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All-inclusive LSP dictionaries and the Slovene–English dictionary of tourism
Biljana Božinovski, 2021, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: The chapter analyses some of the features of TURS, the Slovene LSP Dictionary of Tourism (Mikolič et al., 2011) against the terminographic guidelines from Slovene and international literature, and proposes improvements for its future updates. Arguments are based on the concept of the so-called allinclusive dictionary (Fuertes-Olivera, 2011), which caters for a wide range of user groups and needs; the chapter argues it is necessary nowadays for all publicly-funded terminographic projects to be implemented applying the all-inclusive principle. This is because online terminological sources are widely available, and, thus, used by all user categories (hence dictionaries should cater to all of them). The chief focus of this chapter is the treatment of homonyms in TURS, particularly in relation to the implications that has for its bilingual aspect (the latter often being neglected in Slovene terminography).
Ključne besede: LSP of tourism, terminology, terminography, bilingual dictionaries, homonyms
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.01.2024; Ogledov: 270; Prenosov: 21
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Bilingualism in Slovenian Istria : Studies and Issues in Its Preservation
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, Nives Lenassi, Sandro Paolucci, 2023

Opis: The volume starts with an overview chapter of studies on bilingualism and bilingual individuals in general, and the particular aspects and characteristics of bilingualism in Slovenian Istria. It continues with three chapters focusing on Italian in the bilingual area of the Slovenian coast. The second chapter presents surveys on the position of bilingualism, the influence of Italian media, the results of the secondary school leaving exams in Italian, and the status of bilingualism in Slovenian schools in the bilingual Littoral communities. The third chapter offers an analysis of texts and documents translated from Slovenian into Italian; that is, bilingual texts available on the websites of the four bilingual municipalities: Koper, Izola, Piran, and Ankaran. The final chapter presents some detailed aspects of studies carried out on administrative texts of the bilingual municipalities, focusing on selected lexical units and acronyms, and offering translation solutions that guarantee and preserve minority rights and offer uniform terminology.
Ključne besede: the Italian language, bilingualism, terminology, translation, Slovenian Istria
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2023; Ogledov: 522; Prenosov: 79
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Language for specific purposes in the framework of criminal justice and security

Opis: The scientific monograph is oriented towards LSP for the field of criminal justice and security studies and also focuses on subfields, namely police, law, security, administration, etc. The monograph contains contributions from the field of criminal justice and security studies prepared by Slovenian and foreign authors, namely Jelena Gugić from the University of Pula, Mojca Kompara Lukančič from the University of Maribor, Nives Lenassi from the University of Ljubljana, Dragoslava Mićović from the University of Belgrade, Eva Podovšovnik from the University of Primorska, Jasna Potočnik Topler from the University of Maribor, Vanja Slavuj from the University of Rijeka, and Tilen Smajla from the University of Maribor. The work offers an insight into English and Italian through the prism of contents that focus on the language for specific purpose for the field of criminal justice and security.
Ključne besede: the English language, the Italian language, criminal justice and security, terminology, LSP
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.12.2022; Ogledov: 635; Prenosov: 80
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Prekmurje agricultural terminology in the Dolinsko region
Mihaela Koletnik, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The paper presents the dialectal vocabulary of agricultural items in Črenšovci in the Dolinsko region of Prekmurje, with a focus on agricultural tools, crops, as well as field and stable work. The study is based on a thematically defined vocabulary gathered through fieldwork and with the help of questionnaires, pictures and informants’ narratives. It includes archaic vocabulary that is gradually disappearing and is known only to the oldest generation of speakers, as well as the contemporary vocabulary that has been introduced along with the modern technology and is used by the younger generation of speakers.
Ključne besede: dialectology, Pannonian dialect group, Prekmurje dialect, agricultural terminology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.05.2017; Ogledov: 1315; Prenosov: 369
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American Football Terminology in Slovenian: Subtitling in the Movie The Longest Yard
Ivana Williams, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: This paper discusses the Slovenian terminology for American football through an analysis of the Slovenian subtitles of the 2005 movie The Longest Yard that were acquired from the Slovenian version of the DVD. In light of the fact that American football is a new sport in this culture and its rules are mostly unknown, the paper includes a short description of the game. It presents subtitling as a special type of translation with its restrictions and specific challenges. The analysis of subtitles is not limited to the dialogue that relates to American football but also includes the area of rendering culture-specific elements and figures of speech into adequate text. As sports permeate into everyday life, their terminologies gain new, metaphorical meanings, and the usage of American football terminology in such contexts is briefly discussed in the last chapter.
Ključne besede: American football, American football terminology, subtitling, culture-specific elements, figures of speech
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.06.2016; Ogledov: 1651; Prenosov: 135
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Technical terminology in standard terms and conditions of sale : a corpus-based study of high frequency nouns and their collocations
Nataša Gajšt, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Technical terminology, which comprises individual words and various kinds of more or less fixed word partnerships, constitutes an important part of professional discourse. A good command of domain specific collocations adds to the proficiency in specialist communication in any domain, including commerce. The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a corpus-based study of the most common collocations of 16 high-frequency nouns in 'standard terms and conditions of sale' as authentic, commerce-related documents. Our research shows that the most frequent nouns form a substantial number of significant collocations which can be considered technical terminology in the field of commerce. In turn, these findings can be used as the basis for designing teaching syllabi and teaching materials for courses in English for commerce and trade.
Ključne besede: business English, technical terminology, ‘standard terms and conditions of sale’, corpus analysis, collocations, teaching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1477; Prenosov: 78
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Loan words in Prekmurje agricultural terminology
Mihaela Koletnik, Alenka Valh Lopert, 2010, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: dialectology, loanwords, Prekmurje dialect, agricultural terminology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 1991; Prenosov: 52
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Review of sustainability terms and their definitions
Peter Glavič, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Terminology in the field of sustainable development is becoming increasingly important because the number of terms continues to increase along with the rapid increase in awareness of the importance of sustainability. Various definitions of terms are used by different authors and organizations, for example, green chemistry, cleaner production, pollution prevention, etc. The importance of this topic has stimulated research into the problems of clarifying ambiguity and classifying terms used in the sustainability field. This paper provides results of the literature survey and summarizes the definitions of the terms, focusing on the environmental engineering field. In some cases, it proposes an improved definition. A hierarchical classification of the terms and their relationships has been based on a layer format that is presented graphically.
Ključne besede: chemical process design, sustainability, environmental protection, cleaner production, terminology, definitions, classification
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 2386; Prenosov: 124
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