1. Elderly pedestrians and road safety: Findings from the Slovenian accident database and measures for improving their safetyStanko Laković, Tomaž Tollazzi, Chiara Gruden, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: elderly pedestrians, road safety, regression model, human abilities, crash data, countermeasures, sustainable transportation Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.04.2024; Ogledov: 258; Prenosov: 42
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2. Prediction of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Compaction Characteristics of granular soilAttique ul Rehman, Khalid Farooq, Hassan Mujtaba, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This research is an effort to correlate the index properties of granular soils with the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the compaction characteristics. Soil classification, modified proctor and CBR tests conforming to the relevant ASTM methods were performed on natural as well as composite sand samples. The laboratory test results indicated that samples used in this research lie in SW, SP and SP-SM categories based on Unified Soil Classification System and in groups A-1-b and A-3 based on the AASHTO classification system. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed on experimental data and correlations were developed to predict the CBR, maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) in terms of the index properties of the samples. Among the various parameters, the coefficient of uniformity (Cu), the grain size corresponding to 30% passing (D30) and the mean grain size (D50) were found to be the most effective predictors. The proposed prediction models were duly validated using an independent dataset of CBR tests on sandy soils. The comparative results showed that the variation between the experimental and predicted results for CBR falls within ±4% confidence interval and that of the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content are within ±2%. Based on the correlations developed for CBR, MDD and OMC, predictive curves are proposed for a quick estimation based on Cu , D30 and D50. The proposed models and the predictive curves for the estimation of the CBR value and the compaction characteristics would be very useful in geotechnical & pavement engineering without performing the laboratory compaction and CBR tests. Ključne besede: CBR, regression, model, prediction, compaction characteristics Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1439; Prenosov: 227
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3. Obvladovanje tveganj pri »peer to peer« posojilihAndrej Blagotinšek, 2017, magistrsko delo Opis: Nove digitalne tehnologije botrujejo procesu preoblikovanja obstoječih vrednostih verig finančnih produktov oz. storitev. »P2P« posojila so nov in inovativen način tako investiranja presežkov finančnih sredstev kot tudi prejemanja finančnega kapitala. Število tovrstnih posojil konstantno raste, vendar posojilodajalci niso profesionalni investitorji. Posojilodajalci prevzemajo veliko tveganje, saj so »P2P« posojila izdana brez zavarovanja. V ta namen »P2P« platforme izdajajo historične podatke o posojilojemalcih.
V delu se osredotočamo na identifikacijo tveganj, ki so prisotna pri tovrstnem investiranju in na napovedovanje možnosti neplačil posojil. Empirična študija analizira podatke pridobljene iz platforme Bondora (N=1823) od leta 2009 do 2015. Opravili smo statistično analizo spremenljivk. Razvili smo Logit model za napovedovanje neplačil. Kakovost modela smo preverjali z ROC krivuljo, optimizacijo modela pa na osnovi uravnoteženja klasifikacijske natančnosti, kjer smo dololčili optimalno presečno vrednost. Rezultati so pokazali, da kreditni model za napovedovanje neplačil zmanjšuje verjetnost finančne izgube pri »P2P« investiranju. Ključne besede: kreditno tveganje, verjetnost neplačila, »P2P« posojila, LOGIT model, obvladovanje tveganj, C25 Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models, G21 Banks, G17, Financial Forecasting and Simulation Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.10.2017; Ogledov: 2426; Prenosov: 335
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4. Alternative forecasting techniques that reduce the bullwhip effect in a supply chain : a simulation studyFrancisco Campuzano Bolarín, Antonio Guillamón Frutos, Ma Del Carmen Ruiz Abellón, Andrej Lisec, 2013, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: The research of the Bullwhip effect has given rise to many papers, aimed at both analysing its causes and correcting it by means of various management strategies because it has been considered as one of the critical problems in a supply chain. This study is dealing with one of its principal causes, demand forecasting. Using different simulated demand patterns, alternative forecasting methods are proposed, that can reduce the Bullwhip effect in a supply chain in comparison to the traditional forecasting techniques (moving average, simple exponential smoothing, and ARMA processes). Our main findings show that kernel regression is a good alternative in order to improve important features in the supply chain, such as the Bullwhip, NSAmp, and FillRate. Ključne besede: bullwhip effect, supply chain, kernel regression, system dynamics model Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2017; Ogledov: 1375; Prenosov: 227
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