1. Raba angleškega jezika v slovenskem radijskem svetuNeli Pernek, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Raba angleškega jezika v slovenskem radijskem svetu preučuje vpliv angleškega jezika in anglicizmov na besedišče moderatorjev na dveh slovenskih radijskih postajah. V sklopu raziskave smo analizirali pogovore in intervjuje z radijskimi voditelji ter preučevali prisotnost in pogostost angleških izrazov pri njihovem delu. Ugotovili smo, da globalizacija pomembno vpliva na uporabo angleškega jezika, kar se kaže v pogostem vključevanju anglicizmov v govoru. Ti vplivi so še posebej izraziti pri mladih moderatorjih, ki uporabljajo angleške izraze za izražanje trendov in sodobnega življenjskega sloga. Ključne besede: mediji, radijske postaje, vpliv angleščine, slovensko okolje, globalizacija Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.02.2025; Ogledov: 1; Prenosov: 1
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2. Izdelava tehnične dokumentacije za montažno celico za avtomatizirano sestavo tečajevAleš Dvorjak, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: V zaključnem delu smo se lotili izdelave načrta električnih inštalacij in tehnične dokumentacije za avtomatizirano montažno celico. Celica je končna postaja na liniji sestave tečajev v podjetju Turna, d. o. o. Zaključno delo zajema opis delovanja montažne celice, njeno zgradbo, komponente, načrt električnih inštalacij, navodila za varno delo in pomen naprave za proizvodnjo. Podobna montažna celica v podjetju že obstaja, a nova celica vsebuje nadgradnje oz. ima kakšno delovno enoto manj. Načrt električnih inštalacij smo narisali s pomočjo programa Eplan. Ključne besede: avtomatizacija, montažna celica, načrt električnih inštalacij, tečaji, tehnična dokumentacija Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0 |
3. Survey of inter-prediction methods for time-varying mesh compressionJan Dvořák, Filip Hácha, Gerasimos Arvanitis, David Podgorelec, Konstantinos Moustakas, Libor Váša, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Time-varying meshes (TVMs), that is mesh sequences with varying connectivity, are a greatly versatile representation of shapesevolving in time, as they allow a surface topology to change or details to appear or disappear at any time during the sequence.This, however, comes at the cost of large storage size. Since 2003, there have been attempts to compress such data efficiently. Whilethe problem may seem trivial at first sight, considering the strong temporal coherence of shapes represented by the individualframes, it turns out that the varying connectivity and the absence of implicit correspondence information that stems from itmakes it rather difficult to exploit the redundancies present in the data. Therefore, efficient and general TVM compression is stillconsidered an open problem. We describe and categorize existing approaches while pointing out the current challenges in thefield and hint at some related techniques that might be helpful in addressing them. We also provide an overview of the reportedperformance of the discussed methods and a list of datasets that are publicly available for experiments. Finally, we also discusspotential future trends in the field. Ključne besede: compression algorithms, data compression, modelling, polygonal mesh reduction Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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4. Sensitivity analysis of MTPA control to angle errors for synchronous reluctance machinesMartin Petrun, Jernej Černelič, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study investigated the sensitivity of maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control in synchronous reluctance machines (SynRMs) to angle errors, examining specifically how deviations in the reference control trajectory affected performance. Analytical and numerical methods were employed to analyze this sensitivity systematically, including the impact of magnetic saturation. Two MTPA control implementation schemes were evaluated, with torque and current amplitude as the reference variables, using a template SynRM from the open-source simulation tool SyR-e. The results indicated that performance sensitivity to angle errors was moderately low near the MTPA trajectory, allowing for significant angle deviations with minimal performance loss. Although magnetic saturation increased this sensitivity slightly, reducing the allowable error range by up to 25%, the maximum angle deviation for up to 1% of the performance decrease still corresponded to approximately ±3∘ around the MTPA trajectory. The findings of this study suggest potential for simplifying control implementations, reducing component costs through less precise position determination (sensor-based or sensorless), and achieving additional control objectives such as torque ripple reduction. Ključne besede: control angle error, finite element method, MTPA control, sensitivity to performance decrease, suboptimal operation, synchronous reluctance machines Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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5. Differences in user perception of artificial intelligence-driven chatbots and traditional tools in qualitative data analysisBoštjan Šumak, Maja Pušnik, Ines Kožuh, Andrej Šorgo, Saša Brdnik, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Qualitative data analysis (QDA) tools are essential for extracting insights from complex datasets. This study investigates researchers’ perceptions of the usability, user experience (UX), mental workload, trust, task complexity, and emotional impact of three tools: Taguette 1.4.1 (a traditional QDA tool), ChatGPT (GPT-4, December 2023 version), and Gemini (formerly Google Bard, December 2023 version). Participants (N = 85), Master’s students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with prior experience in UX evaluations and familiarity with AI-based chatbots, performed sentiment analysis and data annotation tasks using these tools, enabling a comparative evaluation. The results show that AI tools were associated with lower cognitive effort and more positive emotional responses compared to Taguette, which caused