1. Energy flexibility in aluminium smelting : a long-term feasibility study based on the prospects of electricity load and photovoltaic productionMarko Bizjak, Niko Uremović, Domen Mongus, Primož Sukič, Gorazd Štumberger, Haris Salihagić Hrenko, Dragan Mikša, Stanislav Kores, Niko Lukač, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: energy flexibility, aluminium smelting, renewable energy, virtual battery, solar production Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,91 MB) |
2. Novel GPU-accelerated high-resolution solar potential estimation in urban areas by using a modified diffuse irradiance modelNiko Lukač, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Gorazd Štumberger, Marko Bizjak, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In the past years various methods have been developed to estimate high-resolution solar potential in urban areas, by simulating solar irradiance over surface models that originate from remote sensing data. In general, this requires discretisation of solar irradiance models that estimate direct, reflective, and diffuse irradiances. The latter is most accurately estimated by an anisotropic model, where the hemispherical sky dome from arbitrary surface’s viewpoint consists of the horizon, the circumsolar and sky regions. Such model can be modified to incorporate the effects of shadowing from obstruction with a view factor for each sky region. However, state-of-the-art using such models for estimating solar potential in urban areas, only considers the sky view factor, and not circumsolar view factor, due to high computational load. In this paper, a novel parallelisation of solar potential estimation is proposed by using General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Modified anisotropic Perez model is used by considering diffuse shadowing with all three sky view factors. Moreover, we provide validation based on sensitivity analysis of the method’s accuracy with independent meteorological measurements, by changing circumsolar sky region’s half-angle and resolution of the hemispherical sky dome. Finally, the presented method using GPPGU was compared to multithreaded Central Processing Unit (CPU) approach, where on average a 70x computational speedup was achieved. Finally, the proposed method was applied over a urban area, obtained from Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data, where the computation of solar potential was performed in a reasonable time. Keywords: solar energy, solar potential, anisotropic diffuse irradiance, LiDAR, GPGPU Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (8,06 MB) |
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4. Izbira primernega hranilnika energije za sončno elektrarno : diplomsko deloŽan Hrnčić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo obravnava izbiro hranilnikov energije za proizvodnjo električne energije s sončno elektrarno, naključnost katere je zmanjšana ravno z uporabo primernega hranilnika energije. Pri izbiri ustreznih hranilnikov energije moramo poiskati tehnologijo, ki bo primerna za aktivno sodelovanje v storitvah na trgu električne energije in bo za proizvedeno energijo sončne elektrarne omogočala največji finančni izplen in povrnitev investicije. Ker je eden od okoljskih ciljev družbe tudi zmanjšanje ogljičnega odtisa, smo analizirali tehnologije hranilnikov energije, ki imajo majhen ogljični odtis in so hkrati dovolj učinkovite in primerne za sodelovanje v storitvah na trgu električne energije. Keywords: sončne elektrarne, hranilniki energije, storitve na trgu električne energije, izbira hranilnika energije Published in DKUM: 08.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 16 Full text (2,03 MB) |
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6. Optimalna velikost in lokacija baterijskega hranilnika z namenom izboljšanja napetostnega profila v distribucijskem omrežjuDarijan Stipanović, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava izboljšanje napetostnega profila v realnem distribucijskem omrežju s poudarkom na uporabi baterijskega hranilnika energije (BHE). Na začetku so predstavljene različne tehnologije BHE, vključno z NMC, LTO in LFP tehnologijo. Nadalje je v delu opisana topologija obravnavanega omrežja ter postopek izvedbe meritev z analizatorjem. Predstavljen je tudi uporabljen postopek modeliranja in simulacije omrežja, kjer se analizirajo pretoki energije z algoritmom Backward Forward Sweep (BFS). Delo temelji na predpostavki, da je optimalna lokacija BHE, v vozlišču enega nizkonapetostnega (NN) izvoda, v katerem potrebujemo najmanjšo moč BHE za vzdrževanje napetostnega profila vseh vozlišč tega izvoda znotraj postavljenih meja in, da je optimalna velikost BHE, velikost prav tega BHE. Iz te predpostavke izhajamo pri snovanju algoritma, ki bo izbral optimalno velikost in lokacijo BHE. Predlagan algoritem za iskanje optimalne lokacije in velikosti BHE je ovrednoten, na osnovi primerjave napetostnih razmer v omrežju z in brez uporabe BHE. Sklepna ugotovitev nakazuje na učinkovitost predlagane rešitve za izboljšanje napetostnega profila enega NN izvoda iz transformatorske postaje v distribucijskem omrežju, ki je v pristojnosti družbe Elektro Maribor d.d.. Keywords: baterijski hranilnik, distribucijsko omrežje, pretoki energij Published in DKUM: 19.03.2024; Views: 261; Downloads: 56 Full text (3,47 MB) |
7. Conference proceedings2019, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences) Abstract: Konferenčni zbornik / 7. mednarodni simpozij o aplikativni elektromagnetiki SAEM 18. Mednarodni Simpozij o Aplikativni Elektromagnetiki je namenjen predstavitvi rezultatov raziskovalnega dela na različnih področjih aplikativne elektromagnetike. Simpozij je namenjen izmenjavi idej, predstavitvi dosežkov in rezultatov, zagotavljanju foruma za raziskovalce in akademike. Naše konference so znane po odprtem in prijaznem vzdušju, ki spodbuja zlasti mlade raziskovalce, da predstavijo svoje dosežke in ideje še v zgodnji fazi njihovega raziskovalnega dela. Simpozij nadaljuje tradicijo skupnih konferenc, ki so bile v preteklih letih organizirane v Makedoniji, Poljski, Sloveniji in Madžarski. Simpozij je odprt za udeležence iz vsega sveta. Letošnji simpozij je potekal med 17. in 20. junijem 2018 v Podčetrtku, Slovenija. Vsem udeležencem se zahvaljujemo za sodelovanje na mednarodnem simpoziju o Aplikativni elektromagnetiki in jih želimo uspešno akademsko kariero. Keywords: applied electromagnetics, electrical machinesn, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic devices, energy efficiency Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 494; Downloads: 25 Link to full text This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 12 documents! |
