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»Rec! Snap! Rec! Snap! « From a Filming Location to an Instagrammable Destination: The Case of Dubrovnik as King’s Landing : the Case of Dubrovnik as King’s Landing
Hava Kadušić, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Instagram is an essential visual social media platform where tourism organizations can present their destinations. These presentations could feature authentic natural and cultural sites, be user-generated, etc. Dubrovnik is a prominent tourism destination in Croatia. In 2011, it became famous as an onsite filming location for the globally popular TV series Game of Thrones. In this thesis, we investigate whether the Croatian National Tourism Organisation and the Dubrovnik Local Tourism Organisation present the city as a film destination featuring Game of Thrones or as an authentic destination featuring its heritage and nature. We explore destination image construction, including identity, authenticity, decision-making, and promotion. We also discuss film-induced tourism and the role of social media, mainly through user-generated content and Instagram. For our research, we employed content and thematic analysis using a summative approach to analyze photos from 2016 to 2020 on the official Instagram profiles of the National and Local Tourism Organisations, totaling 1.034 photos. The results show that the National Tourism Organisation uses Dubrovnik’s relationship with Game of Thrones to fabricate the authenticity of the destination image, while the Local Tourism Organisation focuses solely on heritage and nature, thus guarding its authenticity. This discrepancy highlights different communication strategies and underscores the importance of understanding these differences for effective destination marketing, providing insights for more cohesive and authentic promotional strategies
Ključne besede: film-induced tourism, social media, destination image, authenticity, Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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The impact of TikTok on learning English in Slovene primary schools : students' perceptions in the third triennium
Urška Škrabl, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: Exposure to mass media in today’s world is metaphorically starting to equal the process of breathing air; scrolling through social media has become a part of everyday routine, and students use their smartphones for lengthy durations and for a variety of chores that stem from responsibilities as well as from their hobbies. The aim of this master's thesis is to offer an insight into the possibility of integrating TikTok and English language education, as perceived by Slovene students in the third triennium of primary school. We employed a questionnaire to explore the opinions of students (grades 7 – 9) in the Podravje region. The results revealed that students are loyal users of the app, on which they encounter English content to a greater extent and share a good understanding of the language. They recognize TikTok’s potential for improving different language skills (predominantly speaking), and are familiar with English teaching channels on the app. The results portray a moderate preference for using TikTok in the ELT classroom, mostly due to inexperience and linking social media solely to leisure time. Teachers should at least consider incorporating TikTok in accordance with their students’ needs and preferences or share advice on finding valuable resources on the platform.
Ključne besede: ICT, social media, English language learning, extramural activities, language skills
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 61
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The protective role of resilience in the development of social media addiction in tertiary students and psychometric properties of the Slovenian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS)
Mark Žmavc, Andrej Šorgo, Branko Gabrovec, Nuša Crnkovič, Katarina Cesar, Špela Selak, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media became one of the most utilized sources of information relating to the disease. With the increased reliance on social media, the risk of excessive use and the development of social media addiction emerges. The aim of the present study was to explore the psychometric properties of the Slovenian version of the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, and to explore how psychological resilience affects social media addiction symptoms directly and indirectly through symptoms of depression, anxiety and mental distress. A large online cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2021 among Slovenian tertiary students (N = 4868). The results showed the high reliability, unidimensionality and criterion validity of the Slovenian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale. The proposed structural model fit the data well and showed a significant direct positive effect of depression and stress on social media addiction. Moreover, the majority of the negative effects of psychological resilience on social media addiction (87.2%) were indirect, through depression and stress symptoms, whereas resilience had a significantly smaller impact on social media addiction by reducing anxiety symptoms. The overall prevalence of social media addiction symptoms was 4.6%, with females exhibiting higher proportions than men. Additionally, female social media users reported a complete absence of social media addiction symptoms less often compared to males. Future research should further explore the mechanisms behind social media addiction, in order to gain a better understanding of the apparently different risk levels for both genders.
