozitiven učinek zadovoljstva z zdravstvenim sistemom na namero cepljenja. Ob tem se je izkazalo, da nižji BDP na prebivalca, višja zaznana korupcija in bolj kolektivistična usmerjenost družbe okrepijo negativen učinek prepričanj v teorije zarote na namero cepljenja. V drugi študiji smo proučili lastnosti Slovencev in Slovenk glede na njihovo namero cepljenja proti covidu-19. Uvrstili smo jih v latentne profile, ki smo jih analizirali glede na njihovo zaupanje znanosti, zadovoljstvo z delom vlade v času pandemije in prepričanjih v teorije zarote. Izkazalo se je, da so se bili najbolj pripravljeni cepiti posamezniki, uvrščeni v profil, ki je bil najbolj zadovoljen z delom vlade, je v največji meri zaupal znanosti in najmanj izražal zarotniška prepričanja. V tretji študiji smo preverjali razlike v nameri cepljenja glede na politično usmeritev (levo-desno), populistična stališča (dimenziji stališča o ljudski suverenosti in protimigrantska stališča) in politični ekstremizem prek zaupanja političnim institucijam, znanosti in prepričanj v teorije zarote. Ugotovili smo, da so v času pandemije desno politično usmerjeni posamezniki v večji meri zaupali znanosti in v manjši meri izražali prepričanja v teorije zarote, kar je prispevalo k njihovi večji pripravljenosti za cepljenje proti covidu-19, v primerjavi z bolj levo usmerjenimi posamezniki. Ugotovili smo tudi, da podpiranje ideje o ljudski suverenosti pozitivno učinkuje na zaupanje znanosti, to pa na namero za cepljenje; po drugi strani pa pozitivno učinkuje na prepričanja v teorije zarote, kar negativno učinkuje na cepljenje. Pri izražanju protimigrantskih stališč smo ugotovili, da negativno učinkujejo na zaupanje znanosti in pozitivno na prepričanja v teorije zarote, kar pa negativno učinkuje na namero cepljenja. Nenazadnje smo ugotovili, da se politična ekstrema ne razlikujeta v zaupanju političnim institucijam, zaupanju znanosti, prepričanjih v teorije zarote in nameri cepljenja proti covidu-19. Ključne besede: covid-19, cepljenje, prepričanja v teorije zarote, politična prepričanja, institucionalno zaupanje, med nivojske interakcije, analiza latentnih profilov, modeliranje strukturnih enačb, Slovenija Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 25 Celotno besedilo (3,15 MB) |
2. Understanding vaccine hesitancy : a comparison of sociodemographic and socioeconomic predictors with health literacy dimensionsMonika Lamot, Andrej Kirbiš, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Vaccine hesitancy represents a global public health challenge that can diminish the effectiveness of vaccination programs. Research indicates that various sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, along with health literacy, predict vaccine hesitancy. In this study, we analyzed data from a Slovenian health literacy survey that included 3360 adult participants. We examined the effects of sociodemographic (gender and age) and socioeconomic factors (education, economic deprivation, and self-assessed socioeconomic status), as well as different dimensions of health literacy (general, communicative, and navigational), on vaccine hesitancy. The results show that age, education, and economic deprivation are statistically significant predictors of vaccine hesitancy; younger individuals, those with lower education levels, and those experiencing greater economic deprivation express increased vaccine hesitancy. Higher levels of general and communicative health literacy are associated with lower vaccine hesitancy, while navigational health literacy was not found to be a statistically significant predictor of vaccine hesitancy. Ključne besede: vaccine hesitancy, Slovenia, health literacy, sociodemographic factors, socioeconomic factors Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1 Povezava na datoteko |
3. Exploring the inherent heterogeneity of vaccine hesitancy : a study of a childhood-vaccine-hesitant populationMonika Lamot, Andrej Kirbiš, Mitja Vrdelja, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Vaccine hesitancy and its determinants have been previously widely researched. Vaccine hesitancy has been defined as a continuum of attitudes, ranging from accepting vaccines with doubts to rejecting them. The present study aims to explore the heterogeneity of a childhood-vaccine-hesitant group by using a person-oriented approach-latent profile analysis. A non-representative cross-sectional sample of vaccine-hesitant Slovenians (N = 421, Mage = 35.21, 82.9% women) was used to identify differences based on their reliance on personal research (“self” researching instead of relying on science), overconfidence in knowledge, endorsement of conspiracy theories, complementary and alternative medicine, and trust in the healthcare system. The analysis revealed three profiles of vaccine-hesitant individuals. The most hesitant profile-vaccine rejecting-expressed the greatest reliance on personal research, expressed the highest endorsement of conspiracy theories and complementary and alternative medicine, showed moderate overconfidence in their knowledge, and expressed the highest levels of distrust in the healthcare