1. The impact of social and cultural norms, government programs and digitalization as entrepreneurial environment factors on job and career satisfaction of freelancersIvona Huđek, Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: At the end of the last century, digital technology emergence enabled millions of people to compete globally by remotely offering their knowledge and skills. In addition, business processes are becoming fragmented into smaller components, so-called short-term projects. These work arrangements are often carried out by so-called independent professionals (contractors), better known as freelancers. A literature review has shown that the research topic of freelancing from an entrepreneurial perspective is relatively new and has its assumptions and gaps. Different stakeholders and institutions connect, mediate and manage the services of the entrepreneurial ecosystem to support entrepreneurs. As freelancers belong to the self-employed entrepreneurial category, they are engaged in business activities and need support from their environment. To contribute to this topic, we have analyzed the relationships between freelancers’ job and career satisfaction, digitalization and entrepreneurial ecosystem factors, with the aim of making policy recommendations. Regarding the entrepreneurial environment, we analyzed the cultural and social norms and government programs that provide support, based on the measurement instrument, developed in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research. We surveyed 200 freelancers (respondents) in Slovenia. Using factor analysis and structural equation modelling, the empirical results suggest that digitalization and cultural and social norms are significant factors that promote the success of new careers as freelancers in terms of job and career satisfaction. The results show that both positively influence job and career satisfaction, while government programs indirectly influence the job and career satisfaction of freelancers. This explains how the entrepreneurial ecosystem, plays a special role in supporting freelancers on their career path. Ključne besede: digitalization, freelancers, government programs, cultural and social norms, job and career satisfaction Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.08.2024; Ogledov: 118; Prenosov: 11
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2. How much sustainable knowledge will soon-to-be experts in Slovenia have? : findings of higher education study programs’ analysisMatevž Obrecht, Lazar Pavić, 2023, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Environmental topics are gaining more and more important both
in the European Union and in Slovenia in the last decade. Climate changes (floods, droughts, and heat waves), pollution (soil, water, and air), management of invasive species, noise pollution, food self-sufficiency, sustainable development in the field of tourism, etc. are particularly present both in
Slovenian Eastern and Western cohesion region. However, the level of knowledge about environmental challenges and competences of current experts
and leaders to effectively manage and deal with them is perceived to be too
low. The paper examines the inclusion of sustainable competences, knowledge, and skills in higher education programs in Slovenia to predict the level of sustainable knowledge. Slovenian soon-to-be professionals will be empowered by the Slovenian higher education system (Daneshjoo et al., 2020).
Analysis included the content of 956 higher education study programs on
the individual course level. In the next phase, a comprehensive comparative
analysis of the situation in the areas of higher education and environmental education was performed. The factors based on which comparison was
made are field of study, type of institution, level of study and number of subjects in the program that include some sustainable content. Non-parametric tests were used to determine statistically significant differences are the
Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis H test. Ključne besede: sustainable development, sustainable knowledge, higher education, sustainable competences, higher education study programs Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.01.2024; Ogledov: 344; Prenosov: 26
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3. Youth drug and crime prevention practices in Hungary as reflected in the opinions of students and professionalsFruzsina Albert, Olga Tóth, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose:
In this article, we will try to compare how different actors view/experience current prevention practices of youth delinquency in Hungary.
We use both qualitative and quantitative data regarding the views of the professionals involved in working with young people and 14–17 year old students’ opinions on existing prevention programs on youth violence and delinquent behaviour and their perceived effectiveness.
The repressive approach, although increasingly important, is not considered very effective. The educational system seems to be the best framework for prevention, but also community development should be important, as useful freetime activities and locations for such are widely missing. Central policy making efforts could be useful to introduce elements of crime prevention (in the broadest sense) in the school curricula. There is a significant difference between the opinion of students and professionals regarding the role of teachers in prevention activities. While experts consider that teachers should play an increased role in prevention in the future, young people are often quite sceptical about these actors.