8. Use of active elements for providing suitable voltage profiles and prevent overloads in radial distribution networksMarko Vodenik, Matej Pintarič, Gorazd Štumberger, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The article deals with the issue of providing suitable voltage profiles and preventing congestion of network elements in distribution networks. Active network elements and network users’ energy flexibility services are used to provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent congestion in distribution networks. The discussed active network elements include a transformer with on-load tap changer, reactive power compensation devices, energy storage systems, distributed energy resources, and network users’ energy flexibility services, where the active consumers adjust their consumption, production and storage of energy. Based on the Backward Forward Sweep load flow computation method, the case studies are performed for the discussed low voltage distribution network, where the measurement results were available. The case studies for preventing overload of the distribution transformer are performed using a battery energy storage system and network users’ energy flexibility services. The case studies for providing suitable voltage profiles are performed using all listed active elements and a combination of different active elements. In addition, to provide suitable voltage profiles, the existing conductors are replaced with conductors of a larger cross-section. Technically acceptable solutions that can provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent the overloading of network elements in the most demanding operating conditions are presented in this article. Keywords: voltage profile, radial distribution network, load flow calculations, active network elements, energy flexibility Published in DKUM: 30.10.2023; Views: 537; Downloads: 9 Full text (5,24 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. The use of differential evolution to determine maximum generation and load values in the distribution networkEva Tratnik, Janez Ribič, Matej Pintarič, Miran Rošer, Gorazd Štumberger, Miloš Beković, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: By integrating renewable energy sources into the existing distribution network, the characteristics and local stability of the network is highly impacted. The network, which was built with the goal of a directed energy flow from large conventional sources connected to the transmission network via the distribution network to consumers, can change the direction of the energy flow. The adoption of environmental commitments and directives encourages the integration of local dispersed energy sources, which can worsen voltage conditions in the distribution network. To avoid excessive local production, distribution network operators must limit the installation of new generati on units, as it is necessary to take into account the quality of power supply by monitoring its network parameters, such as the appropriate voltage profi le and the rati o between acti ve and reacti ve power. On the other hand, excessive loads due to the mass transiti on of household heati ng and transport towards electricity can also pose a problem for high-quality electricity supply due to the excessive voltage drop. The arti cle presents an algorithm for determining the maximum size of unit producti on and the maximum load at a node in the distributi on network. Also demonstrated is the use of variable tap transformer technology, which adjusts the tap of the transformer to provide an appropriate voltage profi le in the network. The enti re analysis was performed on a model of a real medium-voltage network, in which solar and hydropower plants are already included. The model was verifi ed by comparing its calculated values with actual measurements. The goal was to determine the size of the unit’s maximum producti on, as well as the size of the maximum load, by using the diff erenti al evoluti on algorithm, while keeping voltage profi les within the permissible limits. The results of the analysis are presented in the article. Keywords: distribution network, renewable energy sources, optimisation method, voltage profile Published in DKUM: 30.10.2023; Views: 425; Downloads: 17 Full text (1,63 MB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Analiza vpliva uporabe transformatorja s spremenljivo prestavo na napetostni profil v RTP Murska Sobota : magistrsko deloJelena Stupar, 2023, master's thesis Abstract: Zaradi priključevanja velikega števila razpršenih virov v distribucijska omrežja in povečanja obremenitve, postaja ohranjanje napetostnega profila v mejah, določenih s standardom, bolj zahtevno. Odjemalcem je treba zagotoviti stabilno in zanesljivo neprekinjeno oskrbo z električno energijo. Posledično se pojavljajo različne tehnologije in algoritmi za zagotavljanje napetostnega profila. Eden od njih je predstavljen v tem magistrskem delu. V magistrskem delu je izvedena analiza možnosti zagotavljanja napetostnega profila z uporabo transformatorja s spremenljivo prestavo, nastavljivo pod obremenitvijo, v omrežje RTP Murska Sobota. Napetosti vozlišč in toke vej smo izračunali z uporabo metode BFS (Backward – Forward Sweep), zaradi dobre konvergence in možnosti uporabe v radialnih distribucijskih omrežjih. Opisan je postopek priprave vhodnih podatkov, potrebnih za izračun z metodo BFS in teoretično ozadje delovanja transformatorja s spremenljivo prestavo. Keywords: OLTC transformator, distribucijsko omrežje, metoda BFS, napetostni profil, nastavljanje napetostnega profila Published in DKUM: 20.09.2023; Views: 498; Downloads: 81 Full text (6,05 MB) |