system. We further found differences in sociodemographic structure and that the identified profiles differed in their attitudes regarding MMR, HPV, and Seasonal Influenza vaccinations. The present study demonstrates the heterogeneity of the vaccine-hesitant community and offers insights into some of the traits, which are crucial for designing pro-vaccine campaigns. Ključne besede: vaccine hesitancy, heterogeneity, latent profile analysis, complementary and alternative medicine, CAM, conspiracy theories, trust in healthcare system Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.08.2024; Ogledov: 101; Prenosov: 15 Celotno besedilo (836,81 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Political orientation in youth beyond the left-right divide : testing a three-factor model of political orientation and its relatedness to personal valuesŽan Lep, Andrej Kirbiš, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The utility of the left-right dimension of political orientation, including among youth, has been questioned recently. Moreover, a sizeable share of young voters in Slovenia has a hard time describing their political orientation. In present research we thus explored whether a multi-dimensional model of social, economic and international dimension, could be better suited for describing young people's political orientations. In addition, as values precede political stances, we explored the relatedness of personal values with proposed dimensions of political orientation and whether the predictive power of regression models containing control background variables could be improved by their inclusion. We used FES Youth Study Southeast Europe 2018/19 data of 1,015 14-29-year-old Slovenians. The three dimensions exhibited good fit to the data and were relatively independent of the left-right placements, offering valuable additional insight into political thinking of youth. Moreover, the values were predictive of scores on all three dimensions over and beyond the included control variables, and shares of explained variances were higher than those with the left-right dimension. While the study has some limitations, findings suggest that a multi-dimensional approach to political orientation could be beneficial in research dealing with the aspects of the ever-changing political and social landscape. Ključne besede: political orientation, youth, political ideology, values Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.08.2024; Ogledov: 82; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (2,03 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Predictors of meat reduction : the case of SloveniaAndrej Kirbiš, Vanesa Korže, Maruša Lubej, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Health, environmental, and animal advocacy organisations emphasise reducing or eliminating high meat consumption due to its adverse effects on health, sustainability, climate change, and animal welfare. Increasingly, people are deciding to reduce their meat consumption frequency. Our study aimed to examine predictors of meat reduction among Slovenian consumers, focusing on gender, age, partner and children status, size of residential settlement, socioeconomic status, and political orientation. We conducted a survey using non-probability sampling. We examined demographic, socioeconomic, and political predictors of individuals’ self-assessed intent to reduce meat consumption in the month following the survey. Additionally, we analysed respondents’ meat reduction during the three years prior. A correlation analysis revealed that higher age and education levels were significantly positively correlated with meat reduction patterns. An ordinal logistic regression analysis indicated that age was the only significant predictor of meat reduction intentions and past behaviour. Our findings suggest that middle-aged and elderly individuals are more likely than younger adults to report meat reduction behaviours. Future public health interventions should tailor approaches to different age groups, and, in particular, target younger individuals. Educational campaigns should highlight the health and environmental benefits of reducing meat and animal product consumption, particularly in primary and secondary schools. Ključne besede: meat consumption, meat reduction, food, health, diet Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.08.2024; Ogledov: 106; Prenosov: 9 Celotno besedilo (300,72 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Povezanost vzgojnih stilov staršev in njihovih stališč do uporabe drog z mladostnikovo uporabo drog : doktorska disertacijaKarmen Osterc-Kokotovič, 2023, doktorska disertacija Opis: Uporaba drog med mladimi se običajno začne že v zgodnjem mladostništvu. Starši so eden ključnih dejavnikov mladostnikove uporabe drog, zato smo v doktorski disertaciji proučili povezanost vzgojnih stilov staršev, njihovih stališč do mladostnikove uporabe drog in njihovo lastno uporabo drog z mladostnikovo uporabo drog. