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New Centrality: Urban Regeneration on the Crossroad of Gosposvetska Street and Vrbanska Street in Maribor
Genci Hani, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: Maribor was one of the cities with the fastest industrial development in the former Yugoslavia. The rapid growth necessitated developments and expansion of the city. One of the areas that developed to accommodate the influx of new residents and adapt to the city's growth was the area along Gosposvetska Street. This zone was constructed during the 1950s and 1960s with a clear concept aimed at fulfilling all the basic needs of the residents, prioritizing their well-being. Since then, many things have changed. The use of cars has become essential. Open spaces initially dedicated to residents have turned into parking lots while development in other aspects leaves much to be desired. In the years that followed, construction in the area has been minimal and primarily residential. There is a noticeable lack of a common space and programs to attract a more diverse population. This master's thesis aims to analyze the current functioning of the specific area along Gosposvetska Street and its crossroads with Vrbanska Street and attempts to propose its urban regeneration by densifying the built structure with housing and diversifying programs by a new creative hub. By intensifying the urban mix, the proposal is expected to act as a catalyst for other commercial and public programs in the zone. It aims at establishing new centrality. Moreover, the goal is to prioritize the residents' right to the city and regenerate the area with its original concept as a guiding principle.
Ključne besede: Maribor, new centrality, urban regeneration, creative hub, housing, public space, Gosposvetska Street, Vrbanska Street.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 53
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Spatial modelling of the transport mode choice : application on the Vienna transport network
Simona Šinko, Bojan Rupnik, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A new approach for spatial modelling of transport mode choice is presented in the paper. The approach tackles the problem by considering the trade-off between subjective and objective factors. To obtain mode Preference Rates (PRs) based on subjective factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. The objective factors are expressed with the journey time from any point in the map to destination according to the available transport mode choice on the specific connection. The results are presented as PRs of individual transport modes. The model is validated on the con-ducted the survey, with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) as a target audience. Members of different target groups (age, national, employment) decide differently regarding the transport choice, so it is better to analyse them separately. The presented model can be used for the city transport planning in any urban area. It can help promote the sustainable modes of transport in the areas that are less adjusted in sustainable manner.
Ključne besede: transport mode choice, passenger transport, spatial modelling, city transport planning, city mobility, urban logistics, ergonomics, AHP, decision-making policy, GIS, students, objective and subjective factors, transport management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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Urban hedges facilitate spontaneous woody plants
Eva Horvat, Mirjana Šipek, Nina Šajna, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Most trees and other woody plants growing within urban areas are deliberately cultivated native or non-native plants. Opportunities for spontaneous establishment and spread of woody species are scarce in an urban environment, especially if the establishment begins from seeds. We hypothesized that urban hedges might offer safe sites for the spontaneous establishment of woody plants, which reach the hedges through propagule dispersal. We recorded the species composition of urban hedges in Maribor (NE Slovenia) in a gradient from the city centre outwards and evaluated the species' invasive potential and ecological requirements, along with hedge characteristics. Results show that hedges facilitated the survival and growth of 69 woody plants from 28 families. Among these, 62% were non-native and 10% were locally invasive. Most of recorded non-native woody plants were ornamentals. Moreover, for native species, we show that the stressful, warmer urban environment mostly facilitates the establishment of species in the genera Hedera and Acer. Comparison of non-native and native plants showed the former are more drought and heat tolerant than the latter. We further show that with distance from the city centre, the number of bird-dispersed species increases, in contrast to the wind-dispersed species. Additionally, our results suggest evergreen hedges may be less permeable to wind-dispersed propagules than deciduous hedges. Next, we stress the importance of paved surfaces and urbanization, selecting for the thermophile, drought tolerant, wind-dispersed woody plants that find refuge in urban hedges. Our results suggest urban hedges can facilitate the establishment of a wide range of woody plant species.
Ključne besede: biodiversity, green infrastructure, ornamental plants, species richness, urban ecosystem, vegetation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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Lowland forest fragment characteristics and anthropogenic disturbances determine alien plant species richness and composition
Mirjana Šipek, Nina Šajna, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Loss of habitat and biological invasion are the main threats to biodiversity. In intensive agricultural or urban landscapes, forest fragments, even if they are small and isolated represent biodiversity refugia. Environmental variables such as landscape structure, abiotic conditions and anthropogenic disturbance affect the biodiversity of the fragments. In this study, we explored plant species richness in 48 forest fragments embedded in predominantly agricultural landscapes on the alluvial plains of the Mura and Drava rivers in NE Slovenia. We determined several forest fragment characteristics such as perimeter, area, shape complexity, length and proportion of edge shared with adjacent land-cover types and anthropogenic disturbance indicated by the presence of footpaths and waste disposed in fragments. The abiotic condition of these fragments was assessed by Ellenberg indicator values. We built generalized linear models and ordination analyses to assess the importance of environmental variables for the richness and composition of alien plant species and other ecologically meaningful plant groups. Shape complexity had a consistent positive effect on the richness of native and alien plants species. Major drivers of alien plant composition in forest fragments included adjacent land-cover and urbanization level. An increasing proportion of arable land along the forest fragment perimeter negatively affected the richness of alien plants, while the effect of urban areas was positive. Our results confirmed that forest fragments in the rural-urban matrix represent biodiversity refugia and support native plant species; however, they are not resistant to invasions; instead invasion depends on the land-cover type in the surroundings of a given forest fragment.
