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Correlation of trust and work engagement : a modern organizational approach
Ana Nešić, Slavica Mitrović Veljković, Maja Meško, Tine Bertoncel, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In modern organizations, in which changes are happening faster and more unpredictably, employees are gaining a more complex role and increasing importance. New approaches to employee insight, based on the heavy work investment concept (HWI), bring together different theoretical and practical approaches that attempt to explain the causes and consequences of certain organizational behaviors. The fundamental issue is determining whether engagement and trust, remain two of the critical factors of an organizations success, or are their roles in effectively organized systems significantly changed or reduced. This research aims to establish a correlation between trust and work engagement in on 787 respondents from 16 organizations in Serbia. Trust in organizations is measured through the dimensions of benevolence, integrity, competence and predictability. Engagement of employees is measured through the dimensions of energy, dedication and absorption. The results showed a significant correlation between dimensions of trust: benevolence/integrity and competence, with all work engagement dimensions. The strongest correlation is established between the trust dimension of benevolence/integrity and the work engagement dimension - energy. The significance of the research is reflected in the elucidation of behavioral factors of employees in organizations burdened with transitional changes.
Ključne besede: work engagement, trust, organization, HWI concept, employees, Serbia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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Language-based game theory in the age of artificial intelligence
Valerio Capraro, Roberto Di Paolo, Matjaž Perc, Veronica Pizziol, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Understanding human behaviour in decision problems and strategicinteractions has wide-ranging applications in economics, psychology andartificial intelligence. Game theory offers a robust foundation for this under-standing, based on the idea that individuals aim to maximize a utilityfunction. However, the exact factors influencing strategy choices remainelusive. While traditional models try to explain human behaviour as a func-tion of the outcomes of available actions, recent experimental researchreveals that linguistic content significantly impacts decision-making, thusprompting a paradigm shift from outcome-based to language-based utilityfunctions. This shift is more urgent than ever, given the advancement ofgenerative AI, which has the potential to support humans in making criticaldecisions through language-based interactions. We propose sentiment analy-sis as a fundamental tool for this shift and take an initial step by analysing61 experimental instructions from the dictator game, an economic gamecapturing the balance between self-interest and the interest of others,which is at the core of many social interactions. Our meta-analysis showsthat sentiment analysis can explain human behaviour beyond economicoutcomes. We discuss future research directions. We hope this worksets the stage for a novel game-theoretical approach that emphasizes theimportance of language in human decisions.
Ključne besede: game theory, artificial intelligence, social preferences, language-based preferences, social physics, moral behavior, trust
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 6
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Pretvorba Bitcoin Trust v spot Bitcoin ETF na primeru družbe Grayscale Investments
Maša Verhovnik, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomska naloga obravnava pretvorbo Bitcoin Trustov v Spot Bitcoin ETF-je, s posebnim poudarkom na družbi Grayscale Investments. Analizirani so ključni regulatorni, finančni in tržni izzivi, povezani s to pretvorbo. V empiričnem delu je podrobno predstavljen primer Grayscale Bitcoin Trusta (GBTC), kjer je prikazan praktični vidik tega prehoda. Na podlagi izvedene analize naloga ponuja vpogled v ključne vidike prehoda iz Bitcoin Trusta v Bitcoin ETF-je in njihove posledice za trg kriptovalut.
Ključne besede: Bitcoin Trust, spot Bitcoin ETF, Grayscale Investments, regulativni okvir, pretvorba finančnih produktov.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 22
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Factors affecting attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination : an online survey in Slovenia
Luka Petravić, Rok Arh, Tina Gabrovec, Lucija Jazbec, Nika Rupčić, Nina Starešinič, Lea Zorman, Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Andrej Srakar, Matjaž Zwitter, Ana Slavec, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: While the problem of vaccine hesitancy is not new, it has become more pronounced with the new COVID-19 vaccines and represents an obstacle to resolving the crisis. Even people who would usually trust vaccines and experts now prefer to wait for more information. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted in Slovenia in December 2020 to find out the attitudes of the population regarding COVID-19 vaccination and the factors that affect these attitudes. Based on 12,042 fully completed questionnaires, we find that higher intention to get vaccinated is associated with men, older respondents, physicians and medical students, respondents who got the influenza vaccination, those who knew someone who had gotten hospitalised or died from COVID-19 and those who have more trust in experts, institutions and vaccines. Nurses and technicians were less likely to get vaccinated. In answers to an open question, sceptics were split into those doubting the quality due to the rapid development of the vaccine and those that reported personal experiences with side effects of prior vaccinations. Although the Slovenian population is diverse in its attitudes towards vaccination, the results are comparable to those found in other countries. However, there are potential limitations to the generalizability of the findings that should be addressed in future studies.
