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Uporaba računalniških orodij za podporo pisarniškemu poslovanju : izbrana poglavja
Borut Jereb, Darja Kukovič, Gregor Štrubelj, 2015, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: logistika, poslovna politika, management
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Supply chain and logistics planning
Matevž Obrecht, Tea Vizinger, Michał Adamczak, Piotr Cyplik, Dejan Dragan, Bojan Rosi, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vasja Omahne, Bojan Rupnik, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: supply chains, planning, sustainable development, logistics, higher education textbooks
Published in DKUM: 21.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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Načrtovanje oskrbne verige in logistike
Matevž Obrecht, Tea Vizinger, Michał Adamczak, Piotr Cyplik, Dejan Dragan, Bojan Rosi, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vasja Omahne, Bojan Rupnik, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: oskrbovalne verige, oskrbne verige, načrtovanje, trajnostni razvoj, logistika, visokošolski učbeniki
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11
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Statistika in uvod v regresijske modele v Matlabu pri optimizaciji logističnih procesov : učbenik
Dejan Dragan, 2014, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: statistika, univariantna statistika, regresijski modeli, linearni regresijski modeli, Matlab, optimizacija, logistični procesi, stohastični procesi, logistika, učbeniki
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Supply chain perspectives for achieving economic growth and environmental sustainability
Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Kristijan Brglez, Maja Fošner, 2024, other scientific articles

Abstract: A resilient supply chain is crucial for economic growth and the well-being of economies. However, it contributes to environmental challenges, such as resource extraction, material usage, climate change and biodiversity. This Special Volume of the Journal of Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability, and Global Challenges explores current research directions and challenges while offering solutions for sustainable supply chains. The volume examines existing European policy directives and strategies to comprehensively understand sustainable supply chain requirements. It conducts a content analysis of the current research in the field. The authors present valuable theoretical insights and empirical case studies addressing the interplay between sustainable supply chains, economic growth, and environmental impact mitigation. The papers in this Special Volume highlight the holistic and interconnected nature of the supply chain field and emphasise that there is still significant potential for improving supply chain processes to enhance their sustainability.
Keywords: sustainable supply chains, economic growth, environmental impact, industry 4.0
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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On certain functional equation in prime rings
Maja Fošner, Benjamin Marcen, Joso Vukman, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result. Let R be prime ring of characteristic different from two and three, and let F:R→R be an additive mapping satisfying the relation F(x3)=F(x2)x−xF(x)x+xF(x2) for all x∈R. In this case, F is of the form 4F(x)=D(x)+qx+xq for all x∈R, where D:R→R is a derivation, and q is some fixed element from the symmetric Martindale ring of quotients of R.
Keywords: prime ring, derivation, Jordan derivation, functional equation, algebra
Published in DKUM: 12.06.2024; Views: 131; Downloads: 16
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Računalništvo in informatika v logistiki
Roman Gumzej, 2024

Abstract: Učbenik je namenjen predvsem študentom prvih letnikov visokošolskega strokovnega in univerzitetnega študijskega programa Fakultete za logistiko. Je osnovna literatura učnih predmetov Osnove računalništva v logistiki na visokošolskem strokovnem in Računalništvo v logistiki na univerzitetnem študijskem programu. V okviru teh predmetov zasnujemo logistične informacijske sisteme. Predstavimo njihov pomen, vlogo in naloge ter komponente: računalniška podatkovna, strojna, mrežna, programska in organizacijska oprema. Pri praktičnem delu se posvetimo predvsem računalniško podprtemu inženiringu logističnih informacijskih sistemov na univerzitetnem ter poslovni analitiki in podpori odločanju na visokošolskem strokovnem programu. Vsebino sklenemo z metodami in mehanizmi za zagotavljanje varnosti računalniško podprtih logističnih informacijskih sistemov. Učbenik predstavlja osnovo za naknadno obravnavo specializiranih vsebin pri predmetih Poslovni informacijski sistemi v logistiki, Informacijska podpora logističnim sistemom in procesom ter Integracije logističnih informacijskih sistemov.
Keywords: logistični informacijski sistemi, računalniške platforme, komunikacijske mreže, logistični podatki, poslovna inteligenca, informacijska varnost
Published in DKUM: 05.01.2024; Views: 583; Downloads: 90
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Qualitative research of expected competencies in logistics
Sonja Mlaker Kač, Maja Fošner, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: logistics, competencies, companies, qualitative research, quantitative research
Published in DKUM: 09.05.2018; Views: 1405; Downloads: 103
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Management and logistics : selected topics
Borut Jereb, Mimo Drašković, Irena Gorenak, Sanja Bauk, Maja Fošner, Bojan Rosi, Drago Pupavac, Darja Topolšek, Oleksandr Dorokhov, Uroš Kramar, Željko Ivanović, Marjan Sternad, Matjaž Knez, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Ludmila Malyaretz, Matevž Obrecht, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, 2016, scientific monograph

Abstract: The scientific monograph titled Logistics and Management – selected topics is the result of a bilateral project, lasting from 2013 to 2015 and titled “Preparation of a joint scientific monograph in the field of logistics and management issued at the Faculty of Logistics in Celje and the Maritime Faculty of Kotor”. The project was managed by Professor Maja Fošner, PhD, from the Faculty of Logistics at the University of Maribor, and Professor Veselin Draskovic, PdD, from the Maritime Faculty of Kotor, Montenegro. The main goal of the monograph is to give a comprehensive account of selected areas from the field of logistics and challenges in the development of logistics, such as risk management and supply chains, transport cost, competences in logistics, urban logistics, green logistics, seaport cooperation, logistics network optimisation, logistics in tourism, logistics in performance management, systemic logistics providers and solutions to problems of transportation task. Wishing to offer a comprehensive presentation of various areas in the field of logistics, the authors of the monograph contributions, who participated on the project (Maja Fošner, Bojan Rosi, Borut Jereb, Marjan Sternad, Veselin Draskovic (ed.), Mimo Draskovic, Sanja Bauk, Senka Sekulac-Ivosevic), invited to cooperation also other researchers from the Faculty of Logistics and the Maritime Faculty of Kotor (Irena Gorenak, Matjaž Knez, Matevž Obrecht, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Tina Cvahte, Darja Topolsek, Drago Pupavac, Zeljko Ivanovic, Oleksandr Dorokhov, and Ludmila Malyaretz) who enriched the present monograph with their contributions. The monograph is aimed at professional public and anyone interested in the field of logistics. It should also serve as a useful aid in the study of logistics.
Keywords: logistics, management, risk management, supply chains, transport cost, urban logistics, green logistics, seaport cooperation, logistics network, optimisation, logistics in tourism, logistics in performance management, systemic logistics providers
Published in DKUM: 08.05.2018; Views: 1694; Downloads: 314
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Logistics, supply chain, sustainability and global challenges
2007, journal

Abstract: The journal Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Global Challenges publishes informative and analytical international scientific and professional articles in the field of logistics, supply chains, sustainable management, transport and mobility. Subject areas include logistics and related transport infrastructure, technological, operational, economic, and other environmental, social and institutional issues. This scope makes the journal inter- and multidisciplinary and in particular, a convenient source of information for logistics and transport researchers, planners, practitioners and policymakers at different - local, national and international levels, and across disciplines such as technology design, planning, implementation, management, policy-making, social, economic and environmental regulation. The journal has updated the name in 2021 to Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Global Challenges (previously Logistics & Sustainable Transport).
Published in DKUM: 24.04.2018; Views: 2093; Downloads: 45
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