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Analiza sistema za hitro vpenjanje orodij za brizganje plastike v podjetju geberit d.o.o. : diplomsko delo
Inja Škrinjar, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Potrebe trga se spreminjajo in postajajo kompleksnejše, zato morajo biti podjetja organizirana tako, da so zmožna to uresničevati. Trend vedno manjših naročil različnih izdelkov je povezan z večkratno menjavo orodij na brizgalnih strojih. Vsaka menjava orodja zmanjša izkoristek opreme in predstavlja za podjetje izgubo. Iz tega razloga je potrebno čas menjave skrajšati na minimum, kar omogoča uporaba hitro vpenjalnega sistema za menjavo orodij. V diplomski nalogi sem analizirala klasično menjavo orodja in menjavo z uporabo hitro vpenjalnega sistema ter prišla do zaključka, da se s slednjo zmanjša 30 % časa. Pri ekonomskem prihranku se je izkazalo, da bi glede na tehnološke trende podjetja bila vpeljava hitro vpenjalnega sistema smotrna.
Keywords: vitka proizvodnja, metoda SMED, hitra menjava orodja, brizganje plastike
Published in DKUM: 05.10.2020; Views: 1513; Downloads: 179
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Maša Iršič, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je bil poiskati nove možnosti za pripravo tehnološke vode v podjetju JUB. Obstoječi postopek priprave vode obsega kemijsko mehčanje in dezinfekcijo z UV- žarnico. Pri delu smo se osredotočili na znižanje dodatka sredstva za mehčanje vode ter uporabo ionske izmenjave in reverzne osmoze. Preučevali smo učinkovitost dveh ionskih smol, ki bi bili primerni predvsem za znižanje trdote vode (Lewatit TP 207 in Lewatit S 1468), ter membrano iz polietersulfona. V nadaljevanju smo z mehčano vodo pripravili izbrane izdelke podjetja in jih ocenili glede na učinkovitost dispergiranja polnil v vodnih raztopinah. Ocenili smo stroške alternativnih postopkov priprave vode. Ugotovili smo, da bi bila za pripravo tehnološke vode glede na rezultate najbolj primerna kombinacija kemičnega mehčanja z znižanim dodatkom sredstva za mehčanje vode in ionske izmenjave.
Keywords: Mehčanje vode, trdota vode, ionska izmenjava, reverzna osmoza, dezinfekcija z UV- žarki.
Published in DKUM: 18.09.2013; Views: 3432; Downloads: 346
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An integrated strategy for the hierarchical multilevel MINLP synthesis of overall process flowsheets using the combined synthesis/analysis approach
Nataša Iršič Bedenik, Bojan Pahor, Zdravko Kravanja, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper describes an integrated strategy for a hierarchical multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) synthesis of overall process schemes using a combined synthesis/analysis approach. The synthesis is carried out by multilevel-hierarchical MINLP optimization of the flexible superstructure, whilst the analysis is performed in the economic attainable region (EAR). The role of the MINLP synthesis step is to obtain a feasible and optimal solution of the multi-D process problem, and the role of the subsequent EAR analysis step is to verify the MINLP solution and in the feedback loop to propose any profitable superstructure modifications for the next MINLP. The main objective of the integrated synthesis is to exploit the interactions between the reactor network, separator network and the remaining part of the heat/energy integrated process scheme.
Keywords: multilevel MINLP, MINLP synthesis, attainable region, economic attainable region, concentration attainable region, continous stirred tank reactor, plug flow reactor, recycle reactor, nonlinear programming, mixed integer nonlinear programme
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2801; Downloads: 108
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MINLP synthesis of reactor networks in overall process schemes based on a concept of time-dependent economic regions
Nataša Iršič Bedenik, Marcel Ropotar, Zdravko Kravanja, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: The design and optimization of reactor networks using the conventional conceptof attainable region is based on technological (conversion, selectivity, etc.), rather than, economical criteria (cost, profit, etc.). The solution from the economical point of view when the operating and investment costs cannot be neglected may not be optimal, not even in regard to the structure. In order to circumvent this deficiency, the conventional Concentration Attainable Region (CAR) is transformed into an Economic Region (ER) using economic optimization criteria. A novel concept for ER constructionis proposed for multi-D problems. One-parametric NLP or MINLP optimizations with reactor volume as a varying parameter are performed to construct trajectories in the ER. In this way the ER is aided by mathematical programming for 3D or more D problems in order to handle dimensions higher than 2 as degrees of freedom for the economic objective function. ER is attainable (EAR) only when the economic objective function is linear. The more the objective function is discontinuous, discrete, nonlinear and non-convex and the more its cost coefficients vary with time, the less the principles of AR can be applied to ER. However, economically optimal reactor systems always lie at the borders of ERs. Two important insights have been gained during the construction of different time-dependent ERs, which have been used in upgrading the MINLP approach to the synthesis of reactor networks in overall process schemes: (i) A reactor network superstructure has been reestablished based on economical optimization criteria and the principles of ER. (ii) Over a longer period, the performing of a stochastic multi-period MINLP synthesis is recommended, in order to consider the time variability and uncertainties of economic parameters. A special multi-period strategy is proposed to upgrade the efficiency of the MINLP synthesis.
Keywords: concentration attainable region, economic attainable region, discrete nonlinear region, MINLP
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2284; Downloads: 158
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