Ključne besede: cross-sectional studies, intention, public opinion, trust, ordinal regression, COVID-19, vaccination, surveys and questionnaires, Europe, immune system, SARS-CoV-2
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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Development and validation of the perceived deepfake trustworthiness questionnaire (PDTQ) in three languages
Nejc Plohl, Izidor Mlakar, Letizia Aquilino, Piercosma Bisconti, Urška Smrke, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Exposure to false information is becoming a common occurrence in our daily lives. New developments in artificial intelligence are now used to produce increasingly sophisticated multimedia false content, such as deepfakes, making false information even more challenging to detect and combat. This creates expansive opportunities to mislead individuals into believing fabricated claims and negatively influence their attitudes and behavior. Therefore, a better understanding of how individuals perceive such content and the variables related to the perceived trustworthiness of deepfakes is needed. In the present study, we developed and validated the Perceived Deepfake Trustworthiness Questionnaire (PDTQ) in English, Italian, and Slovene. This was done in three phases. First, we developed the initial pool of items by reviewing previous studies, generating items via interviews and surveys, and employing artificial intelligence. Second, we shortened and adapted the questionnaire according to experts’ evaluation of content validity and translated the questionnaire into Italian and Slovene. Lastly, we evaluated the psychometric characteristics via a cross-sectional study in three languages (N ¼ 733). The exploratory factor analyses suggested a two-factor solution, with the first factor measuring the perceived trustworthiness of the content and the second measuring the perceived trustworthiness of the presentation. This factorial structure was replicated in confirmatory factor analyses. Moreover, our analyses provided support for PDTQ’s reliability, measurement invariance across all three languages, and its construct and incremental validity. As such, the PDTQ is a reliable, measurement invariant, and valid tool for comprehensive exploration of individuals’ perception of deepfake videos.
Ključne besede: deepfakes, misinformation, perception, questionnaire validation, trust
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 30; Prenosov: 9
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Exploring the inherent heterogeneity of vaccine hesitancy : a study of a childhood-vaccine-hesitant population
Monika Lamot, Andrej Kirbiš, Mitja Vrdelja, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Vaccine hesitancy and its determinants have been previously widely researched. Vaccine hesitancy has been defined as a continuum of attitudes, ranging from accepting vaccines with doubts to rejecting them. The present study aims to explore the heterogeneity of a childhood-vaccine-hesitant group by using a person-oriented approach-latent profile analysis. A non-representative cross-sectional sample of vaccine-hesitant Slovenians (N = 421, Mage = 35.21, 82.9% women) was used to identify differences based on their reliance on personal research (“self” researching instead of relying on science), overconfidence in knowledge, endorsement of conspiracy theories, complementary and alternative medicine, and trust in the healthcare system. The analysis revealed three profiles of vaccine-hesitant individuals. The most hesitant profile-vaccine rejecting-expressed the greatest reliance on personal research, expressed the highest endorsement of conspiracy theories and complementary and alternative medicine, showed moderate overconfidence in their knowledge, and expressed the highest levels of distrust in the healthcare system. We further found differences in sociodemographic structure and that the identified profiles differed in their attitudes regarding MMR, HPV, and Seasonal Influenza vaccinations. The present study demonstrates the heterogeneity of the vaccine-hesitant community and offers insights into some of the traits, which are crucial for designing pro-vaccine campaigns.
Ključne besede: vaccine hesitancy, heterogeneity, latent profile analysis, complementary and alternative medicine, CAM, conspiracy theories, trust in healthcare system
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.08.2024; Ogledov: 101; Prenosov: 15
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Social media fact-checking: the effects of news literacy and news trust on the intent to verify health-related information
Ines Kožuh, Peter Čakš, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The recent health crisis and the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence have caused misinformation on social media to flourish by becoming more sophisticated and challenging to detect. This calls upon fact-checking and questions users’ competencies and attitudes when assessing social media news. Our study provides a model of how fact-checking intent is explained by news literacy and news trust to examine how users behave in the misinformation-prone social media environment. Structural equation modeling was used to examine survey data gathered from social media users. The findings revealed that users’ intent to fact-check information in social media news is explained by (1) news literacy, such as the awareness of various techniques used by creators to depict situations about COVID-19; (2) news trust, in terms of the conviction that the news contains all the essential facts; and (3) intent, such as an aim to check information in multiple pieces of news. The presented findings may aid policymakers and practitioners in developing efficient communication strategies for addressing users less prone to fact-checking. Our contribution offers a new understanding of news literacy as a sufficient tool for combating misinformation, which actively equips users with knowledge and an attitude for social media news fact-checking.
