1. Izzivi in prednosti uporabe mobilnih aplikacij v dostopnem turizmu : razumevanje percepcije uporabnikov znakovnega jezikaMarica Ilić, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V zaključnem delu smo raziskali prilagojenost turistične ponudbe ljudem s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskavo smo aktivno vključili uporabnike slovenskega znakovnega jezika (SZJ). V teoretičnem delu smo sprva opredelili, kaj je gluhota, kdo so uporabniki znakovnega jezika, kakšen je njihov položaj v družbi ter kakšne so njihove pravice. Razjasnili smo pojem dostopnega turizma na splošno in posebej za uporabnike SZJ. S pomočjo dvofaznega raziskovalnega načrta smo najprej izvedli fokusno skupino med uporabniki SZJ, ugotovitve pa so nam pomagale pri zasnovi anketnega vprašalnika, na katerega so pozneje odgovorili 104 uporabniki SZJ. Od tega so bili trije anketni vprašalniki neveljavni, tako da je naš vzorec obsegal 101 anketiranega. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da turistične storitve niso dovolj prilagojene uporabnikom SZJ in da jim največjo oviro pri samostojnem potovanju predstavlja komunikacija. K temu prispeva še dejstvo, da turistični delavci ne poznajo SZJ, vendar sta jim pomembnejši kot SZJ empatija in potrpežljivost. Na potovanjih pogosto uporabljajo mobilne aplikacije in so jim vizualni elementi zelo pomembni. Iz tega je nastala naša ideja, da ustvarimo aplikacijo, ki bi jo uporabniki SZJ uporabljali kot podporo na potovanjih. Predlagamo, da nova aplikacija vsebuje vizualne informacije v znakovnem jeziku, prevajalnik v slovenščino, seznam društev gluhih in naglušnih v Sloveniji, na katere se lahko obrnejo med potovanjem, in druge pomožne elemente. Keywords: dostopni turizem, znakovni jezik, mobilne aplikacije, dostopnost, uporabniki slovenskega znakovnega jezika Published in DKUM: 31.01.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 26
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2. Tourism experience in accessible tourism : designing a mobile application for the deaf and hard of hearingTjaša Alegro, Marica Ilić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: How someone experiences a tourist experience depends on several factors. This article will focus on ways to ensure active participation and thus a pleasant and memorable experience for people with disabilities, specifically people with hearing problems – the deaf and hard of hearing. With the development of ICT technology, the possibilities for developing tourist products intended for the deaf and hard of hearing are even greater and can be friendlier to them. Various mobile applications complement a city’s tourist products and services and are more than a welcome help for people with special needs. With an innovative Design Thinking method suitable for planning projects or designing services or products intended for end users, we designed an idea for a mobile application for Ljubljana that is tailored to deaf and hard of hearing tourists, as Slovenia does not yet have a similar application. We designed the product idea based on an overview of good practices. Through five phases of the Design Thinking method, we analysed the indispensable elements of the mobile application for deaf and hard of hearing tourists and evaluated it through the HEART framework matrix developed for user experience assessment. Keywords: experience, measuresaccessible tourism, deaf, hard of hearing, Design Thinking Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 10
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3. ANALYSIS OF TERRORIST ATTACKS' IMPACT ON TOURISM: LITERATURE REVIEWMarica Ilić, 2020, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The number of international tourist movements increases every year. For many countries, tourism is a key part of the economy that generates considerable profits. When an economic sector such as tourism is triggered, any negative event in the process is a major detriment to the local and regional economy. In this thesis our goal was to clarify the relationship between tourism and terrorism, how terrorist attacks impact the tourism industry, and how destinations recover from them. The focus is on studies published in the last 18 years and focusing on Europe. Keywords: tourism, terrorism, recovery, Europe, event Published in DKUM: 03.11.2020; Views: 1149; Downloads: 107
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