Ključne besede: agricultural land, urban area, settlements, fragment size, fragment shape complexity, ornamental plants
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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Spatial modelling of modal shift due to COVID-19
Simona Šinko, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The outbreak of COVID-19 caused many changes in people's life. One of the most significant is the travel behaviour and transport mode choice. This study focus on the changes that the inhabitants of Vienna made in their travel choices because of the virus. The same research about spatial modelling the transport mode choice of commuters in Vienna was completed in 2019 and is a topic addressed in our previous work. Based on our developed methodology, this article indicates that public transport is not a dominant transport mode choice as it was before the virus outbreak.The main result of this paper is geographically defined areas of application of individual alternatives shown on the final map of modal shift in Vienna, which could provide theoretical support for policy-makers and transportation planners. For the city of Vienna, we found that the area of the city where cars are now used has increased, which certainly has a negative impact on air quality and life in the city. The advantage of the methodology is that it can also be applied to other cities in the world.
Ključne besede: coronavirus, city traffic, urban mobility, transport mode choice, passenger transport, geographical methods, spatial modelling, city logistics, Vienna
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 17
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Impact of car sharing on urban sustainability
Vasja Roblek, Maja Meško, Iztok Podbregar, 2021, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article gives us an insight into the key issues of car sharing and its impact on urban sustainability. A selection of 314 articles published in peer-reviewed journals from the Scopus database were analysed using Leximancer 5.0 for Automated Content analysis. A total of seven themes were identified explaining the researched topic of the car sharing situation in Europe, which are sharing, economy, model, systems, electrical car sharing, policy and travel. There are two ways of sharing owned cars in Europe; access to cars from the fleet of private organisations and P2P car sharing. Sustainable environmental solutions in the context of the electrification of cars are used. Car sharing usually takes place online and can be free or for a fee as defined by The European Economic and Social Committee. The article provides an overview of understanding the concept of urban car sharing in Europe.
Ključne besede: sustainability, urban sustainability, car sharing, Europe
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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Investigating the influence of reflective materials on indoor thermal environment and solar reflectance in buildings
Jihui Yuan, Yasuhiro Shimazaki, Masaki Tajima, Shaoyu Sheng, Zhichao Jiao, Marko Bizjak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This in-depth study explores the intricate dynamics of reflective materials, emphasizing their impact on the indoor thermal environment and urban heat island (UHI) mitigation. Examining diffuse highly reflective (DHR), general reflective (GR), and retro-reflective (RR) materials on a simplified building model during summer days, the research utilizes outdoor experiments to analyze air and surface temperatures, as well as solar radiation. Prioritizing key metrics—mean radiant temperature (MRT), operative temperature (OT), and solar reflectance (ρ)—the study uncovers nuanced distinctions in DHR, GR, and RR materials. Solar reflectance calculations consistently show higher values for DHR and RR materials compared to GR material, highlighting reflectance's pivotal role in influencing surface temperatures and indoor thermal environment. When evaluating the impact of exterior wall materials on building temperatures, RR material with a 76% reflectance performs similarly to DHR material (82%). Notably, with a 6% lower reflectance in RR, the temperature contrast between external and internal walls is only about 1.5 °C at its maximum, underscoring RR's effectiveness as an outer wall material for UHI mitigation and building energy conservation, surpassing both DHR and GR materials.
