1. Konstruiranje pnevmatske priprave za montažo ležajevMartin Lampret, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu je predstavljen potek konstruiranja pnevmatske priprave za montiranje ležajev v podjetju LP Mycron d.o.o. Namen konstruiranja pnevmatske priprave za montiranje ležajev je olajšati in pospešiti način tega postopka, saj imajo v podjetju za izdelati velike serije izdelkov, ki potrebujejo montažo ležajev že več let in so potrebni izboljšave. V delu je predstavljeno delovanje priprave, potek konstruiranja ter primerjava med starim in novim načinom. Keywords: montaža ležajev, pnevmatska priprava, stiskanje, konstruiranje Published in DKUM: 07.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 Full text (2,93 MB) |
2. Tehniško izobraževanje in inženirska pedagogikaBoris Aberšek, Andrej Flogie, 2019, scientific monograph Abstract: Pri tehniških in inženirskih izobraževanjih se učenci in študentje učijo razumeti tehniko v njenih socialnih, ekonomskih in ekoloških kontekstih. Pri tem so posebej pomembni tako zgodovinski aspekti tehnike, kot tudi najnovejši dosežki njenega razvoja. Učenci morajo biti pri pouku motivirani tudi za samostojno in aktivno učenje pretežno po principu učimo se ob delu. Da bi tehniško izobraževanje lahko realizirali na tak aktiven način, je treba premakniti njegovo težišče od po-uka(pasivnega učenja) k aktivnemu učenju. Domnevamo, da se bodo razlage in vsebine te knjige večkrat razlikovale od predstav, ki so zakoreninjene tako med učitelji, kot tudi med učenci. Upamo, da bomo s predstavljenimi idejami pri učiteljih izzvali kognitivno disonanco – intelektualno nelagodje, ki jih bo spodbudilo k temu, da bodo prevetrili svoje ponotranjene »teorije v glavah«, pri učencih pa, da bodo odkrili lažjo in bolj efektno pot, kako usvajati zahtevana in potrebna znanja. Ta knjiga je namenjena tako učiteljem tehniških strok kot tudi učencem, da bodo skozi razumevanje procesa učenja lažje in bolj poglobljeno prihajali do znanj in spoznanj. Keywords: tehniško izobraževanje, inženirska pedagogika, metode in strategije poučevanja, projektni pristop, motivacijski modeli Published in DKUM: 17.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Link to full text |
3. Analiza utrujanja osnosimetrične kiralne celične strukture iz nerjavnega jekla 316l : magistrsko deloŽiga Žnidarič, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu je izvedena simulacija utrujanja osnosimetrične kiralne celične strukture in njene modificirane oblike, narejenih iz nerjavnega jekla 316L. Opisane so teoretične osnove celičnih struktur s predstavitvijo obeh geometrij. Nadaljuje se s teoretičnimi osnovami utrujanja materialov, s poudarkom na deformacijski metodi. Opisano je, kako sta bili generirani geometriji s pomočjo programske kode in prilagojeni za uporabo v numeričnih simulacijah. Sledilo je določevanje materialnih parametrov, obremenitev, podpor in podatkov za izračun življenjske dobe. Geometriji sta bili obremenjeni s pomiki v obliki sinusnega valovanja. Modela sta bila diskretizirana z mrežo končnih elementov, določeno s konvergenčno analizo.
Podatke smo beležili v tabelah, s pomočjo katerih smo izrisali grafe, ki prikazujejo, kako se življenjska doba spremeni v odvisnosti od velikosti obremenitve. Sledili smo tudi poteku napetosti in stopnjam plastične deformacije, ki se pojavijo v strukturah. Rezultati so pokazali, da kljub boljši porazdelitvi napetosti je življenjska doba optimizirane strukture krajša. Keywords: celične strukture, avksetičnost, deformacijska metoda, ciklično utrujanje, numerična analiza, življenjska doba Published in DKUM: 21.08.2024; Views: 110; Downloads: 21 Full text (4,75 MB) |
4. Konstruiranje in izdelava zobniške dvojice reduktorja vrtilnika tunelov : diplomsko deloBlaž Zatler, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu sem se posvetil preračunu in izdelavi zobnika oz. pastorka, ki je del gonila za pogon stroja za izkop zemljine v tunelih. V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljene teoretične osnove preračuna zobniške dvojice. Sledi jim analiza zasnove reduktorja in preračun osnovnih geometrijskih veličin. S pomočjo pridobljenih podatkov sem nato izvedel trdnostni preračun, s katerim sem preveril ustreznost zasnove in določil potrebne manjkajoče podatke za izdelavo pastorka. Na koncu sem v skladu s preračunom pripravil tehnično dokumentacijo pastorka in predstavil izdelovalne postopke, s katerimi je pastorek izdelan. Keywords: gonilo, zobnik, konstruiranje, preračun zobnikov, izdelava zobnikov Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 164; Downloads: 0 |
5. A computational model for analysing the dry rolling/sliding wear behaviour of polymer gears made of POMAljaž Ignatijev, Matej Borovinšek, Srečko Glodež, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study presents a computational model to determine the wear behaviour of polymer gears. Using PrePoMax finite element numerical calculation software, a proposed computational model was built to predict dry rolling/sliding wear behaviour based on Archard’s wear model. This allows the calculation of the wear depth in each loading cycle with constant mesh updating using the finite element method. The developed computational model has been evaluated on a spur gear pair, where the pinion made of POM was meshed with a support gear made of steel. The computational results obtained were compared with the analytical results according to the VDI 2736 guidelines. Based on this comparison, it was concluded that the proposed computational model could be used to simulate the wear behaviour of contacting mechanical elements like gears, bearings, etc. The main advantage of the model, if compared to the standardised procedure according to the VDI 2736 guidelines, is the geometry updating after a chosen number of loading cycles, which enables a more accurate prediction of wear behaviour under rolling/sliding loading conditions. Keywords: polymer gears, rolling/sliding contact, wear, computational modelling Published in DKUM: 12.04.2024; Views: 189; Downloads: 12 Full text (3,67 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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8. Microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of a new high-strength aluminium alloy AA 6086Franc Zupanič, Jernej Klemenc, Matej Steinacher, Srečko Glodež, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This study presents the comprehensive experimental investigation of the microstructure, mechanical and fatigue properties of a new high-strength aluminium alloy AA 6086, which was developed from a commercial aluminium alloy AA 6082. The new alloy possesses a higher content of Si, and, it also contains Cu and Zr. The alloy was characterised in the as-cast condition after homogenisation, extrusion, and T6 heat treatment. Light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry were used to analyse the microstructure and the fractography of broken specimens. The quasi-static and fatigue tests were performed on the MTS Landmark 100 kN servo-hydraulic test machine, controlled with a mechanical extensometer with a 25 mm gauge length. The quasi-static strength of the analysed aluminium alloy AA 6086 was found to be significantly higher if compared to some other AA 6xxx alloys, while the ductility was kept almost the same. The experimental results of the comprehensive fatigue tests in a Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) and High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) regime showed a good fatigue resistance, and represent a good basis for engineering design applications of the newly developed aluminium alloy AA 6086. Keywords: aluminijeve zlitine, karakterizacija materiala, utrujanje, eksperimentalno testiranje, statistično ovrednotenje, Aluminium Alloy AA 6086, material characterisation, fatigue behaviour, experimental testing, statistical evaluation Published in DKUM: 02.04.2024; Views: 281; Downloads: 17 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
9. LCF behaviour of high strength aluminium alloys AA 6110A and AA 6086Jernej Klemenc, Srečko Glodež, Matej Steinacher, Franc Zupanič, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The proposed research presents the comprehensive investigation of the Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) behaviour of two high-strength aluminium alloys of series AA 6xxx: the conventional alloy AA 6110A and the newly developed alloy AA 6086. Both alloys were characterised in the as-cast condition after homogenisation, extrusion, and T6 heat treatment.
The quasi-static strength and hardness of the aluminium alloy AA 6086 were found to be significantly higher if compared to the AA 6110A alloys, while the ductility was a little bit smaller. The LCF tests showed that the AA 6086 alloy is more suitable for the high-cycle fatigue regime. On the other hand, the engineering advantage of the AA 6110A alloy is only for low-cycle fatigue applications if less than 100 loading cycles are expected in the service life of the analysed structure. The fatigue cracks formed predominantly on the α-AlMnSi intermetallic particles in both alloys, and, during LCF tests, exhibited small crack propagation. The area of the fatigue crack growth was much smaller than the area of the forced fracture. At smaller amplitude strains the fatigue striations were present at the fracture surface, while, at higher amplitude strains, they were not present. The obtained experimental results represent a good basis for engineering design applications of the analysed alloys AA 6086 and AA 6110A. Keywords: aluminijeve zlitine, malociklično utrujanje, eksperimentalno testiranje, fraktografija, aluminium alloys, low cycle fatigue, experimental testing, fractography Published in DKUM: 29.03.2024; Views: 197; Downloads: 13 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
10. Computational model for analysing the tooth deflection of polymer gearsAljaž Ignatijev, Srečko Glodež, Janez Kramberger, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: A computational model for analysing the tooth deflection of polymer gears is presented in this paper. Because polymer gears have less stiffness compared to metal gears, the proposed approach considers a comprehensive analysis to determine the most suitable numerical model, i.e., the number of teeth that should be modelled for a given gear’s geometry and material. The developed computational model has been evaluated using a spur gear pair, where the pinion made of POM was meshed with a support gear made of steel. Material properties were assigned with linear elastic characteristics for the gear, while the pinion was characterised by hyperelastic properties using POM material. Furthermore, a nonlubricated frictional contact between the gear and pinion was considered in the numerical computations. The computational results that were obtained were compared to the empirical results according to VDI 2736 guidelines. Here, the computational approach showed more accurate results due to the hyperelastic material characteristics of POM and the simulation of multiple teeth meshing. However, VDI 2736 calculation showed comparability with the computational results, with a slightly larger deviation at higher loads. In this respect, the proposed computational approach is more suitable for analysing the tooth deflection of polymer gears under higher loads. Keywords: polymer gears, tooth deflection, computational modelling Published in DKUM: 19.03.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 15 Full text (3,57 MB) This document has many files! More... |