Ključne besede: fact-checking, news literacy, trust, social media, misinformaiton, fake news, pandemic, health crisis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.06.2024; Ogledov: 161; Prenosov: 13
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Social reappraisal of emotions is linked with the social presence effect in the default mode network
Xiyao Xie, Teresa Bertram, Saša Zorjan, Marina Horvat, Christian Sorg, Satja Mulej Bratec, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Introduction: Social reappraisal, during which one person deliberately tries to regulate another’s emotions, is a powerful cognitive form of social emotion regulation, crucial for both daily life and psychotherapy. The neural underpinnings of social reappraisal include activity in the default mode network (DMN), but it is unclear how social processes influence the DMN and thereby social reappraisal functioning. We tested whether the mere presence of a supportive social regulator had an effect on the DMN during rest, and whether this effect in the DMN was linked with social reappraisal-related neural activations and effectiveness during negative emotions. Methods: A two-part fMRI experiment was performed, with a psychotherapist as the social regulator, involving two resting state (social, non-social) and two task-related (social reappraisal, social no-reappraisal) conditions. Results: The psychotherapist’s presence enhanced intrinsic functional connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate (dACC) within the anterior medial DMN, with the effect positively related to participants’ trust in psychotherapists. Secondly, the social presence-induced change in the dACC was related with (a) the social reappraisal-related activation in the bilateral dorsomedial/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the right temporoparietal junction and (b) social reappraisal success, with the latter relationship moderated by trust in psychotherapists. Conclusion: Results demonstrate that a psychotherapist’s supportive presence can change anterior medial DMN’s intrinsic connectivity even in the absence of stimuli and that this DMN change during rest is linked with social reappraisal functioning during negative emotions. Data suggest that trust-dependent social presence effects on DMN states are relevant for social reappraisal—an idea important for daily-life and psychotherapy-related emotion regulation.
Ključne besede: social reappraisal, social support, social emotion regulation, social presence, default mode network, interpersonal trust, anterior cingulate
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.04.2024; Ogledov: 357; Prenosov: 248
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Understanding, trusting, and applying scientific insights to improve your health : a latent profile analysis approach
Nejc Plohl, Bojan Musil, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Various leading causes of death can be prevented or delayed through informed decision-making and lifestyle changes. Previous work has, to some extent, linked such health-promoting behavior (HPB) with variables capturing individuals’ understanding of science, trust in science, and capacity to apply evidence-based information in the health context. However, empirical research on the relationship between scientific knowledge, trust in science, health literacy, and HPB is scarce. Additionally, no study has investigated whether these characteristics interact to form homogeneous, high-risk subgroups of the population. The present online study (N = 705) revealed that trust in science and health literacy were positively related to a wide array of HPBs (e. g., healthy nutrition, physical activity, stress management), while scientific knowledge was only positively associated with COVID-19 vaccination intention. Furthermore, the results of latent profile analyses yielded four subgroups (i. e., low, moderate, and high levels of all three variables and a varied profile exhibiting very low trust in science, low health literacy, and moderate scientific knowledge). The identified subgroups differ significantly in HPB and variables determining profile membership (e. g., political conservatism). Hence, the present study offers some guidance on which groups may be targeted with public health campaigns and how they may be designed.
Ključne besede: scientific knowledge, trust in science, health literacy, health behaviour, COVID-19
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 270; Prenosov: 20
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Distrustful, dissatisfied, and conspiratorial : a latent profile analysis of COVID-19 vaccination rejection
Monika Lamot, Katja Kerman, Andrej Kirbiš, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Trust in science and scientists, satisfaction with the national government, and endorsement of conspiracy theories are important factors in the decision to be vaccinated. In this study, we investigated whether there are different profiles of individuals depending on the above factors and whether they differ in their sociodemographic composition. We used data from Round 10 of the European Social Survey for Slovenia, employing a nationally representative sample of 1252 participants. Based on latent profile analysis, three distinct profiles emerged: Profile 1 expressed moderate trust in science, satisfaction with government, and high endorsement of conspiracies; Profile 2 expressed low trust and satisfaction and moderate endorsement of conspiracies; Profile 3 expressed high trust and satisfaction and low beliefs in conspiracy theories. In addition, Profile 3 expressed the strongest support for vaccination and Profile 2 the lowest. Our results suggest that distrust, dissatisfaction, and the presence of conspiracy theories are the “perfect storm” for vaccination rejection. In contrast, despite conspiracy theories, a certain level of trust and satisfaction may reduce vaccination rejection.
Ključne besede: trust, science, government, COVID-19 vaccination, latent profile analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 204; Prenosov: 24
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