Ključne besede: urban heat island, reflective materials, indoor thermal environment, solar reflectance, simplified building model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.08.2024; Ogledov: 110; Prenosov: 9
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Intra-city mobility and characterization in a fastgrowing city of Lagos, Nigeria
Simeon Oluwagbenga Fasina, Ayobami Ademola Akanmu, Umar Obafemi Salisu, Samuel Adetunji Okunubi, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Effective urban transportation no doubt serves as engine room and catalyst for driving national economic development. Significantly, the purpose of urban transport is to provide both passenger and freight mobility over specific parts of urban areas including cities, and its efficiency is characterized upon transporting effectively and achieving economies of scale. Hence, this study examined intra-city mobility and characterization in Lagos, Nigeria. The data was sourced from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data detailed the use of two sets of questionnaires administered to commuters and motorists. 182 copies of questionnaire were randomly administered to commuters, while 60 units of the questionnaire were purposively and conveniently administered to motorists. Descriptive and inferential techniques were used for data analysis. Major findings revealed obvious variations in socio-economic parameters of intra-city trip makers and factors influencing trip making. It was observed that journey to work, school, shopping cum business constituted the major trips characterizing in Lagos. Findings also revealed that high patronage priority was given to most used and preferred means due to vehicle travel speed, trip purpose, and availability than safety and comfortability of modal choice. Regression analysis result revealed that commuters’ modal choice and patronage is statistically influenced by operational attributes of mode (e.g. transit time, delay duration, safety, vehicle condition and transit fare etc.) at Sig. p=0.000 and F14165 15.667 which is greater than table value at 5% significant level. The study recommended among others the formulation and implementation of effective policy for urban transport activities; standardization of service operations and expansion of infrastructural facilities including the last-mile in the city.
Ključne besede: urban mobility, transportation, mobility index, Lagos
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2024; Ogledov: 81; Prenosov: 8
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Sustainability framework for assessing urban freight transportation measures
Eftihia G. Nathanail, Lambros Mitropoulos, Ioannis Karakikes, Giannis Adamos, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The salient scope of this paper is to enable the knowledge and understanding of urban freight transportation and provide guidance for implementing sustainable policies and measures in a city. To achieve this goal, an evaluation framework for city logistics policies and measures is developed, which demonstrates the complexity of urban freight transportation systems, through selected performance indicators, taking into account divergent stakeholders’ interests, conflicting business models and operations. Evaluation follows a hierarchical process; sustainability disciplines (economy and energy, environment, transportation and mobility, society), applicability enablers (policy and measure maturity, social acceptance and users’ uptake), multiple criteria and indicators, capturing the lifecycle impact of policies and measures and multiple stakeholders. Apart from the multicriteria context, the framework embeds methodologies, including, Impact Assessment, Social Cost Benefit Analysis, Transferability and Adaptability, and Risk Analysis. To demonstrate its applicability a case study is set for the City of Graz assessing the establishment of an Urban Consolidation Center. Results show that there is an overall improvement of 2.2% in the Logistics Sustainability Index when comparing before and after implementation cases of the Urban Consolidation Center.
Ključne besede: framework, logistics assessment, sustainability, urban logistics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2024; Ogledov: 49; Prenosov: 9
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Methodology for estimating the effect of traffic flow management on fuel consumption and CO2 production : a case study of Celje, Slovenia
Borut Jereb, Ondrej Stopka, Tomáš Skrúcaný, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The manuscript discusses the investigation of vehicle flow in a predesignated junction byan appropriate traffic flow management with an effort to minimize fuel consumption, the productionof CO2, an essential greenhouse gas (hereinafter referred to as GHG), and related transport costs.The particular research study was undertaken in a frequented junction in the city of Celje, located in the eastern part of Slovenia. The results obtained summarize data on consumed fuel and produced CO2 amounts depending on the type of vehicle, traffic flow mixture, traffic light signal plan, andactual vehicle velocity. These values were calculated separately for three different conditions of traffic flow management. Amounts of fuel consumed were experimentally investigated in real traffic situations, whereas CO2 production was calculated by applying the actual European standardentitled EN 16258:2012 associated with a guideline for measuring emission values, as well as by examining specific traffic flow parameters. The key objective of the manuscript is to present multiple scenarios towards striving to minimize environmental impacts and improve transport operation's economic consequences when implementing proper traffic flow management. As for crucial findings, we quantified fuel consumption and CO2 emissions based on real data on the number and type of vehicles crossing the examined intersection and traffic light switching intervals. The results show that most of the CO2 was produced while waiting and in the accelerating phase in front of traffic lights, whereby in the running phase through the intersection, significantly less fuel was used. This study represents a mosaic fragment of research addressing endeavors to reduce CO2 production in urban transport. Following the experiments conducted, we can see a notable contribution towards reducing CO2 production with known and tested interventions in the existing transport infrastructure. A procedure embracing individual research steps may be deemed as an approach methodology dealing with traffic flow management with an aim to decrease the environmental and economic impacts oftraffic and transport operation; this is where the novelty of the research lies.
Ključne besede: traffic flow management, urban transport, CO2 production, greenhouse gas, fuel consumption, methodology, logistics, crossroads
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.08.2024; Ogledov: 82; Prenosov: 9
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