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Narrating guilt and innocence in youth novels by J. Boyne and S. C. Bartoletti : masters thesis
Tajda Tripkovič, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava dva mladinska zgodovinska romana Deček na vrhu gore (The Boy at the Top of the Mountain) pisatelja Johna Boyna in The Boy Who Dared (Deček, ki si je drznil) pisateljice Susan Campbell Bartoletti. Cilj naloge je primerjati oba romana, ki pripadata tako mladinski kot zgodovinski prozi, in pojasniti njuno zgodovinsko ozadje, ob tem pa primerjati dva mlada protagonista, in sicer Pierrota Fischerja in Helmutha Hübenerja, ki se znajdeta v turbulentnih časih – najprej v obdobju vzpona nacizma in nato še sredi druge svetovne vojne. Vsak po svoje se trudita po najboljših močeh manevrirati med zastavljenimi pravili režima in pri tem odkrivati, kdo sta in kakšne so njune vrednote.
Keywords: Deček na vrhu gore, The Boy Who Dared, zgodovinski roman, mladinski roman, druga svetovna vojna, John Boyne, Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Published in DKUM: 02.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 18
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Pandemic and politics in Mary Shelley’s The last man
Michelle Gadpaille, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, readers and scholars turn to previous pandemic writing. Among the accounts of past pandemics, Mary Shelley’s The Last Man (1826) might not be the most familiar, although it stands out, not merely because of its female author and futuristic, dystopian mode. Its real distinction is that it predicts the social and political fallout of a pandemic in ways that echo the global experience of coronavirus reaction over the last few years, specifically, the ideological polarization created by anti-pandemic measures.
Keywords: English literature, plague narrative, dystopia
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 2
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University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact

Abstract: This research report comprehensively overviews the research activities of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) between 2021 and 2023. It shows the significant academic and practical contributions made by the FEB in various research fields, highlighting its commitment to addressing contemporary challenges and achieving excellence. The repo rt outlines the various achievements of the FEB, such as research projects, applied projects for businesses, publications, citations, scientific journal publications, conferences organized, and doctoral dissertations. It also emphasizes the significant involvement of students in research, showcasing the FEB's dedication to practical experience and its adherence to research ethics and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report presents a balanced view of the Faculty's research landscape, highlighting successes and ongoing development areas. It is a detailed document that effectively communicates the vibrant research culture at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, and its significant contributions to academic and practical fields.
Keywords: research projects, research institutes, sustainable development, practical lmplications, Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Maribor, research
Published in DKUM: 23.05.2024; Views: 269; Downloads: 15
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Fantasy and Madness in Two Female Protagonists in Gothic Fiction : m. a. thesis
Lara Zorec, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis analyses the influence of fantasy and madness on two female protagonists in The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson and The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. It aims to explain in what ways the fantasizing of two female protagonists suggests the potential madness or mental health issues in the protagonists. The protagonists, Eleanor Vance, and the governess, experience seemingly inexplicable supernatural occurrences while trying to restart their lives in new surroundings. Both literary works of Gothic fiction focus on their narration and explanation of the events and their fantasizing about what could have been. To correctly interpret the results of the analysis and scientific terms, the first part of the thesis deals with the explanation of specific terminology related to the Gothic genre, madness in medical and literary terms in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and psychoanalytic criticism. The theoretical background is significant for the definition of the specific passages that help us understand the ambiguous literary works by Jackson and James. The thesis attempts to discover what mental illnesses could be tormenting the female protagonists and how defining their symptoms could help explain their behaviour and inexplicable occurrences.