Ključne besede: social media addiction, behavioral addictions, resilience, validation, Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), COVID-19
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 128; Prenosov: 15
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Social media fact-checking: the effects of news literacy and news trust on the intent to verify health-related information
Ines Kožuh, Peter Čakš, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The recent health crisis and the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence have caused misinformation on social media to flourish by becoming more sophisticated and challenging to detect. This calls upon fact-checking and questions users’ competencies and attitudes when assessing social media news. Our study provides a model of how fact-checking intent is explained by news literacy and news trust to examine how users behave in the misinformation-prone social media environment. Structural equation modeling was used to examine survey data gathered from social media users. The findings revealed that users’ intent to fact-check information in social media news is explained by (1) news literacy, such as the awareness of various techniques used by creators to depict situations about COVID-19; (2) news trust, in terms of the conviction that the news contains all the essential facts; and (3) intent, such as an aim to check information in multiple pieces of news. The presented findings may aid policymakers and practitioners in developing efficient communication strategies for addressing users less prone to fact-checking. Our contribution offers a new understanding of news literacy as a sufficient tool for combating misinformation, which actively equips users with knowledge and an attitude for social media news fact-checking.
Ključne besede: fact-checking, news literacy, trust, social media, misinformaiton, fake news, pandemic, health crisis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.06.2024; Ogledov: 161; Prenosov: 13
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The Influence of English on the Language of Croatian Influencers on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok Social Media : master's thesis
Ena Cilar, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: The rapid spread of the English language, which is frequently referred to as a lingua franca, has had a significant impact on other languages and the peculiar language of computer-mediated communication. What is more, the Internet, social media and digital influencers are the key agents of both language change and changes in the modern society. Due to the globally growing popularity of social media influencers, the purpose of this thesis is to explore the ways in which their language use is affected by the globality of English, with a focus on Croatian influencers. Therefore, data for this paper are drawn from altogether 270 social media posts published by the eight most successful Croatian influencers on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. The research methods include linguistic, thematic and content analysis. The results reveal that the use of ‘ad hoc loanwords’ and intra-sentential code-switching are more common among Croatian influencers in comparison with outdated Anglicisms and inter-sentential code-switching. While the most frequently used loanwords among Croatian influencers belong to the categories of cyberculture and popular culture, the use of loanwords belonging to particular semantic fields is not strongly related to their thematic content categories. The importance and originality of this thesis are that it is the first study to provide new insights into the language use of Croatian influencers in relation with English as a global and leading online language. However, due to practical constraints, it is limited in terms of the research sample size and generalizability, which offers implications for further research.
Ključne besede: English as a global language, influence of English on Croatian, Croatian social media influencers, computer-mediated communication, loanwords, code-switching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.01.2024; Ogledov: 544; Prenosov: 70
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Instagram in Tiktok kot orodji marketinškega komuniciranja blagovnih znamk z ženskimi športnimi oblačili
Lea Kukovec, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: Družbeni omrežji Instagram in TIkTok sta v zadnjih nekaj letih, zaradi vse večje digitalizacije sveta, postali nadvse priljubljeni in vse pogosteje uporabljeni spletni platformi. Ker je število dnevnih aktivnih uporabnikov iz dneva v dan naraščalo so podjetja in blagovne znamke pričele opažati izjemen potencial v uporabnosti Instagram-a in TikTok-a tudi za poslovne namene – med drugimi dokaj enostaven in učinkovit način doseganja željene ciljne skupine z minimalnimi finančnimi vložki, možnost aktivnega spremljanja odzivov, potreb ter želja posameznikov in posameznic, prilagajanje vsebin glede na demografske dejavnike ciljnih skupin itd. V okviru našega magistrskega dela smo se skladno z izbrano tematiko poglobili v svet ženskih športnih oblačil in skozi teoretični in praktični del raziskali uporabnost Instagram-a in TikTok-a kot orodji marketinškega komuniciranja blagovnih znamk z ženskimi športnimi oblačili. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili temeljna izhodišča in pojme, nato pa smo se v osrednjem delu osredotočili na podrobno predstavitev, opredelitev in analizo posamičnega družbenega omrežja, kjer smo definirali prednosti in slabosti ter navedli in opisali različne načine, ki jih blagovne znamke z ženskimi športnimi oblačili lahko izkoristijo za namene učinkovitega marketinškega komuniciranja z izbrano ciljno skupino. Z namenom pridobitve resničnih in verodostojnih informacij iz prakse smo tekom zaključnega dela oblikovali tudi strukturiran anketi vprašalnik, s pomočjo katerega smo v prvi vrsti podkrepili teoretični del, in nadalje, na podlagi prejetih rezultatov potrdili oz. zavrnili zastavljene hipoteze.
