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Exploring the possibilities of adjusting gensets to NATO requirements
Dejan Barešić, Željko Hederić, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Stationary and mobile gensets are used in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. In this research, priority was given to mobile gensets which have a variety of uses. In addition to being used in the Republic of Croatia, the mobile gensets are also used in international military operations in various modes of operation. Therefore, it is necessary to be very familiar with their characteristics and the possibility of adjusting them to NATO requirements. For the purpose of the adjustment, a test was performed on a P-B40.R1 genset. A model that simulates the genset behaviour with different tested fuels was developed. The investigated genset, together with some others, was introduced into the Armed Forces pursuant to the Product Quality Protocol that was in force during the 1990s. The Protocol did not cover all requirements and recommendations for the genset operation in an international military environment. Therefore, research was conducted, which has resulted in the adjustment of the equipment and in the harmonisation of the Product Quality Protocol with the ISO standard and NATO requirements. When adjusting the materiel, special emphasis is given to defining certain genset types that are able to use the modified F-34 kerosene-type fuel instead of diesel fuel. The F-34 fuel is obtained from kerosene used in aviation; this fuel can be easily obtained in international military operations where the tendency is to use the same type of fuel for airplanes, vehicles, and diesel engine equipment. When F-34 is used as the genset fuel, the quality of the generated electrical energy might be reduced. For the purpose of bringing the output characteristics of the generator within prescribed limits, simulations were performed both with and without the tuning of the regulation parameters.
Keywords: genset, F-34 fuel, regulator adjustment, simulations
Published in DKUM: 22.02.2024; Views: 227; Downloads: 22
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Simplified method for analyzing the availability of rooftop photovoltaic potential
Primož Mavsar, Klemen Sredenšek, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Sebastijan Seme, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a new simplified method for analyzing the availability of photovoltaic potential on roofs. Photovoltaic systems on roofs are widespread as they represent a sustainable and safe investment and, therefore, a means of energy self-suffciency. With the growth of photovoltaic systems, it is also crucial to correctly evaluate their global effciency. Thus, this paper presents a comparison between known methods for estimating the photovoltaic potential (as physical, geographic and technical contributions) on a roof and proposes a new simplified method, that takes into account the economic potential of a building that already has installed a photovoltaic system. The measured values of generated electricity of the photovoltaic system were compared with calculated photovoltaic potential. In general, the annual physical, geographic, technical and economic potentials were 1273.7, 1253.8, 14.2 MWh, and 279.1 Wh, respectively. The analysis of all four potentials is essential for further understanding of the sustainable and safe investment in photovoltaic systems.
Keywords: photovoltaic system, rooftop photovoltaic potential, economic potential, light detection and ranging, LiDAR
Published in DKUM: 05.12.2023; Views: 386; Downloads: 23
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Conference proceedings
2019, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Abstract: Konferenčni zbornik / 7. mednarodni simpozij o aplikativni elektromagnetiki SAEM 18. Mednarodni Simpozij o Aplikativni Elektromagnetiki je namenjen predstavitvi rezultatov raziskovalnega dela na različnih področjih aplikativne elektromagnetike. Simpozij je namenjen izmenjavi idej, predstavitvi dosežkov in rezultatov, zagotavljanju foruma za raziskovalce in akademike. Naše konference so znane po odprtem in prijaznem vzdušju, ki spodbuja zlasti mlade raziskovalce, da predstavijo svoje dosežke in ideje še v zgodnji fazi njihovega raziskovalnega dela. Simpozij nadaljuje tradicijo skupnih konferenc, ki so bile v preteklih letih organizirane v Makedoniji, Poljski, Sloveniji in Madžarski. Simpozij je odprt za udeležence iz vsega sveta. Letošnji simpozij je potekal med 17. in 20. junijem 2018 v Podčetrtku, Slovenija.  Vsem udeležencem se zahvaljujemo za sodelovanje na mednarodnem simpoziju o Aplikativni elektromagnetiki in jih želimo uspešno akademsko kariero.
Keywords: applied electromagnetics, electrical machinesn, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic devices, energy efficiency
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 494; Downloads: 26
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Accuracy of Rotational Speed and Torque Sensors for Determining the Mechanical Power of Rotating Electrical Machines
Gregor Srpčič, Iztok Brinovar, Bojan Štumberger, Sebastijan Seme, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper deals with determining the accuracy of measuring systems for determining the characteristics of rotating electrical machines. Efficiency classes and experimental methods for determining efficiency, are given in a standard, which has to be strictly respected. For determining the efficiency of an electrical machine, it is necessary to have a modern and accurate measurement system with sensors of high accuracy classes, which enables the user to carry out precise measurements and consequently, to determine all the characteristics of the electrical machine. This paper will be focused on torque and speed measurements.