A unique feature of this article is that it brings together and can reflect opinions of the actors involved in prevention. Ključne besede: youth delinquency, crime prevention programs, efficiency, Hungary Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.04.2020; Ogledov: 1007; Prenosov: 31
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4. International scientific conference Research and education in nursing : June 15th 2017, Maribor, Slovenia (book of abstracts)2017, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela Opis: University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences is organizing an International Scientific Conference »Research and Education in Nursing«. It will be held on June 15th 2017 at the faculty and will include most recent findings of domestic and foreign researchers and students in nursing and health sciences. All abstracts are included in the International Scientific Conference Proceedings. The conference aims to explore advances in nursing research and education and it is intended for knowledge and experience exchange of participants about the impact of research on health care in Slovenian and international arena. It will provide an opportunity to promote the development, dissemination and use of knowledge in the field of nursing and health sciences for nursing practitioners and educators, furthermore they can exchange research evidence, models of best practice and innovative ideas. Ključne besede: health care, research, education, teaching methods, health professionals, study programs, students Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.07.2017; Ogledov: 2062; Prenosov: 133
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5. Carcass and meat quality traits of pig fatteners from Slovenian breeding programmeMaja Prevolnik Povše, Martin Škrlep, Dejan Škorjanc, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2008, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: The aim of the present study was the comparison of carcass and meat quality traits of commercial pigs of various crossbreeds from two major Slovenian herds. The analysis is based on phenotypic data from field trials which have been collected in the last past five years within the Slovenian breeding programme. Important differences in carcass traits were observed between two herds and were associated to different crossbreeds used. In spite of that economically important result on the slaughter line (lean meat %) was similar for both herds. Meat quality traits were also significantly different between the two herds. Again, the difference could be ascribed to crossbreeds used. However, since the herd effect is connected with abattoir effect, different ante-mortem conditions and/or lower robustness of these animals to premortal stress could also be contributed to the observed differences. The presented results give important information on the state-of-the-art regarding meat quality of Slovenian pigs. Ključne besede: pigs, carcass quality, meat, breeding programs, Slovenia Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.07.2017; Ogledov: 2785; Prenosov: 111
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6. Strategies and programs for managing stress in work settingsSonja Treven, 2005, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In the paper the author first defines the term stress as well as presents the economic consequences of stress. Then she describes the factors within the work environment and the factors without the work environment that may cause stress. In particular, she examines the individual differences that influence our inclination to stressors and also how to manage them efficiently. Besides,the strategies and programs developed in organizations as an assistance to their employees for easier stress control are discussed widely as well. Ključne besede: stress, working conditions, strategy, programs, work performance, working relationships Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.07.2017; Ogledov: 1211; Prenosov: 140
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7. Some sociological, medical and legislative views on video game addiction : (a Slovenian case study)Jana Goriup, Aleksander Arnuš, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Millions of people worldwide play video games; also in Slovenian post-modern society. Most of them do it for enjoyment, yet a small number of individuals show traits associated with addictive behaviour when interacting with their games. The authors in the article point out that, compared to drug abuse, there exist some more approachable life-related activities that can lead to addiction. They stimulate the excretion of endorphins and lead to the transformation of consciousness. Addiction to video games is an ostensible attempt to satisfy the immanent human need for meaning. The economy of the Slovenian young consumer society inspires it and is based on "learning" of these alienated needs. The modern hyperpragmatic society makes it possible for young people to have a fragmented identity and places them under the pressure of constant choice of (formally open opportunities). The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with possible causes, clinical signs and methods of treatment of this disorder in Slovenian post-modern society, and explain the reasons why currently no medical textbook in the world contains any information regarding video game addiction. We intend, further, to demonstrate that gaming has become a type of "sport" in certain countries and demonstrate how potentially devastating even this type of addiction can be. The authors present the results of a research, which was undertaken on a sample of 350 individuals, to determine the appearance of indicators of behavioural addiction to video games and their connection with some family factors. They determine that through addiction to video games, post-modern societies have developed an addictive identity. Ključne besede: addiction, video games, risk-reward, parenting, peers, death, leagues, help centers, twelve-step programs Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.03.2017; Ogledov: 1741; Prenosov: 233
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8. RAČUNOVODSKI IN DAVČNI VIDIK OBDAVČITVE LICENČNIN PO MEDNARODNI IN SLOVENSKI DAVČNI ZAKONODAJIRok Petek, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: Predmet diplomskega dela je problematika obdavčevanja licenčnin tako v slovenskem, kot v mednarodnem prostoru. Licenčnina je tako mednarodno, kot tudi v dvostranskih konvencijah o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja, ki jih je sklenila Slovenija, definirana kot plačilo vsake vrste, prejeto kot povračilo za uporabo ali pravico do uporabe kakršnih koli avtorskih pravic za literarno, umetniško ali znanstveno delo, vključno s kinematografskimi filmi, katerega koli patenta, blagovne znamke, vzorca ali modela, načrta, tajne formule ali postopka ali za informacije o industrijskih, komercialnih ali znanstvenih izkušnjah.
