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Medpredmetno povezovanje in pouk jezikov
Alja Lipavic Oštir, Saša Jazbec, 2024, scientific monograph

Abstract: V publikaciji so teoretično, aplikativno in empirično obravnavne različne možnosti in priložnosti za povezovanje pouka nejezikovnih vsebin in pouka jezikov, kar v uvodniku na kratko poimenujemo kot Učenje za življenje! Prispevki so razvrščeni v pet tematskih sklopov, ki naslavljajo naslednje vidike: stališča učiteljev do pouka jezikov, uresničevanje medpredmetnega povezovanja na različnih točkah vertikale v šolstvu, medpredmetno povezovanje kot priložnost za posamezne jezike, povezovanje jezikov s perspektive drugih področij ter primerjava in izkušnje šolskih sistemov z medpredmetnim povezovanjem drugod. Prispevki so pomemben doprinos k razmisleku odločevalcev, kreatorjev šolske politike in akterjev v učnem procesu o prepotrebnih spremembah, o relativizaciji mej med posameznimi znanostmi in o pomenu osmišljenega učenja in poučevanja jezikov, ki učence in učenke pripravlja na življenje. V njem problemi, ki jih rešujemo, niso omejeni na eno samo področje ali na en jezik, ampak so holistični in zahtevajo razumevanje različnih perspektiv gledanja na nek konkreten problem in zahtevajo znanja in razumevanja različnih jezikov.
Keywords: medpredmetno povezovanje, jezikovni in nejezikovni pouk, CLIL, celostni pristop, pouk tujega jezika
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 71
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Promoting Social Skills in Young Autistic Learners through Story Reading in Inclusive Settings : m. a. thesis
Tjaša Tomše, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Using storybooks as a teaching tool has proved an effective teaching and learning technique that aids in developing and enhancing vocabulary, promotes reading and comprehension skills and even fosters social skills in learners with different needs and abilities. Developing and enhancing key social skills is all the more important for learners diagnosed with autism. Autistic learners experience deficits in social interaction and communication, struggle with fear of the unknown, have constant need for sameness, and might encounter sensory hypo- and hypersensitivities. Promoting social skills has been shown to significantly alleviate social difficulties in children with autism, and one of the successful social skills teaching and intervention methods for learners diagnosed with autism is – according to Amy Bohlander et al. and other researchers in the field – storybook reading. The theoretical part of the thesis aims at presenting key features of autistic behavior correlated with the neuroimaging findings on the irregular functioning of certain parts of the autistic brain; addressing effective inclusion strategies for teaching (young) autistic learners enrolled in general education settings, and discussing the characteristics that constitute a potentially appropriate storybook for use with young autistic learners in inclusive story reading lessons. The empirical part provides a descriptive analysis of ten storybooks, which offer a step-by-step guidance on how to cope with (a) socially challenging situation(s) and were not specifically adapted for learners with autism. The results of the storybook analysis have shown that the storybooks are mainly appropriate for promoting social skills in young autistic learners, whereby the number of storybooks classified as fully appropriate equals the number of partially appropriate items. However, to ensure a quality inclusive story reading experience that allows for effective, autism-friendly social skills teaching, the teacher or story reader needs to consider meeting the adaptation requirements for each storybook, irrespective of its classification, and identify the autistic individual´s unique set of weaknesses, enhanced abilities and (anti-)social behavior patterns prior to selecting a storybook for a group story reading.