Keywords: The Haunting of Hill House, The Turn of the Screw, Shirley Jackson, Henry James, fantasy, madness, mental illness, schizophrenia, Female Gothic
Published in DKUM: 14.03.2024; Views: 234; Downloads: 45
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Environmental Content in Intermediate English Textbooks and Lessons : master's thesis
Saška Kurnik, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Environmental issues are nowadays an inevitable part of our lives. It is imperative we address them in order to prevent their further escalation and ensure a better future on our planet. English language teachers have a unique opportunity to touch upon this topic in their lessons since English, as a global language, is a means for discussing all globally relevant issues. This thesis focuses on the representation of environmental issues in intermediate English textbooks and lessons. We aim to highlight the significance of environmental issues and encourage teachers to promote environmental awareness and action in their students. We first provide theoretical background about environmental education, environmental issues, the connection between language teaching and the environment, as well as the inclusion of environmental content in English textbooks. In the empirical part of the thesis, we analyse 13 intermediate English textbooks in terms of environmental content and present interviews with five high-school English teachers about the extent to which environmental issues are integrated into their lessons.
Keywords: textbooks, environmental issues, English language teaching, environmental education
Published in DKUM: 04.03.2024; Views: 283; Downloads: 20
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Promoting Social Skills in Young Autistic Learners through Story Reading in Inclusive Settings : m. a. thesis
Tjaša Tomše, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: Using storybooks as a teaching tool has proved an effective teaching and learning technique that aids in developing and enhancing vocabulary, promotes reading and comprehension skills and even fosters social skills in learners with different needs and abilities. Developing and enhancing key social skills is all the more important for learners diagnosed with autism. Autistic learners experience deficits in social interaction and communication, struggle with fear of the unknown, have constant need for sameness, and might encounter sensory hypo- and hypersensitivities. Promoting social skills has been shown to significantly alleviate social difficulties in children with autism, and one of the successful social skills teaching and intervention methods for learners diagnosed with autism is – according to Amy Bohlander et al. and other researchers in the field – storybook reading. The theoretical part of the thesis aims at presenting key features of autistic behavior correlated with the neuroimaging findings on the irregular functioning of certain parts of the autistic brain; addressing effective inclusion strategies for teaching (young) autistic learners enrolled in general education settings, and discussing the characteristics that constitute a potentially appropriate storybook for use with young autistic learners in inclusive story reading lessons. The empirical part provides a descriptive analysis of ten storybooks, which offer a step-by-step guidance on how to cope with (a) socially challenging situation(s) and were not specifically adapted for learners with autism. The results of the storybook analysis have shown that the storybooks are mainly appropriate for promoting social skills in young autistic learners, whereby the number of storybooks classified as fully appropriate equals the number of partially appropriate items. However, to ensure a quality inclusive story reading experience that allows for effective, autism-friendly social skills teaching, the teacher or story reader needs to consider meeting the adaptation requirements for each storybook, irrespective of its classification, and identify the autistic individual´s unique set of weaknesses, enhanced abilities and (anti-)social behavior patterns prior to selecting a storybook for a group story reading.
Keywords: autism, inclusive education, social skills teaching, storybooks, story reading
Published in DKUM: 16.11.2023; Views: 492; Downloads: 28
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Narratives of identity: the interplay of language and oppression in three postcolonial novels : m. a. thesis
Bernarda Helbel, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: This MA thesis examines the relationship between language and identity in postcolonial contexts, as portrayed in the works of Andrea Levy and Jean Rhys. The thesis focuses on the female narrators in The Long Song, Wide Sargasso Sea, and Small Island, exploring the ways in which language shapes their identities and the impact of external voices on their stories. The thesis aims to highlight the tension between recovering individual subjects and fostering cultural and personal identity through language. Another section also examines the concept of double consciousness and the idealization of the prevailing culture, demonstrating the impact of language on one's perceptions of self and belonging. Through analysis of language style, the thesis argues that language can be both a hindrance and a catalyst for self-discovery and the formation of a more authentic identity. The thesis attempts to examine the lasting effects of colonialism and slavery and provides insights into the complexity of language and identity in postcolonial literature contexts.