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, v kakšni meri so vzgojni stil staršev, stališča staršev do mladostnikove uporabe drog in uporaba drog pri starših povezani z mladostnikovo uporabo drog v vsem življenju, s starostjo ob prvi uporabi drog in s pogostostjo mladostnikove uporabe. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili vzgojno vlogo staršev, podrobneje prikazali različne vzgojne stile in izide mladih ter osvetlili pomen starševskih stališč do mladostnikove uporabe drog in pomen njihovega vzora glede uporabe drog. V raziskavi, katere rezultate predstavljamo v empiričnem delu, je sodelovalo 900 mladostnikov, dijakov različnih srednješolskih izobraževalnih programov v Sloveniji, starih od 14 do 21 let. S pomočjo spletne ankete smo raziskali povezanost vzgojnih stilov staršev, njihovih stališč do uporabe drog in starševske uporabe drog z mladostnikovo uporabo drog. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti med odvisnimi spremenljivkami (mladostnikova uporaba drog v vsem življenju, starost ob prvi uporabi in pogostost uporabe) in neodvisnimi spremenljivkami (vzgojni stili, starševska stališča do uporabe drog in starševska uporaba drog) smo uporabili multivariatno analizo. V multivariatnih modelih smo kontrolirali tudi sociodemografske in socioekonomske spremenljivke. Rezultati so pokazali, da avtoritativni vzgojni stil staršev v primerjavi z drugimi vzgojnimi stili, starševska neuporaba drog in starševska prepoved uporabe drog pri mladostnikih statistično značilno zmanjšujejo verjetnost mladostnikove uporabe droge kadarkoli v življenju. Prav tako avtoritativni vzgojni stil staršev, starševska ničelna toleranca do mladostnikove uporabe drog in njihova neuporaba drog statistično značilno zmanjšujejo verjetnost mladostnikove zgodnejše in pogostejše uporabe drog. Ugotovitve naše raziskave lahko prispevajo k razvoju javnih politik in ukrepov za preprečevanje uporabe drog med slovenskimi mladostniki, npr. s pripravo preventivnih programov usmerjenih v krepitev starševske vzgojne kompetentnosti v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah. Ključne besede: mladostniki, uporaba drog, vzgojni stili, družina, starševska stališča do uporabe drog, starševska uporaba drog Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.04.2024; Ogledov: 324; Prenosov: 75 Celotno besedilo (6,11 MB) |
7. The impact of cultural capital on vaccine attitudes among the Slovenian publicAndrej Kirbiš, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Education and highbrow cultural participation—two dimensions of cultural capital—have previously been identified as determinants of vaccine attitudes, though the links have been mainly inconsistent across studies. The present quantitative study aimed to examine the effects of two dimensions of cultural capital (institutionalized and embodied cultural capital) on the pro-vaccine attitudes of the Slovenian public. A cross-sectional quantitative study was performed in November 2019, a few months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The non-probability sample survey was collected by inviting respondents over the age of 18 to participate using the snowball technique via e-mail, digital social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and University of Maribor social network profiles. The sample was obtained through an online survey tool 1ka.si (N = 661; Mage = 34.9 years). The impact of education and highbrow cultural participation on vaccine attitudes was examined, controlling for sociodemographic variables (gender, age and size of residential settlement) and economic variables (income and family economic status) in multivariate analyses. Bivariate analyses indicated that pro-vaccine attitudes were significantly more likely to be expressed by men, younger respondents, those with lower incomes, higher perceived family economic status, living in urban areas and by those who are more frequently engaged in highbrow cultural activities, while education had no impact on vaccine attitudes. The results did not substantially change when multiple regression models were employed. Our study indicated that cultural capital has an inconsistent impact on vaccine attitudes; while education has no impact, highbrow cultural participation increases pro-vaccine attitudes. The results suggest a multi-type approach is needed to address vaccine scepticism among the Slovenian public. Ključne besede: cultural capital, vaccine attitudes, vaccine hesitancy, education, cultural participation Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 266; Prenosov: 21 Celotno besedilo (301,80 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. The role of education in sustainable dietary patterns in SloveniaAndrej Kirbiš, Monika Lamot, Marija Javornik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The most sustainable dietary patterns involve the consumption of plant-based (vegan) foods, excluding or reducing animal products, including meat, fish, and dairy, yet there is a lack of research on determinants of sustainable dietary patterns in central European countries. The present article aimed to examine the prevalence of sustainable dietary practices and attitudes among the Slovenian public and to investigate the