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Application of the VIKOR method for solving problems in logistics
Stojanče Mijalkovski, Vasko Stefanov, Dejan Mirakovski, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: When companies make strategic decisions, responsible persons must take into account as many influential parameters as possible so that the solution to the given problem is the most optimal, that is, they make the most appropriate decision. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) can find a very large application for solving such very complex and important issues, where it is of particular importance that the company makes the most appropriate decision. Making the optimal decision for a given problem directly affects the financial performance of a given company. In this paper, the VIKOR method will be applied, which until now has not been used to solve problems related to the choice of warehouse location, but is very often and very successfully used to solve various complex problems when applying multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). The purpose of this paper is to show that the VIKOR method can be successfully applied to select the optimal warehouse location for a company that has subsidiaries in multiple locations.
Ključne besede: selection, location, warehouse, multi-criteria decision making, VIKOR method
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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A new sustainable warehouse management approach for workforce and activities scheduling
Vlado Popović, Milorad J. Kilibarda, Milan Andrejić, Borut Jereb, Dejan Dragan, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Sustainable engineering is very important for logistics systems. Nowadays, sustainable warehouse management is a key factor in market success. Workforce fluctuation and inverting the number of customers' demands make a lot of problems in distribution warehouses. This study addresses a sustainable approach for the workforce scheduling problem recognized in a real distribution warehouse. The problem arises from the high variability of demand for workers over oneworkday, which causes workforce surplus in some periods of the workday and shortages in others. Engineering managers of the distribution warehouse already use different full-time and part-timeshifts, and schedule workers on different activities, but they still have significant workforce surplusesor shortages in some periods. This study proposes the scheduling of activities' execution together with workers to face that variability and decrease the cost of the workforce. This idea comes from the fact that some activities in a distribution warehouse can be done in a specific time period after the need for them occurs. In this way, the variability of demand for workers can be decreased, and alower workforce cost may be ensured. Based on this idea, the entire problem is modeled as integer linear programming. The real example of the problem is solved, and the proposed model is tested on randomly generated instances of the problem in Python by means of the PuLP linear programming package. The results indicate different positive effects in the manner of sustainable warehouse management: lower workforce costs, time savings, better utilization of all types of resources andequipment, increased employee satisfaction, and so on. For even 61% of instances of the introduced problem, the obtained cost of the workforce is lower by more than 20% if activities' executions arescheduled together with employees.
Ključne besede: workforce, activities planning, schedule, optimization, warehouses, sustainable warehouse management, logistics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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Cost and performance comparison of tier-captive SBS/RS with a novel AVS/RS/ML
Banu Y. Ekren, Tone Lerher, Melis Küçükyaşar, Boris Jerman, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper introduces a novel autonomous vehicle-based storage and retrieval system that utilizes movable lifts (AVS/RS/ML), proposed as an alternative to the tier-captive shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS). The newly proposed system aims to provide an affordable solution with highly utilised AGVs, that can also perform operations out of warehouse. The performance of this novel system is compared with the equivalent tier-captive SBS/RS warehouse design, where each shuttle is dedicated in a specific tier in that design. The comparison is based on the initial system investments costs, throughput rates, and average utilisation of lifts/MLs in the system. Collision prevention rules are also applied to AVS/RS/ML, and its performance is tested through simulation. The results show that the tier-captive SBS/SR system becomes cost-efficient under high throughput rate requirements, while the AVS/RS/ML technology is preferred for relatively moderate and low process rate requirements. The unit-cost per month performance metric of AVS/RS/ML is less sensitive to an increase in number of tiers in the system, compared to the tier-captive SBS/RS case, indicating that AVS/RS/ML may be promising for high-tier warehouse system designs.
