1. Implementation of EasyTime formal semantics using a LISA compiler generatorIztok Fister, Marjan Mernik, Iztok Fister, Dejan Hrnčič, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: A manual measuring time tool in mass sporting competitions would not be imaginable nowadays, because many modern disciplines, such as IRONMAN, last a long-time and, therefore, demand additional reliability. Moreover, automatic timing-devices based on RFID technology, have become cheaper. However, these devices cannot operate as standalone because they need a computer measuring system that is capable of processing incoming events, encoding the results, assigning them to the correct competitor, sorting the results according to theachieved times, and then providing a printout of the results. This article presents the domain-specific language EasyTime, which enables the controlling of an agent by writing the events within a database. It focuses, in particular, on the implementation of EasyTime with a LISA tool that enables the automatic construction of compilers from language specifications, using Attribute Grammars. Keywords: domain specific modelling language, compiler, code generator, measuring time Published in DKUM: 06.07.2017; Views: 1699; Downloads: 378
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2. Embedding DSLS into GPLSDejan Hrnčič, Marjan Mernik, Barrett Richard Bryant, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: Embedding of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) into General-Purpose Languages (GPLs) is oftenused to express domain-specific problems using the domainćs natural syntax inside GPL programs. It speeds up thedevelopment process, programs are more self-explanatory and repeating tasks are easier to handle. End-users ordomain experts know what the desired language syntax would look like, but do not know how to write a grammar andlanguage processing tools. Grammatical inference can be used for grammar extraction from input examples. Amemetic algorithm for grammatical inference, named MAGIc, was implemented to extract grammar from DSLexamples. In this work MAGIc is extended with embedding the inferred DSL into existing GPL grammar.Additionally, negative examples were also incorporated into the inference process. From the results it can be concludedthat MAGIc is successful for DSL embedding and that the inference process is improved with use of negativeexamples. Keywords: memetic algorithms, doamin-specific languages, grammatical inference, embedding Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1749; Downloads: 52
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3. Use of genetic algorithm for fitting Sovova's mass transfer modelDejan Hrnčič, Marjan Mernik, Maša Knez Marevci, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: A genetic algorithm with resizable population has been applied to the estimation of parameters for Sovovaćs mass transfer model. The comparison of results between a genetic algorithm and a global optimizer from the literatureshows that a genetic algorithm performs as good as or better than a global optimizer on a given set of problems. Other benefits of the genetic algorithm, for mass transfer modeling, are simplicity, robustness and efficiency. Keywords: Sovova's mass transfer model, genetic algorithm, parameter estimation Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1902; Downloads: 90
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4. MEMETSKI ALGORITEM ZA SKLEPANJE O KONTEKSTNO NEODVISNIH GRAMATIKAH IN NJEGOVA UPORABA PRI NAČRTOVANJU DOMENSKO SPECIFIČNEGA JEZIKADejan Hrnčič, 2012, dissertation Abstract: V doktorski disertaciji predstavimo memetski algoritem za sklepanje o kontekstno neodvisnih gramatikah MAGIc. Memetski algoritem predstavlja evolucijski algoritem z vključenim operatorjem lokalnega iskanja. Sklepanje o gramatikah spada na področje strojnega učenja in predstavlja družino metod, ki na podlagi pozitivnih in opcijsko negativnih vhodnih primerov določi strukturo oz. izpelje gramatiko. Algoritem MAGIc sklepa o kontekstno neodvisnih gramatikah samo na podlagi pozitivnih primerov, čeprav lahko v postopek sklepanja vključimo tudi negativne primere. Pri sklepanju uporablja kot dodatno znanje razlike med primeri, katere uporabi za razširitev obstoječih gramatik, da razpoznajo več vhodnih primerov. Algoritem smo testirali na množici domensko specifičnih jezikov, napravili primerjavo z algoritmom TBL in ga razširili z možnostjo vključevanja nove sintakse v obstoječo gramatiko splošnonamenskega jezika. Algoritem se je izkazal kot uspešen za sklepanje o kontekstno neodvisnih gramatikah domensko specifičnih jezikov in je neodvisen od zaporedja vhodnih primerov. Ključna operatorja algoritma sta lokalno iskanje in generalizacija. Keywords: sklepanje o gramatikah, memetski algoritem, domensko specifični jeziki, kontekstno neodvisna gramatika Published in DKUM: 23.05.2012; Views: 2491; Downloads: 236
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