Ključne besede: blagovne znamke, ženska športna oblačila, marketinško komuniciranje, Instagram, TikTok, Social Media Marketing.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.10.2023; Ogledov: 564; Prenosov: 141
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Employing AI Tools in Tourism: A Qualitative Study of Social Media Content Generation in a Work Environment : a qualitative study of social media content generation in a work environment
Tarik Džinić, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: In the midst of industries being reshaped by the emergence of technologies our attention is drawn to the increasing trend of AI and its potential integration, in the work environment. At present, we recognise the swift evolution of technology and the necessity to align with current trends. In this thesis we delve into the world of content creation in tourism social media marketing. We specifically focus on how AI tools, like ChatGPT transform the way we generate content across social media platforms. Through the thesis we highlight the importance of content marketing in boosting brand visibility and engagement. We further explore how generative AI models can create content, enhance personalization and streamline marketing strategies. Additionally, we investigate the newly emerging field of prompt engineering, which focuses on improved interactions with generative AI models. While AI tools offer efficiency, we emphasize the need to strike a balance between automation and human driven creativity. In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, this study contributes insights into leveraging AI-powered content creation for enriching the tourism industry's social media endeavours.
Ključne besede: Content creation, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, prompt engineering, social media marketing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.10.2023; Ogledov: 746; Prenosov: 118
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The influence and application of social media in the fashion industry
Ivana Ljumović, 2022, diplomsko delo

Opis: Social media marketing proved to be advantageous to all industries. If we consider the huge number of users on social networks and all the advantages they have, as well as their popularity, the fact arises that these networks provide significant business opportunities, i.e., contain great business potential, which they can use if they properly establish communication and advertising through these networks. Nowadays, fashion businesses are investing more time and resources into crafting social media strategies that will further customer loyalty, spread advertising messages, and raise brand awareness. Besides that, social media has a significant impact when it comes to advertising, spreading information, promoting, and selling brands. Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest, are the most popular place for posting and advertising different content. Fashion is an exciting area of constant dynamic changes, and brands need to adapt to it, fashion companies cannot afford to ignore social media. This implies the importance of social media and how fashion firms can use it to their advantage. In conclusion, social media does not replace traditional media, but it does offer consumers pioneering way to interact with the brands they love. Without a doubt, digital media is the latest fashion trend in today's world, and we have every reason to believe in its strength and impact. It is an efficient and effective platform in terms of creating fashion trends and influencers, building brand recognition, and thus being accessible to both existing and potential buyers.
Ključne besede: social media marketing, fashion marketing, digital marketing, fashion industry, social media strategy, Instagram, customer behavior, social media
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.07.2022; Ogledov: 802; Prenosov: 57
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35th Bled eConference Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action : June 26 – 29, 2022, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings
2022, zbornik

Opis: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interaction since 1988. After 2 years COVID-19 pandemic, when the conference was held online, this year we met again in Bled, Slovenia. The theme of the 35th conference is "Digital Restructuring and Human (re)Action". During the pandemic, we experienced the important role of digital technologies in enabling people and enterprises to interact, collaborate, and find new opportunities and ways to overcome various challenges. The use of digital technologies in these times has accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises and societies. It will be important to leverage this momentum for further implementation and exploitation of digital technologies that will bring positive impacts and solutions for people, enterprises and societies. The need to achieve sustainability goals and sustainable development of society has increased. Digital technologies will continue to play an important role in achieving these goals. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, digital wellness and health solutions, digital ethics challenges, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, new and digital business models, digital consumer behaviour and solutions, including the impact of social media, restructuring of work due to digital technologies, digital education challenges and examples, and solutions for smart sustainable cities.
Ključne besede: Digital transformation, digital business, digital technologijes, innovations, digitalization, sustainable development, smart and sustainable cities and societies, digital health and wellness, artificial intelligence and data science, digital ethics, digital education, restructured work, digital consumer, social media
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.06.2022; Ogledov: 1176; Prenosov: 71
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