higher frustration and workload, especially during cognitively demanding tasks. Among the tools, ChatGPT achieved the highest usability score (SUS = 79.03) and was rated positively for emotional engagement. Trust levels varied, with Taguette preferred for task accuracy and ChatGPT rated highest in user confidence. Despite these differences, all tools performed consistently in identifying qualitative patterns. These findings suggest that AI-driven tools can enhance researchers’ experiences in QDA while emphasizing the need to align tool selection with specific tasks and user preferences. Ključne besede: user experience, UX, usability, qualitative data analysis, QDA, chatbots Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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6. Decoding anxiety : a scoping review of observable cuesUrška Smrke, Izidor Mlakar, Ana Dimič, Leon Žužek, Nejc Plohl, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: While anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent mental diseases, they are often overlooked due to shortcomings of the existing diagnostic procedures, which predominantly rely on self-reporting. Due to recent technological advances, this source of information could be complemented by the so-called observable cues – indicators that are displayed spontaneously through individuals’ physiological responses or behaviour and can be detected by modern devices. However, while there are several individual studies on such cues, this research area lacks a synthesis. In line with this, our scoping review aimed to identify observable cues that offer meaningful insight into individuals’ anxiety and to determine how these cues can be measured. Methods: We followed the PRISMA guidelines for scoping reviews. The search string containing terms related to anxiety and observable cues was entered into four databases (Web of Science, MEDLINE, ERIC, IEEE). While the search – limited to English peer-reviewed records published from 2012 onwards – initially yielded 2311 records, only 33 articles fit our selection criteria and were included in the final synthesis. Results: The scoping review unravelled various categories of observable cues of anxiety, specifically those related to facial expressions, speech and language, breathing, skin, heart, cognitive control, sleep, activity and motion, location data and smartphone use. Moreover, we identified various approaches for measuring these cues, including wearable devices, and analysing smartphone usage and social media activity. Conclusions: Our scoping review points to several physiological and behavioural cues associated with anxiety and highlights how these can be measured. These novel insights may be helpful for healthcare practitioners and fuel future research and technology development. However, as many cues were investigated only in a single study, more evidence is needed to generalise these findings and implement them into practice with greater confidence. Ključne besede: anxiety, observable cues, digital biomarkers, scoping review, physiological cues, behavioural cues Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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8. Visokonatančen elektronski sistem generiranja in stabilizacije referenčnega signalaJani Preskar, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Namen te naloge je razvoj in testiranje sistema za generiranje in stabilizacijo 10 MHz referenčnega signala, ki je ključnega pomena za natančno delovanje komunikacijskih sistemov. Uporabljene metode vključujejo napetostno krmiljen kristalni oscilator, modul globalnega pozicijskega sistema za sinhronizacijo ter algoritme za merjenje in prilagajanje frekvence. Rezultati kažejo, da naš modul omogoča bolj natančne meritve in boljšo stabilnost frekvence v primerjavi s prejšnjim sistemom. Med testiranjem smo odkrili nekaj programskih hroščev, ki smo jih odpravili. V prihodnosti bi lahko uporaba umetne inteligence dodatno izboljšala naš algoritem. Ključne besede: referenčni signal, stabilizacija frekvence, generiranje signala, kristalni oscilator, merjenje frekvence Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0 |
9. Optimizing UWB First Path Search Algorithm Performance on a Dedicated DSPPeter Vrbančič, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: The aim of the thesis was to optimize the UWB first path search algorithm performance
on a dedicated DSP. Development was focused on enabling various optimizations tech-
niques of the DSP architecture. Insights into how the CIR is correlated, how the FP algo-
rithm determines the actual FP are presented. The purpose of optimizing the FP algorithm
was to improve the performance and lower the power consumption of the UWB system.
The highly optimized DSP architecture contains numerous optimization techniques that
needed to be discovered. With the optimization techniques provided by the DSP architec-
ture, we were able to boost the FP algorithm performance by a significant amount, with
potential for further enhancements. Ključne besede: UWB, optimization, DSP, first path search, parallel data paths, intrinsic functions, dual Harvard Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0 |
10. DIGITALNI DVOJČEK LINIJE S12 V PODJETJU BSH : magistrsko deloJure Golavšek, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: V magistrskem delu je predstavljen digitalni dvojček linije S12 v podjetju BSH Nazarje. Zaključno delo zajema predstavitev linije in programske opreme Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. Prikazano je izdelovanje digitalnega dvojčka in nastavljanje parametrov za pravilno delovanje. Sledi analiza, v kateri smo preizkusili različne scenarije, kot so spreminjanje števila delavcev in parametrov ter postavitev elementov, ki bi lahko pripomogli k optimizaciji proizvodnje linije. Na koncu so predstavljene ugotovitve in izboljšave, načrtovana je tudi paletizacija s pomočjo robotske roke in avtomatiziranega transporta. S pomočjo digitalnega dvojčka smo uspešno dosegli cilj magistrske naloge in izboljšali proizvodni sistem. Ključne besede: digitalni dvojček, optimizacija, simulacija, robotika Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0 |