Keywords: autism, inclusive education, social skills teaching, storybooks, story reading
Published in DKUM: 16.11.2023; Views: 492; Downloads: 31
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A collection of magical tales in upper primary school EFL classroom : master's thesis
Špela Kukec, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Nobody knows for certain where and when people started telling stories; however, people of all ages enjoy them. It has been proven that stories can be useful in any classroom as they are a powerful teaching tool. Language teachers are known for using them frequently, since they do not just motivate the students but also develop their reading skills. Stories can be used as stand-alone study material that provides everything for teaching a topic, or they can be additional material that enriches the lesson. Teachers are more likely to work with pre-prepared materials that are readily available than to make their own. As a future English teacher, I would like to incorporate my love for books into my lessons; therefore, I have researched the appropriateness of J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL in upper primary schools in Slovenia. First, I presented theoretical background about stories, Slovenian primary schools, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and choosing an appropriate story for classroom use. In the practical section, I analysed the appropriateness of The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL and prepared some lesson plans for teaching EFL with The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Keywords: EFL, primary school, tales, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, magic
Published in DKUM: 07.10.2022; Views: 595; Downloads: 40
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English teaching update available: a study on online EFL educators : magistrsko delo
Andreja Benković, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: The master’s thesis explores the north-Croatian teachers’ readiness for teaching online. With technology slowly, but steadily, taking over everyday actions, it was only a matter of time when it would take over education. With March 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, technology was the safest way of conducting lessons and was instantaneously implemented into education. This master’s thesis aims to determine how English teachers in the three northernmost Croatian counties managed the new challenge. Specifically, it tests factors that influenced their e-readiness through 7 hypotheses. The research is based on questionnaire results – the questionnaire was sent to 86 primary schools, 30 secondary schools and 11 private language schools in Međimurje county, Varaždin county and Koprivnica-Križevci county via email with a request to forward it to their English teachers. Analysing responses with quantitative research methods, the study showed that factors such as age, gender and professional development influence teachers’ e-readiness, while there were no differences among the three counties. Furthermore, the results revealed that the teachers generally feel ready for conducting online lessons, although Gay’s questionnaire on Carribean teachers’ online teaching readiness proved otherwise. Interestingly, some of the teachers did have online teaching experience prior to the pandemic, which along with organized professional development offered to them, helped them feel ready to teach online. Ultimately, teachers are better prepared to teach online than they were prior to the pandemic; however, there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Keywords: Keywords: Croatian English teachers, online education, technical readiness, lifestyle readiness, pedagogical readiness, questionnaire by Glenda H. E. Gay
Published in DKUM: 03.12.2021; Views: 833; Downloads: 58
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Korelacija med kulturnim kapitalom in učenjem tujega jezika angleščine
Jerneja Breznik, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: V zaključnem magistrskem delu je obravnavana korelacija med kulturnim kapitalom in učenjem tujega jezika angleščine. Naloga vsebuje dva sestavna dela. Prvi se ukvarja s teoretičnim ozadjem vezanim na koncept kulturnega kapitala. Poleg tega je poudarek na učenju angleškega jezika ter drugih faktorjih, ki poleg kulturnega kapitala vplivajo na uspešno osvajanje tujega jezika Angleščine. Drugi sestavni del obsega predstavitev ter interpretacijo rezultatov praktičnega dela. Slednji sloni na analizi rezultatov ankete, ki je bila izvedena v okviru pouka angleščine pri učencih 7., 8., in 9. razreda osnovne šole. Primarni cilj zaključnega dela je ugotoviti, ali med kulturnim kapitalom in učenjem angleškega jezika obstaja pozitivna korelacija. Na podlagi številnih obstoječih raziskav iz področja kulturnega kapitala v povezavi z izobraževanjem predvidevamo, da pozitivna korelacija obstaja. Kljub številnim raziskavam o vplivu kulturnega kapitala na uspeh v izobraževanju še doslej ni bilo študije, ki bi se podrobneje ukvarjala med povezavo kulturnega kapitala v povezavi z učenjem tujega jezika. Cilj je ugotoviti, kako močna je ta povezava ter ali se razlikuje od splošne povezave med kulturnim kapitalom in šolskim uspehom.
Keywords: Bourdieu, kulturni kapital, angleščina, tuji jeziki, izobraževanje
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2021; Views: 1156; Downloads: 32
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Teaching Culture Through English in Slovenian Primary and Secondary Schools: An Analysis of the Intercultural Element in Textbooks
Eva Hršak, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Our thesis begins by discussing the concept of culture. Next, it considers the importance of incorporating culture into foreign language teaching and developing intercultural communicative competence. We have discovered that culture is an inevitable part of our everyday lives. It shapes our identities and helps in explaining our actions. Therefore, being unaware of the characteristics of other cultures may result in misunderstandings. As teachers, we must be aware of the importance of culture and should be able to familiarize our learners with its elements. By incorporating elements of culture into lessons, our learners will not only become competent English speakers, but will also know how to appropriately and effectively adjust to a variety of situations, and how to maintain and establish personal relationships. In the empirical section of the thesis, we have studied primary and secondary school English teachers’ views on teaching culture. The results showed that the teachers are aware of the importance of culture teaching since all the participants include various cultural elements into their English lessons. In addition, we have analysed the eight most frequently used English textbooks the teachers use in Slovenia in terms of the cultural elements they contain. We have decided to analyse textbooks as the main resource for teaching culture since textbooks are an indispensable and also a mandatory resource for every English teacher. The analysis showed that the textbooks contain a variety of cultural elements and are taught with the help of multiple strategies.