Isti dohodek ali premoženje, v našem primeru so to licenčnine, je lahko obdavčen več kot enkrat. V tem primeru nastane dvojna obdavčitev dohodka in premoženja. Pri tem se lahko obdavči isti dohodek pri več osebah ali pa se večkratno obdavči isti dohodek iste osebe.
O mednarodni dvojni obdavčitvi pogosto govorimo kot o vzroku za zaviranje mednarodnega gospodarstva. Do mednarodne dvojne obdavčitve v osnovi pride zaradi prekrivanja davčnih zakonodaj različnih držav, zato skuša večina držav preprečiti nastanek dvojne obdavčitve ali omiliti njene posledice s sklepanjem dvostranskih konvencij o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja. S tem že uveljavljenim načinom izogibanja dvojnega obdavčevanja in preprečevanja davčnih utaj, države in njeni rezidenti pridobijo na pravni varnosti zavezancev na davčnem področju oziroma se uspešno preprečuje davčna diskriminacija.
Mednarodna pravna dvojna obdavčitev se v konvencijah o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja dohodka in premoženja torej odpravlja z razporejanjem ali omejevanjem pravic obdavčevanja držav pogodbenic.
Po 12. členu Vzorčne konvencije OECD se licenčnine in avtorski honorarji, ki nastanejo v državi pogodbenici in katerih upravičeni lastnik je rezident druge države pogodbenice, obdavčijo samo v tej drugi državi razen če upravičeni lastnik licenčnin in avtorskih honorarjev, ki je rezident države pogodbenice, posluje v drugi državi pogodbenici, v kateri licenčnine in avtorski honorarji nastanejo, prek stalne poslovne enote v njej ter je pravica ali premoženje, v zvezi s katerim se licenčnine in avtorski honorarji plačajo, dejansko povezano s tako stalno poslovno enoto. V takem primeru se uporabljajo določbe 7. člena.
Kot je razvidno iz prejšnjega odstavka, Vzorčna konvencija OECD praviloma poudarja obdavčevanje dohodka v državi rezidentstva. V mednarodnem prostoru pa predstavlja pomembno vlogo tudi Vzorčna konvencija OZN, ki pa po drugi strani v večji meri poudarja princip obdavčevanja po viru. Namen Vzorčne konvencije OZN je spodbuditi sklenitev pogodb tako med razvitimi državami in državami v razvoju, kot tudi med samimi državami v razvoju državah ter standardizirati določbe teh pogodb. V 12. členu te konvencije je zapisano, da se licenčnine in avtorski honorarji, ki nastanejo v državi pogodbenici in se izplačajo rezidentu druge države pogodbenice, lahko obdavčijo v tej drugi državi, vendar pa se take licenčnine in avtorski honorarji lahko obdavčijo tudi v državi pogodbenici, v kateri nastanejo, in v skladu z zakonodajo te države. Če je upravičeni lastnik licenčnin in avtorskih honorarjev rezident druge države pogodbenice, tako obračunani davek ne sme presegati odstotkov (odstotek naj bi bil določen z dvostranskimi pogajanji) bruto zneska licenčnin in avtorskih honorarjev. Če rezident države pogodbenice posluje v drugi državi pogodbenici, v kateri licenčnine in avtorski honorarji nastanejo, prek stalne poslovne enote v njej, se, tako kot v Vzorčni konvenciji OECD, uporabijo drugi členi konvencije.
