1. Calibration of the microsimulation traffic model using different neural network applicationsIrena Ištoka Otković, Tomaž Tollazzi, Matjaž Šraml, Damir Varevac, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: urban traffic, microsimulation, calibration, neural networks, rundabouts, validation Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 231; Downloads: 6 Full text (1,69 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Postopek uporabe brezpilotnikov v prometnem sistemu : magistrsko deloKsenija Kotnik, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: To delo podaja osnovne napotke glede postopkov uporabe brezpilotnikov. Vsebuje podatke o veljavni evropski in slovenski zakonodaji na tem področju. Opisuje tudi vpeljavo konkretnega postopka vpeljave uporabe brezpilotnikov v poslovni proces podjetja. Delo je hkrati primer za zakonito uporabo brezpilotnikov.
V delu je prepoznano problematično področje uporabe, ki ga delo poskuša rešiti s konkretnim primerom zakonitega pristopa uporabe brezpilotnikov, ki je v delu predstavljena kot raziskovalno delo s praktičnim primerom.
Ugotovljeno je, da je zakonita pot uporabe brezpilotnikov možna in jasna, vendar za številna podjetja nesprejemljiva zaradi zahtevnega postopka upravljanja brezpilotnih sistemov. Keywords: prometni sistem, brezpilotniki, primer uporabe brezpilotnikov, dron Published in DKUM: 15.02.2024; Views: 410; Downloads: 35 Full text (3,40 MB) |
3. Analiza simulatorjev vožnje v cestnem prometu : diplomsko deloKevin Zorin, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Simulatorji vožnje so sistem s pomočjo katerega lahko vplivamo na izboljšanje prometne varnosti na cestah in povečevanje pretočnosti cestnega prometa. Bistvena prednost simulacij je, da lahko že v fazi raziskav predvidimo pomanjkljivosti voznikov in morebitne napake cestne infrastrukture.
V diplomskem delu smo na začetku predstavili splošne informacije o simulatorjih vožnje v cestnem prometu in predstavili področja uporabe simulatorjev v tujini ter podrobneje uporabo simulatorjev v Sloveniji. Posebej smo analizirali simulatorja vožnje družbe DARS d.d. in simulator za potrebe raziskav v cestnem prometu laboratorija za prometno inženirstvo UM FGPA, ki sta med seboj tudi primerjana. Omenjena simulatorja sta bila analizirana z vidika zgradbe, uporabljenih podatkov, izhodnih rezultatov simulacij, vizualizacije podatkov in uporabnosti simulacij. Na koncu smo predstavili primerjavo rezultatov simulacij in dodatne možnosti uporabe simulacij za raziskovalne namene ter njune prednosti in slabosti. Keywords: prometno inženirstvo, simulator vožnje, prometna varnost Published in DKUM: 11.09.2023; Views: 719; Downloads: 46 Full text (4,07 MB) |
4. Implementacija metodologije "HSM" za izboljšanje cestnoprometne varnosti : magistrsko deloBarbara Chomicki, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: Za zagotavljanje večje cestnoprometne varnosti inženirji nenehno stremimo k novim sodobnim pristopom in metodologijam. Da bi razumeli, kako ključno je nenehno izboljševanje cestnoprometne varnosti, smo le-to prikazali s kratko statistično analizo stanja danes v RS in EU. Z večanjem cestnoprometnega sistema in uporabnikov po svetu le-ta kaže vedno večje številke smrtnih žrtev, zato moramo biti še bolj natančni in strokovni pri snovanju novih povezav v RS.
Magistrsko delo predstavlja metodologijo »HSM« iz ZDA, ki je nastala kot skupek več znanstveno-raziskovalnih strokovnih in inženirskih znanj v obliki priročnika z naslovom »Highway safety Manual« (I. edicija). Podrobneje smo predstavili vsebinsko delitev metodologije »HSM«, in sicer na dele A, B, C in D ter nadalje na posamezna poglavja. Izpostavili smo ključno iz metodologije »HSM«; zgodovino in nastanek, ciljne uporabnike, strukturo priročnika, opozorila pred uporabo, namen priročnika, souporabo z drugim gradivom, dostopnost, razvoj in napovedi nove izpopolnjene II. edicije.
