1. Akreditacija dvopredmetnega pedagoškega študijskega programa druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine : vloga za pridobitev soglasja k dvopredmetnemu pedagoškemu študijskemu programu druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine Filozofske fakultete Univerze v MariboruMelita Kukovec, Slavko Cvetek, Michelle Gadpaille, Kirsten Hempkin, Dunja Jutronić, Klementina Penelope Jurančič, Victor Kennedy, Agata Križan, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, Tomaž Onič, Katja Plemenitaš, Nada Šabec, 2011, elaborat, predštudija, študija Ključne besede: študijski programi, podiplomski študij, Maribor, pouk angleščine Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1419; Prenosov: 54 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
2. Akreditacija univerzitetnega študijskega programa 1. stopnje Angleški jezik in književnost : vloga za pridobitev soglasja k univerzitetnemu dvopredmetnemu študijskemu programu prve stopnje Angleški jezik in književnost Filozofske fakultete v MariboruNada Šabec, Victor Kennedy, Dunja Jutronić, Michelle Gadpaille, Darja Darinka Hribar, Tomaž Onič, Klementina Penelope Jurančič, Katja Plemenitaš, Simon Zupan, Melita Kukovec, Kirsten Hempkin, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, Agata Križan, 2007, elaborat, predštudija, študija Ključne besede: študijski programi, dodiplomski študij, Maribor, angleščina Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1760; Prenosov: 59 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
3. LATIN AMERICAN INFLUENCE ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGEAnka Balant, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: In the first part of my graduation thesis I speak about Latin America because that is where English Spanish cognates came from. There are twenty countries in Latin America and they generally lie south of the United States. Europeans began to influence the people and culture of Latin America with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. He "discovered" many islands in the Caribbean and mapped the coast of Central and South America. Spain built its empire in the central and southern parts of the Americas and exploited human and material resources. Preservation of Christianity in Latin America was also the goal of the Spanish Crown and it allowed colonialism to rule Latin America for over three hundred years.
As I state in my graduation thesis, the Spanish domination of cruelty, exploitation, discrimination and repression did not last forever. American-born descendants of Spaniards, called criollos, fought for South American independence, and continued to rule many new nations of Spanish America for generations. The struggle for independence was hard, but despite that almost all Latin American countries had gained their independence by 1825.
The main part of my graduation thesis is about English Spanish cognates. In a technical sense, cognates are two words that have a common origin. Cognates often have similar meaning, but in some cases the meaning has changed over the centuries in one language or another. An example of such a change is the English word "arena," which usually refers to a sports facility, and the Spanish arena, which usually means "sand." They both come from the Latin harena, which originally meant "sand" and came in time to also refer to an arena of a Roman amphitheater that was covered with sand. Spanish retained the meaning of "sand" (although the word can sometimes refer to a sports arena), but English expanded the word's meaning to include facilities, something like the Roman amphitheater (spanish.about.com).
In a popular and not technical sense, the phrase "false cognate" is used to refer to cognates that have different meanings, such as the Spanish molestar (to bother) and the English "molest" (to abuse sexually). A more precise term to use for such word pairs is "false friends” (spanish.about.com). Ključne besede: Latin America, Christopher Columbus, Spanish colonization of the Americas, Independence of Latin America, English Spanish cognates. Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.01.2013; Ogledov: 2001; Prenosov: 114 Celotno besedilo (495,92 KB) |
English is the biggest donor language in the world. Namely, a lot of languages still borrow words from English. However, English has itself borrowed many thousands of words from other languages. The process of language borrowing, which is widespread linguistic phenomenon, is still going on. English has always adopted loanwords from the languages of whatever cultures they have come in contact with. The history of loanwords is therefore quite complex because loanwords have often passed through a series of languages before reaching English. Although the majority of words in English have come from one of the large number of languages that belong to the Indo-European group, Modern English tends to increasingly borrow words from less known languages, even exotic ones.
