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Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected mathematics achievement? : a case study of university students in social sciences
Anja Žnidaršič, Alenka Brezavšček, Gregor Rus, Janja Jerebic, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: This study examines the effects of COVID-19-related measures on the mathematics achievement of university students in social sciences in Slovenia. Our particular concern was to compare two student populations (pre-pandemic and pandemic) in terms of factors affecting student performance in mathematics courses. Data were collected over nine consecutive academic years (from 2013–2014 to 2020–2021) and analyzed using two-stage structural equation modelling (SEM). The analyses confirmed that the conceptual model developed before the pandemic was applicable during the pandemic period. For both populations (pre-pandemic and pandemic), mathematics confidence, perceived level of math anxiety, background knowledge from secondary school, and self-engagement in mathematics courses at university were confirmed as factors influencing mathematics achievement. Moreover, both populations perceived the effects of the factors in the same way, and the magnitude of the effects is comparable. The rather high values of determination coefficient for mathematics achievement (greater than 0.66 for both student populations) indicate that the variables “Perceived Level of Math Anxiety” and “Self-Engagement in Mathematics Course at University” together explain a significant proportion of the total variance before and during the pandemic. Consequently, the results of our case study indicated that pandemic measures did not have a significant impact on our students’ mathematics achievement. Although a more in-depth study of a broader sample of academic courses would be needed to confirm our findings, our experience indicates that mathematics courses at the tertiary level of education can be successfully delivered online.
Keywords: COVID-19, mathematics achievement, university students, social sciences, pre-pandemic population, pandemic population, comparison, multi-group structural equation modeling (MG-SEM)
Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 97; Downloads: 3
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The interplay of restaurant SMEs' entrepreneurial and environmental characteristics, management of the requisite assets, and operational efficiency
Tanja Planinc, Marko Kukanja, Anja Žnidaršič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Background/Purpose: SMEs are subject to different factors in the business environments that influence their business performance. Considering the importance of restaurants’ environmental characteristics, entrepreneurs can also, through their entrepreneurial characteristics, influence SMEsʼ management of the requisite assets (MRA). Accordingly, this study examines the influence of restaurant SMEs’ entrepreneurial (self-efficacy, orientation, and demographics) and environmental (location, size, and competition) characteristics on MRA and, consequently, on SMEs’ operational efficiency. Methods: Primary data relating to the environmental (location, size, and competition) and entrepreneurial (self-efficacy, orientation, and demographic) characteristics were obtained using a survey questionnaire, while the secondary data were obtained from SMEs’ official financial reports. The sample consists of 266 restaurant SMEs in the Republic of Slovenia. Efficiency was analysed using data envelopment analysis (DEA), and structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the research model. Results: The results indicate that environmental characteristics have a much more significant impact on MRA than entrepreneurial characteristics. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and most demographic characteristics (age, gender, education, and experience) proved not to influence significantly MRA and, consequently, SMEs’ operational efficiency. Conclusion: SMEs’ external environment is generally not directly influenced by managerial decisions. Therefore, it is critical to strengthen the influence of the internal environment through an active development of entrepreneurial characteristics, which could result in a more effective MRA and higher efficiency. The conclusion provides suggestions for future research and valuable information for entrepreneurs, academia, and policymakers.
Keywords: SMEs, restaurant industry, Slovenia, efficiency, environmental and entrepreneurial characteristics, requisite assets
Published in DKUM: 28.06.2024; Views: 408; Downloads: 11
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43rd International Conference on Organizational Science Development: Green and Digital Transition – Challenge or Opportunity : Conference Proceedings
2024, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Abstract: The 43rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Organisational Science was held in Portorož from the 20th to the 22nd of March 2024. The main aim of the conference was to promote the importance of knowledge in the context of green and digital transtition of organizations, through academic and scientific debates and professional developments from the economic and non-economic worlds. The conference, which was held under the umbrella title " Green and Digital Transition - Challenge or Opportunity", aimed to highlight the importance of the green and digital transition for the successful achievement of organisational objectives and the appropriate overcoming of societal challenges. The objectives pursued in this context are related to the natural dimensions on the one hand, and to stimulating the economy through green technology, sustainable development and pollution reduction on the other. The green and digital transition is also an opportunity for organisations to make changes towards overarching environmental challenges. It is undoubtedly more important than ever to take decisions that generate synergies between innovation, different sciences, and applied approaches, and to promote changes in business models that will lead to a sustainable and socially responsible development environment. In Portorož, we have reconnected opinions, views, and scientific and professional debates that will stimulate all of us to act in the future, both in organizations and in society at large.