Implementacijo posameznih delov metodologije »HSM« smo prikazali skozi študije primerov in različne primere problemov. Kot rezultat raziskave smo podali inženirski pogled na celostno implementacijo metodologije »HSM«, vključno z učinki in njenimi pomanjkljivostmi v državah EU. Po prikazani vsebini in razumevanju metodologije »HSM« smo ugotovili, da je mogoča široka kvantitativna analiza in implementacija v cestnoprometni sistem v RS. Zaključili smo, da bi zaradi vsestranske uporabe le-ta postala nov pripomoček prometnih inženirjev v RS ter tako zadovoljila naša inženirska pričakovanja in dolgoročno pripomogla k izboljšanju cestnoprometne varnosti v državi. Keywords: cestnoprometna varnost, metodologija, HSM, implementacija, kvantitativna analiza Published in DKUM: 31.12.2022; Views: 691; Downloads: 54 Full text (3,70 MB) |
5. Development of a methodology to calibrate a pedestrian microsimulation model : doctoral dissertationChiara Gruden, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Walking, as a mode of transport, is becoming widespread, in a world, where urban conglomerates are broadening and becoming denser. Modern lifestyle trends on a side, and eco-friendly policies on the other, push people into walking habits, increasing the need for a suitable, attractive, accessible, connected and safe walking infrastructure. To reach such a result, it is necessary to understand, what are the needs of the users of this infrastructure, taking into consideration the behavioral specificities and the safety needs of pedestrians. In this process pedestrian microsimulation models, surrogate safety techniques, and technologies able to measure specific traits of pedestrian dynamics play a central role. The firsts allow to reproduce repeatedly in a virtual environment a specific infrastructure and to study the response of pedestrians. Nevertheless, to be accurate and efficient, they need to go through long and tedious calibration and validation processes, that are often seen as an important limitation by technicians. Surrogate safety techniques are methods, that are based on the concept, that it is possible to predict the safety level of a location, using near accidents. The main advantage of such techniques is that they are proactive. Till this moment, these techniques have been mainly applied to on-field measurements and are primarily centered on motorized road users. Less interest has been shown for vulnerable road users, especially for pedestrians, who have been less extensively studied. Finally, an element that could highly affect pedestrian safety is their reaction time. Nevertheless, its measurement has long been a big issue. Eye-tracking technology could be one of the solutions, allowing to analyze the directions and objects fixated by pedestrians. These listed issues are also the topics that are addressed by this research work. Focusing on the study of the action of pedestrians while crossing the road on an unsignalized crosswalk set on a roundabout entry leg, the dissertation thesis aims at studying the crossing time, reaction time and surrogate safety aspects typical of pedestrians at the recalled location. The main purpose of the research work is to develop a methodology to calibrate pedestrian Social Force Model at a selected location, using a specifically formulated neural network as a tool to fine-tune model's behavioral parameters. Eight parameters have been chosen to be fine-tuned, five of those are related to pedestrian behavior and three of them are related to car-following behavior. After the selection of input parameters, a feedforward network has been formulated. Its application in the framework of the whole calibration process has brought to considerably positive results, finding a combination of input parameters that improved the performance of the microsimulation model of 37 % in comparison to the default one. The outputs of the calibrated model have been used to calculate three measures of surrogate safety, and also in this case results demonstrated an improvement in the calculation of surrogate safety measures when using the calibrated outcomes in comparison to their calculation on the “default” model outputs. Finally, reaction time measurement and prediction have been addressed by the thesis, in order to be able to describe pedestrian crossing action in its completeness. Quantitative eye-tracking outputs have been the starting point for the calculation of pedestrian reaction time at different locations, and they allowed to create a database of behavioral, geometric, regulatory and flow characteristics, which was the foundation for the formulation of a new prediction model for pedestrian reaction time. The prediction model, which consists of a cascade-correlation neural network, gave a good response to the learning and generalization steps, turning a 74 % correlation between the measured reaction time values and the predicted ones, and being able to follow the variability of these values. Keywords: pedestrian, microsimulation model, calibration, neural network, surrogate safety indicators, reaction time. Published in DKUM: 03.10.2022; Views: 863; Downloads: 98 Full text (5,93 MB) |
6. Analiza prometne varnosti v času epidemije Covid-19 : magistrsko deloSemra Ruvić, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo opisuje stanje prometne varnosti za območje Slovenije v treh letih pred epidemijo – od 1. 1. 2017 do 31. 12. 2019 – in v letu 2020, ko je bila razglašena epidemija covid-19. Glede na to, da se v letu 2020 epidemija ni začela v januarju, smo upoštevali in navedli posamezne ukrepe vlade, ki so pomembneje vplivali na promet, in jih tabelarno predstavili. Leto 2021 smo obravnavali tudi z vidika prometnih nesreč (PN). Za analizo prometne varnosti smo uporabili podatke o številu PN in jih podrobneje opisali skozi merila, kot so udeleženci, posledice, vzroki PN, vrsta ceste in mesec dogodka PN. Upoštevali smo tudi podatke o povprečnem letnem dnevnem prometu (PLDP).
Na podlagi podatkov triletnega obdobja smo izračunali povprečje in pričakovanja za leto 2020 oziroma trend. Rezultate smo primerjali z dejanskimi podatki iz leta 2020 in podatki iz leta 2021. Med dobljenim podatki za opazovana leta smo naredili primerjavo tako med številom PN kot med PLDP.