V Sloveniji pa se po drugi strani licenčnine in avtorski honorarji obdavčujejo v primeru, ko fizična oseba Sloveniji doseže dohodek iz prenosa premoženjskih pravic. Od izplačil licenčnin fizičnim osebam se davčni odtegljaj izračuna in plača po 130. členu veljavnega Zakona o dohodnini, in sicer v višini 25% od davčne osnove. Davčna osnova je dohodek Ključne besede: Bilateralni sporazum, davčna osnova, Davčna uprava Republike Slovenije, davek po odbitku, država pogodbenica, država rezidentstva, država vira, dvojna obdavčitev dohodka in premoženja, ekonomska dvojna obdavčitev, intelektualna lastnina, izogibanje plačilu davka, licenčnine, mednarodna dvojna obdavčitev, oprostitev obdavčitve, Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj, Organizacija združenih narodov, pravna dvojna obdavčitev, pravna oseba, premoženjska pravica, računalniška programs Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.07.2012; Ogledov: 7668; Prenosov: 475 (1 glas)
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9. Prisoner rehabilitation in CroatiaIrma Kovčo Vukadin, Vladimira Žakman-Ban, Anita Jandrić Nišević, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Namen prispevka:
This paper gives an analitical overview of historical development and contemporary picture of the concept of prisoner rehabilitation in Croatia within current crime and punishment perspective.
For the purpose of the analysis, legislative documents were taken into account, as well as data on crime and punishment (Croatian Bureau of Statistics) and Ministry of justice and Ombudsman reports.
The authors have found that Croatia has a modern legal frame for meeting all internationally recognized prerequisits for prisoners’ rehabilitation and reintegration but has to solve overcrowding as the main source of many problems in organizing adequate prison life for prisoners and also for the staff. Adequate staffing and incorporation of evaluation plans in special rehabilitation programs were also pointed out as important tasks.
Omejitve raziskave:
Examination of history of prisoner rehabilitation is sometimes problematic while the laws were rehabilitation oriented (on declarative level) but those who experienced that „law in action“ rarely agreed with that declaration. This may also be the result of different meaning of the term „rehabilitation“ (specially for certain types of prisoners) in different political climates.
Praktična uporabnost:
This paper showed that concept of rehabilitation may vary at definition level. Also, it prooved that some current elements of the execution of prison sentence (as a part of rehabilitation) have a long history.
Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka:
This paper provides a first attempt (to authors knowledge) of Croatian prisoner rehabilitation evaluation. Ključne besede: prisoner rehabilitation, prison system, special rehabilitation programs, Croatia Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.06.2012; Ogledov: 2166; Prenosov: 74
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10. What are the key elements of a sustainable university?Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Peter Glavič, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Nowadays, the principles of sustainable development are becoming increasingly important and universities are acting as agents in promoting these principles within society. In the future, universities will inevitably play crucial role in propagating these principles. This paper highlights important documents and discusses definitions of the term education for sustainable development. Elements, based on continuous feedback loop (Deming spiral) are discussed, in order to incorporate sustainability principles into university activities. The University of Maribor has been used as a case study to test the effectiveness of the proposed integration of sustainable development principles. Ključne besede: chemical engineering, trajnostni razvoj, sustainable university, higher education, study programs, environmental engineering Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 24392; Prenosov: 107
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