role of education in fostering sustainable dietary patterns. We analyzed a representative national sample of Slovenians, with data gathered in 2019 (ISSP/Slovenian Public Opinion; N = 1079; 51.2% females). The results indicate that most Slovenians do not have sustainable dietary practices or attitudes with regard to health, the environment, animals, and dietary minorities. One in four Slovenians consume meat at least once per day and one in two consume meat three to six times per week. In addition, 78.2% of Slovenians consume milk at least three times per week; more than half consume milk daily or more often. Fish consumption is the least frequent among the three food groups. At least two-thirds of Slovenians also hold attitudes that are low in sustainability. Results also show that, after controlling for confounding variables, higher educational level emerged as an independent predictor of lower meat consumption, but not of lower fish or milk consumption. Furthermore, those in the lowest educational group are significantly less likely to hold sustainable attitudes than those in the higher educational group. Finally, current student status only decreases meat consumption. Since our results show an educational gradient in meat consumption and attitudes, public health and environmental campaigns should focus on the less-educated groups, encouraging them to reduce meat intake and fostering more sustainable attitudes. Ključne besede: dietary patterns, education, sustainability, attitudes, meat, animals Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 223; Prenosov: 24 Celotno besedilo (464,36 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Cannabis use and parenting practices among young people : the impact of parenting styles, parental cannabis-specific rules, and parental cannabis useKarmen Osterc-Kokotovič, Mateja Pšunder, Andrej Kirbiš, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug. Its use typically starts in adolescence, and parents play a key role in young people’s cannabis use. Our study aimed to examine and compare the effects of parenting styles, parental cannabis-specific rules, and parental cannabis use on young people’s cannabis use. The research sample consisted of 839 students from various secondary education programs in Slovenia, aged 14 to 21. Associations between the young people’s lifetime cannabis use and their experience of parenting practices were assessed using logistic regression, with demographic, socioeconomic, educational, health, and risk behaviors controlled in a multivariate model. Maternal authoritative parenting (in comparison with permissive parenting), strict maternal, cannabis-specific rules, and parental cannabis non-use statistically significantly reduced the likelihood of young people’s cannabis use. Its strongest predictor was parental cannabis use, followed by the mother’s specific cannabis-use rules and maternal parenting style. The findings of our study can contribute to the development of public health policies to more effectively prevent cannabis use among adolescents and emerging adults, including by designing prevention programs aimed at strengthening parents’ general and cannabis-specific practices and competences. Ključne besede: parenting styles, parental cannabis use, parental cannabis-specific rules, adolescents, substance use Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 198; Prenosov: 21 Celotno besedilo (581,44 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
10. Distrustful, dissatisfied, and conspiratorial : a latent profile analysis of COVID-19 vaccination rejectionMonika Lamot, Katja Kerman, Andrej Kirbiš, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Trust in science and scientists, satisfaction with the national government, and endorsement of conspiracy theories are important factors in the decision to be vaccinated. In this study, we investigated whether there are different profiles of individuals depending on the above factors and whether they differ in their sociodemographic composition. We used data from Round 10 of the European Social Survey for Slovenia, employing a nationally representative sample of 1252 participants. Based on latent profile analysis, three distinct profiles emerged: Profile 1 expressed moderate trust in science, satisfaction with government, and high endorsement of conspiracies; Profile 2 expressed low trust and satisfaction and moderate endorsement of conspiracies; Profile 3 expressed high trust and satisfaction and low beliefs in conspiracy theories. In addition, Profile 3 expressed the strongest support for vaccination and Profile 2 the lowest. Our results suggest that distrust, dissatisfaction, and the presence of conspiracy theories are the “perfect storm” for vaccination rejection. In contrast, despite conspiracy theories, a certain level of trust and satisfaction may reduce vaccination rejection. Ključne besede: trust, science, government, COVID-19 vaccination, latent profile analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 204; Prenosov: 24 Celotno besedilo (728,08 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |