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A multiscale approach to deformation and fracture of heat-resistant steel under static and cyclic loading
P. O. Maruščak, Denys Baran, Vladimir Gliha, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Regularities of static and cyclic deformation, damage and fracture of heat-resistant steel 25Kh1M1F, based on the approaches of physical mesomechanics and 3D interferometry method, are presented in this paper. The applicability of these techniques for different hierarchy levels of deformation was studied. The investigation of scanning microscope photos was conducted for several dissipative structures, fragmentation of the material, localisation of macrodeformation and subsequent failure on macro- and mesolevel. It is shown that the used modern techniques of experimental analysis are very efficient in understanding deformation and damage evolution in materials.
Keywords: fracture, heat-resistant steel, cyclic loading, fatigue, plastic deformation
Published in DKUM: 18.08.2017; Views: 1465; Downloads: 362
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The microstructure and properties of materials at the fusion line
Vladimir Gliha, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, the formation of the HAZ that is caused by the thermal effects of welding is investigated from the theoretical and experimental points of view. Samples of the material found at the fusion line were prepared by simulating the thermal regimes that occur during welding. A number of CCT diagrams that are valid for the conditions during welding were designed, and the hardness and impact-toughness of the samples were measured. This information was then related to the results of metallographic examinations. The maximum temperature and the cooling rate of the applied thermal cycles were found to be decisive in terms of the properties of HAZ.
Keywords: welding, HAZ, thermal cycle, cooling rate, fusion line
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 2170; Downloads: 115
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The influence of simulated thermal cycle on the formation of microstructures of multi-pass weld metal
Danilo Rojko, Vladimir Gliha, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The influence of weld thermal cycle on the micrstructural changes in weld metal by use of the simulated microstructures. We examined the kinetics of the formation of austenite from the starting microstructure. The simulated microstructures were prepared by the application of simulated thermal cycles with different peak temperatures on a sample of real single-pass weld metal. The reproduction of thermal cycles were carried out by the SMITWELD simulator. Special attention was dedicated to the influence of thermal cycle on the formation of microstructures, which can be potential triggers of brittle fracture (local brittle zones).
Keywords: welding, welded joints, multi-pass weld metal, simulated microstructure, impact toughness
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 2389; Downloads: 139
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Suitability of heat treatment for crack resistance of material in the connection part of heavy transporter for liquid slag
Tomaž Vuherer, Ljubica Milović, Milorad Zrilić, Ivan Samardžić, Vladimir Gliha, 2013, other scientific articles

Abstract: The post weld heat treatment (PWHT) was used to reduce the level of the residual stresses and increase of the crack resistance of the materal in the cnnection part. The article presents the results of the residual stress measurements immediately after welding and after the stress relaxation by the PWHT.
Keywords: weld, heat treatment, residual stress, stress relaxation, crack resistance
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 2337; Downloads: 104
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Fatigue crack initiation from microstructurally small Vickers indentations
Tomaž Vuherer, Andrej Godina, Zijah Burzić, Vladimir Gliha, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: The resistivity of coarse grain steel against crack initiation in the presence of micro defects is discussed. Samples of material with martensitic microstructure were prepared by adequate thermal treatment. Microstructurally small Vickers indentations were used as an artificial micro defect. The compressive residual stresses are due to the irreversibility of plastic deformation. The moment of indenting enables to prepare samples with and without effects of residual stresses. The stress level for crack initiation depends on the actual indentation size. The location of initiated cracks is affected by the presence and character of residual stresses.
Keywords: welded joints, micro defect, coarse grain HAZ, crack initiation, crack growth, stress concentration, fatigue limit, Vickers, residual stresses
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1782; Downloads: 125
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Charpy toughness of vibrated microstructures
Bogdan Pučko, Vladimir Gliha, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of vibration on impact toughness of weld metal. Studies were carried out on two welds, of which one had been welded with applying vibration during welding. From test plates samples were made to simulate heat affect in combination with or without vibration after solidification. In this way conditions at multi-pass welding were simulated. According to different conditions Charpy toughness on non standard specimens and fracture appearance were observed. Vibration during welding benefits impact energy of weld metal, especially if weld metal undergoes further heatb treatment.
Keywords: welded joints, impact toughness, vibration, Charpy toughness, SAW
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1109; Downloads: 116
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HAZ toughness of Ti-microalloyed ofshore steel in as-welded and simulated condition
Inoslav Rak, Mustafa Koçak, Blagoj Petrovski, Vladimir Gliha, 1995, original scientific article

Abstract: The CTOD values measured on 34 mm thick SENB specimen taken from multipass 1/2K joints were compared with the values obtained from 8 mm thick SENB specimens with simulated microstructures of CGHAZ (a/W=0.5). Single and double thermal cycles were used to simulate various thermal treatment which HAZ at the weld bond may xperience during the welding.
Keywords: varjenje, Ti-ofshore jekla
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1049; Downloads: 30
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Vpliv mehkega korena na vedenje zvarnega spoja pri lomu
Vladimir Gliha, Nenad Gubeljak, Inoslav Rak, 1997, original scientific article

Abstract: Primerjali smo lomno žilavost treh različnih zvarnih spojev, katerih meja plastičnosti je presegala mejo plastičnosti osnovnega materiala. Dva zvara smo v korenskem delu zvarili z mehkejšim dodajanim materialom, da smo lahko opustili predgrevanje. Mehki koren vpliva na znižanje lomne žilavosti spoja. Rezultati merjenja lomne žilavosti so na zvaru, kjer je bil koren izdelan dvovarkovno, višji od štirivarkovnega.
Keywords: varenje, zvarni spoji, koren zvara, krhki lom, lomna žilavost, dodajani material
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1182; Downloads: 43
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