Keywords: organization, knowledge, interdisciplinarity, science, economy
Published in DKUM: 22.03.2024; Views: 443; Downloads: 77
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Vpliv dela na domu na pedagoški kader
Tina Despotovič, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili definicijo dela na domu, zakonodajo, ki ureja delovanje dela na domu, ter opisali prednosti in slabosti, ki jih delo na domu predstavlja. Pogledali smo si tudi, kako se pripraviti na začetek dela na domu in kakšno je delo na domu v kriznih razmerah. V drugem delu smo raziskovali vpliv dela na domu na pedagoški kader. Raziskovali smo zadovoljstvo pedagogov z delom na domu in njihovo zadovoljstvo z nadrejenimi. Ugotavljali smo razlike med pedagogi iz osnovnih, srednjih in višjih šol, ter razlike med pedagogi z družinami ali brez. Na podlagi rezultatov smo lahko odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Za lažjo predstavo smo uporabili grafe in tabele z uporabo Excela. Za analizo raziskovalnih vprašanj pa smo uporabili program SPSS.
Keywords: delo na domu, pedagoški kader, prednosti, pomanjkljivosti
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2023; Views: 337; Downloads: 29
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Emoticonos en la comunicación por correo electrónico entre estudiantes y profesores
Alenka Baggia, Anja Žnidaršič, Alenka Tratnik, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Los emoticonos se han convertido en un fenómeno común en la correspondencia por correo electrónico entre estudiantes y profesores. Para los estudiantes, estas herramientas de comunicación no verbal son una forma de agregar contexto o énfasis a sus mensajes. Sin embargo, para la mayoría de los profesores, el uso de emoticonos se considera inapropiado y poco profesional. A medida que más estudiantes incorporan emoticonos en sus mensajes de correo electrónico a los profesores, nos propusimos examinar la relación entre el uso de emoticonos y las percepciones de los profesores sobre los mensajes de correo electrónico de los estudiantes con y sin emoticonos. Examinamos los mensajes de los estudiantes con particular referencia a la adecuación del estilo de escritura de los estudiantes, evaluamos el nivel de alfabetización digital de los estudiantes, su actitud hacia un profesor y las diferencias de género en el uso de emoticonos. Recopilamos correos electrónicos de los estudiantes y los calificamos en varias dimensiones. Además, utilizamos un cuestionario en línea para identificar las diferencias características entre los estudiantes que usan emoticonos y los que no. Los resultados muestran que los mensajes con emoticonos tienen una calificación más baja que los mensajes sin emoticonos en varias dimensiones. Los estudiantes que usan emoticonos también muestran una menor alfabetización digital y perciben a sus profesores como más comprensivos y serviciales. Contrariamente a nuestras expectativas, el uso de emoticonos no está relacionado con el género. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes deben evitar el uso de emoticonos, puesto que el profesor espera un comportamiento apropiado a través de Internet.
Keywords: Habilidades de comunicación, comunicación, comunicación digital, emoticonos, género, correo electrónico
Published in DKUM: 16.08.2023; Views: 422; Downloads: 22
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The interplay among restaurant SMEs' financial, quality, and managers' perceived business performance : a balanced scorecard approach
Marko Kukanja, Tanja Planinc, Anja Žnidaršič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study aims to test a simplified version of the balanced scorecard (BSC) model for restaurant industry SMEs. This study aims to determine if (I) restaurant managers' perceived business performance correlates to SMEs' (II) actual financial and (III) quality performance. A new variable, the manager's perceived business performance, was added in light of the unique characteristics of restaurant SMEs. We hypothesized that all three business perspectives are positively correlated since restaurant managers must have realistic perceptions of SMEs' business performance. A total of 266 questionnaires were obtained from restaurant managers, and 1,330 questionnaires were obtained from restaurant guests. SMEs' official financial reports served as the basis for the analysis of financial data. Exploratory factor analysis and correlation analysis were used to investigate the relationships among the three perspectives. Results indicate that managers' perceptions of business performance are not correlated to SMEs' actual financial performance, and managers have realistic perceptions about the quality of what restaurants offer. Interestingly, SMEs' financial performance is not correlated to guests' perceptions of quality. Introducing a new internal perspective indicates the incoherence among the three BSC perspectives. Furthermore, using selected variables highlights the necessity of raising the managerial perspective in future restaurant SME studies.
Keywords: restaurant industry, balanced scorecard, quality, SMEs, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 01.08.2023; Views: 553; Downloads: 45
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Independence and caregiver preferences among community-dwelling older people in Slovenia : a cross-sectional study
Katarina Galof, Anja Žnidaršič, Zvone Balantič, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Although Slovenia is becoming an aging society, very little is known about the abilities and needs of home-dwelling older people or their preferences regarding assistance. The aim of the study was to explore the need for assistance in daily activities among older Slovenian people living at home. Older adults aged between 65 and 97 years (N = 358) participated in the crosssectional survey study. A questionnaire that assessed independence in daily activities and assistance in the home environment was developed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, a nonparametric test (Wilcoxon signed rank test), and the chi-square test. The results showed that older Slovenians were more independent in activities of daily living (ADLs) than instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). Independence was the highest for using the toilet, feeding, and mobility transfers, and the lowest for bathing. With IADLs, assistance was most often required with shopping and housework; this assistance was usually provided by family members. The provider of assistance was generally compatible with older people’s preferences concerning assistance at home. We found no differences in care preferences between urban and rural settings. Assistance in the home environment was predominantly provided by unpaid helpers, which reflects recent developments in health and social services that put an emphasis on a person’s social network. Due to demographic changes and the decrease in the number of adult children, reliance on close relatives might soon become a challenge. These findings can help policy makers understand older people’s choices and preferences better when planning long-term care.
