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Synergistic effect of screen-printed Al(OH)[sub]3 nanoparticles and phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils on the thermophysiological comfort and high-intensive heat protection properties of flame-retardant fabric
Tjaša Kolar, Jelka Geršak, Nataša Knez, Vanja Kokol, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Al(OH)3 nanoparticles (ATH NPs) and phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils (PCNFs) were used as user-friendly and comfortable coating components on flame-retardant fabric to improve its thermophysiological comfort and high-intensive heat protection properties. The effect of the PCNF imprinting and its attachment after the post-printing of a hydrophobic polyacrylate (AP) on the same (back side) or the other (front) side of the fabric, with and without the addition of ATH NPs, was considered, to maintain the front side (facing the wearer) as hydrophilic while keeping the back side (facing the outside) hydrophobic. The amount of coatings applied and their patterning were studied, varied with the ATH NPs’ concentration (1.7, 3.3 and 6.7 wt%) and screen mesh size used (60 and 135), based on the coating’ mass, fabric’s air permeability, thickness and microstructure. The reduced moisture build-up (55%), increased the water vapour (13%) and heat (12%) transfer from the skin, were assessed by applying PCNF under the AP, being more pronounced in the case of using a 135 mesh-sized screen, given the smaller, more densely distributed, thinner and imprinted pattern coatings. These effects were further improved by the addition of nanoporous ATH NPs, which allowed more homogeneous spreading of the moisture and its faster transport. Such a treatment also shifted the fabric’s degradation temperature towards higher values (up to 15°C), retained up to 30% of high-heat flux (21 kW/m2), prolonged the time to ignition by 11 s and reduced the total heat released by up to 60%, thereby providing better protection when exposed to the heat, due to the presence of the phosphorous (PCNF) promoted generation of an Al2O3 char acting as a barrier layer, while also reducing the production of heat and generation of smoke by 75%.
Ključne besede: tekstilna tehnologija, ognjevaren tekstil, Al(OH)3 nanodelci, celulozni nanofibrili, tiskanje tekstilij, optične lastnosti, termofiziološko udobje, toplotna zaščita, flame-retardant textile, Al(OH)3 nanoparticles, phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils, screen-printing, thermophysiological comfort, heat protection
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.07.2023; Ogledov: 455; Prenosov: 14
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,91 MB)
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Complementary assessment of commercial photoluminescent pigments printed on cotton fabric
Selestina Gorgieva, Natalija Virant, Alenka Ojstršek, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The presented study focuses on photoluminescent pigments applied on cotton fabric by a screen-printed procedure using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a binder. Microscopic data depicts irregular shapes and relatively wide size distribution (3–80 µm) of pigments. Regarding composition,the Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy data complement findings suggesting the presence of Eu-doped strontium aluminate in the yellow-green,calcium aluminate in the violet pigment, and metal oxides in the blue pigment.
Ključne besede: photoluminescent pigments, cotton fabric, screen-printing, photoluminescent PDMS coating, confocal microscopy, spectroscopy, printed cotton fabrics, pigments
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.04.2021; Ogledov: 982; Prenosov: 89
.pdf Datoteka (10,19 MB)

Značilnosti gibalne učinkovitosti slovenskih teniških igralcev v povezavi z uspešnostjo v tenisu
Nina Krivec, 2020, diplomsko delo