Ključne besede: warehouse design, warehousing systems, materials handling, novel autonomous vehicle-based storage and retrieval system, movable lifts
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.06.2023; Ogledov: 364; Prenosov: 45
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Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting the Processing Time of Order Picking in a Warehouse
Tilen Škrinjar, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: Optimization of warehouse processes increases efficiency and lowers the cost of managing a warehouse. The most expensive and time-consuming activity is picking. Knowing picking process time is an important factor for proper organization of material and information flow. Orders delivered to a packing station too early or too late can cause delays in a warehouse. The purpose of this study is to evaluate machine learning pipeline for processing time prediction of order picking. This includes data gathering, data preprocessing and the evaluation of machine learning algorithms, which are the most important aspects of this research.
Ključne besede: warehouse, order picking, machine learning, regression analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.02.2019; Ogledov: 1880; Prenosov: 46
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The influence of bookings on the company's processes
Luka Miletič, 2018, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: In the bachelor thesis we had undertaken the project of implementation of The Booking Platform in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company. After four months (January 2017–April 2017) of observing the situation, more specificly in their central warehouse, we have designed The Booking Platform, depending on the needs and the problems, which had bothered the company. We discovered that the main problem was the overcrowding of the vehicles on the parking lot, which came to the warehouse at the same time, therefore the amount of goods that needed to be stored was too big to unload at the same time. The main goal of the thesis was to build the system, which will improve the processes in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company, related to the influence of time organization in the warehouse. The main aim was to do the analysis of the current situation in the warehouse, and to test the two hypotheses, how can the situation be improved with the implementation of the new system, especially to reduce the number of complaints and to provide more fluent workflow. The project that was implemented was of high value for the company, because the processes in the warehouse were very old fashioned and not automated. The Booking Platform reduced the number of complaints to zero only two months after the implementation. In the observation time, the workflow in the warehouse improved in terms of knowing, when the vehicles are coming to the warehouse and the incoming goods can now be stored immediately, which means that the unloading ramps are now always free for new incoming goods.
Ključne besede: The Booking Platform, time organization, booking, complaints, fluent workflow, warehouse management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2018; Ogledov: 1159; Prenosov: 115
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Marija Urbanica, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: Sodobni logistični trendi stremijo k prehodu na vitko proizvodnjo, katere cilj je skrajševanje pretočnih časov in minimiziranje obsega zalog. Za učinkovito uporabo logističnega sistema pa je potrebna učinkovita informacijska podpora, ki potrebuje konstantno nadgradnjo. Podjetje Kovis je ugotovilo pomanjkljivosti v svojem informacijskem sistemu, zato so na podlagi analize skladiščnega poslovanja prišli do zaključka, da je njihov sistem potreben nadgradnje. Analiza je pokazala, da novi sistem TRACE (WAREHOUSE) pozitivno vpliva na delovanje celotnega podjetja. Uvedba novega sistema je privedla do večje učinkovitosti in produktivnosti, saj je bistveno zmanjšan čas izvajanja logističnih procesov, hkrati pa povečan nadzor nad logističnimi procesi. Nov sistem dopušča več časa za kvalitetno obravnavo kupca, kar posledično pomeni dolgotrajnejše sodelovanje in pozitiven vpliv na uspešnost podjetja.
Ključne besede: Trace warehouse, Hydra, embalaža, klikanje, sistem, ERP, transport, skladiščenje, informacijski sistem, podjetje, pakiranje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2016; Ogledov: 1446; Prenosov: 125
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Case study of data warehouse development for monitoring of energy consumption in public buildings
Goran Kovačić, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: The goal of this case study was to examine which implementation of the data warehouse will yield better results in the observed scenario – monitoring of energy consumption in public buildings. Data warehouse (DW) is a type of database created with the goal of preparing data for analysis and reporting. We implemented two versions of DW, one based on the star and the other on the snowflake schema model. Series of tests were conducted to evaluate implemented solutions. Statistical analysis showed that for the observed scenarios, implementation based on snowflake schema performs better, in both shorter ETL execution time and smaller size of DW.