Keywords: efficiency, measuring system, electric machines, torque and rotational sensors, accuracy
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 529; Downloads: 32
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Energy Efficiency Indicators of a Single Unit House
Iztok Brinovar, Gregor Srpčič, Zdravko Praunseis, Sebastijan Seme, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This article deals with the evaluation of energy efficiency indicators of an older single unit house with the use of "KI energija 2017" software, which is widely used among qualified Slovenian experts authorized to carry out the energy performance assessments and issue an energy performance certificate. The energy performance analysis before and after the implementation of proposed measures has shown significant energy saving potential in renovation of existing buildings.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy indicators, energy performance, building renovation, CO2 emissions
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 488; Downloads: 34
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Estimation of the Solar Irradiance on Tilted Surface for Different Types of Pyranometers
Sebastijan Seme, Klemen Sredenšek, Iztok Brinovar, Gregor Srpčič, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Bojan Štumberger, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Accurate measurements of solar irradiance are important in many applications such as studying the distribution of received radiation or estimating the final yield of photovoltaic systems This paper deals with evaluation of different types of pyranometers. The primary objective of this paper is to compare two types of pyranometers, with the use of mathematical model for predicting solar radiation on incline surface. The mathematical model shows that both types of pyranometers receives the highest annual average solar radiation with a surface facing 189° south and inclination angle of 44°. The results in this paper show that the deviation between silicon photodiode and thermopile pyranometer mostly occur, due to irregular calibration, frequent cleaning and errors of silicon photodiode pyranometer under overcast sky conditions.
Keywords: pyranometer, solar radiation, azimuth angle, inclination angle, accuracy
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 392; Downloads: 36
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Measurement System for Testing of Electric Drives in Electric Vehicles
Iztok Brinovar, Gregor Srpčič, Sebastijan Seme, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper deals with the implementation of a measurement system, capable of performing real-time data acquisition and control, and allows the performance analysis of electric drives used for electric vehicle propulsion. For applying the mechanical load on the shaft of the tested motor three different test bench configurations with different power and speed ranges can be used. The main objective of the measurement system is to perform routine performance tests and road simulation tests (in terms of driving cycles) of an electric drive. It provides a research environment for analysis, investigation and study of electric drives and control strategies.
Keywords: measurement system, test bench, electric machines, electric vehicles, permanent magnet synchronous motor
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 383; Downloads: 27
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SWOT Analysis of Pedelecs and E-Cars in Selected Countries of the Danube Region
Gregor Srpčič, Iztok Brinovar, Katja Hanžič, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Sebastijan Seme, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper deals with pedelecs and e-cars in urban transport systems in selected countries of the Danube region. Within the EU project eGUTS a feasibility study focused on pedelecs and e-cars was made. Country specific information on e-mobility (pedelecs and ecars) was gathered and is briefly presented in chapter 2. In addition, a common SWOT analysis for all selected countries of the Danube region was made and is presented in the conclusion of the paper.
Keywords: pedelecs, e-cars, electric vehicles, SWOT analysis, Danube region
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 416; Downloads: 33
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The Implementation of Electronic Green Public Procurement Tool in Slovenia
Klemen Sredenšek, Gregor Srpčič, Maršenka Marksel, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Sebastijan Seme, 2019, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper deals with implementation of electronic green public procurement tool for achieving environmental protection and sustainable development. The electronic green public procurement tool used within the living labs has been tested by stakeholders which proposed several valuable improvements. The evaluation analysis has shown that the living labs stakeholders knowledge on electronic green public procurement topics was improved.
Keywords: green public procurement, implement, improve, living lab, electronic green public procurement tool
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 406; Downloads: 26
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Efficiency of laser-shaped photovoltaic cells
Ewa Korzeniewska, Mariusz Tomczyk, Łukasz Pietrzak, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Bojan Štumberger, Klemen Sredenšek, Sebastijan Seme, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of laser shaping of the photovoltaic cell based on its efficiency. The authors described both process of the monocrystalline photovoltaic cell manufacturing, its efficiency, and the possibilities of usage in architecture and the process of creating the photovoltaic cells of unconventional shapes by using laser technology. A method for cutting photovoltaic cells using a fiber laser was presented as well as the parameters of the laser cutting process. The described method allows cutting the massively produced silicon cells according to the predetermined trajectory. Using the proposed process parameters, satisfactory cutting edge quality, and negligible impact of the laser beam on changes in the structure of the photovoltaic cell active layers were achieved. In each cycle of structure cutting, only a small part of the material is removed (from 1 to 2 mikro), and depending on the thickness, the process is repeated from 50 to 300 times. It has been shown that the efficiency of the modified cells depends on the ratio of their surface area to the laser cutting line.
Keywords: photovoltaic cells, efficiency, photovoltaic cell modification, laser modification, silicon cells
Published in DKUM: 15.11.2023; Views: 389; Downloads: 29
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