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Parallel self-avoiding walks for a low-autocorrelation binary sequences problem
Borko Bošković, Jana Herzog, Janez Brest, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: A low-autocorrelation binary sequences problem with a high figure of merit factor represents a formidable computational challenge. An efficient parallel computing algorithm is required to reach the new best-known solutions for this problem. Therefore, we developed the sokol solver for the skew-symmetric search space. The developed solver takes the advantage of parallel computing on graphics processing units. The solver organized the search process as a sequence of parallel and contiguous self-avoiding walks and achieved a speedup factor of 387 compared with lssOrel, its predecessor. The sokol solver belongs to stochastic solvers and cannot guarantee the optimality of solutions. To mitigate this problem, we established the predictive model of stopping conditions according to the small instances for which the optimal skew-symmetric solutions are known. With its help and 99% probability, the sokol solver found all the known and seven new best-known skew-symmetric sequences for odd instances from to . For larger instances, the solver cannot reach 99% probability within our limitations, but it still found several new best-known binary sequences. We also analyzed the trend of the best merit factor values, and it shows that as sequence size increases, the value of the merit factor also increases, and this trend is flatter for larger instances.
Keywords: low-autocorrelation binary sequences, self-avoiding walk, graphic processor units, high performance computing
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 45; Downloads: 3
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Napake v statistiki
Jana Herzog, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Statistika velja za eksaktno vejo znotraj matematike, ki uporablja preverjene in zanesljive metode. Kljub temu dogaja, da znotraj nje prihaja do napak, prirejanj in zlorab, ki so bodisi naključne bodisi namerne narave. Napake v statistiki niso posledica samih matematičnih/statističnih metod; te so zanesljive in preverjene, ampak posameznikov, ki delajo napake iz površnosti, pomanjkljivega znanja ali pa manipulirajo vedo samo, zaradi finančnih, gospodarstvenih, političnih in osebnih razlogov z namenom koristi. Magistrsko delo se deli na dva dela, in sicer smo v prvem delu utemeljili osnovne statistične pojme, ki so nam koristili v nadaljevanju. Pregledali smo položaj statistike v družbi, jo preučili z vidika posameznika in se osredotočili na mnenja, ki ga gojijo posamezniki o vedi. Na podlagi primerov iz resničnega življenja smo razložili, zakaj prihaja do negativnega mnenja o vedi sami in se osredotočili na napake in zlorabe vede, jih utemeljili in v drugem delu tudi matematično podkrepili ter podali rešitve/napotke za kvalitetnejšo statistično raziskovanje.
Keywords: statistika, napake v statistiki, statistika v družbi, statistične metode
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2019; Views: 1571; Downloads: 176
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The Myth of Pygmalion in Modern Culture
Jana Herzog, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: In this thesis, I explore the myth of Pygmalion in modern culture, establishing the definitions of the myth and mythology. Furthermore, I research the myth of Pygmalion in ancient Greece and focus on Ovid’s version of the myth that is used as a basis for further analysis. Historical overview of the myth of Pygmalion is provided as the myth underwent various changes throughout different eras – it was reshaped and redefined, while the roles of the creator and the created were changed and switched. The argument that myth can be applied to every aspect of everyday life is proposed as one chapter focuses on modern interpretations. The myth of Pygmalion is relevant not only in film and music industry, but it applies to each individual. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, the myth as a symbol is explained and the question why the myth is still being transmitted today arises.
Keywords: myth of Pygmalion, myth, mythology, Galatea, Pygmalion
Published in DKUM: 30.08.2019; Views: 1847; Downloads: 187
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