Ključne besede: data warehouse, dimensional model, star schema, snowflake schema, ETL process
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.07.2016; Ogledov: 1275; Prenosov: 129
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The value of "vehicle to grid" integration into warehouse logistics management : case of Slovenian retailer
Matjaž Knez, Péter Bajor, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Wide-scale application photovoltaic energy sources for electricity production purposes is quite a challenge in Slovenia. The nature of sun is unpredictable, and the Slovenian National Grid has no significant storage opportunities today - if the V2G (vehicle-to-grid) solutions could be competitive in the near future we could prepare for the special circumstances: the batteries of electrically driven forklifts could provide attractive storage functions for renewable electricity storage. The following paper presents an overview of some "environmental background approaches" to show the complexity of this innovative system and to show the value of V2G technology and its application in warehouse logistics.
Ključne besede: renewable electricity, photovoltaics, warehouse logistics management, v2G
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1635; Prenosov: 203
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Electric forklifts with vehicle to grid technology for efficient warehouse energy management
Matjaž Knez, Péter Bajor, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: From an electric utility perspective, the sun is an intermittent electrical generator, tolerable in huge quantities, but increasingly difficult to manage. The nature of sun is unpredictable, and the Slovenian National Grid has no significant storage opportunities - if the V2G (vehicle-to-grid) solutions could be competitive in the near future it could prepare for special circumstances: the batteries of electrically driven forklifts could provide attractive storage functions for renewable electricity storage and for backupping the electrical national grid. This paper shows the study of the current research findings on the ŽVehicle to Gridʼ innovative concept and a proposed theoretical model of Forklift-to-Grid integration into energy management of a warehouse. Analyses of data, calculations of the economic value and of the profitability of the proposed business model yielded positive results that fully confirm the thesis that the integration of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources and new technologies into the logistic processes can improve logistics management while minimizing the negative impact of business on the environment.
Ključne besede: CO2 emmisions, forklift-to-grid, photovoltaic, vehicle-to-grid, warehouse energy management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1421; Prenosov: 42
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Matej Kranjc, 2015, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: Diplomsko delo obravnava problem poročanja vrhnjemu menedžmentu v večjem slovenskem podjetju, ki ima svojo mrežo hčerinskih družb, predstavništev in agentov razpršeno po Evropi in Bližnjem vzhodu. Zaradi neenotnega vira podatkov je postalo poročanje o poslovanju matične in vseh odvisnih družb praktično nemogoče, saj analitiki niso več uspeli obvladovati povečane količine podatkov. Še težje ali nemogoče je bilo te podatke pravočasno združiti in analizirati ter vodstvu predlagati sprejem ustreznih ukrepov. Potrebno je bilo poiskati rešitev za poenostavitev in poenotenje poročanja ter za pravočasno dostavo pomembnih in pravih informacij odločevalcem v podjetju. Rešitev smo podali z vzpostavitvijo novega podatkovnega skladišča, ki združuje vse pomembne vire informacij v skupini. Nad tem podatkovnim skladiščem smo zgradili sistem za poročanje. Preučili smo problem obstoječega stanja. Izvedli smo temeljito analizo in z vodstvom podjetja ter znjanjskimi delavci uskladili pričakovane rezultate. Prav tako smo rezultate razvoja rešitve na področju poročanja preverjali sproti in po potrebi prilagajali. Rezultat tega dela sta novo podatkovno skladišče in poročilni sistem, ki je razširljiv ter prilagodljiv tudi za nova področja poročanja. V zaključku smo se dotaknili tudi možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja uvedenega sistema. Uporabniki so začutili velik potencial in koristi te rešitve. Razvoj rešitev se tako nadaljuje, opazen pa je tudi pozitiven rezultat pri poslovanju organizacije.
Ključne besede: podatkovno skladišče – DWH (angl. Data Warehouse), poslovno obveščanje – BI (angl. Business Intelligence), informacije, poročanje, odločanje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.07.2015; Ogledov: 1788; Prenosov: 93
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