Keywords: culture, teaching culture, English as a foreign language, intercultural competence, textbooks
Published in DKUM: 07.09.2020; Views: 1673; Downloads: 151
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Oral Assessment of English in the Third Cycle of Slovene Elementary Schools
Martin Pobežin, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis Oral Assessment of English in the Third Cycle of Slovene Elementary Schools consists of two sections – theoretical and empirical. The aim of the former was to analyse the various factors that contribute to successful oral assessment. Oral assessment differs from others in its execution, since it is conveyed by word of mouth. This creates authentic communication between the two groups of participants – learners and the teacher. However, both have to fulfil their roles. Firstly, the learners’ task is to prepare well for the assessment and act respectfully towards the assessor. Secondly, the teacher must produce adequate criteria and tasks which meet the principles of reliability and validity. In the empirical section, we present how the oral assessment of English is executed in the third cycle of Slovene elementary schools by examining two groups of participants – teachers of English and third-cycle learners. It was established that learners prefer oral assessment, whereas teachers either remained undecided or claimed that they preferred written assessment. The general dislike of the oral form among teachers can be explained by their observations about lack of time. Consequently, many learners reported the common use of writing of the answers as a form of oral assessment, whereas the majority of teachers denied such claims. Interviews and presentations remain the two most commonly used forms of oral assessment; in addition, they are also the most popular among both groups of participants. All in all, a significant body of the learners claimed they would not change anything about the current process of oral assessment, which suggests that many curricular elements are adequately selected and executed.
Keywords: oral assessment, learners, teacher, English, elementary school
Published in DKUM: 08.01.2019; Views: 1363; Downloads: 2
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In vse tiho je bilo: uporaba literarnih del pri poučevanju angleščine v višjih razredih osnovne šole
Irena Tertinek, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Literarna dela pomembno vplivajo na hitrost napredovanja pri učenju tujega jezika, zato jih želimo pri pouku spodbujati, tako intenzivno, kot tudi ekstenzivno branje. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot zaključena celota s teoretičnim uvodom in praktičnimi primeri uporabe v nadaljevanju. Prikazuje teoretične osnove pomena uporabe literarnih del pri poučevanju angleščine, pomen uporabe literarnih del pri poučevanju angleščine v luči že izvedenih raziskav v Sloveniji, napotke za uporabo literarnih del ter primere učnih priprav in potrebnih didaktičnih pripomočkov za uporabo pri poučevanju angleščine v višjih razredih osnovne šole.
Keywords: literarna dela, poučevanje angleščine, angleščina kot tuji jezik, osnovna šola, ekstenzivno branje, intenzivno branje, učne priprave.
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2017; Views: 1833; Downloads: 236
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Kirsten Hempkin, Melita Kukovec, Katja Težak, 2017, preface, editorial, afterword

Abstract: Introduction to the special issue of ELOPE: Addressing Learners’ and Teachers’ Needs: Keeping up with a Changing EFL World.
Keywords: English, foreign languages, teaching methodology, introduction, learners, teachers, EFL
Published in DKUM: 09.08.2017; Views: 1595; Downloads: 83
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Analysis of didactic games in selected coursebooks
Mateja Krajnc, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: For early foreign language learning, it is typical that it is carried out in a dynamic, varied and child-friendly way. This means that there is a wide variety of media used in these lessons, which enrich the learning process and make learning more efficient and, most importantly, more interesting for the students. One of the many media is also didactic games, which is being used more and more in practice. Due to the actuality of the topic of didactic games, the purpose of this Master’s thesis is to analyze didactic games in selected coursebooks for English in the fourth grade of primary school. In the theoretical part the terms “(child’s) play”, “game” and “didactic game” are defined, based on the technical literature. The importance of child’s play for the development of children and the significance of games in the educational process are presented. Numerous types of didactic games are listed and presented, along with their use in the classroom. Furthermore, the term “coursebook” is defined and the importance of its role in the educational process illustrated. At the end of the theoretical section, the requirements for coursebook design are presented and the characteristics of a quality coursebook listed. In the empirical section of the thesis, the analysis that was carried out based on the selected coursebooks is presented. The research shows that there is a small share of didactic games in the selected coursebooks and that language games and communicative games prevail. The majority of games are intended for practicing vocabulary, speaking and listening. The research also reveals that didactic games encourage all forms of work (individual work as well as pair work and group work).
Keywords: child’s play and games, didactic games, early ELT classroom, coursebooks, coursebook design, analysis of didactic games
Published in DKUM: 15.06.2017; Views: 1813; Downloads: 186
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