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Advanced technologies in logistics engineering : automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage
Tone Lerher, Primož Bencak, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage for successful application in intralogistics. The first part of the paper presents classic and advanced AVS/RS along with specific intralogistics automation systems known as AutoStore from Swisslog and Skypod from Exotec. The second part of the paper focuses on an advanced system with shuttle vehicles capable of serving multiple tiers of the storage rack. An analytical model for the shuttle vehicles capable of serving multiple tiers of the storage rack is presented, which is based on (i) the sequences of acceleration, constant velocity and deceleration, and (ii) randomised assignment policy. Based on the presented model, the expected Single Command (SC) and Dual Command (DC) travel (cycle) time as well as the throughput performance of the shuttle vehicles capable of serving several tiers of warehouse, could be calculated. A programme code in MATLAB has been presented for the computation of throughput performances of automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage capable of serving several tiers of the storage rack.
Keywords: analytical and numerical model, automated vehicle-storage and retrieval systems AVS/RS, automated warehouses, cycle time and throughput performance, shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage
Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 144; Downloads: 7
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Robotic bin-picking : benchmarking robotics grippers with modified YCB object and model set
Tone Lerher, Primož Bencak, Luka Bizjak, Darko Hercog, Boris Jerman, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Robotic bin-picking is increasingly important in the order-picking process in intralogistics. However, many aspects of the robotic bin-picking process (object detection, grasping, manipulation) still require the research community's attention. Established methods are used to test robotic grippers, enabling comparability of the research community's results. This study presents a modified YCB Robotic Gripper Assessment Protocol that was used to evaluate the performance of four robotic grippers (twofingered, vacuum, gecko, and soft gripper). During the testing, 45 objects from the modified YCB Object and Model Set from the packaging categories, tools, small objects, spherical objects, and deformable objects were grasped and manipulated. The results of the robotic gripper evaluation show that while some robotic grippers performed substantially well, there is an expressive grasp success variation over diverse objects. The results indicate that selecting the object grasp point next to selecting the most suitable robotic gripper is critical in successful object grasping. Therefore, we propose grasp point determination using mechanical software simulation with a model of a two-fingered gripper in an ADAMS/MATLAB cosimulation. Performing software simulations for this task can save time and give comparable results to real-world experiments.
Keywords: intralogistics, robotic bin-picking, YCB protocol, robotic gripper evaluation, mechanical software simulations, performance analysis
Published in DKUM: 21.03.2024; Views: 277; Downloads: 10
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Biorazgradljiva embalaža v oskrbovalni verigi : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Lazar Cvejić, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu se ukvarjamo z analizo pojavov in procesov, povezanih z biorazgradljivo embalažo v oskrbovalni verigi. Najprej predstavimo relevantne pojme, tj. logistika, oskrbovalna veriga in embalaža. V nadaljevanju predstavimo teoretične vidike biorazgradljive embalaže, praktične primere uporabe ter prednosti in slabosti biorazgradljive embalaže. V praktični raziskavi, izvedeni s pomočjo ankete, smo ocenjevali ozaveščenost potrošnikov o biorazgradljivi embalaži v oskrbovalni verigi. Ugotovili smo, da so potrošniki v glavnem dobro seznanjeni z uporabo biorazgradljive embalaže, vendar je ne uporabljajo v veliki meri.
Keywords: embalaža, biorazgradljiva, logistika, oskrbovalna veriga
Published in DKUM: 14.02.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 32
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Dostava blaga z droni : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Milica Obradović, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Dostava blaga je življenjska sila današnje maloprodaje, ki vse bolj uporablja sodobne tehnologije in se sklicuje na internet, kar je močno okrepilo vlogo dostavnih podjetij. S hitrim razvojem na vseh področjih se razvija tudi nov način razmišljanja o sami tehnologiji. Droni omogočajo lažji dostop do lokacij, kjer to prej ni bilo mogoče, olajšajo spremljanje kritičnih lokacij in povečujejo varnost. Odigrali so pomembno vlogo v boju proti pandemiji koronavirusa. Vsekakor pa se bo njihova vloga dolgoročno v številnih sektorjih okrepila. Osnovni namen naše raziskave je predstaviti značilnosti uporabe dronov v podjetjih za dostavo blaga in identificirati ovire, ki se pri tem pojavljajo. S pomočjo ankete smo preverili, kako ljudje sprejemajo dostavo z droni. Na koncu naše raziskave predlagamo možne rešitve za odpravo ovir na tem področju.
