1. Psychometric properties of the Slovenian version of the Cancer Survivors' Unmet Needs (CaSUN-SL) measure in post-treatment cancer survivorsŠpela Miroševič, Polona Selič-Zupančič, Judith B. Prins, Vesna Homar, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Background: As the number of cancer survivors is growing, valid instruments for assessing cancer survivors' needs are required. Thus, the aim of this study was to translate and validate the Cancer Survivors Unmet Needs (CaSUN) scale.
Methods: Cancer survivors were recruited from 30 family medicine practices and separated into two samples (sample 1, n = 147; sample 2, n = 148). Factor structure was explored with an exploratory analysis in sample 1 and determined with a confirmatory analysis in sample 2. Psychometric properties were assessed with internal consistency, test-retest reliability and construct validity.
Results: A translation and cultural adaptation of the CaSUN scale resulted in 34 items being included in the final version. The factor structure confirmed the five-factors solution of the CaSUN-SL. Cronbach's alpha was 0.94 for the CaSUN-SL and ranged from 0.71-0.88 for specific domains. Test-retest reliability showed moderate-high stability over time. The CaSUN-SL significantly and positively correlated with anxiety (r = 0.49), depression (r = 0.44), health-related quality of life (r = 0.36), and negatively with self-perceived health (r = - 0.36) and resilience (r = - 0.47), which confirms the construct validity. In addition, we found a significant correlation between unmet needs and age (r = - 0.29), gender (r = 0.14), cancer stage (r = 0.20), cancer type (r = 0.19), and time since treatment (r = - 0.20).
Conclusions: Results indicate that CaSUN-SL is a valid and reliable measure to assess the Slovenian cancer survivors' unmet, met and total needs and can be used for further prospective studies. Keywords: Cancer survivors, needs assessment, psychometrics, anxiety, depression, quality of life, cancer, survivol, psychometrics Published in DKUM: 27.06.2024; Views: 118; Downloads: 7 Full text (993,82 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Factors associated with a high level of unmet needs and their prevalence in the breast cancer survivors 1–5 years after post local treatment and (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy during the COVID-19 : a cross-sectional studyŠpela Miroševič, Judith B. Prins, Simona Borštnar, Nikola Bešić, Vesna Homar, Polona Selič-Zupančič, Andreja Cirila Škufca Smrdel, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Objective: To assess the prevalence of unmet needs in post-treatment breast cancer survivors and identify sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables associated with reported unmet needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 430 post-treatment breast cancer survivors, ranging between 1 and 5 years after the procedure, completed the Cancer Survivors’ Unmet Needs (CaSUN) questionnaire from September 2021 and January 2022. The multivariate logistic analysis identified factors associated with at least one reported unmet need in the total CaSUN scale and specific domains.
Results: A total of 67% of survivors reported at least one unmet need. The most frequently reported unmet needs were the lack of accessible hospital parking (43%) and recurrence concerns (39.5%). The majority of reported unmet needs relate to comprehensive care (44%), followed by the psychological and emotional support domain (35.3%). Younger age (OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.92–0.99; p < 0.001), three or more comorbidities (OR = 0.27, 95% CI = 0.11–0.71, p < 0.01), a lower quality of life (OR = 0.06, 95% CI = 0.01–0.47, p < 0.01) and low resilience (OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.93–0.99) were associated with a high level of unmet needs in the multivariate regression model. Results are presented for factors associated with a high level of unmet needs for comprehensive cancer care and psychological and emotional support domain.
Conclusion: A high prevalence found in our study could be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, where patients may have missed adequate follow-up care, although comparing to studies done in non-pandemic time is difficult. Family physicians should be more attentive toward younger cancer survivors and those with more comorbidities as both characteristics can be easily recognized in the family practice. Keywords: breast cancer, cancer survivors (MeSH term), needs assessment [MeSH], fear of cancer recurrence, quality of life, psycho-oncology, COVID-19, chemotherapy, unmet needs Published in DKUM: 27.06.2024; Views: 122; Downloads: 3 Full text (621,32 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Razumevanje frazemov iz vsakdanjega življenja pri starejših predšolskih otrocih : diplomsko deloTinkara Toplak, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga z naslovom Razumevanje frazemov iz vsakdanjega življenja pri starejših predšolskih otrocih vsebuje teoretični, empirični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo predstavili govorni razvoj in frazeologijo. Podrobneje smo predstavili tudi frazeme, njihovo rabo in razumevanje. Prav tako smo se dotaknili tudi delitve frazemov. Naš namen empiričnega dela naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako starejši predšolski otroci, stari od 5 do 6 let, razumejo frazeme iz vsakdanjega življenja. Podatke za analizo smo pridobili preko začetnega in končnega preverjanja. Izbrali smo si štiri različne odlomke, ki vsebujejo frazeme. Preko le-teh smo preverjali, kako starejši predšolski otroci razumejo frazeme in ali obstaja razlika v številu frazemov ter načinu razumevanja le-teh. V praktičnem delu pa smo predstavili štirinajst različnih dejavnosti, ki smo jih izvajali med začetnim in končnim preverjanjem z eno izmed skupin. Keywords: Govorni razvoj, razumevanje, frazemi, frazeologija. Published in DKUM: 10.06.2024; Views: 157; Downloads: 16 Full text (2,29 MB) |