Keywords: older adults, activities of daily living, intergenerational support, long-term care, aging in place
Published in DKUM: 14.07.2023; Views: 512; Downloads: 28
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Pomen agilne kadrovske službe v organizacijah v dobi digitalizacije
Tjaša Bogataj, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali pomen agilnosti kadrovskih služb v organizacijah v dobi četrte industrijske revolucije, imenovane tudi doba digitalizacije. Trg dela se spreminja zelo hitro, prav tako se spreminja tehnologija, zato je za kadrovske strokovnjake nujno, da so tem spremembam sposobni slediti in se sproti prilagajati potrebam tržišča. Ker so načini, ki so jih organizacije uporabljale do zsedaj, nekoliko okorni in počasni, je za podjetja ključno, da razmislijo o svojih načinih poslovanja inter uvedbi agilnih metodologij. Da pa bi metodologije lahko uporabljali kar se da učinkovito, pa morajo organizacije najprej razmisliti o spremembi miselnosti zaposlenih ter zaposlene pripraviti na spremembe inter jim pomagati čez vse faze pri soočanju s spremembami.
Keywords: agilnost, agilna kadrovska služba, digitalizacija, organizacijske spremembe
Published in DKUM: 17.10.2022; Views: 751; Downloads: 80
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Are we ready to use microchip implants? : an international crosssectional study
Anja Žnidaršič, Alenka Baggia, Jakub Fischer, Maciej Rostanski, Borut Werber, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and purpose: Despite their clear relevance to human life, microchip implants are still widely viewed as negative, threatening our privacy and raising growing concerns about our health. This paper aims to investigate the important factors influencing people’s perception of microchip implants and their willingness to use them for different purposes. Methodology: The cross-sectional study was conducted in three European countries and the data were analysed using the group Structural Equation Modeling approach. Only complete answers to the online survey questionnaire items were used representing a convenience sample of 804 respondents. Results: The results show that perceived ease of use, usefulness and perceived trust are significant predictors of intention to use microchip implants. Perceived trust is influenced by privacy and technology safety. Concerns about painful procedures and other health concerns reduce the perceived usefulness of microchip implants. Apart from the predictor health concerns, the results were similar in all countries. Conclusion: Based on the presented results, researchers interested in investigating the actual use of microchip implants can establish a solid foundation for their research. The results may assist policy makers in developing the regulations to ensure the safe use of microchip implants and allow for a higher level of security. As a follow-up, investigation of changes in the acceptance of microchip implants following the threat of a global pandemic is proposed.
Keywords: microchip implant, near field communication, behavioural intentions, structural equation model, technology acceptance model
Published in DKUM: 15.09.2022; Views: 578; Downloads: 12
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Digitalne kompetence študentov v času pandemije COVID-19
Pia Pičulin, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Pandemija COVID-19 je sprožila potrebo po višjih ravneh digitalnih zmogljivosti v izobraževanju. Močno je zaznamovala naše življenje in posledično tudi način študija. V zelo kratkem času so se morale tako univerze in njihovi zaposleni kot tudi študentje prilagoditi razmeram in ukrepom za zajezitev virusa. Uveljavil se je drugačen način študija, ki je bil vsem še dokaj neznan. Predavanja in vaje so potekale prek spleta, potrebno je bilo veliko več samoiniciative. Povečale so se neenakosti med tistimi, ki imajo dostop do digitalnih tehnologij, in tistimi, ki imajo omejen dostop do njih. Pričakovanja do študentov so se povečala, saj so morali biti vešči uporabe potrebne tehnologije za študij na daljavo in hkrati slediti ter se učiti snov predmetov. Diplomska naloga tako obravnava digitalne kompetence študentov v času pandemije, njihovo mnenje o vplivu COVID-19 na njihove digitalne zmožnosti in njihovo mnenje o študiju na daljavo. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo pridobili podatke o digitalnih kompetencah študentov ter njihovo mnenje o vplivu pandemije COVID-19 na razvoj kompetenc in njihov študij.
Keywords: digitalne kompetence, digitalizacija, študij, COVID-19
Published in DKUM: 06.07.2022; Views: 1120; Downloads: 168
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