Keywords: droni, tehnologija, maloprodaja, dostava, raziskava
Published in DKUM: 14.02.2024; Views: 254; Downloads: 19
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Kavcijski sistem za embalažo pijač : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Ivana Vidačković, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Glavni namen diplomskega dela je raziskati kavcijski sistem za embalažo pijač. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali, kaj predstavlja kavcijski sistem, kakšen je njegov prispevek k ohranjanju okolja in trajnosti. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo identificirali prednosti ter slabosti kavcijskega sistema za embalažo. Izvedli smo raziskavo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, s katerim smo preverili ozaveščenost prebivalcev o kavcijskem sistemu za embalažo. Kavcijski sistem predstavlja sistem vračila embalaže, pri katerem potrošniki ob nakupu pijače doplačajo samo za embalažo, ki jo lahko vrnejo, ko gredo v trgovino ali drugo mesto, kjer obstaja možnost povračila kavcije. Na ta način so potrošniki finančno motivirani za sodelovanje v sistemu kavcije. Prevzem embalaže in vračilo kavcije na prodajnih mestih je možno ročno ali avtomatsko. Na podlagi vseh raziskav, ki sem jih opravila med svojim diplomskim delom, smo prišli do zaključka, da ima kavcijski sistem pomembno vlogo pri ohranjanju okolja in ljudi.
Keywords: kavcijski sistem, kavcija, embalaža, odpadki, krožno gospodarstvo
Published in DKUM: 13.02.2024; Views: 314; Downloads: 21
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Indoor positioning system based on bluetooth low energy technology and a nature-inspired optimization algorithm
Primož Bencak, Darko Hercog, Tone Lerher, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Warehousing is one of the most important activities in the supply chain, enabling competitive advantage. Effective management of warehousing processes is, therefore, crucial for achieving minimal costs, maximum efficiency, and overall customer satisfaction. Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are the first steps towards organizing these processes; however, due to the human factor involved, information on products, vehicles and workers may be missing, corrupt, or misleading. In this paper, a cost-effective Indoor Positioning System (IPS) based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology is presented for use in Intralogistics that works automatically, and therefore minimizes the possibility of acquiring incorrect data. The proposed IPS solution is intended to be used for supervising order-picker movements, movement of packages between workstations, and tracking other mobile devices in a manually operated warehouse. Only data that are accurate, reliable and represent the actual state of the system, are useful for detailed material flow analysis and optimization in Intralogistics. Using the developed solution, IPS technology is leveraged to enhance the manually operated warehouse operational efficiency in Intralogistics. Due to the hardware independence, the developed software solution can be used with virtually any BLE supported beacons and receivers. The results of IPS testing in laboratory/office settings show that up to 98% of passings are detected successfully with time delays between approach and detection of less than 0.5 s.
Keywords: warehousing, indoor positioning systems, bluetooth low energy, particle swarm optimization, nature–inspired algorithm, intralogistics
Published in DKUM: 17.08.2023; Views: 426; Downloads: 44
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Product assembly assistance system based on pick-to-light and computer vision technology
Darko Hercog, Primož Bencak, Uroš Vincetič, Tone Lerher, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Product assembly is often one of the last steps in the production process. Product assembly is often carried out by workers (assemblers) rather than robots, as it is generally challenging to adapt automation to any product. When assembling complex products, it can take a long time before the assembler masters all the steps and can assemble the product independently. Training time has no added value; therefore, it should be reduced as much as possible. This paper presents a custom-developed system that enables the guided assembly of complex and diverse products using modern technologies. The system is based on pick-to-light (PTL) modules, used primarily in logistics as an additional aid in the order picking process, and Computer Vision technology. The designed system includes a personal computer (PC), several custom-developed PTL modules and a USB camera. The PC with a touchscreen visualizes the assembly process and allows the assembler to interact with the system. The developed PC application guides the operator through the assembly process by showing all the necessary assembly steps and parts. Two-step verification is used to ensure that the correct part is picked out of the bin, first by checking that the correct pushbutton on the PTL module has been pressed and second by using a camera with a Computer Vision algorithm. The paper is supported by a use case demonstrating that the proposed system reduces the assembly time of the used product. The presented solution is scalable and flexible as it can be easily adapted to show the assembly steps of another product.