Keywords: Wide Sargasso Sea, The Long Song, A Small Island, oppression, postcolonialism, Jean Rhys, Andrea Levy, language
Published in DKUM: 08.09.2023; Views: 464; Downloads: 53
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The potential of video games for vocabulary acquisition among secondary school students : m. a. thesis
Martin Utroša, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrski nalogi smo se osredinili na potencial video iger kot medijev za pasivno usvajanje besedišča pri dijakih, dijakinjah v srednji šoli. Delo se nanaša na učitelje, učiteljice srednješolcev, ki so dovzetnejši za takšen način učenja. Video igre imajo potencial pri izboljšanju besedišča dijakov izven učilnice. Številne raziskave na področju usvajanja besedišča so bile narejene v kontekstu medosebne interakcije v večigralskih video igrah, v magistrskem delu pa smo se osredinili na enoigralske, kjer lahko učenci s pomočjo zgodb v video igrah izboljšajo obstoječe in pridobivajo novo besedišče. V magistrski nalogi smo zastavili tri hipoteze. Prvo in drugo hipotezo smo potrdili v empiričnem delu, tretjo pa v teoretičnem. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na izboljševanje besedišča, usvojenega v učilnici, in ga primerja z besediščem video iger in besediščem izbranih in potrjenih učbenikov za poučevanje angleščine od drugega letnika srednje šole dalje. Prav tako nudi vpogled v potencial video iger za usvajanje besedišča pri pouku angleščine in daje učiteljem priporočila, kako video igre koristno uporabiti pri pouku angleščine.
Keywords: video igre, usvajanje besedišča, poučevanje, učenje, srednja šola
Published in DKUM: 22.12.2022; Views: 887; Downloads: 75
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A collection of magical tales in upper primary school EFL classroom : master's thesis
Špela Kukec, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Nobody knows for certain where and when people started telling stories; however, people of all ages enjoy them. It has been proven that stories can be useful in any classroom as they are a powerful teaching tool. Language teachers are known for using them frequently, since they do not just motivate the students but also develop their reading skills. Stories can be used as stand-alone study material that provides everything for teaching a topic, or they can be additional material that enriches the lesson. Teachers are more likely to work with pre-prepared materials that are readily available than to make their own. As a future English teacher, I would like to incorporate my love for books into my lessons; therefore, I have researched the appropriateness of J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL in upper primary schools in Slovenia. First, I presented theoretical background about stories, Slovenian primary schools, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and choosing an appropriate story for classroom use. In the practical section, I analysed the appropriateness of The Tales of Beedle the Bard for teaching EFL and prepared some lesson plans for teaching EFL with The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Keywords: EFL, primary school, tales, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, magic
Published in DKUM: 07.10.2022; Views: 595; Downloads: 40
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The Use of Storybooks in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Primary Level (2nd AND 3rd Grade) in Slovene Primary Schools : master thesis
Barbara Maher, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: This Master’s Thesis deals with the topic of teaching English as a foreign language to young language learners with the use of storybooks/a story-based approach. It has been produced with the intent to encourage and persuade English teachers of young language learners (in Slovenia) to introduce this approach to their early foreign language lessons, by offering a detailed overview of the advantages a story-based approach brings to the context of foreign language instruction, and to serve as a handbook, guiding them through the recommendations for the selection of appropriate storybooks, the preparation for storytelling/storyreading and its implementation, with additional emphasis on the importance of choosing and incorporating suitable story-related activities to each stage of the storytelling/reading act. Moreover, concerns teachers might have when first starting to use this approach, such as whether or not the learner's first language should be used in the story-based lessons, and how many times the same story can be presented to the learners, have been touched on, as well. Furthermore, the Master’s Thesis provides a selection of ready-to-use story-based lesson plans, prepared around chosen storybooks, all made to fit the goals/aims of foreign language instruction at primary level in the 2nd and 3rd grade in Slovene primary schools.
Keywords: Storybooks, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Young Learners (YL), Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL), Story-Based Approach to Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Young Learners, Story-Based Lesson Plans
Published in DKUM: 03.08.2022; Views: 888; Downloads: 91
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