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Factors that determine dependence in daily activities : a cross-sectional study of family practice non-attenders from Slovenia
Tonka Poplas-Susič, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Rok Blagus, Nina Ružić Gorenjec, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background: Independence in daily activities is defined as the ability to perform functions related to daily living, i.e. the capacity of living independently in the community with little or no help from others. Objective: We focused on non-attenders as a subgroup of patients whose health status is not well known to family practice teams. Our goal was to estimate the prevalence of dependence and its severity level in the daily activities of patients, and to determine the factors that are associated with the occurrence of dependence. Design: Cross-sectional observational study. Settings and participants: Data was obtained in family medicine settings. Participants in the study were adults living in the community (aged 18 or over) who had not visited their chosen family physician in the last 5 years (non-attenders) and who were able to participate in the study. Through the electronic system, we identified 2,025 non-attenders. Community nurses collected data in the participants' homes. The outcome measure was dependence in daily activities, assessed through eight items: personal hygiene; eating and drinking; mobility; dressing and undressing; urination and defecation; continence; avoiding hazards in the environment; and communication. Results: The final sample consisted of 1,999 patients (98.7% response rate). The mean age was 59.9 (range 20 to 99). Dependence in daily activities was determined in 466 or 23.3% (95% CI: [21.5, 25.2]) of the patients. Older patients (over 60 years), with at least one chronic disease, increased risk of falling, moderate feelings of loneliness and a lower self-assessment of health were statistically significantly more likely to be dependent in their daily activities, according to our multivariate model. Conclusions: A considerable proportion of family practice non-attenders were found to be dependent in daily activities, though at a low level. We identified several factors associated with this dependence. This could help to identify people at risk of being dependent in daily activities in the general adult population, and enable specific interventions that would improve their health status.
Ključne besede: family medicine, ability to perform functions, daily activities
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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Fall risk in adult family practice non-attenders : a cross-sectional study from Slovenia
Nina Ružić Gorenjec, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Rok Blagus, Tonka Poplas-Susič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Introduction: Not much is known about the fall risk among the adult population of those who rarely visit doctors. We wanted to determine the prevalence of increased fall risk in a population of family practice non-attenders and the factors associated with it. Methods: We included participants from family medicine practices in this cross-sectional study. To be included in the study, the participants had to be adults living in the community (home-dwelling people) who had not visited their chosen family physician in the last five years (non-attenders). The identification of the eligible persons was done through a search of electronic medical records, which yield 2,025 non-attenders. Community nurses collected data in the participants’ homes. The outcome measure was increased fall risk as assessed by the Morse fall scale: increased risk (≥25) vs. no risk. Results: The sample consisted of 1,945 patients (96.0% response rate) with a mean age of 60.4 years (range 20.5 to 99.7 years). An increased fall risk was determined in 482 or 24.8% (95% CI: [22.9, 26.8]) of the patients. The multivariate model showed a significant association of increased fall risk with higher age (p<0.001), lower systolic blood pressure (p=0.047), poor family function (p=0.016), increased risk of malnutrition (p=0.013), higher number of chronic diseases (p=0.027), higher pain intensity (p<0.001), lower self-assessment of current health (p=0.002), and higher dependence in daily activities (p<0.001). Conclusion: Non-attenders may have an increased risk of falling which depends on their health status and age. The inclusion of community nurses in primary healthcare teams could be of use not only to identify the non-attenders’ health needs, but also to better manage their health, especially the factors that were identified to be associated with greater fall risk.
Ključne besede: fall risk, primary healthcare, family practice, non-attenders, cross-sectional studies
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.07.2024; Ogledov: 125; Prenosov: 4
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Vizualizacija uspešnosti evolucijskega računanja v programskem jeziku JavaScript
Matic Blagus, 2017, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomska naloga prikazuje potek izdelave vtičnika Javascript za vizualizacijo poteka delovanja evolucijskih algoritmov. Namen vizualizacije je boljše razumevanje delovanja algoritmov in pomoč pri iskanju napak. Z uporabo vtičnika tudi analiziramo nekaj primerov reševanje problemov z evolucijskimi algoritmi.
Ključne besede: javascript, evolucijski algoritem, evolucijsko računanje, vizualizacija
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.10.2017; Ogledov: 1745; Prenosov: 172
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Identification of risk factors influencing Clostridium difficile prevalence in middle-size dairy farms
Petra Bandelj, Rok Blagus, France Briški, Olga Frlic, Aleksandra Vergles-Rataj, Maja Rupnik, Matjaž Ocepek, Modest Vengušt, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Farm animals have been suggested to play an important role in the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in the community. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors associated with C. difficile dissemination in family dairy farms, which are the most common farming model in the European Union. Environmental samples and fecal samples from cows and calves were collected repeatedly over a 1 year period on 20 mid-size family dairy farms. Clostridium difficile was detected in cattle feces on all farms using qPCR. The average prevalence between farms was 10% (0-44.4%) and 35.7% (3.7-66.7%) in cows and calves, respectively. Bacterial culture yielded 103 C. difficile isolates from cattle and 61 from the environment. Most C. difficile isolates were PCR-ribotype 033. A univariate mixed effect model analysis of risk factors associated dietary changes with increasing C. difficile prevalence in cows (P = 0.0004); and dietary changes (P = 0.004), breeding Simmental cattle (P = 0.001), mastitis (P = 0.003) and antibiotic treatment (P = 0.003) in calves. Multivariate analysis of risk factors found that dietary changes in cows (P = 0.0001) and calves (P = 0.002) increase C. difficile prevalence; mastitis was identified as a risk factor in calves (P = 0.001). This study shows that C. difficile is common on dairy farms and that shedding is more influenced by farm management than environmental factors. Based on molecular typing of C. difficile isolates, it could also be concluded that family dairy farms are currently not contributing to increased CDI incidence.
Ključne besede: farm animals, clostridium difficile infection (CDI), dairy farms
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.06.2017; Ogledov: 1334; Prenosov: 414
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Zbornik vseh prispevkov
2010, zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na domači konferenci

Ključne besede: komunikacije, informacijski sistemi, pouk, metodika, konference, zborniki
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.05.2012; Ogledov: 1833; Prenosov: 62
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Katja Blagus, 2011, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: BIM ali Informacijski model zgradbe je digitalni zapis informacij o stavbi namenjen komunikaciji med udeleženimi v projektu. Vsebuje geometrijske in negeometrijske podatke, objekt pa spremlja že od idejne zasnove naprej skozi celoten življenjski cikel. V diplomskem delu so najprej podane teoretične osnove o BIM in kako se je vse skupaj začelo. Opisana so tudi orodja za informacijsko modeliranje ter glavne prednosti uporabe BIM tehnologije. Nadaljuje se z opisom procesa projektiranja in modeliranja objekta, izdelavo geometrijskega modela in opisa ostalih komponent BIM. Praktični del zajema primerjavo dveh različnih programov, PHPP in Ecodesigner, za izvajanje energetske analize preproste enodružinske hiše. Glavni sklep je, da uporaba BIM močno olajša proces projektiranja, modeliranja in izdelave različnih analiz, saj pridobimo tako na času, kot na kvaliteti, zmanjšamo število napak in povečamo zanesljivost rezultatov.
Ključne besede: BIM, informacijski model zgradbe, projektiranje objekta, modeliranje objekta
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.09.2011; Ogledov: 3327; Prenosov: 330
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