Keywords: product assembly, PTL, pick-to-light, computer vision, LabVIEW, performance analysis
Published in DKUM: 31.07.2023; Views: 486; Downloads: 24
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Object detection and graspability analysis for robotic bin-picking application in intralogistics
Primož Bencak, Darko Hercog, Tone Lerher, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Robotics has been gaining attention in intralogistics applications in recent years. Automation of intralogistics processes aims to cope with the rising trends of workforce deficiency, aging, and increasing demands that came with the rise of E-commerce. Many improvements aim at bin-picking applications since order-picking requires most contributions while adding little to the products' value. Robotic bin-pickers are showing promising results; however, they are still subject to many limitations. First, the vision system must correctly determine the object's location and orientation. Second, a correct robotic gripper must be chosen. Lastly, appropriate grasping points that lead to successful picking must be selected. In this paper, we explore the influencing parameters of object detection using a 3D vision system. Second, we analyze an actual bin-picking application to determine the most appropriate selection of the robotic gripper. Based on the experiments, we provide the guidelines for selecting the most appropriate robotic bin-picking configuration.
Keywords: intralogistics, robotic bin-picking, detection analysis, graspability analysis
Published in DKUM: 25.07.2023; Views: 384; Downloads: 26
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Trendi in izzivi paketnih storitev pri Pošti Slovenije d.o.o. : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Teja Žvikart, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Družbeni, gospodarski, kulturni in politični trendi prinašajo v bližnji prihodnosti številne izzive na področju paketnega poslovanja. V diplomskem delu se bomo osredotočili na tri segmente problematike, ki izhajajo iz: (1) porasta spletnega nakupovanja, (2) posledično vse večjih zahtev spletnih nakupovalcev po fleksibilnejši dostavi in (3) smernic evropske regulative po vzdrževanju čistega okolja. Na podlagi analize trenutnih procesov delovanja podjetja Pošta Slovenije, d. o. o., in obstoječih storitev, ki jih ponuja v okviru paketnega poslovanja, bodo v diplomskem delu predstavljeni in kritično ovrednoteni predlogi za spopadanje z omenjenimi spremembami v bližnji prihodnosti. Predstavljeni bodo možnosti, predlogi, potrebni pogoji in predvideni rezultati izboljšav, ki bi podjetje ohranili konkurenčno ali pa mu, kot kažejo ugotovitve, celo povečali tržni delež na področju paketne dostave v Republiki Sloveniji.
Keywords: paket, Pošta Slovenije, logistika, paketno poslovanje, poštne storitve
Published in DKUM: 10.05.2023; Views: 556; Downloads: 124
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Evaluating robot bin-picking performance based on Box and Blocks Test
Primož Bencak, Darko Hercog, Tone Lerher, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The rise of e-commerce, which demands solutions for small order sizes, large product assortment, short delivery times, and variable order quantity has created a need for more advanced warehousing and order-picking systems. The advancements in collaborative robotics have made it possible to automate intralogistics processes, especially the order-picking systems. If the items to be order-picked are stored in small containers, called bins, the process is known as bin-picking. The processes of bin-picking are still mainly manual due to the adaptability, dexterity, and pace of human hands. However, with the emerging technologies, the gap between human and robot dexterity is getting thinner. The integrators of robotic technologies are therefore faced with the challenge of choosing an appropriate robotic system for bin-picking. There is a lack of standardized procedures, which are designed to process such decisions easier. In our research paper, we propose an improved robotic version of the Box and Blocks Test (BBT), which provides a quick evaluation of a complete robotic bin-picking system. Using our improved robot-adapted BBT protocol, we evaluate a sample robotic bin-picking system, consisting of a collaborative robot, a 3D vision system and three types of robotic grippers, comparing the bin-picking performance of each configuration.
Keywords: robotic bin-picking, intralogistics, Box, Blocks Test, vision system, collaborative robot
Published in DKUM: 03.03.2023; Views: 703; Downloads: 54
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