Na koncu smo s pomočjo Pearsonovega in Spearmanovega testa izračunali koeficient korelacije, intervale zaupanja in povprečno stopnjo spremembe ter izsledke predstavili. Keywords: prometna varnost, prometne nesreče, analiza prometnih nesreč, epidemija covid-19, statistična analiza Published in DKUM: 29.08.2022; Views: 686; Downloads: 52 Full text (2,11 MB) |
7. The use of intelligent transport systems in the operation of driving schools : master's thesisNikola Božinić, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: The aim of the master's thesis was to conduct research on the use of intelligent transport systems in the current training of future drivers and their knowledge of the content and also knowledge of the content of employees in teh field of training of future drivers The current methods of driver training in individual countries are presented, with a more detailed description of their implementation and the method of testing the acquired knowledge. At the same time, the survey was conducted in the Republic of Croatia and the information on how well people are generally familiar with the knowledge of intelligent transport systems, how they apply them and what do they consider as usable intelligent systems were collected. The research was also conducted among employees in the field of training of future drivers, also in the Republic of Croatia, where were obtained on what changes employees believe have to be done, or how changes in the automotive industry could affect their work, such as is the phenomenon of autonomous driving. After that, a comparison of driver training nowadays wth the proposal of future training with the use of intelligent transport systems is presented. Keywords: novice drivers, traffic safety, driving education, intelligent vehicle systems, autonomous driving Published in DKUM: 29.08.2022; Views: 526; Downloads: 43 Full text (4,33 MB) |
8. Introduction of the concept of "Rescue Sheet" in road trafficVanna Boroša, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: In this master's thesis, an analysis was made of the way fire departments operate in rescuing injured passengers from vehicles in an event of a car accident. In order to make it easier to understand the core of master's thesis, the paper defines terms such as the "golden hour", which is essential for the survival of injured passengers in a car accident. The analysis also includes information on the construction designs of the car and how the construction of the car could make it difficult for the firefighting units to operate. Some examples of interventions done by fire brigades and the problems encountered in everyday work on modern cars are also provided. In the concluding part of the thesis we have presented how fire departments can become more efficient, safer, faster, and economical in their daily work while rescuing passengers from vehicles. We have explained in more detail the notion of a “rescue sheet” and how it can be better implemented in the future. At the end of the paper, we have suggested the optimal ways of rescue sheet usage and have outlined the advantages and disadvantages of these uses. Keywords: Traffic accident, Firefighters, Traffic safety, Golden hour, Rescue sheet Published in DKUM: 23.09.2019; Views: 1003; Downloads: 88 Full text (2,32 MB) |
9. Analiza prometne varnosti na relaciji Lovrenc na Pohorju-MariborMarko Bašadur, 2019, diploma project paper Abstract: V projektni nalogi so uvodoma predstavljeni najpogostejši razlogi za nastanek prometnih nesreč. Nadalje je podana analiza prometne varnosti v Evropi in Sloveniji. Podrobneje je predstavljena analiza prometne varnosti na regionalni cesti Lovrenc na Pohorju–RušeMaribor. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je trenutno stanje zadovoljivo, vendar pa je še veliko prostora za izboljšanje prometne varnosti. Predlagani so tudi nekateri ukrepi za izboljšanje prometne varnosti na obravnavani relaciji. Keywords: prometna varnost, analiza prometnih nesreč, ukrepi prometne varnosti Published in DKUM: 12.09.2019; Views: 1097; Downloads: 68 Full text (3,00 MB) |
10. Analiza prometne varnosti pešcevNadja Štumberger, 2018, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljena prometna varnost pešcev v naseljih v Sloveniji. Namen je analizirati stanje prometne varnosti pešcev od leta 2008 do 2017. Ugotovili smo, da je bil v analiziranem obdobju glavni vzrok za prometne nesreče z udeležbo pešcev v naselju neupoštevanje pravil o prednosti, največ pešcev se je v prometnih nesrečah lažje poškodovalo. Analiza starostnih skupin je pokazala, da so najbolj ogroženi pešci stari 65 in več ter 9–16 let. V desetletnem analiziranem obdobju je v naseljih umrlo 130 pešcev, najpogostejši vzrok za prometne nesreče s smrtnim izidom je bila neprilagojena hitrost. Predstavili smo nekaj rešitev za boljšo prometno varnost pešcev s področja infrastrukture in vozil. Da bi bilo prometnih nesreč čim manj, moramo poskrbeti sami, pomagajo pa tudi izobraževanja, delavnice in preventivne akcije. Keywords: prometna varnost pešcev, prometne nesreče, napredni sistemi v vozilih, infrastruktura za varnost pešcev Published in DKUM: 24.10.2018; Views: 2152; Downloads: 304 Full text (2,54 MB) |