4. Portretno slikarstvo Ferdinanda Maliča (1820–1900) : magistrsko deloBarbara Lešnik, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu je obravnavano portretno slikarstvo Ferdinanda Maliča (1820–1900). Poleg predstavitve in analize izbranih umetnin v katalogu, so le-te preučevane tudi v kontekstu slogovnega umetnikovega razvoja ter upoštevanja umetnostnega ozračja 19. stoletja v slikarjevi ožji in širši okolici. Maliču se pisci v slovenskem prostoru nikoli niso posebej posvečali, tako da je predloženo delo prvi poskus podrobnejše razčlenitve dela opusa tega štajerskega umetnika. Na podlagi analize in interpretacije izbranih portretnih del smo ugotovili, da umetnikov slogovni razvoj lahko v grobem razdelimo na dva dela, in sicer na zgodnje obdobje z izrazitejšim naslonom na bidermajersko tradicijo ter dobo po preselitvi na Vukovski dvor, kjer je realizem, s katerim se je seznanil tekom bivanja v Franciji, zares prišel v ospredje. Vseskozi pa je moč opaziti slikarjevo tehnično dovršeno risbo, igro svetlobe in sence ter osredotočenost na obrazno fiziognomijo. Maličeva umetnost je še tolikanj bolj zanimiva, če vzamemo v poštev njegovo življenjsko pot; od ambicioznega študenta, kateremu se je obetala uspešna kariera, do umika na podeželje, kjer je, izoliran od najnovejših umetnostnih trendov, ustvarjal okarakterizirane portrete ljudi iz kmečkega okolja, pa tudi intimne in velikokrat tudi žanrsko obarvane upodobitve svoje družine, katerih čustven naboj izraža potrebo po slikarjevem izražanju lastnih čustev skozi umetnost. Z analizo Maličevih portretnih del smo želeli tudi opozoriti na kvaliteto tega slikarja, pri čemer upamo, da bo to morda spodbudilo raziskave umetnosti 19. stoletja na območju slovenske Štajerske. Keywords: Ferdinand Malič (Mallitsch), portret, slikarstvo, 19. stoletje, Štajerska Published in DKUM: 06.06.2024; Views: 217; Downloads: 25 Full text (6,78 MB) |
5. Fran Miklošič in slovenska imena mesecevPolonca Šek, 2013, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: V prispevku je obravnavana jezikoslovna razprava Frana Miklošiča Die slavischen Monatsnamen (Slovanska imena mesecev, 1867), z omejitvijo prikaza slovenskih imen mesecev. Miklošič je zapisal kar 95 različnih slovenskih poimenovanj za mesece. Ta so najpogosteje povezana s poimenovanji za praznike in običaje ter z rastlinstvom, nekoliko manj pa z (običajno kmečkimi) opravili in živalstvom. Keywords: slovansko jezikoslovje, slovensko jezikoslovje, slovenska imena mesecev, Miklošič, Franc, 1813-1891 Published in DKUM: 22.05.2024; Views: 142; Downloads: 2 Link to full text |
6. Učinkovitost zdravljenja sindroma policističnih jajčnikov z metforminomKatja Jerenec, Maša Samojlenko, Ksenija Geršak, Polonca Ferk, 2013, review article Abstract: Metformin is an oral antidiabetic drug with potentially beneficial effects in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Different pharmacological responses to metformin have been reported in PCOS patients, which may be attribut able to various clinical, biochemical, genetic and other factors. Here, we have outlined a short review of the results from current clinical studies on metformin efficacy in PCOS patients. Additionally, preliminary results from a retrospective pharmacogenetic study by our group on a sample of Slovene PCOS patients are presented. Pharmacogenetics is an emerging science that should provide options for individualized medicine, the future of healthcare. Keywords: sindrom policističnih jajčnikov, metformin, farmakogenetika, osebna medicina Published in DKUM: 12.04.2024; Views: 154; Downloads: 4 Full text (400,88 KB) This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 1 document! |
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8. Beliefs and viewpoints of family medicine physicians on approaches to identify and treat medically unexplained symptomsVojislav Ivetić, Tonka Poplas-Susič, Klemen Pašić, Polona Selič-Zupančič, 2016, original scientific article Keywords: medicinsko nepojasnjena stanja, stres, družinska medicina, odnos zdravnik – bolnik, somatizacija Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 188; Downloads: 8 Full text (141,15 KB) This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 1 document! |
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10. Comparison of surface and spectral properties of optical sensor layers prepared by spin/spray coating and printing techniquesNena Dimitrušev, Polonca Nedeljko, Allwin Mabes Raj, Aleksandra Lobnik, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: optical sensor layers preparation, spin coating, spray coating, inkjet printing, SFE, XPS, NH3, response, real-time response Published in DKUM: 28.03.2024; Views: 190; Downloads: 6 Full text (3,43 MB) This document has many files! More... |