This graduation thesis deals with recent lexical borrowings in Modern English that came from some exotic sources. Since there are several languages from which borrowings were taken, I discuss those that are less common, even exotic. I decided to research six languages, among which are the following: Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Yiddish. In the first part of my thesis a brief history of Modern English is presented. Then a brief presentation of the process of borrowing follows. The main part of my thesis represents an analysis of the borrowings from exotic sources. Each language is analyzed separately; the words are categorized according to the different categories of various vocabulary areas. The meaning, the etymology and example sentence is provided for each word. The last part offers an analysis of the languages that contributed to the enrichment of the English language. Ključne besede: borrowings, etymology, the History of Modern English, exotic sources Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.12.2012; Ogledov: 2261; Prenosov: 115 Celotno besedilo (760,68 KB) |
5. GERMLISH - WORDS AND WORD-FORMATION IN SELECTED GERMAN MAGAZINESKatarina Jelen, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: Throughout the history German language has been influenced by many different languages; today its vocabulary contains words from Latin, French, Italian and what interests me most in my diploma paper – from English. Some words have been a part of the German language for decades – those are loan words. But then again other words would keep their original spelling and pronunciation and those words remained foreign words. What interests me is the term Germlish, which is a combination of English and German language, spoken whether by foreigners trying to speak German, or by the Germans using English expressions excessively. In my diploma paper I focused on the latter version of it: I tried to find out how the Germans accept Germlish. On one hand there are some linguists, critics and organizations, who claim Germlish is a corruption of both languages involved, still others claim Germlish is a way to a common language all over the world. Considering that English is a dominating language, I wanted to know how different fields of German language are influenced by it. I dealt with the word-formation of the language of German youth, economics language and computer language. The word-formational aspects are presented in the theoretical part and in empirical part the anglicisms I took from several German newspapers and magazines are analyzed. Ključne besede: anglicism, foreign word, loan word, world language Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.05.2012; Ogledov: 2390; Prenosov: 125 Celotno besedilo (6,33 MB) |
6. An Analysis of Slang in English and Slovene Teen MagazinesPolonca Volavšek, 2010, magistrsko delo Opis: The thesis is about slang in English and Slovene teen magazines. In the theoretical section, I present and comment on different definitions of slang. I describe the history of slang and development of slang dictionaries. In addition, I point out kinds of slang and the most frequently discussed misinterpretations about slang. I draw attention to features of slang, reasons for using slang and speakers’ attitude towards slang in comparison to other social varieties of a language. I also examine textese – the language of SMS messages.
In the empirical section, I analyse slang in four English and three Slovene teen magazines and focus primarily on vocabulary and grammar. The results have confirmed my core hypothesis about the presence of slang in written language. I also hypothesize that slang influences changes in grammar, although they are not as transparent as vocabulary changes. These findings have partly confirmed my hypothesis. English teen magazines offer a wide rage of non-standard grammatical examples which show a correlation between slang and changes in slang grammar. However, I found no non-standard grammatical features of Slovene slang.
Furthermore, the subject of my research was the presence of SMS messages in slang. The analysis has shown that some language elements of SMS messages appear in English and Slovene teen magazines. Besides, I was interested in the impact of foreign loanwords in English and Slovene slang. I established that there are only a few examples of German loanwords in English slang. On the contrary, I found a large number of English loanwords in Slovene slang. Ključne besede: Slang, SMS messages, teen magazines, influence of slang on vocabulary and grammar. Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.03.2012; Ogledov: 4512; Prenosov: 283 Celotno besedilo (731,33 KB) |
7. Women in the Canterbury Tales: Between a Saint and a SinnerMihaela Juričan, 2011, diplomsko delo Opis: The diploma thesis compares the life and the status of women in the late medieval society with some of the female characters from the Canterbury Tales. The author of these Tales is Geoffrey Chaucer who is often named the Father of English Poetry. Beside his life and work this diploma thesis also presents his attitude to women in his family and his view on medieval women in general. Chaucer’s view on women varied from the generally accepted opinion imposed by the ecclesiastic and didactic literature. The mentality and the values of the late medieval society were quite different from the modern society. That is why it is difficult to describe and explain the view of the world in the fourteenth century from the modern viewpoint. The diploma thesis mentions the political, religious, and social changes that occurred in the fourteenth century England. The most important events and occurrences that led England to the riots but also to the formation of national awareness are mentioned. This diploma thesis focuses on the perception of women in the late medieval society which was dominated by men. The depictions of women in the late medieval literature were often much generalized as they were presented as sinful Eves or saint Marys. Chaucer avoided this traditional perception by creating more complex female characters. The role of his female characters was more important than it was usually assigned to female characters in the late medieval literature. Ključne besede: Geoffrey Chaucer, women, submission, late Middle Ages, Canterbury Tales Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.02.2012; Ogledov: 2333; Prenosov: 167 Celotno besedilo (1,03 MB) |
8. Language evolution from the cultural aspectAna Pejković, 2011, diplomsko delo Opis: Language is the primary force of human social life. It is the most important characteristic that separates humans from animals. The question of language evolution has not yet been completely answered, despite several theories dealing with this subject. In my graduation thesis I deal with language evolution from the cultural aspect.