Opis: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti značilnosti gibalne učinkovitosti v povezavi z uspešnostjo slovenskih teniških igralcev s pomočjo metode FMS (»Functional movement screen«). Metoda FMS je sestavljena iz 7 testov, na podlagi katerih s pomočjo opazovanja ocenjujemo gibalne naloge posameznika. Testirani igralci in igralke so bili stari med 10 in 18 let in so bili uvrščeni na jakostno lestvico Teniške zveze Slovenije. Podatki so bili pridobljeni na letnih meritvah na Fakulteti za šport, med leti 2012 in 2018, kjer je sodelovalo 172 slovenskih teniških igralcev in igralk. Glede na kriterije uspešnosti smo prišli do ugotovitev, da gibalna učinkovitost nima direktne povezave z uspešnostjo v tenisu. Ugotovili smo, da med starostnimi skupinami ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v gibalni učinkovitosti. Preverili smo tudi telesne asimetrije, kjer smo ugotovili, da se največ telesnih asimetrij pojavlja v predelu ramenskega obroča. Pri povezavi gibalne učinkovitosti in uspešnosti v tenisu smo ugotovili, da so gibalno učinkovitejši igralci tudi uspešnejši v tenisu. Medtem ko za igralke to ne velja. Ko smo primerjali uspešne z manj uspešnimi v številu asimetrij, smo ugotovili, da imajo uspešnejše igralke in igralci manj telesnih asimetrij, kot jih imajo manj uspešni igralci ter igralke. Z raziskavo smo odprli novo področje primerjave gibalne učinkovitosti in uspešnosti v tenisu, katere izsledke je moč aplicirati tudi v prakso.
Ključne besede: tenis, functional movement screen, gibalna učinkovitost, testiranja.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.08.2020; Ogledov: 1115; Prenosov: 75
.pdf Celotno besedilo (911,98 KB)

The influence of increased cross-linker chain length in thermosensitive microspheres on potential sun-protection activity
Witold Musiał, Vanja Kokol, Bojana Vončina, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The sun protection should involve substances with protecting activity against both UVB and UVA radiation. In this research the evaluation of thermosensitive microspheres as potential molecules for sunscreen formulations was approached, using modified Boots star rating system. The microspheres, thermosensitive N-isopropylacrylamide derivatives, have potential protecting activity against UV radiation. The MX and DX microspheres, with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate and diethylene glycol dimethacrylate crosslinker respectively, due to theirs thermosensitivity exhibit increase in protecting activity against UV radiation when heated to 45°C. The MX microspheres have higher increase in terms of UV absorbance, comparing to DX microspheres, when heated in the 25°C to 45°C range. Studied microspheres have high potential forapplication as components of sun-screens used in elevated temperatures.
Ključne besede: thermosensitive microspheres, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, diethylene glycol dimethacrylate, ultraviolet radiation, sun-screen
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 1858; Prenosov: 40
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Andrej Ažman, 2011, diplomsko delo

Opis: Z diplomskim delom smo implementirali tehnološko rešitev Infomat, to je touch screen monitor z aplikacijo, s katero smo izpopolnili in dopolnili obstoječi informacijski sistem na FOV z uporabo drugačne oz. dodatne tehnologije. Študenti in profesorji FOV imajo informacijski sistem, ki je enostaven in ima odgovore na veliko koristnih vprašanj. Z vpeljavo drugačne tehnologije smo uporabnikom omogočili, da dobijo informacije tudi tisti, ki nimajo lastnega računalnika, ter uporabnikom omogočili dostopnost do potrebnih informacij vsem v delovnem času fakultete. Novi multimedijski sistem smo poimenovali Multimedis. Ta omogoča zmanjšanje porabe dragocenega časa in skrajšanje procesov iskanja informacij, z njim povečamo zadovoljstvo vseh uporabnikov (tudi tistih, ki nimajo lastnega računalnika), saj zagotavlja uporabo različnih vrst informacij. To so informacije v zvezi s procesom študija na FOV, informacije v zvezi z zelo pomembnimi dodatnimi dejavnostmi ob študiju (delo študentov) in informacije v zvezi z dogajanjem v turizmu, kulturi ter drugih panogah. Informacije so dostopne vsem uporabnikom v delovnem času FOV.
Ključne besede: informacijski kiosk, infokiosk, touch screen kiosk, informacijski terminal na dotik Infomat, Multimedis – multimedijski informacijski sistem FOV
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.08.2011; Ogledov: 1977; Prenosov: 137
.pdf Celotno besedilo (5,76 MB)

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