First I present the process of evolution, focusing on cultural evolution – the transfer of cultural patterns in social community.
I deal with different language definitions, presented by Sverker Johansson, and the reasons for its evolution. The chapter on language definitions is completed by presenting the cradle of language, which is Africa.
When focusing on language evolution from the cultural aspect, it is necessary to present the theory of cultural transmission by Michael Tomasello. He believed that this is the only biological mechanism that could have caused changes in cognition and behaviour.
Finally, I present the question of inseparability of language and culture. Ključne besede: evolution, language, gestures, culture, cultural transmission Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.02.2012; Ogledov: 1747; Prenosov: 133 Celotno besedilo (378,87 KB) |
9. Indo-Europeans and words of common origins from the Indo-European languagesIva Starc, 2011, diplomsko delo Opis: Indo–Europeans have had an important role throughout the history since they represent the most numerous language family in the world. Many scholars have been trying to explain their existence throughout past centuries. This has been causing them many problems since the evidence is rare.
In the first part of diploma paper Indo–European languages spoken by various nations in Europe and in Asia are described. Then, as many other scholars, the diploma paper tries to find the homeland of Indo-Europeans and paths of their expansion. Later on Indo–European religion and culture are discussed. Indo–European languages influenced one–another and since English is one of many Indo–European languages, words of common origins from the Indo–European languages were looked for. The words were then divided into categories according to their meaning. The meaning and origins of the words are also provided. Ključne besede: Indo–Europeans, homeland, expansion, culture, religion, common origins Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.09.2011; Ogledov: 2669; Prenosov: 134 Celotno besedilo (753,63 KB) |
10. Različne teorije jezikovnih spremembKatja Mihelin, 2010, diplomsko delo Opis: V diplomskem delu so najprej naštete in opisane vrste jezikovnih sprememb: glasovne spremembe, spremembe po analogiji, semantične spremembe, spremembe v sintaksi in spremembe, ki so posledica jezikovnih kontaktov.
Sledi opis dveh različnih pristopov k jezikovnim spremembam. Najprej je predstavljen zgodovinski pristop s pomočjo študija dela Rogerja Lassa. Lassov pristop k proučevanju jezikovnih sprememb je konservativen in temelji na analizi jezika kot abstraktnega objekta, neodvisnega od govorcev in uporabnikov. Jezikovne spremembe je po njegovem mnenju potrebno proučevati kot spremembe v notranjem sistemu in strukturi.
Drug pristop, ki je opisan v diplomskem delu, pa je jezikovni pristop, ki zagovarja dejstvo, da je govorec, tj. uporabnik jezika, tisti, ki jezik spreminja.
Diplomsko delo vsebuje tudi različna mnenja o proučevanju jezika kot živega organizma.
V zadnjem poglavju so navedene možne skupne točke dveh prej opisanih pristopov. Ključne besede: jezikovne spremembe, jezikovni pristop, zgodovinski pristop, endogene spremembe, govorec Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.01.2011; Ogledov: 2098; Prenosov: 218 Celotno besedilo (326,42 KB) |